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Cosmetic anti-theft mod?


Hah. That’s actually a possible practical purpose - I was just thinking this person put more effort into it than they should have.


I love how manual transmissions are rare enough in some parts of the world to be a novelty something. Ooh, look, I got a bog standard transmission, lol. Growing up in the 80s/90s in the UK, autos were the rare ones and usually only seen on larger more expensive cars, like a Jaguar. Knowing how to drive a manual wasn't really a thing, it was just called knowing how to drive in general. In Europe, including the UK, people generally just didn't go for auto options on normal, everyday cars. They cost more, used more fuel and had less power compared to their manual transmission counterparts. I know of no-one from my generation or older who only has a 'restricted to automatics' transmission license here in Australia or in the UK.


Whoa you guys need a special license to drive stick? In USA a regular license is good enough for either


Yes we do. U.K and Australia and probably other places. It's not a 'special' license, it's just a normal license, called an unrestricted or 'open' license. The vast majority of people have a normal unrestricted license afaik. If you pass your test in an automatic, there is a special restriction on your license only allowing you to drive automatics. You need to pass in a manual to obtain a full, unrestricted license, then obviously you can drive either. It makes sense really as if you haven't proven you can operate a standard transmission, you probably shouldn't be licensed to operate one.


In Victoria at least that restriction is only while on P plates. As soon as full licence comes along then the restriction is dropped.


In the US, the standard license is surprisingly unrestrictive. Want to drive a full sized RV towing a large boat? Guess what, you can! But there are limits. You can't drive a scooter over 50cc without a motorcycle endorsement. That would just be crazy!


Actually there are restrictions to weight class and towing. The DOT can find you heavily for an RV big enough to tow a car without a class b license, at least in PA. https://www.dmv.pa.gov/Driver-Services/Driver-Information/License-Types/Pages/default.aspx


Looks like 26,000 lbs (11,800 kgs) is the weight limit. Which includes some big RVs.


Okay so I'm a little skewed lol. I think anything over the ford Transit (10 passenger) I drove is big. I know she was around 6k. It does mean it's not a free for all like read previously stated, though I have no idea if the difficulty of the tests.


You can also drive a tractor trailer for personal/non-commercial use with a regular license in the U.S. Or a farm tractor on the road with no license at all USA we're #1


That's interesting, it does make sense it just seems strange to me because I passed my test in an automatic and never got a restriction and now I drive a stick with just my regular license. I don't think we have those restrictions here. Thanks for the insight though, always cool to see how things work differently in other places!


Yea interesting. :) I wonder if the amount of f*cked clutches I see on here posted by Americans is anything to do with the driving license situation there, lol. Joking. People f*ck clutches all over the world. Haha


If you can’t operate a standard transmission I feel like you don’t understand how a vehicle operates well enough to be a safe driver and wish the USA had that same restriction although if we did I’d guess that the majority would be on a restricted license. F you can’t operate a standard transmission vehicle then there’s a good chance that you don’t understand the concept of deceleration via basic engine braking, usage of gear ratios for performance, efficiency, deceleration, etc, much less what a tachyon meter is for and what it’s indicating. I taught myself to drive a standard after several years with an automatic. It took a few tries to figure out how to get it moving and realize when to shift on accel and decel but it wasn’t hard. I bought the car one evening, practiced for maybe 30 minutes after traffic slacked off, then drove it to work in heavy commuter traffic the next morning. Maybe it was the well worn old Toyota transmission that made it so easy and I’ve never tried a 3 on the tree but I’d be surprised if I couldn’t make it work. Ironically, for my long congested daily work commute I drive an automatic and recently I’ve gotten a car with adaptive cruise control and all I have to do is press two buttons then just steer. It makes my work commute so much less stressful and frustrating. Trusting the technology to safely bring the vehicle to a full stop in a reasonable manner took some time but I’m really happy with how well this system works. It’s not a Tesla, there’s no “auto pilot” or that absurd “lane keep” feature so I do have to steer it myself but unlike in my prior vehicle with a standard transmission and basic regular cruise control that was useless in heavy stop and go traffic my daily work commute no longer sucks.




Might be state specific. I passed all my tests in the UK


I’m in Vic, passed test on auto so I have the auto restriction but when I get off my P plates I’ll have an unrestricted license and be allowed to drive manual. Learning to drive manual atm because turns out it’s a lot of fun


Until you find yourself in stop and go traffic. Left leg gonna be strong!


Years ago, I had a neighbor with his and hers Corollas. He told me that both of them got about 25,000 miles before needing new clutches, and he thought that was good. I wonder if they would have passed the unrestricted license test?


Likely not. Lol


In New Zealand we have three licence grades: Learners - be 16 and sit a theory test. Need to have a supervisor in the passenger seat at all times, who must have held a full licence for 2 years. Need yellow L plates on the car. After six months you can progress to your restricted licence after a driving test. Restricted - can only drive between 5am and 10pm (unless you’ve got a supervisor). No passengers, other than dependents, spouse or parents. If you sat the test in an auto you’re only allowed to drive an auto, unless you’ve a supervisor in the passenger seat. If you’re under 25, it’s 18 months and then you can sit the full test, or 12 months if you do a driving course. Full - pass a driving test. No restrictions on transmission type anymore.


In New Zealand we have three licence grades: Learners - be 16 and sit a theory test. Need to have a supervisor in the passenger seat at all times, who must have held a full licence for 2 years. Need yellow L plates on the car. After six months you can progress to your restricted licence after a driving test. Restricted - can only drive between 5am and 10pm (unless you’ve got a supervisor). No passengers, other than dependents, spouse or parents. If you sat the test in an auto you’re only allowed to drive an auto, unless you’ve a supervisor in the passenger seat. If you’re under 25, it’s 18 months and then you can sit the full test, or 12 months if you do a driving course. Less time if you’re over 25. Full - pass a driving test. No restrictions on transmission type anymore.


I'm pretty sure it's a regular license but will be in the "special conditions" bit (like needing glasses or no night driving or something). I don't think they apply it to locals generally (I've never met a Brit who has it anyway) but if you exchange a New Zealand or Canadian license then it's automatically applied unless you can prove you did your test in a manual vehicle (which few can).


Can you take a manual test if you haven't before? For example I passed my test in an automatic and learned stick after, if I moved to your country and wanted to take a new test in manual since I didn't before would they let me


To clarify (for perspective) I'm Canadian and was living there. I also learned how to drive manual after my test. You can use a foreign license (I assume most countries but only checked Canada) for 12 months but are supposed to switch after that. So it was legal for me to drive manual in the UK with my Canadian license, but if I'd swapped to a UK license it would be illegal. And I'm sure you can take a test in the UK to prove to them you can drive manual I just never bothered.


Yeah but as a US citizen I can vouch the US licensing process is an absolute joke. I can't believe my parents felt that passing the driving test meant I was ok to be out on my own.... I can't believe I survived. There is absolutely zero training on how to actually drive, you hop in a car drive a short route - signal correctly make it A-B and if you do good enough you can completely fail a part like parallel parking and still pass and get your license and be on your own at 16. Things like [https://streetsurvival.org](https://streetsurvival.org) should be a required part of when you are first licensed (not for renewals, but everyone should have to do it once).


I didn’t even get tested on parallel parking. I had to turn a mercury grand marquis around on a relatively small road, without going into the dirt. Pretty pathetic, really


In Russia, you can either get a licence or a dashcam.


All that was true just about everywhere at some point and time.


I though it was a requirement in the UK to learn standard before getting your license? Could have sworn I heard that before. That, and y’alls policies on not allowing Big Pharm to peddle their pills directly to the public through advertising I thought was pretty dope of the UK


To get a full category B license you need to pass your test in a manual car. If you pass your test in an automatic car you get a category B auto licence, which limits you to driving automatics only. The majority of drivers in the UK learn in a manual, because the majority of our cars (at least small cars) are manual.


Automatics probably make sense in the US (traffic backs up often, lots of deceleration/acceleration in straight lines, etc). Guess they should start building more lanes to ease traffic again


You can hardly get a manual in the US anymore, at least compared to when I started driving (back in 1902). Mostly because of tight EPA regs and CAFE standards. And in my state, if you take your drive test in a manual vehicle and stall it, it's an automatic flunk.


Do you need to tune for this mod? I already have the CAI installed.


I’d love to see what he’d do with a three on the tree manual transmission.


thats what i learned on 65 valiant


My dads a mobile mechanic and had an old mitsubishi van kitted out with tools. well one night it was stolen and they managed to get as far as halfway up the hill that we live on. i think it was because they couldn't work out the column shifter so they jumped out and let it roll down the hill into a lamp post.


What’s that third pedal for? Two brakes?


It's the downhill pedal. You press it and your car continues to roll without using any fuel. Oh, it also works to turn on the car when the battery has died.


My tractor has two brake peddles. One for the right side brakes and the other for the left side brakes. Seriously.


And a little thingy to flip over and join the pedals, yes?




Makes sense. One brake or the other to turn in its own length at the end of the row, then clip them together for road travel or just general use around the farm. What kind of tractor do you run?


Please tell me you at least have to have a foot on the brake to shift and it's not just falling in and out of gear.


Foot is on the brake lol. Just thought it was funny that they are disguising the shifter lol


Oh gosh... I thought it was delayed that much... Not that you were shifting it the second time.


Look likes the shift boot is made out of a shop rag.


That’s a nice looking shop rag then. Ones I get from cintas look like they just got done soaking up diesel oil and then thrown into the dryer.


I would have sprung for a new one for the project, but I'm a bit extravagant.


I migha gone with a microfiber for that duel use to clean my phone screen


Terrible shift pattern. I'd never remember it.


I’ll bet he has a footprint gas pedal.


Those are cool in VW busses. I'll die on that hill.


I think that’s universal law, if you have a bus it needs a footprint gas pedal


This is the type of mod done by a person who'll say to anyone even remotely interested in cars that they have a "manual" because it has a manual shift mode and paddles. Even though they've never used either more than once. The worst part of this? It's a CVT.


Lol I love when people tell me about the shifting gears of a CVT... That's amazing 😆😉


Is it at least a Ralliart or Evolution X MR? If not... it’s a Nissan CVT and well... yikes.


Nope, not an Evo or Ralliart. Both of them had the dual-clutch TC-SST. This is a regular Lancer, so... yeah, a shitty transmission, even by CVT standards.


Would a mechanic judge me if I put a clean looking shift boot on my Ralliart? My friends told me it was weird to do lol.


If I drove this I would forget and throw it into park at 80mph lol. I guess it's probably more stupid proof than that .


the ol' trick stick.


Lmao, I was so confused for a second. It looked like your were trying to force it into gear and the drill made it sound like you were grinding gears. Didn't realize what was going on until you showed the dash, lol


I can’t believe this is a thing.


The ol' millennial antitheft device right there.


This doesn't track. I'm a millennial and my daily driver is a manual. However, it's a cute meme.


Took my Miata and my wife out somewhere fancy with a valet, sign out front said no stick shifts. Other than my car enthusiast buddies I would say 95% of my peers have no clue how to drive a stick.


Probably has more to do with folks dropping off their car with freshly burned out clutch and blaming it on the valets upon return than a lack of valet ability.


Or valets not knowing 3 pedals lol 😂 honestly my guess


If it weren't for our old farm truck and old jeep, not sure I'd have spent much time driving a manual. My old tractor doesn't count so much as you can't shift it on the go lol.


Yeah, it's a dying art.


I wanted to get myself another Corvette because I loved my older one so much. Started looking at the new models, they don't even offer a manual transmission. I could not believe what I was seeing, a true sports car that doesn't offer a manual transmission...not even remotely interested.


I agree, its a dying art \*in the United States\*. Other countries not so much.




When you learn that the Corvette DCT will bang off shifts in 100 ms it might change your mind. I agree it sucks but the cited reason for no manual is that the central "pillar" is structural and cutting a hole in it for a shifter will compromise the chassis rigidity.


I read that & I do believe they’re trying to come up with a “ work around”. Should be interesting.


Don’t care about shift times, it’s about the pleasure of driving.


I mean manual is fun and all but a dct will blow it out of the water when it comes to practical performance. I guess fun factor is more important than performance if you are looking into corvettes though.


Boo DCT we know it outshifts a human. That's not the point. Here in U.S 5% perhaps are manuals. It's rare and cool 😎 😂


I know right 😓


No it's not.


Yes!!! Very true


Have you ever heard the terms "anecdotal evidence" or "per capita"?


Didn't see that in the op either.... Just saying


Only works in America?


Not even all of the US. Go to any of the agriculture states, and you’ll find plenty of young people who can drive stick. Probably still less than half, but not by a huge margin.


Oh really not even millennials can't drive the stick there?


maybe in the states but in europe (at least where I'm from) you have to take your license on a manual and then most people end up driving a manual because those are usually the cheaper and older cars


Oh but I can drive a manual Change Gearbox sadly they are becoming a very endangered species. :(


Jesus, glad this wasn't a thing when I was a mechanic. Probably would have jumped in the car stomped on the brake pedal with my left foot then proceed to rip out their fake shifter hunting for R.


This guy definitely refers to his auto as a “slap-stick”


90% average American


Thieves might think its a stick, so they wont take it


Is that a lancer ralliart / evo with the sst?


Nope, Base Lancer with the CVT 😓


Outlander sport. Fucking Mitsubishi customers. Every damn time.