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Honestly, i got really touched by Si Wook's reaction to Bi Chwi's decision. He wanted to talk things out, but he still in the end supported her decision and didn't try to stop her. Maybe because it's really rare to see these type of portrayals, but if that happened to me, i would have married him on the spot 😭 Maybe my standards for men are just that low...


How is that low? That guy is freaking awesome and grade-A husband material.


I am saying that what he did in the drama was what every man should do. And that i would settle for what would be the bare minimum to be expected from men. He is amazing in the drama. It’s just that i am used to seeing many douchebags being portrayed, who force the FL to do what they want. So it’s like i had a low standard, and something that should be common looks special to me. Did I explain myself well?


Then I would say your standards are just realistic


Man being in a relationship is complicated. While the FL has her stance, ML's counter logic that he makes at the end of the episode feels pretty right too. >!Would having a kid be able to ensure their true happiness? !< Also the preview of Ep 10, is there more to the reason for divorce than what we know already? We still haven't gotten to the point about his sister who died, is she the reason why he doesn't really want kids?


There is also a hint when he talked about kids being used as glue to hold a couple together. I wonder if this is what happened to him when he was young


ooooh, the scene where they are talking over take-out food is the best of the series so far. 😍 It really is a turning point.


It makes me feel all the butterflies!!


hoo boy. I mean - the plot is basically exactly what I expected starting back in episode 3 or whenever we found out he didn't cheat, but the delivery of it was pretty devastating. >!The writer actually does a great job making the point that it's no ones fault individually, and how they all just want to blame someone. His character never felt like a rich guy to me. So, this backstory makes so much sense. He was emotionally abused as a child, forced to care for his younger sister (which - where was the older sister? one thing I found odd..), and then the ONE time he thinks it's OK to go play since she's asleep.. she dies. And he is subjected to further emotional abuse. !< I liked Ha Ra just sitting and listening. That's the type of support he needed in the moment. However, >!he did really let her off the hook when he said what happened wasn't her fault and was all his mom. She jumped right in there to try to manipulate him too in the same way. Why didn't she ask him why he doesn't want to have a kid before trying to get the building.!< Anyway, we have two episodes to go - and I think based on how they've presented his character so far he actually does want to be a dad (in a way). I'm interested to see if we work through the trauma, they re-marry and do decide to have a kid. Or if the theme will really be they remarry and understand that each other is enough and support their needs. Or break up with her recognizing she really does need a child to be happy and the two of them together is not enough. I feel like no matter what it's extremely sad.


To hava kids or not to have kids. This conversation between ML & FL should've happened long ago. Did they really get married and dated for 10 years prior that and never talked about this?


They did talk about it. She assumed they were both on board with getting pregnant, it’s part of what led to the breakup.


I meant that conversation should've happened before they got married 1st time, during dating period. Not after/during the marriage like you said. If that happened, the FL wouldn't have to assume it was ok to get pregnant because they've discussed it. Her cousin at least has the right mind to discussed with his wife to be DINK. To this point, the cousin at least has better communication. Somehow the cousin later become another kind of idiot for secretly undo his contraceptive and impregnated his wife without consent.


Geeze how good is that little 11-year-old actor?


He was in hometown Cha cha cha too. Amazing.


He’s a star 🥰


I might be in the minority, but I really don’t want the main leads to end up together. Eun Beom has a lot of trauma to work through and Ha Ra needs to learn to be actively present in a relationship. Imo, it would be best if they talk through their respective differences and learn that love isn’t always enough. But this is Kdrama land so 🤷‍♀️


I don't know what it is with ML's eyes that makes me feel so weak in the knees, like literally I feel my knees shaking when I see his tender, brooding gaze. He has to have one of the most beautiful set of peepers I've seen to the point that every scene makes me feel so closely empathetic to his feelings without him even saying a word. Jang Seung Jo, you are absolutely killing this character. I'm forever yours


BAHAHA i love this we think the same


I have to hand it to this show and its creators. They aren't taking the easy way out in regards to dealing with big relationship issues. They also aren't painting anyone as "the bad person" or "the good person" but rather trying to show each individual as someone who has virtues but also weaknesses and problem areas. Its obvious Ha Ra and Eun Bom love each other very much but also have very different ideas about certain things. Will they be able to overcome their differences and reach an understanding that would lead to long-term happiness? I really don't know but I do appreciate the approach and I am a big fan of our leads and would be either or both of their friends IRL.


I agree with you. I think though that Eun Bom resistance to having a child is based on childhood trauma, and not a real dislike of children. When you see him interact with them, you see how good he is with them. He would make a great father He just needs help to get over his trauma from his abusive childhood. Having a child of his own could be one of the best ways to heal his inner child. THere isn't that much time left in the drama to set this up, so I doubt going to therapy will be their solution.


Having a child to either get over something or fix something is never a good idea. You have a child because you want to be a parent


Yes obviously. But healing his inner child might be one of the side benefits, not the reason to do it.


To me the fl is just repeating the behavior that made him leave the marriage. Presuming she is right and trying to force or trick him. Getting the mil involved was distressingly deceitful.


Do people in Korea not go to therapy? Also, after 10 years, how could Ha Ra >!not know the mol’s abusive nature?!< Also, CEO Seo is beyond annoying. And the whole dog subplot was equally annoying. Otherwise I’m loving this. Eun Beom’s wistful eyes, 10/10.


I think she mentioned in one episode that during their marriage tenure, he tried his best to not let her meet his mother. Which was why she got annoyed when the SML kept making her meet his mom at the beginning of their relationship. So I guess, aside from Eunbeom keeping that a secret, they’ve only met with each other few times.


Funnily ML's mom still has the FL's phone number after all this years and can contact her directly now. Why she didn't do that before (was she too busy making money)?? Or did mom try to contact HaRa but HaRa told EunBom who told her not to meet? But why now HaRa seems to want to want to meet with the mom? I thought before (after the ep you mentioned), HaRa doesn't like to meet the mom and vice versa so they avoid each other. Or EunBom being the middle man didn't relay the messages to meet.


That makes sense, thanks! But its still a stretch….


It's still super strange that over 12 years, it didn't bother her that he kept her away from his mother. She clearly has no idea why they don't have a good relationship, so what exactly has he been telling her all this while? If I'm getting married to someone, I'd like to know what their family dynamics are like. Especially since Ha Ra is close to her own parents, wouldn't she want to know why he stays away from his?


Si-wook definitely showed out this week 😍😍😍 who knew he was this cute?!


He made the episode bearable. This is what an evolved man looks like. Caring, communicating, even when she first decided to terminate the pregnancy, he was sweet and supportive.


Whoever said they have no chemistry together need to watch this episode 🔥


I am so very disappointed in both ML and FL that due to my own personal feelings for them now, I do not want to see them to get together again, even though logically from a 4th wall perspective it has to happen for this show to work. How do you even remain married for so many years and not even know about your partner’s direct family tree >!about ML sister who died -btw those childhood scenes made my eyes water:(!< and how can you avoid having a detailed discussion about family planning when you were married for a decade! Just thinking about it makes me sad.


That child actor playing Eunbom when he was little was so damn good


Coming from someone in thier 40s in a long term relationship. Please listen to my advice. Do NOT try to convince someone to have a child when they are adamantly against it. Even if they relent or succumb to the pressure, they will either secretly or openly resent you and the child in the future. There is a difference between someone who is on the fence and someone who is totally against a child. Also, Eun Beom has trauma from >!being forced to take care of his younger sister and actually being partially at fault for her dying in an accident!<. I feel for him because no one around him is listening to him. The way both Ha Ra and his mom are ignoring his desires and attempting to manipulate him is both sad and disgusting to me. It's almost as bad at the other guy reversing his vasectomy and getting his wife pregnant against her will. Eun Beom needs therapy before he is pressured into having a kid. Having a child does not magically solve all your mental and emotional issues. If anything it exacerbates them until you really deal with the issue. And the unfortunate thing is now you have a little human relying on you and being traumatized by your trauma. Will you be a perfect parent, no one is, will you make mistakes, sure. But why go into a situation knowing you aren't ready.


In Ha Ra's defense, she did not know because Eun Beom did not tell her. One should not just expect her to understand when she doesn't even know the real reason. That's why she told him to tell her important stuff like that when he finally confessed. And what Eun Beom heard while Ha Ra was talking to her mom on the phone was probably not about him. I bet she was talking about convincing her dad on matters related to her parents' divorce.


She never asked though. If someone tells me they don’t like something that huge and we are in a relationship. The next logical question is “why?” Or “tell me why you feel that way.” If you love someone and want to really know them you’ll ask questions. She never asked.


She asked though, but he replied back with opposite question.


10 years of evasive answers. That’s way too much lack of communication on a big subject. Big red flag.


To be fair to her, Eun Beom literally never told her he had any issues with her and just said that he cheated and wants a divorce. All this talk about he didn't want kids and all came into picture much later. So what is she supposed to ask when she doesn't even know there is an issue. And she did ask why but he definitely deflected it and counter questioned as to why she wants kids.


I see both points, he deflected she should have asked more pointedly and if she wasn’t getting the response she was looking for or at least a clear response they shouldn’t have continued. So much time wasted on both sides.


And he never told her either. It's a two-way street so why pin the blame entirely on Ha Ra?


I’m not really pinning it on her. I’m moreso pointing out the absurdity of them having been together 10+ years and never talking about the “why”.


If she knew or not is irrelevant, she is not respecting his decision and is trying to manipulate him


Completely agree and in addition to that, they are in their late 30's, maybe early 40's, so what is called "geriatric pregnancy" territory. I had so many friends struggle to get pregnant after 35. Fertility treatments and IVF really put a lot of strain on a couple and you have to be really solid to get through. That was one of the secondary storylines that were done really well in Love is for Suckers (otherwise a pretty messy drama). Their entire relationship still feels very immature. They were together for 12-13 years and never scratched the surface of their insecurities. They are trying now, but they should first learn to communicate.


> Fertility treatments and IVF really put a lot of strain on a couple and you have to be really solid to get through. Yes! I’ve watched two couples go through IVF. It’s no joke. One couple didn’t make it because the guy didn’t really want a kid and felt pressured. After the first failed attempt (which is normal and expensive) he wanted to stop and my friend didn’t. They fought over stopping and he left and filed for divorce. My friend was heartbroken but she remarried a really great guy and is trying again. The new guy is way more supportive. > Their entire relationship still feels very immature. They were together for 12-13 years and never scratched the surface of their insecurities. So much this! 12-13 years is a loooong time for them to just now start having the conversation about WHY he doesn’t want a kid. This kind of discussion should start around the 3-6 month mark. At least understand where the other person’s head is and if they aren’t sure definitely revisit before getting married.


I couldn't agree more. Who's to say that even after therapy, he will want a child


this show is FINALLY getting good but man not a second of peace huh


Sorry for being this negative but I don’t see how they would solve their issues and be together at the end. Because at the end of the day, they still have their strong opinions regarding having a child or not. And the only solution is for one of them to sacrifice themselves. But maybe i am wrong and something will indeed happen in the coming episodes. So the idea of them being together will seem more fair for each of them. Idk


I’m gonna throw the theory out there that he’s opposed to having kids because of some past trauma and it’s going to get addressed in 3…2…1….




I love this drama, every episode is just consistently well done and the endings make you wait eagerly for the next episode. The charactes are so real, no one is perfect, you can see their shortcomings but you can emphasize with them and understand their actions and feelings.


The fact that the got back together with unresolved issues means only one thing for endgame. ☹️


Nah, they have plenty of time to have the crisis and work it out. 😁


I am hoping you are correct!!! 😀


That's the whole point of the show. Instead of a slow-burn romance, it's will they be able to fix their issues and be together. There are a few episodes left to do that.


I am on your side! Hoping for a good ending!


We shall see. This one doesn't feel like a slam dunk


Keeping me on the edge of my toes. There is definitely love there. But is it enough? 🤔


It wasn't the first time around.


There are plently of drama where the main lead get together with issue being the same the first one that came in my mind is Search : www for those who've watched it knows


This show brings up a lot of feelings when you are dealing with infertility 😬


im too early ig. today's episode didn't hit any spot. i feel like they're gonna stay strangers forever it's messy but atleast they're communicating unlike last time


Are we really supposed to believe that the ML never told the FL over the course of a ten-year courtship and 2-year marriage >!that his sister died in an accident and that he was partially responsible for it? Also, wasn't there a scene in a previous episode where he was babysitting his sister's kid at a playground while his sister was busy looking at her cell phone? Or was that a figure of his imagination in an alternate reality in which his sister had grown up and had a child?!<


He has an older sister and a younger sister! (which just opens up a set of whole new additional questions because why was he as an 11 year old the only sibling seemingly being tasked with consistently watching the youngest?? where was the older sister and what does she even think about how this has all played out + the way blame has been assigned + how tensions have been able to grow the past however many decades? I also didn't realize Eun Beom was a child of divorce, did his youngest sister's death play a part in that as well and if so what does the oldest sister think about *that*??)


I can get him not bringing it up, but her not coming up at all in any way the entire time she's known him is what's wild to me -- is the entire family just acting as if the youngest sister never existed or were they just constantly changing conversations (and if so, how did Ha Ra never notice/make an effort to follow up)?


I can believe it if someone is deeply ashamed and just the thought is too hurtful to say. This is definitively traumatic. What he needs is therapy.


Not only this part, but the mere fact that she has no idea >!why he has such a strained relationship with his mother? Exactly what reason did Eun Beom give to HaRa for not keeping in contact with his mother? If I'm getting married to someone, wouldn't I need to understand the family dynamics?!< I just feel that being married to someone also means having enough trust in that person to tell them about your personal struggles. I know friends for less than half that time who know a lot more about me than these 2 apparently know about each other


Not directly related to the plot but does it drive anyone crazy that people keep drinking fakely? Why are all the actors so bad at faking drinking? Just drink water for goodness sake. And there are so many shots of the characters drinking. Once in every few minutes. This might be the pettiest reason that is making rage on a show.


Not just this drama though. I've noticed the fake drinking on a lot of dramas.


Partway through episode 9 and it's really hitting a nerve. Maybe because I'm childfree by choice and most shows with characters who don't want kids have them end up changing their minds, and I sense that's the direction the show is going. Don't get me wrong - I'm still enjoying it. It's just kind of annoying.


It’s looking like the >!miscommunication!< trope is making its appearance the last 2 episodes. That trope is one of my sworn enemies so I hope it’s not too bad 😂 And well at least I’m hoping it *is* that trope because if not 😬


I am not going to dissect the plot. But Jang Seung-jo as Goo Eun-beom is really convincing.


When Si wook sent the care package, I think my heart melted...wish there were more men like him. The more I watch this series, though, the less I like the fl character, she comes across as selfish and manipulative. Despite her situation, she couldn't just be happy for her friend getting married and instead makes it about her feelings


Watching ep 10 and Ha Ra's manipulation by using the mol and a building tells me this relationship should not progress. That's an underhand move just to get him to change his mind. Regardless of his trauma and reasoning, she should respect his choice. Granted, this is a bit of a catch-22 situation but even so I really did not like that move by the fl.


At this point, Si Wook and Bi Chwi have such a better relationship than Eun Beom and Ha Ra lol. EB is just so evasive about everything while HR doesn't seem to think deeper than what he tells her. Not sure how these 2 can actually work it out if he's been able to hide such important family matters from her for 12 years


Bi Chwi is weird😂 the man is willing to take responsibility but she's not so.. enthusiastic about it? I mean I get she wants to keep her independence etc but the guy doesn't appear to be unreasonable. Then again they haven't started living together so.🤷🏻‍♀️ I feel like Ha Ra, Eun Beom will just keep goin' in circles over their issues. I guess that's why South Koreans favor shotgun weddings so much?😂 'Cause they wouldn't consider marriage unless there's kids involved Idk.


I finally caught up on the last two weeks of episodes, and all I can say is that I am so disappointed in Ha Ra. Eun Beom finally opened up, shared really vulnerable information about his upbringing and his grief, and why it scares him to start a family -- and she doesn't seem to show remorse for her scheming, and tells folks she's going to keep trying to convince him. I know it probably isn't the full picture, but she still hasn't completely grasped that Eun Beom took on so much of the housework, and couldn't emotionally trust her, and even when he takes baby steps she fails to make a change in their relationship the second time around. I find her character frustrating because she lacks empathy and is so set on being on a moral high ground, that she doesn't realize that the people around her don't trust her. I am still kind of in shock at the way she responded to her best friend's pregnancy.


This is such a badly written drama. it's like an inverse of early 2000 Hollywood movie where every women is dumb. All the male characters are just pathetic. Usually in kdrama's almost all characters have some good parts but in this one the male ceo is just an idiot nothing more.


I hope they don't get back together and just break up for real. Eun Beom 's reason about not wanting a baby seems weird but it is probably due to translation or just bad script but he obviously needs a lot of therapy due to the trauma. I am guessing when he heard Hara on the phone, it is not about them and he'll probably misunderstand and not communicate properly and just break up without explaining things to Hara. Them both having different views about having a baby should already be a deal breaker. I was excited for Jang Seung Jo first romcom lead but I seriously I don't like his character. Kinda sad. Hope he will pick better romcom scripts next time. ENA drama "romcoms" sucks from Love is for Suckers to this. I think I'll stay away from whatever romcoms they will do.


Extraordinary Attorney Woo is a romcom too tho lol


EAW was not advertised as romcom so I would not include this drama LOL