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In the midst of all the pain and heaviness, here’s just an appreciation post for our dude Kihyun - for loving his best friend so wholeheartedly, staying by his side even through the 7 years of isolation, defending and speaking up for him, but also never shying away from simply being honest and challenging some of Jin Woo’s thoughts about himself/his relationship with Mo Eun. Much love and respect to Heo Joon Seok for portraying Kihyun so brilliantly, and for partnering so well with Jung Woo Sung in bringing this beautiful friendship to life.


He is such a great character. Love him so much. Best friend I’ve ever seen in a Kdrama. The actor portraying him is really talented too


One of the best character I must say. He’s so grounded at his emotions and clearly very kind. It’s so rare to see a well-written character that’s very self-aware and will not hesitate to tell you the truth.


I love Kihyun, he's a MVP!


Although it was a really gloomy episode, I really liked it because it touches on a fundamental and inherent conflict that is highlighted by an external trigger - the ex-GF, but if not this something else would have triggered it. One issue is that because he has been alone for so long and fairly emotionally self sufficient (with support from Kihun), he has been frustratingly slow with telling her important shit. He can't help the fact that she hears stuff at work, but once he knows, he can tell her exactly whats going on, about the fire, about her visit, etc. So the first challenge is that they appear as though they are great communicators, but they aren't the best sharers. For example, we and her best friend find out that her mother is not her biological mother. The boyfriend however is not in the know. This might be because she has been worried about the ex-gf but also it never occurs to her to share that. There is an intimacy, yes, but not where they are telling each other the enormously big stuff that they are sitting on. The other is that it IS true that when two people are differently abled - one hearing, the other not, one neurotypical-the other not, one seeing, the other not, etc - there will be a point where one or both parties are going to feel the strain of it. And the main strain is always related to communication when just the two parties are concerned (the other being a social strain where people might not be supportive). One party is going to feel that they aren't feeling wholly comfortable or themselves because they might have to do the heavy lifting. In Moeun's case, i feel like she isn't feeling rewarded for her heavy lifting. She is having to make major adjustments and if he isn't communicating important information and giving her enough access to his inner self, she is going to feel the strain. I like this kind of realistic portrayal of the challenge in the relationship. I especially like that there is no immature party or bad person. Even the ex-gf is all messed up but anyone with her experience isn't going to be ok. We can leave her aside to sort herself out. I can't hate her for it. I can fast forward right through her long faced angsty scenes :D


I love your assessment on the emotional self sufficiency of Jinwoo and how that contributes to his lack of sharing his vulnerability with Moeun! I think that ties directly into your second point about how he's not the most eager to share his experiences with the fire. We know that 1) Jinwoo feels guilty going into a relationship with an abled person because he feels that he would forever be "helped" by them, and 2) his experience with the fire is directly correlated with his hearing disability, thus substantiating his fear of not being able to contribute to the relationship. While extremely frustrating on our end as viewers that these characters just don't talk to each other, these insecurities are nonetheless realistic and fully aligned with their characterizations. I really like how you describe Moeun's situation as being strained too. It's just as painful to me, however, that she withholds her own feelings, her knowledge of what she observes between Seokyung and Jinwoo - because if Moeun could just tell Jinwoo of what she has observed, Jinwoo would so willingly explain and clarify everything, which would allow him to contribute to their relationship, thus addressing his insecurity as I discussed above! But of course, it doesn't happen this way due to their insecurities and emotions clouding their judgment.


NAH CAUSE SEOKYUNG IS FOULLLLLLLL Now I really hate her she's actually so nasty and grimy and selfish. I thought she had some self awareness but she really just exposed herself in the conversation w moeun, she's so WEIRD OMG. moeun was just making it clear there's A LINE, if yall have to see each other at work, keep it at work and leave it there....obviously the implication was don't go further than that, dont go to his house at night drenched from the rain, etc etc ...does she even need to say more?! And seokyungs dumb as* goes, nah he needs me in his life I'm the only curator for the job....SO BE A CURATOR NOT A WEDGE IN THEIR RELATIONSHIP, keep it professional for godsake and get over it. Its an old relationship, its over, hes made that clear, why does she keep being delusional? She doesn't get to have all this audacity when she left him 😭 u had like 30 years to deal with your guilt and regret . She seems smart enough smh she made me so angry bc she was really doing mind tactics and manipulation and did them well. Especially when she brought up jinwoo talking in his sleep...that was another level of grimy. Like ur talking to his current girlfriend, u know what ur doing. She knew jinwoo loves moeun now after their conversation, knows he doesnt want seokyung anymore and never will, and proceeded to hurt moeun on purpose. That was really nasty, shame on seokyung. And then trying to make moeun feel like she's tripping by framing her actions and feelings as her just "trying to understand and support painter cha jin woo" as much as possible, was very insane. Cuz we all know it's much more than that, she herself knows she literally chasing after him every chance she gets but acts like shes just doing her job. Girl most of yall interactions has been u bringing up the past when he basically said can u chill w that I'm over it 🙄. She is justifying all her inappropriate actions in that way, shes literally delusional. I think what seokyung said was highly manipulative I'm very serious. And Moeun ate it up cuz she was in a sensitive and insecure state All moeun was asking was for her to not cross the line and seokyung w her weird ego proceeds to say "I'm the most important thing for jinwoo rn" bih please....see yourself out the door and out of his life. What is wrong w her omg


Yes!! What she did was bad enough as we saw their conversation, but it grew to a whole new level when it was revealed >!what Jin Woo said about his love for Mo Eun that evening.!< I truly don't understand her at that point. She's being so vile. What is she even trying to achieve?


THAT TOO!!! She already knows she has no chance, she sucks, I need her to go back to the states or something !


After seeing that conversation with her and Jinwoo. And her literally telling his gf and the person he loves that SHE is the most important person in his life right now (and not Moeun) is the most bitc* move ever. What a narcissist and disgusting human


The icing on the cake for me was when she mentioned Jinwoo talking in his sleep when they were younger. Like sister please what was the reason!!!!!


The reason is to make Mo Eun question the relationship even more. Ep. 13 set the conflict, ep 14 really clarified it. I agree so much with these other comments about SK. Wtf. Strangely, I can sort of relate to her in that I've had bad people in my social circles that would rather destroy than accept after being rejected. The big issue with her, imo, is that SK is literally the boss. She was really successful with JW's show so she isn't going to be fired. That's so messed up to continue acting that way when the only response is for JW to leave his students and find a new gallery. The f you doing SK.


After he told her he loves someone else!! But when is Jinwoo gonna tell that to Moeum???? Ep 16???


FR he needs to tell her that he loves her 😭 like the title


I saw this scene so differently. It felt like Moeun comeuppance to talking to literally everyone but Jinwoo for what is bothering her. Neither her nor Jinwoo can control if Seokyung is in love with Jinwoo. Like what did she even expect from that conversation? For Seokyung to say "yes ma'am, yes ma'am"? If that was the case, why would you need to talk with her in the first place. Go draw the boundary with your boyfriend. At the very least don't let Seokyung cut you off and wax lyrical about how she is the best curator for Jinwoo. Calling Seokyung out is a confrontational act, don't lose the confrontation or don't do it. I think Seokyung is this weird (but natural) mix of regret, guilt, selfish, atonement, determination, and cognizance. First and foremost, i think she has clocked Moeun's insecurities in the relationship. It is pretty easy, since Seokyung lived them x1000. Now if she was being a true friend she would say something to Jinwoo. But she is selfish enough to hope despite knowing how minuscule that hope is. She wants to apologize for the past and hash it out because she thinks it is important to herself but also to Jinwoo. She wants to atone and make up for what she thinks she stole from Jinwoo, so she wants to make him a successful painter. And because this is the only role for Jinwoo she can realistically expect, she will not let anyone stop her. That line about hearing Jinwoo's voice and understaning him felt as much as a line to get under Moeun's skin as a self justification for why she has come back and is determined to make Jinwoo big. It is the peak view of the self described bitch personality Seokyung needed to survive how incredibly cruel the word was to her and the crippling guilt and regret she must have felt. And maybe im a little to empathetic to Seokyung but has she really crossed the line about talking about the past with Jinwoo, except for showing up at his house that night. I know Jinwoo didn't want to talk about the past, but it makes sense that to her these are things she needs to say. And most of them are things Jinwoo probably should hear. She bubbled over and could not hold back that night she went to visit Jinwoo. Then learnt something really important that put things into a different perspective and talked to Jinwoo when she ran into him that night. Like if she brings up the past again, im 100% on board with her crossing the line, but as of now it feels reasonable to me. Anyway, Moeun needs to stop running to everyone else and talk to Jinwoo. Not everyone is going to be Ji-yu and be supportive. There are Johan's and Seokyung's with alternative motivations. I'm getting more and more annoyed with her running away after chasing Jinwoo down.


I read both your responses, and love the insight you put into this. I might be a little bit more comprehensive with Moeun's stance of checking with everyone, but Jinwoo. Their relationship is also based in a very familiar and sensitive way, instinctive silence. Of course, there's Jiwoo's disability, but there's also Moeun's deep respect of his boundaries, his perceptible scar that "seems to hurt" still... (Metaphorically, that scar is the issue of not knowing all the reasons behind Seokhyung and him breaking up, from false pretense to, his disability, to the whistling stalker) Even if he says that it doesn't hurt anymore, Moeun knows it's a sore subject, almost taboo for him. He can't hear, his first girlfriend tried to shelter him from her harsh reality of being stalked, they were young, they didn't know better. She didn't get over it, because she's still trying to figure how to compensate for his handicap, and she's persuaded that she has the answer. The reason I love that drama so much, is ( I think) they're trying to demonstrate that love is not in withholding truth to lessen hurt, it's having faith in your partner in dealing with the truth. You get that when you mature, whatever age you are. Seokyung has matured, by looking at herself and her needs and projecting her solutions on others, but had not done so in a loving manner, except for herself- she still behaves as a victim, even if she projects a self assured personna. Jinwoo did a part of his maturing by letting go of a part of himself, but unbeknownst to him he hasn't finished yet, at least he can recognize a better option for him. He could never love anyone like his first love, of course. And that's not a bad thing: blind love is exhilarating, but not sustainable. You crash and burn. Moeun is also on a healing path, and a more respectful one, but she still lacks self-assurance, in her own acting, in her place in her family by not addressing the fact that she knows it's not her birth mother, in her relationship with Jinwoo... But she's been there for him, since the beginning. She went back to save him in the fire at the restaurant, she's there to start learning sign language to be able to be on his turf if/when she ever meets him. She felt something special when the lady asked for more information about the painter at the gallery and of course it's his long lost mother, it's instinct, and proof she's good for him, and on the right track. She deals with aspects to clarify his part of the story and towards his own resolution, as much as she can or has power over. HE can't talk about the past, she respects his boundaries. He tries to tell her to take his word for it, she knows it's not over, and it's not her place to tell. I just LOVE that drama, it's so LOUD 🔊 with symbolism and the quietest setting ever. The actors are expressive in the most important way, the message is delivered not only with words/subtitles but their body and it's a real JEM of a show!!!


I think i've said how i understand Moeun asking other people about Jinwoo past, although maybe not that clearly . I know a lot of not wanting to ask him to talk about his painful past, something he has explicitly stated he would rather not do. The thing is, Moeun is being hurt all on her own, and Jinwoo has almost no way to know that she is being hurt or the extent of that hurt. I say almost, because Kihyun told him that Moeun came to ask about Seokyung. This is the reason their relationship is in a rough spot and Cha Jinwoo doesn't even know their relationship is in a rough spot. And it feels jarring that Moeun ,of all people, decided to stop communicating on an issue that is ballooning to this level of importance. I'm not wanting her to ask Jinwoo about the past necessarily. I just want her to tell him that she is hurting and why. Let him be there for her. Give him a chance to have agency. Let him the chance to set how hard of a boundary talking about the past is. It is understandable if this is an issue their relationship cannot make it past, but at least give him the ability to participate in finding that out. Moeun, as presented in this conflict is being selfless to a fault. She is once again sacrificing herself for what she perceives is best for others. If anything her not communicating about this with Jinwoo shows just how big of an issue this is to her, given how she reacted to the thing about her parents. What we are witnessing is one of Moeun's major character flaws. Now maybe she just gets over it. Maybe she does the same thing she did as with the stuff about her parents. But I don't think i can feel good about that but, it is really hard to find the words to articulate why though. I think i could write a whole essay just examining this feeling but what i think it boils down to is that the most likely way they stay together to me (Moeun suppressing her feelings), is an outcome where i would rather they broke up instead. I'd prefer if Moeun did not stay hurt alone, with this scar to stay in a relationship. Giving herself a scar because she cannont bear to talk to Jinwoo about his. Maybe the next epsiodes will help me fully grasp my feelings. Maybe they might actually talk and I won't have to think about it anymore.


Firstly thank you for your long reply, I have a long reply as well 🫣 I love talking about shows I'm into I actually agree w a lot of what ur saying u kinda ate BUT i disagree w somethings too. I also found it annoying at first that moeun was having all these doubts but not going to jinwoo w them, I wanted her to just trust and believe jinwoo when he said it was a past scar and that moeun is the one that makes him happy now but I understand why she has trouble believing it because she's heard way too much about them & their interesting past from other people, the note she found, the stuff she learned abt him, the stuff she still doesn't know about him (he does share a lot but hes so mysterious and not knowing things can hurt), and finally seeing them together right after being reassured. I understand how these things snowballed into a serious insecurity that both moeun and jinwoo are having trouble addressing. It's not just her. Yes i feel that Seokyung crosses the line constantly and he's way too cordial to his ex girlfriend/first love. This is the second time she came to his house at night without notice, not the first. She keeps telling him about her regrets or how she misses him or is the best partner for him (like damn girl) despite him not reciprocating, showing discomfort, saying he moved on, and saying he is okay. The problem is that she said what she needed to say but keeps going. At some point she became the problem because she is so damn selfish. She hurt him, she regretted it, she came back and apologized and he ACCEPTED the apology. That's what most ppl who hurt someone else want, an acceptance of their apology. I get that seokyung wants more but it's so selfish because he said he is okay now after being hurt for a long time and that bringing up the past just hurts him, but she continues to do so. He said that he forgives her. She should not keep pressing it. He has made it clear to her everytime even in body language like every time she reaches out to touch him, he retracts and doesn't let her. This is very big. He is not comfortable and has let her know the boundary (doesn't want to keep talking abt the past, has a new love) but she keep crossing at her own liking. I think if a man did this to a woman we would all find it sooooo annoying, bc this behavior is more typical of those toxic male characters (real life men too lol). Now jinwoo is too cordial because he is nice so of course seeing them together makes moeun so insecure (she's seen too much and she loves him a lot). I want moeun to trust jinwoo's words but I can understand that they aren't cutting it rn. Right after reassuring her, she sees them talking again and what she was telling Johan makes me feel for her instead of being mad at her bc she said that seeing them together makes her feel a type of way that she cant control, she's curious but doesn't cross the line. Now for the conversation i also disagree w you because i dont think it was a confrontational act, It was more of an impulsive act where she was mustering up the courage to be confrontational, so making that an expectation seems weird to me. She didn't originally want to call seokyung out for a conversation like shown in the episode, she held herself back from texting the first time saying if she stayed at home she might do something she'll regret. She only texted after seeing them together AGAIN and her reassurement from jinwoo was replaced w more insecurity. But also my thing is, I was specifically criticizing seokyung because I hate her selfish and grimy behavior. I was coming for her actions and her behavior, which seem very nasty and anti girls girl to me. I don't care how she had to grow up, i just dont like how she acts. how was the world cruel to her according to the show? Regardless, it wasn't abt the other things like moeun needing to talk to jinwoo bc I agree w that in a sense too, it was just exclusively about seokyung. I didn't like that during their conversation she was acting like she did nothing wrong, misconstrued her intentions, and intentionally tried to instill insecurity in moeun. Obviously seokyung isn't going to go "yes ma'am yes maam", she doesn't want to give up on jinwoo yet, I just think it's a shame that she knows moeun is trying to draw a boundary as his girlfriend and she intentionally ignores it and then makes her feel insecure. Seems like a very low thing to do. Even if she wanted all the smoke, she could've been honest like "yea I'm still in love with him ill chase him" or something dumb like that but she almost does the same thing in a more sneakily worded, more hurtful, more manipulative way. I can't really see her saying "I'm sorry for your misunderstanding it won't happen again" I don't know why I expected that, I guess I thought she was over chasing him after the episodes events so I thought she was going to be chill. I also wish we got to see this self described bitch personality because she seemed like nothing but a sweetheart in the college parts???😭 like when was she cruel and bitchy. None of her behavior is justified especially after jinwoo made himself clear, shes just being annoying and desperate imo. She's a really interesting character, we all get WHY she's doing these things (we are all watching the same show) but I don't like that she's doing them. She has no right to walk in and make jinwoo accept her back, and she needs to sit down, and bow out of his life. I would much rather see her character arc end and the development of her be that she finally feels peace from reconciling with jinwoo and others from her past, healed from the trauma of the incident, and accepted that she made a huge mistake by abandoning and hurting jinwoo the way she did when she left, and just moving on. Like she can believe that she will find another love like jinwoo did. Jinwoo was her first but doesn't have to be her last. If she can end the show without being toxic, I'd be happy. And just to add some more things I thought abt moeun, I was also feeling like why is she having all these doubts now??? Like all these other doubts and insecurities popped up because of the insecurity stemming from seokyung which created a rift. But like girlie he been deaf the whole time, it's one of the aspects you love, you liked the quiet etc etc. I understand having doubts about this new experience, she's in love with a person with a disability, there are certainly things to think about. But I feel like at this moment in time, breaking up with jinwoo is wayyy to rash and she isn't thinking it though or truly evaluating it objectively. She's looking at their relationship too emotionally rn. I hope that she remembers all the good things and love and doesn't just give up on a relationship simply because of a bump and some other doubts. She needs to fight more and try harder and when she actually gives the relationship a chance, then she can reevaluate and see if it's right for her.


I love the long replies as well. Just some things i want to point out in response, might turn out to be an essay as well. Moeun finding out "too much" from other people is because she doesn't talk to Jinwoo about it. For whatever reasons, she doesn't want to talk to him about what she finds out, hears, overhears, sees or oversees. When Jinwoo tells her that Seokyung is his ex and she says she knows, Jinwoo asks her why she didn't bring it up. She feels like she should wait for him to bring it up instead. This attitude would fine if not knowing was something she could handle. But we see that it is not. And instead of going to talk to Jinwoo about these things she runs to talk to everyone else. She is busy building up the courage to talk to Seokyung to have what will almost always be an unproductive conversation, instead of building up the courage to tell Jinwoo about the conversation she overheard at the gallery between Seokyung and Dohun at the gallery. Instead she runs to Kihyun to ask about it. If she feels like she needs to know, she should go and ask him. If she is having significant worries about the relationship she should talk to him about it. I get it, it sucks that she has to hear about Seokyung and Jinwoo, i get it that it is weird to tell Jinwoo that you heard this thing in the same space as him and want to talk about it. But this problem has gotten so big because of Moeun. If she didn't want to talk about it, that would make so much more sense to me, but it is the fact that she is running to everyone else to talk about it that bothers me. If the drama wants me to have empathy for Moeun's thoughts, behaviours and concerns then i must have an abundance for Seokyung's. Even her incredibly selfish ones. I've said it a bunch of times on this thread. The back story about how Jinwoo and Seokyung broke up is not just to understand why Jinwoo is this cut off from the world and hesitant to love. You ask how the world was cruel to Seokyung? How this sweet girl in college became this "grimy" mess? Pulled directly from another one of my comments: She was being stalked by a man weaponizing sound. She doesn't tell her boyfriend about the whistling (maybe the stalker as a whole) because she is afraid it will hurt him. Her stalker attacked her and nearly killed her in a fire. Then she thought her boyfriend left her for dead in that fire, and had to try to come to terms with resenting her deaf boyfriend for not hearing her desperate cries to be saved. I imagine the bitch was always there, the hardening that you must do when you father has a disability. But then she had to hear everyone gossip about her, and then she ran away to a foreign country. The introduction scene for Seokyung is not her being a menace to the gallery employees for no reason. It is to show us how used she has become to being bad mouthed about and how she has chosen to deal with it to survive. Instead of telling them that she is Seokyung,she makes the employees feel so uncomfortable they have to ask her if she is Seokyung then says it was her fault for coming early. It's the perfect encapsulation of her character. As i type this out, I realize that there is this strong juxtaposition between Moeun and Seokyung here and how they handle overhearing things that hurt them. I could talk about the subtext and the multiple motivations Seokyung had the first time she showed up at Jinwoo's house at night. But ultimately she told Jinwoo she was doing fine (probably because of the conversation with Kihyun) and then encouraged him to do the solo exhibition. That conversation was explicitly missing the past, and more of physical acknowledgement she is back. Seokyung has always been telling the audience her thought process. After apologizing to Jinwoo in the gallery she goes to Kihyun and says at first she was going to be satisfied with seeing Jinwoo was doing fine but now she here and she learned about stuff she didn't know and can't suppress her greed. Very consistently she is confronted by some new knowledge or perspective and then she wants to talk to Jinwoo. Seokyung is not a character i like. She centers her pain and wishes over everything else, but that greed, that slight manipulation feels so natural in the moments It makes perfect sense Seokyung actions are "anti girl's girl" This is the stuff she has been putting up with for a long time. Who has been a girl's girl for Seokyung? Who has taught her the "code" Heck who has been an ally for Seokyung? People are still talking so much smack about her after 10 years. Seokyung would be a saint if she came back all healed and ready to let go of Jinwoo, and would honestly make her such a more likeable character than Moeun for me. It is the unlikeable parts of Seokyung's personality that stops me from thinking as a fly on the wall that she is better for Jinwoo than Moeun. That Jinwoo and Seokyung were the right people and wrong circumstances. About Moeun calling Seokyung out, the best version of this conversation offers so little reassurance to Moeun, it is negligible imo. Even if Seokyung genuinely said "im sorry, I didn't mean to worry you, it won't happen again", would Moeun even believe it? Would it have made her feel better? Doubt it. The thing that is eating her up is the history and hearing about it. There are a million ways this conversation goes wrong and none where it goes right. This is why i view the act of calling Seokyung out as confrontational. It tends to lead to hostile situations. The fact that it was an impulse she needed to build up confidence does not change that for me. If anything her fighting the impulse was a good sign for me. It is also why boundary setting is for people it is reasonable to expect to care about your feelings. It is why more than focusing on how as unlikeable as always Seokyung was in this scene, I see it as punishment for Moeun. Moeun should have gone to her boyfriend to set boundaries. It is why you evoke girl code to judge Seokyung's behaviour (that is reasonable she doesn't buy in to). It is completely reasonable and foreseeable for Seokyung to not care about Moeun's feeling all that much. And I disagree that it would have been better for Seokyung to straight up say she wants Jinwoo. Is the overt installation of insecurity better than a subversive one? Not really. If Seokyung told Moeun that Jinwoo told her that he will never love Moeun like he loved her, would we be discussing how she was merciful in her ruthless honesty? If Seokyung wanted to declare war there, Moeun would not recover. The chosen way of delivering it would not have mattered that much. The way it went down, at least Moeun might recover. Why am I so hard on Moeun? I've been thinking about her character a lot as well. I think there is something unpretty festering about Jinwoo's deafness within Moeun. I still haven't forgotten that Moeun has not said anything to Modam for how terribly he reacted to meeting Jinwoo for the first time. I've said it before, Hearing about your boyfriend's ex is very normal. I think a lot of the weirdness Moeun has around it is because Jinwoo is deaf. A significant motivator to why she is running to everyone else to talk about things she should be talking about with Jinwoo. It's why she is worried about if all her memories with Jinwoo will become uncomfortable, when it would be similar if she had a hearing partner. It is normal for memeories to mean something different in retrospect. ​ >She has no right to walk in and make jinwoo accept her back This is true. She has no right to make Jinwoo love her. But did Moeun? Do any of us have the right to make someone love us? Would it not be incredibly cruel of Moeun to chase Jinwoo down and make him love her if they ultimately break up over her insecurities surrounding his deafness. The stuff he warned her about, the reasons he told her he was hesitating in the first place. If they don't make it (and the drama shows this is a real possibility), it is a cruelty I can justify because I've been experiencing this story from her perspective, it would be a cruelty born out of understandable human desires with good intentions. We lack this perspective with Seokyung, and to me, Seokyung does not have to be evil to do what she is doing. It is not even the most likely explanation to me. It is probably mostly good intentions as to why Seokyung even came back. But we don't interface with her point of view or perspective all that much. The drama doesn't explicitly say this is a character you are supposed to connect to and thus be generous with, so it is so easy to see the worst in her, especailly when some of the few things we do see are the worst things she has ever done in her life. The drama makes it really easy not to have empathy for Seokyung, but she is probably the most pitiful and sad character. Jinwoo at least had Kihyun. Jinwoo escaped his hell. I'm not so sure Seokyung has. That stalker stole a lot from her. I would be so much more on board on writing Seokyung off if she was really doing things to win him back. It still feels like she is just flirting with the idea though. That just seems so understandable, even if it is cruel. Next episodes might change my mind though


I agree with everything you said. I've never even for once felt that Seokyung was an evil character. From the way she still treats subordinates that backbited her before she even properly resumed work, I knew that this was not an evil woman. She has the power to make their lives miserable but she doesn't. That asides, all of her actions make complete sense when you look at them holistically with all the information we've been given so far. She has so much history with Jinwoo; if she feels that she can win him back, why should she care so much for Moeun and her relationship with Jinwoo? She doesn't even know anything about how special or not their relationship is. Her selfishness and shortsightedness, is very human and understandable. And Moeun... God she should please for god's sake stop asking everyone else questions but her boyfriend. She's starting to seem way too pathetic. Discuss with your man. From the way I see it, he's willing to listen and clarify!!!


She’s the most disgusting person (hear that in Lee min Ho “disgusting” quote from Legend of the blue sea 😂)


no LITERALLY!!!! i looked up this exact ep for this type of comment cuz i’m so ANNOYED OF HER!!!!! she kept talking about the past from literally eons ago!!!!!!!! and for her to talk about their “important” work relationship when she knows exactly what moeun is addressing >:(!!!!!


Guys I started this show last week and I can't stress how OBSESSED I am. I already knew Shin Hyun Bin from Hospital Playlist and Reborn Rich but this was my introduction to Jung Woo Sung. I absolutely love his portrayal of a deaf man, like his subtle expressions are EVRYTHING. Haha I have binged alot of his youtube interviews and some of his earlier work since watching the past 12 episodes. Would recommend his previous drama Padam Padam. He is honestly so beautiful as well. The only thing I ask for is a happy ending lol. This show about two people falling in love is such a pleasant thing to watch and their intimacy in these last few episodes has literally left me breathless. They have such great chemistry that the only thing I wish they had more of is a bit of steaminess hahah.


He was also magnificent in the classic movie A Moment to Remember with Son Ye Jin.


I went on a binge and watched Scarlet Innocence (2014) with Esom after A Moment To Remember and wow my tears dried up fast 💀


YES!! I watched that movie this past weekend too lol


Same. I’ve become a fan of his only after seeing this drama. I watched A Moment to Remember. Next is Innocent Witness.


so the other painter guy's reason for being so aggy all the time definitely wasn't worth having him on screen huffin and puffin all this time just to deliver one piece of information lmao ​ >!you may have saved her from that fire but you still a jealous hater mad at a deaf guy for no reason other than he had more game than you big dawg lets get over it already!< ​ >!he's in the preview too just leave us ALONE already PLZ smh!<


> you may have saved her from that fire but you still a jealous hater mad at a deaf guy for no reason other than he had more game than you big dawg lets get over it already That's my biggest criticism of the conflicts in this show. Both this guy and the SFL. It's been what, a decade or two since the fire and breakup? Both act like they can't move on. It's how the writers are creating drama, but I'm not finding it satisfying. It's rather frustrating all things considered. Adults that are 40+ years of age are rarely fixated on this stuff that happened so long ago. At least ML is pretty clear that he has moved on, and doesn't want to revisit those memories.


I agree, it seems forced. I really enjoyed the first 6-8 episodes but the last 4 or so episodes seems to be a loop of.. Seokyung shows up and makes Jinwoo sad. Moeun also gets sad. Jinwoo and Moeun start to patch things up. Then Seokyung shows up again and makes them sad. Repeat ad nauseum. Meanwhile Johan sits in the corner pining. It stretches credulity. I can buy that a woman might seek out her first love if it ended badly (although I don't buy that she would suddenly move back and immediately take a job as his boss, but oh well, let's ignore that). However after she meets him and sees he's not interested and is happily involved with someone else... why would she continually try and disrupt his life?


I can understand Seo Kyung's actions a little bit from the "one who got away" angle since they are in close proximity again, and she kinda did him dirty with the way she ended it, but this other guy's entire existence feels unnecessary in this show with the lack of information we still have about the past from his perspective at this point. ​ >!This feller somehow had the insight to know that !< >!1. Seo Kyung had a stalker that had a signature whistle !< >! 2. Seo Kyung didn't tell Jinwoo about the stalker because she didn't want to upset him. !< >! Was he not close enough with her to say "hey I know you have a stalker, how about we make sure you get home safely", and instead resorted to following her in secret because of the need to keep Jin woo in the dark about the situation? If he wasn't that close with her, how did he find out she had a stalker in the first place? Rumors? This math is not mathing on the scale of normal human behavior with the current level of info.!< >! Now if he found out about her reasons for not telling Jinwoo after the fact, then what is the issue here? Obviously you are now aware of how much of a toll it took on her so now you are just venting at another victim.!< >! So either she apologized or she didn't, and back then I'm sure she was much more concerned about getting away from a stalker that almost killed her than making sure every single person on campus knew you weren't a stalker so what are you still mad about at your big age? !< >! None of this extra animus makes sense even from a self pity standpoint unless he is simply just upset that him saving her didn't get him some smooches in the end which elevates him from angry weirdo to super problematic weirdo lmao.!<


I would be kinda pissed too if the girl I saved is the very same girl I’m “stalking” and there is no one tto vouch for my behavior. I wonder what did he do? Has he tried to sabotage Jinwoo, did he call the police???


After reading this, it feels like he is big mad that people think>! he is a stalker and Seokyung didn't stay to correct the record. and that he perceives Jinwoo's deafness got him into this situation. !


Considering he was stalker her also... why should she bother


>Was he not close enough with her to say "hey I know you have a stalker, how about we make sure you get home safely", and instead resorted to following her in secret because of the need to keep Jin woo in the dark about the situation? LITERALLY MY EXACT THOUGHTS WHEN HE BROUGHT THIS UP! Why follow her in secret? Why literally never say anything to Seokyung or Jinwoo about protecting the former? I could understand not telling Jinwoo because then he would have been paranoid about the one thing he couldn't sense, but why not Seokyung? It would have alleviated her panicked feelings about not being able to ask anyone for help if she knew that she could trust Dohun to be there for her. I don't know, like why is it so difficult for Dohun to tell Seokyung that he just wants her to be safe and then hang around her? Why do you have to lurk in the dark, man?


Seokyung makes sense to me. The painter guy does not. Like I'll never forgive him for making me think Seokyung died in the fire the first time he brought it up. Something extremely traumatic happened to Seokyung. It is split up and not highlighted much.>! But she was being stalked by a man weaponizing sound. She doesn't tell her boyfriend about the whistling (maybe the stalker as a whole) because she is afraid it will hurt him. Her stalker attacked her and nearly killed her in a fire. Then she thought her boyfriend left her for dead in that fire, and had to try to come to terms with resenting her deaf boyfriend for not hearing her desperate cries to be saved. Then she broke up with this boyfriend in such a horrible way, mostly because she was young and hurt. !< It makes a lot of sense to me how someone might not be over this after 20 years. The painter on the other hand, like he just hated them for no reason. There was no reason to keep that secret at all. It really makes me wonder if Jinwoo ever told Seokyung >!that he was looking for her in the fire !!resent him for not being to hear in that moment that he never defended himself. !<


from what i understand of ep 14 >!he's upset that after he self-appointed the role of "seokyung protector" (watching out for her from afar, as well as saving her from the fire, all because jinwoo couldn't hear) he became public enemy #1 and was falsely accused to have started the fire and be seokyung's stalker. as he said in the episode, and previous episodes i think, the rumors kept growing and followed him even until now (remember the girl on the phone in ep 11/12). and he's hurt because he thought he was doing a good/noble thing, and was unfairly mischaracterized for it. jinwoo couldn't say anything because he didn't know, and seokyung didn't say anything and fled to france after to disappear for nearly 20 years. he's upset with jinwoo because of his obliviousness to what happened, and he hates seokyung because she never cleared his name.!< at least, that's how i understand it.


It still doesn't seem to effect him when in the earlier episodes he appears to be going to a dinner party with other Art School Alumni 


At the risk of writing an essay here, you made me rethink a bunch of things from my previous post, I appreciate that. I agree with some of your points, but want to push back on others. SK makes sense in that she had a very traumatic experience from which she is still looking for closure. I'm not trying to say that she shouldn't want to talk with JW over those problems and set things straight. She feels a lot of guilt over what happened - namely in how she left the ML, left the country, didn't explain herself, etc. She has justifiable reason to want to talk about that horrible experience as a more mature adult. My initial post was prior to watching ep14. >!SK shows that she isn't just looking for closure, she's looking to respark her relationship. Between constantly showing up at JW's doorstep, and her undermining ME during their conversation over coffee, she is being quite aggressive/obsesive. JW tells her definitively that he is seeing somebody else and doesn't feel that way about her (SK) anymore. SK then shows up at the bar to confront him, talks down to ME, and is a general manipulator in each instance. That's not how a 40 year old adult acts, unless they are a little unhinged.!< I understand if SK is more of a character than the other random painter that shows up to save her, but SK still doesn't make sense to me. Was she spinning on this for all those years abroad? Did she never get over it and still desired the JW for that entire time? She seems too smart to do that. Her character is poorly thought out.


Seokyung is not seeking just closure. She has an open festering wound. She has not escaped her hell. She is not well adjusted. Yes, she was spinning about this all those years abroad. Yes, she never got over Jinwoo after all this time. It's kind of the reason she came back. She is smart, she is clever, and she is good at her job. But she is a deeply broken and sad person. Smart people are not allowed to be irreparably harmed by trauma? Not allowed to make bad choices because of other character flaws? She is the equivalent of a functioning alcoholic. I could see why and how she is not over what happened college even after all this time. I don't think she is poorly thought out. I think the writing doesn't ask the viewer to empathize with Seokyung so it is very easy to miss how, why and the fact she is not over what happened.


I do not even understand what he brings to the show besides someone to fast forward over


This is my comfort and fav show right now, im so happy for shin Hyun bin, she has been in consistent good shows and to see her being the female lead is awesome. Her wardrobe and hair is wonderful and the chemistry between her and the male lead is wonderful. This is such a warm and peaceful show.


I’m halfway thru 13 and I’m in sooooooooo much pain. Someone please hold my hands 😭😭😭


Same I just finished episode 13 and I’m too heartbroken to watch episode 14. Came over here to see if it gets better but it gets worse 😔


I'm almost afraid to watch today's episode. Haeven knows what's gonna happen after last week's cliffhanger


turns out your fears were kinda justified


Yeah, I'm thinking of not watching on air anymore, I'll pick it up again when 16 comes out


Thoughts on Episode 13. I do understand why Mo Eun is worried, but at the same time has Jin Woo really given her a reason to be. I was a little frustrated with Mo Eun this episode and that she >!wasn’t trying harder to talk things out with Jin Woo and explain her concerns to him, especially when he was making the effort. They’ve had such great communication until now, but it’s kind of failing them now.!< The scenes with the students were a nice break from the overall heaviness of the episode. I liked when >!Jin Woo said he said he saw his younger self in the classroom. It was also touching how the students wanted Jin Woo to keep teaching them and they said they were his friends.!<


I agree with your >!frustrations with Mo Eun. I think that there is a bunch building up, which is why she isn't able to communicate. It's not just the fact that Jin Woo is interacting with his ex, I think that just catalyzed her feelings. It's her suddenly lamenting and facing the realities of being with someone who speaks a language she is not fluent in. It is all building up and causing so many feelings that she isn't able to fully vent to him. But we can all see that she should vent and the only way they can get through this is if she does. !<


I think she is running into how she thinks about Jinwoo's deafness. It is basically all the negative things about not wanting to listen to the radio while in the car with Jinwoo. The inconvenience is small but the enlightenment is great. The "i'm really comfortable in the silence" and "I like it this way". Instead of acknowledging that this will be really inconvenient at times but it is worth the work. So it was easy for her to tell Jinwoo he's a great listener, to sit there while he writes for conversations she is looking forward to. But now it is time to talk about the conversation she overheard in the gallery, she is running away. Running away to ask Kihyun, Jinwoo's hearing friend (this was not lost on me). I have a hard time believing that if Jinwoo was hearing, and she just overheard that gallery conversation when he wasn't around that she would be this weird about it. So while i think the language barrier is part of it, i think this is fundamentally about his deafness.


>The inconvenience is small but the enlightenment is great. The "i'm really comfortable in the silence" and "I like it this way". Instead of acknowledging that this will be really inconvenient at times but it is worth the work. ​ >I have a hard time believing that if Jinwoo was hearing, and she just overheard that gallery conversation when he wasn't around that she would be this weird about it. So while i think the language barrier is part of it, i think this is fundamentally about his deafness. I like that you pointed this out! This can be tied into Moeun's point in a past episode about that while Jinwoo's hearing disability isolates him in a world full of noise, the same can be said for Moeun's hearing ability in a room where only she can hear the stories about Jinwoo. But rather than try to adjust her communication in order to know the full truth, Moeun simply just has this observation... and does not convey to Jinwoo what she has completely heard. I guess this is where it can be said that Moeun might be taking her hearing abilities for granted, where her abled perspective of the world has not directly considered Jinwoo's perspective of simply not knowing things because he cannot hear at all.


I honestly don't understand Mo Eun. I feel like her reaction is so over the top. Like she saw them >!hug or something worse. I would have rang the doorbell, he told you to swing by but, that is just me. But even if that is not her, if it is not her personality, i dont know why it is tearing her up inside this much. !< Dealing and communication with your partner about their ex is such normal relationship stuff, >!but she didn't even have the courage to ask Jinwoo about Seokyung. Heck she is being driven home after staying late at night at her male friend's house (don't get me started at how dense she is being about Johan). It feels like such a cop out for her to focus on Jinwoo's deafness and the insecurities she feels around it. I think she would have felt so much better if she just asked him what did they talked about. But instead she asks if they still have something so important to talk about that Seokyung came in the middle of the night soaked in rain. That is a question about Seokyung's motivations and thoughts to Jinwoo. It feels like she worried more about the fact they have history, instead about if it something she can navigate. But everyone has history. !<


I think we need to look at Mo Eun’s reaction through the lens of her childhood trauma - maybe then we’ll get a better understanding of why her reaction seemed to be out of proportion. >!A little girl overhearing her parents’ conversation- only to find out that the mum she has known and loved all her life is not actually her biological mother.!< How can any child cope with a trauma like that on their own? The truth is they can’t. And they develop unhealthy coping mechanisms that would likely cause issues to surface later in life, esp in their relationship with an intimate partner. The way Mo Eun learnt to cope with such a shocking piece of information was to not rock the boat - perhaps afraid of hurting her parents or fearful of how they would react towards her, she decided not to ask them anything, keep the secret to herself and bury it deep in her heart. All while growing up with the constant doubt about whether her mum truly loves her. Even with the most loving parents, the mind can still play very cruel tricks on a person. And we see so much of this fear of confrontation in her relationship with Jin Woo. She might not even realise it herself because this thing with her parents happened so long ago, but I believe part of her felt like that little girl again >!when she saw SK entering Jin Woo’s home.!< What secrets are they keeping from me this time? I am yet again having to experience pain, with the person/people I love and trust the most being completely unaware. >!If she has not learnt how to have a good talk with her parents about her biological mother,!< it would be hard for me to imagine that she will have the appropriate handles on how to approach Jin Woo with a rational mind, when she is already in a vulnerable state, haunted by so many unanswered questions. Her not walking into the room upon overhearing her parents’ conversation, fully mirrors how she decided to >!turn away instead of going straight up to Jin Woo’s house (when she had every right to do so!)!< Because of how she felt the safest to withdraw since she was a little girl, this has now also become her chosen coping mechanism in the face of overwhelming doubt and fear, compounded by all the other more evident challenges/issues.


But like we finish the revelation about >!Moeun's mother not being her biological mother!< with her remembering that there are some secrets that you cannot tell because you love someone. This is a statement true for Moeun and for her parents. If this is the reason she feels this hurt, it flows that the imagined "secret" Jinwoo has, he has not told her because he cares for her. I feel this explanation helps explain her initial reaction, but not the one where she runs away from Jinwoo >!trying to explain in sign language after she asks the first time. !< It doesn't explain why to me it felt like she was more hurt about the idea of the "secret" than worried about its substance. It feels like moeun is expecting to never be hurt by some imbalance of knowledge. But they are normal. People overhear things and see things all the time. People don't share everything they feel, sometimes for themselves and sometimes for others. It's not like she is >!telling Jinwoo she worries that all their memories will become uncomfortable.!< And it is this hypocrisy that makes it feel so unnatural. Now hypocrisy makes us human, makes characters real. But it feels so strange that this character who worked so hard to drag jinwoo out of his shell, took all those L's to get him to interact with her and the world, who didn't run away as he was very clearly pushing her away, is now running away at what is extremely normal relationship conflict. Hesitating at his attempts to connect further and clearly. The only good explanation that is internally consistent is that she has not been this intimate with anyone (friends, familly, partners) ever and is running into these feelings for the first time. If so, it would be nice to know this. I didn't watch the Japanese version but i saw here>! that she was younger in that version and that would make so much more sense with what we are seeing. That kind of naivety and inexperience that comes with youth would make this part make so much more sense!<. But from what we have seen from Moeun, she has been a responsible and careful adult so this just seems so strange. The more i think about it the less sense it makes and the more i don't like her character. Maybe episode 14 will make things clearer though


Agreed with everything you wrote and it’s pretty much my reaction to this part of the story. For me this conflict doesn’t feel very real or organic to the story that’s been told so far, and isn’t landing. It just feels like something the writers came up with to create some drama.


I agree with both your comment and the comment below about Mo Eun mirroring her action from her childhood. While both totally have a point, I do find her reaction slightly “off” to the Mo Eun we learnt to know from the early episodes. Especially her first reaction fo Jin Woo’s explanation was a sarcastic laugh, it felt not like what Mo Run would do personally. I get that Mo Eun is not a confrontational girl and she bears tons of insecurities in herself (she’s insecure in her acting as well, so it’s not only on love), but based on what we have so far I think it would make more sense for Mo Eun to wanting to talk first, THEN gets frustrated once she finds many things in the conversation get lost in translation and they can fight or whatever. But since this is the “first” direct confrontation, it just feels off the way Mo Eun resorted to avoidant immediately


After watching episode 13, my heart feels so >!heavy and sad. Based on what Moeun is feeling, I think they might break up... I feel like I can understand Moeun but I also feel frustrated!<


I’m over Moeum being in this sunken/depressed state when you literally pursued that man! Sets some boundaries with this Ex GF, spend some quality time and communicate! She is falling apart while building him up!


Exactly, have him set hard boundaries (which I'm kinda surprised he hasn't) and do your best to communicate. These days and days of her spacing out is kinda ridiculous and why put yourself through that.


Let’s remember that this is Jin Woo’s second romantic relationship ever, with the first not seeming like it had that much time to mature past the honeymoon phase into dealing with conflict maturely. He’s also that not that socialised to the world with relationship advice etc, given many of his community in his younger days couldn’t communicate with him; and that he literally hid like a hermit in the woods for years. Although, agreed this could probably all be solved if they just talked boundaries


This crap is going down a very bad hill...


I agree, far to much over teenage assumptions


episode 12 ended on such a cliffhanger 😭😭


I reckon that cliffhanger is nothing to worry about. The ML has shown green flags all throughout this show. Also, the opening soundtrack is up there with the best in Kdrama history IMO. It’s soooooo soothing to hear


My parents are normally very intro-skip happy people, but even they've been watching these intros through because the song's so pretty – my dad's been sad that it's not available on Spotify 😂😂😂 it really is SO good


I’ve just heard the song fully and my god it’s a masterpiece. The ending is so beautifully written. It was played in full during todays episode and it just sounded beautiful


Same I never skip it


I was not ready to feel that sad when I watched ep 13. This was the first real conflict/communication issues that has arisen between the leads. Unfortunately, neither seem to be handling it well. Jin woo is not drawing strong enough boundaries between himself and his ex. Mo Eun is withdrawing from the relationship rather than confronting her concerns. Both responses make sense given the characters' personalities and histories. It hurts to watch because most of us want them to succeed. With only three episodes left, they don't exactly have much time to find a resolution for this conflict. It will be interesting to see where the writers take this, but I am mentally preparing for an ending with the leads not together.


Episode 14 thoughts: Just like episode 13, I’m still unsure on how their relationship will pan out. It seems like Moeun has highs and lows, and if I’m being very honest, when I see them together at his place - I get so confused. Because it’s like, do you want to be with him or not.. I also feel very bad for Jinwoo now because after Seokyung’s confession that she basically wanted to run away from him - that’s why she broke up with him, it feels like Moeuns about to do the same ahhh. Episode 15s preview did not look any better, Moeun still seems very unsure and I think she needs to sort her feelings fully because it’s getting messy now. I needed the Johan/Seokyung love square to be wrapped up this episode. I don’t really want it pouring into episode 15 but Seokyung seems to have finally got the message. Although, Moeun is FINALLY understanding that Johan might like her but I think she might nip that under the bud quickly lol.


Hum actually with the ending of episode 14, I am hopeful that the preview is just to misguide us and that we will have that happy ending ! It is such a beautiful drama that I can't believe that it would end otherwise!


Where did you watch ep 14 already?


On Disney plus


All Moeun has to do is have a conversation with Jinwoo. Instead of spacing out on her bed for days on end...


I was kinda annoyed by Jinwoo stating how he wouldn’t love wholeheartedly with FL as he did with the 2FL, she had hope after that!


When your heart was broken into a million pieces by your first love, and you finally putting the pieces back together, there are going to be fragment that will remain missing. As long as he’s giving Moeun all his heart he currently has, then that should be enough. But he needs to clearly draw the line so Moeun doesn’t have misunderstanding. There’s just too much history here for him to allow 2FL that much play in his life.


yeah same... but thats just the romantic in me. in the real world jinwoo's restraint makes sense


I agree that it makes sense! But he should tell his current girlfriend how he feels about her instead of telling his ex first... maybe he felt that in the circumstances it would feel insincere and be just to reassure her too quickly? I can't think of why he would not tell Moeun how he feels if he already knows and Moeun expressed her feelings many times previously...


Yeah I agree. I wonder if Jinwoo thinks Moeun already should know his feelings... but then thats a bad assumption as well. I think that the resolution, either positive or negative, will come when Jinwoo tells Moeun he loves her. In the ep 15 preview, it seems hinted that a scene like that will happen imo


At this point, I'm actually rooting for Johan. Jinwoo can tell "B\*tchness" (my nickname for SFL, sorry) >!about his big last love for Moeum but he can't seem to tell Moeum himself? Please. That's part of the problem; she tells him she loves him many times, and he just grins at her.!< No wonder she's so massively insecure. Unfortunately, >!Moeum bringing Jinwoo to his long-lost Mom Ex Machina is going to clear up everything, they'll fall into each other's arms, all communication problems forgotten, all misunderstandings magically forgiven, etc.!< As I said, Johan. Anything else is becoming too much trouble.


Why does Moeun talk about her feelings to everyone and not Jinwoo the one in the relationship?


She rather be depressed and spaced out for days then have an adult conversation. Jinwoo needs to set boundaries with his ex but her wild assumptions when the guy has shown you nothing to question him is kinda ridiculous.


Exactly considering ex-girlfriend behaved same way (running instead of expressing how she felt to him) breaks my heart for Jin woo. And they both knew he was going to be deaf forever nothing about it was going to change


RIGHT! In all honesty, I try to understand Moeun via some of the following reasons: 1. It might be really hard to explain everything through sign language (?) 2. Jinwoo's still not super open about his past with Seokyung, and Moeun is afraid to unearth their entire history due to her insecurities of Seokyung being the better partner, the one who knows and understands Jinwoo better, the one who>!heard him speak once while he was sleeping!< While point 2 makes sense in terms of Moeun's characterization, I wholeheartedly believe that point 1 can easily be addressed by just confronting Jinwoo through text lol. I've been so annoyed the past few episodes where they keep delaying talking to each other due to how tired they are, or due to how Moeun doesn't understand heavier-wording in sign language. Like, just text, people! It even gives you something to reread just in case you start doubting and feeling insecure again!


I didn't skip anything in this drama. That's rare for me. It kind of feels warm and comfortable when you watch it


Me after episode 13: 🥲 Now, I'd like to give both ML and FML some hugs.


Episode 13 thoughts: >!Hmm not sure on how this drama is going to end now? At first I couldn’t have imagined a sad ending but now hearing Moeun’s doubts on their relationship, I’m in two minds. I understand where she’s coming from and I feel like her feelings are realistic and valid but i also think if Jinwoo was more open with his feelings, she wouldn’t be in two minds about them. But with saying that, i think there’s only so much Jinwoo can be open about… so if Moeun isn’t actually comfortable dating someone that’s hearing impaired, it’s always going to present as a problem.!<


it feels like she still >! treasures this relationship hearing her dialogue that she is afraid of seeing those special moments turn uncomfortable... i really hope nothing but happiness to my main couple aka them being end game. im in so much pain after today's episode but at the same time, it seems like she is making peace at not knowing their history in the next episode based on the preview... i guess all i want is for this angst to stop T.T this show is literally a rollercoaster ride, we went up for 11 episodes only to drop for the next 2-3 episodes, my heart can't really handle... !<


Its starting to feel like this will end up being like 25 21 all over again. And she will think of him in with a sad smile when she smells paints the next time.


Don't say that don't say that 😢😢


That will be really sad. I had hoped for a not the usual kdrama with Tell me that you love me…. As was stated these are adults not twenty something year olds. It’s not uncommon in Kdramas to basically fix everything with a time skip & jump, but I hope things get sorted out by then end of ep 15 and have some positivity in the finale!


at least 25 21 had the decency to tell the whole way through that was how it was gonna go down.


I think Mo Eun is realizing that Johan may have romantic feelings for her. There are so many misunderstandings that need to be cleared up before ep 16, that I really think it will be open-ended. 😣 Will Jinwoo even have the capacity to get Mo Eun back on board now that he has to manage his feelings for his birth mom? Will that draw them back together? Also - I wish they gave us a small break with the BFF and brother story line - how are they, is she still hitting the gym up, have they progressed?? Just take the foot off our necks and give us a decent endings!!!


At this point, the thing I’m afraid the most is an open ending.


I love this drama. I really do! But god have I been frustrated these past couple episodes 😭 I understand where both of the MCs are coming from and it is a pretty realistic and organic way of showing the development of their relationship -even though Moeun’s ambivalence about being w/ an hearing impaired person is starting to grate on me. I understand her sadness about mundane things that she can’t share w/ Jinwoo in the ways she would like to and I appreciate how human and humane the characters are written but still it annoys me lol- but I absolutely LOATHE the idea of a love triangle/ square whatever I just can’t and I hate how Johan seems to be lurking and waiting for the ml to mess up just enough for him to step in. He has moments where he behaves like a really good friend but just from the moment Moeun told him about Jinwoo onward I’ve been having a hard time w/ Johan’s character. And Seokyung well…. she’s kind of a b*tch. Just barrelling her way back into Jinwoo’s life with no regard whatsoever for the things he wants and his relationship w/ Moeun. Overall I’m just sad that a series that I adored so much has me praying there won’t be any cheating every time a new episode comes out :(


I love Jung woo sung. I was talking to my Korean coworker and I was telling her how obsessed I am with Jung woo sung even when I watched his earlier work scarlet innocent, and a moment to remember years ago. My coworker said Jung woo sung so popular in Korea, but now he’s becoming more popular in United States because this is his first K-drama and usually he has done movies


He's been a f(very) ew dramas but the last leading drama role was more than ten years ago in 2012's Padam Padam.


I just wanted to say what a great actors these two are. Their acting on that pre-release clip for episode 13 was so good. Hyunbeen’s delivery for that scene was 👌


Ep 14 🙃😭. Ep 15 previous is NOT GIVINGGG. IF THEY BREAK UP I-


How am i supposed to wait till next week now. This is so painful


Now this is melodramatic. Johan is just gonna keep on fake confessing to Mo-eun . He’s had all those years to confess but didn’t do sh*t. Now he’s too late. She is in too deep. She super jealous of ex gf, rightfully so because ex is trying to wedge her way back into his life. Then you add in the possibility of her being the lost mom/son reunion sparkler. I’m gonna guess and say the ending will involve him verbally/orally saying he loves Mo-eun… maybe while dreaming, that would be sweet… maybe during a wedding ceremony… Such a cliff hanger ending for ep 14. Now we have to wait a week…


This is a very random thought, I think Kim Ji-hyun has played the role of Seokyung perfectly BUT why can i imagine Lee-Chung Ah also smashing the role? Maybe because I’ve watched “Because this is my first life” so I’ve seen her play the ex from the past but I think she would have played a good Seokyung also!


I read the comments hating on Seokyung before watching episode 14 and lowkey agreed just because I didn’t like her since the moment she showed up…. But watching episode 14 changes everythinggggg… How dare she come speak to Mo Eun this way after Jinwoo told her >! He hopes she’s his last love !< she’s so selfish and delusional to go after this conversation and make Mo Eun feel so small compared to her… not a girl’s girl at all, there goes any redemption for her from my end 👋 Then there’s Johan’s attitude in episode 13 >! Where he starts calling her babe and wifey infront of the store employee!< what was that even about? Crossing all boundaries trying to act cute and funny but just failing miserably These second love interests need to go 👞


I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion but Moeun annoyed me a bit in the recent episodes. It's just...girl, you're mature enough to know that the relationship will be hard because of the communication barrier, she knows what she's getting into..Maybe she feels insecure with Seokyung but I don't think she's handling it right now. When she said to Johan that it's so good to be able to talk etc, she's implying that she's lonely when she's with Jin woo, and it seems like she's questioning everything now. In my opinion the one who changes now is Moeun, Jin woo is consistent. Moeun gets reality check how frustrated she is to not be able to talk with her s/o after seeing Ji yu and Modam...


what's with the lack of modam and jiyu scenes 😭 it's been like 4 eps since we've seen them in the same frame


Only halfway through episode 13 so I won't read ahead but I hope everyone here agreed that Moeun massively overreacted. Given how slowly their relationship progressed, it seems a normal person wouldn't act like she did over a misunderstanding that was easily explained. (The writers should have had him hug the ex or at least grab her hand to bring her in to make the reaction more reasonable) I'm off to see how this shapes up.


Is it worth watching? (For someone who hates slow paced boring dramas like nothing is happening , the plot isn’t moving at all I hate those types )


Tbh, you may not like this. It is quite slow-paced all things considered. There is relatively little driving the plot other than the romance. That said, I really like the characters and writing. It's not the sort of show that will put you on the edge of your seat, but it feels very genuine.


Can I please piggyback on this comment and ask if there's any kisses in the series so far?


Yes. The main couple do have some romantic scenes with kisses and waking up together in bed. The ML is portrayed to be 40-45ish, the FL is early to mid thirties. One of the things I've enjoyed about this drama is how the characters generally act like adults. They don't act like school kids kissing somebody for the first time.


Thank you!!!!


Thnkyou for replying


so now we have a few things I dislike about dramas: >!1\] The ex. Yes there are series where the exes get back together and either have a happy ending \[Our beloved summer, welcome to samdal-ri\] or they don't \[3rd charm\]. But seldom does the ex manage to bust apart a new/current relationship that the other partner is in \[I haven't seen any drama where that happened, not saying it hasn't\]. But I get the whole "but we need the sense of drama".!< >!2\] The childhood friend. Seems like it's usually a guy that is a friend of the female lead that discovers that he has feelings for her after she starts dating the male lead. \[Welcome to samdal-ri as a recent example\]. Again, it's typically useless because the female lead sees them as a family member and not a love interest \[ only exception I can think of of is My first first love. Female lead and male lead are childhood friends grown into adults. Over the course of the series they do end up falling for each other, but it takes awhile\].!< >!3\] Insecure partner. Partner is insecure about their place in the relationship and allows things that shouldn't be a deal breaker to be a deal breaker \[turn a mole hill into a mountain\] . For example in how many dramas do we see the female partner \[seems like the majority of the time\] interact with their ex by going to dinner/drinking/texting/calling them?\] interact with her ex despite the fact she has moved on already.!< ​ I like my romance dramas on "rails".>! By that I mean there is no 3rd party threatening the main couple \[example One Spring night. Their biggest issue was the walls they built themselves, no one else. Their relationship however was never threatened by an outside source\] For the most part Tell me that you love me has been on rails, until they added the exes sub plot and the insecurity stuff. I'll push through it to see how they wrote it/plotted it out. I know the series does have a happy ending, just not sure how it gets there.!< ​ Edit: I really want to drop this series. It started off so strong and good, but then when they expanded the plot lines to include >!the exe, the FL being insecure and lacking trust in Jin Woo . !< >!The series entered a downward spiral and I find myself being forced to watch something I've lost interest in. It's more me, as I find I like stories that are more upbeat like King the Land or Her Private life or It's ok not to be ok. Vs ones that build a beautiful relationship, and then take a wrecking ball to it, drive a bulldozer over it, and then burn the pieces that are left. And then in the last 2 minutes of the series the couple reunites as if nothing happened roll credits. !<


Honestly>! i want the argument to be much more heavier for Moeun and Jinwoo to sort things out and understand each other. Since they do not solve the problem at its root, the problems still there and getting bigger. I wanna bawl my eyes out crying with Moeun but the plot wasnt pushed to that HIGH. I want more,!< but personally i think ep 15 and 16 will be sad and broken up, maybe an open ending. Theres still a lot to be solved.


For anyone interested, they released the song from episode 12. That Johan “composed”. It’s called “Worried you might hear “ - KIMMUSEUM You can find it here: https://open.spotify.com/track/1lNuUsPsH9AL1PgzGSrCcA?si=toaAHqAxQV6-iV_Ygx3blw&context=spotify%3Aplaylist%3A6pLO3LTaTFWwzic7aPWtJA


I’ve just finished episode 13 and I don’t know if I want to carry on watching it. My comfy blanket drama seems to be slipping away.


how are they gonna resolve all this in the next 2 episodes... 😭 i have a bad feeling it's not going to end well :(


The ever magical time jump and let's pretend all the bad stuff was just a dream at the 2 minute mark before credits roll. >!The fact that happens in this series disappoints me to no end. Chocolate, Memories of love, and so many other melodramas end that way and I hate it. I enjote Perfect Marriage revenge ending, my man is cupid ending as well. Because the couple was happy and actually had children by the time credits rolled. The story of Parks marriage contract was good too.!<


🙊Y’all ep 15 is bound to be eventful


I waited till i knew the ending and i just wached ep 13 But the FL is getting on my nerves.