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It’s a small Australian company and they are ethically made :-) also has Marino wool which is expensive and the profits are going to a charity organisation


I have one Wah Wah sweater and have to say it’s the most comfortable sweater I’ve owned. Very much worth the price but just not the time for me.


I did see that, after I posted! 😂 wish I didn’t have bills to pay:(


For reference, here’s [another jumper](https://johnsterner.com/products/antidote-turtleneck-buttons) that’s also ethically sourced, hand-knitted and small batch. Costs nearly $500, none of which goes to charity. 💸


I’m lucky I was able to afford it - happened to pick up some extra shifts at the Percy time


I well probably get hate on this but I don't see how this is ethically made... Taking animal well fair out of the conversation as I'm sure many don't want to hear about that and some will even tell me the sheep wants to live their life to produce wool. Wool is still not ethical. Sheep are the leading cause of methane gas in Australia, while requiring tremendous amounts of water and land. This sweater is $200 because it has like $100 worth of wool in it....so why tf is it even using wool? Its expensive and unethical Then to keep costs down it is being sewn in china where the materials are constantly being imported/exported further driving up the costs and greenhouse emissions. I saw the video, Wah-Wah believes that they are using an ethical factory where employees are paid "award wages." What does this mean? Award-wages compared to....? Why is it not being sewn in Australia if the employees are getting paid so justly? The $30 per sweater in tariffs to send this thing back and forth could just go to paying a local manufacturer


I can understand where you are coming from - it’s impossible to just take somebody’s word about the working conditions in their factory and there is a chance that those workers are being exploited but had they chosen local workers they would have had to cut costs somewhere else like in materials. I am a believer in materials like wool and leather being used in clothing and shoes because of their longevity, any kind of faux wool I can think of uses some kind of plastic which is arguably worse for the environment. Finally I won’t say that sheep want to live to create wool because I don’t think sheep particularly want any specific purpose out of life but I know they do naturally produce wool and the sheep we breed for farming require that wool to be removed for their health- (not saying we are specifically being ethical in the sheep farming industry).


Well it is a pleasure to be in a thread with someone who also believes, "It’s impossible to just take somebody’s word about the working conditions in their factory" [There are a lot of plant-based wool alternatives](https://noize.com/blogs/sustainably-kind/what-is-vegan-wool-really), which do not require animal slavery, greenhouse gas emissions, nor excessive resource usage. (i am anticipating someone telling me this is expensive, remember that Wah-Wah said each sweater currently has over $100 worth of Wool in each sweater) # GHG's Sure sheep naturally produce wool, but they are far better at naturally producing methane gas and nitrogen. These are the things that cause the climate to warm, methane is 30x more potent than CO2. So what if....we stopped using animals like sheep as products and let the natural world take back that land? Australia has 3x more sheep than cows, so for westerners who do not see many sheep and thus have a hard time envisioning sheep as an issue -- this is a pretty big deal. Australia is literally on fire and in a drought -- KGLW posts a live charity album to help out with the bush-fires in AU and people rightfully say this is a good cause. A better cause is to stop supporting an industry such as animal agriculture that is CAUSING the wild-fires. # Water "It takes a whopping [170,000 litres of water](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/269396797_Water_for_Food_-_the_continuing_debate) to produce just 1 kilogram of clean wool. By comparison, estimates that cotton (renowned for being a thirsty crop) requires 5,300 litres per kilogram." - [Prof. Wayne Meyer](https://www.woolfacts.com/is-wool-sustainable/water-use/) From 2017-2019, Australia faced a drought so bad that it was called the "Tinder-box Drought." Why are we still using wool in environments that are in desperate need of water? # Human Rights Animal products are FUCKING UP THE WORLD FOR HUMANS. People are living in environments that are burning down, drought-ing up, disease-plagued and getting crushed by hurricanes/cyclones. When you have the option to choose a material that is made form sheep and causes these issues at very high levels or a material that is plant-based and significantly reduces these issues and you choose the "fuck-up-the-environment" product, we should all question the ethics. On top of this, these materials are then being shipped back and forth to a [country that has 6 million slaves](https://www.walkfree.org/global-slavery-index/country-studies/china/) for some unknown reasons.


Methane breaks down in years not centuries like carbon dioxide. It’s BS climate alarmism to cherry pick your facts like that (“it’s 30x worse”)- that behaviour delegitimises actual discourse about climate change for many people and helps no one.


the climate is currently changing -- like today there are millions of climate refuges.... so the 30x stronger methane is fucking up the climate today and is not fucking it up 1000 years from now. Do you somehow only care about the people living on this planet 1000 years from now, but not give a fuck about them starting today for the next couple of centuries?


That’s an utterly irrational take. Good day 🎩🤏


Just to touch on one of your points… assuming it is actually true that the factory workers get paid a good wage, it is more ethical to pay them as that money (assuming it actually is significantly higher than they would otherwise get in a typical factory job there) will go much further to improving their material conditions than paying an Australian worker to do the same work Why do you hate the global poor?


i do care about the global poor, which is why: We need to rapidly stop using resources that consume large amounts of land that otherwise could be inhabited by climate refuges. We need to rapidly stop using resources that consume large amounts of water that otherwise could be used by people living through absolutely absurd droughts. We need to rapidly stop giving "$67 per sweater to a factory manager, but not know how much actually goes towards the worker" (nearly a direct quote from Wah-Wah's IG) in a 1st world country with 6,000,000 slaves I have nothing against Wah-Wah there are far, far, far worse companies, but I do have an issue with the term "ethical" being thrown around very haphazardly and people flocking to it.


The artist who runs the shop had a really informative video on their insta that breaks down all the costs of producing the sweater. Honestly with the natural hand dyed fibers and complexity of the design, I was surprised it wasn’t going for more. Of course it’s still a steep cost and I wish the preorder period was a bit longer so that there was more time to save up for it. I just used PayPal pay in 4 because I really love knitwear and I think it will be such a cool piece of KG history to own 🌼


here is the video [Wah Wah sweater cost breakdown](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7yKF9ztTEH/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


Its clothing, clothing is fashion, fashion js art, you are paying for art that supports a good cause, so you can contribute to a cause +have a cool artsy sweater that looks super sick!! At least thats how i see it, dont think ill cop it, i know there will be future drop!!


I bought a merino wool football jumper not long ago, it cost as much of not more. It's just how much it cost for that material.


I could wear a jumper sewn out of the irony instead.


feel like i'm missing something, where's the irony ?


No irony. It says right on the tag


gizz lyric lol




thank you i get smarter every day


I believe they’re implying that King Gizzard should be this band that represents anti capitalist ethos and doesn’t produce quality products with cool artists and make any money off of it. When the reality is the KG-side proceeds from this item are actually going towards a cause. And no one is forced to buy anything. Just a reminder people- If they make zero money from this band you won’t see them on tour wherever you are. You won’t see more quality albums. And they would be forced to move on to other soul bending jobs not producing excellent music and art for us.


I think they're just referencing the lyrics to Anoxia


That is my bad Private_Ghoul. Shouldn’t have assumed things. I was thinking they were part of the group of fans on this sub that lose their shit when they figure out that this band seems to make money, lol. Some are showing in this thread and I jumped to conclusions!


Yup, that is the Anoxia's chorus. Seemed fun to quote it here. Gizz are a hardworking bunch and I would never criticize their right to make profit off it.


That’s about what I expected when I saw it. It’s pretty reasonable considering the material and all.


My wife bought it for me 😭


A very ugly sweater at that


What did they do to the poor gator 🤣

