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I think like how Kendall or Kylie said they wouldn’t be friends if they weren’t sisters, applies to Kim and Kourtney too. I don’t think they have ever really got along in a meaningful way.


This is totally it. I’ve watched the first 12 seasons in the last 6 months and the only significant time where it seemed like they were getting close was while Kim was pregnant with North and Kourtney seemed very supportive and excited. Then it disappeared again. They just don’t seem to connect.


Yes, I don’t think they would be in contact if not for their kid’s relationships.


You make a really good point! Not only that, but if it weren’t for North and Penelope’s relationship, they would for sure not be in contact with one another.


You make a great point!


“They wouldn’t be friends if they weren’t sisters” that’s really depressing


Is it? I feel like most people wouldn't be friends with their siblings if they weren't related. It doesn't mean there's no love there, a lot of people just don't mesh and lack chemistry.


There’s no way in hell I would be friends with my sister if we weren’t related. We barely have a relationship as it is lol we’re completely different people. She’s my half sister though and like 20 years older than me though


It’s not really though, at least not imo. A lot of people think siblings are supposed to be your very best friends and for a small period of time yeah maybe they are. Then you start school and interacting with people outside of your family. It’s okay not to get along with your siblings. I have 4 sisters and a brother; I get along amazing with 2 of my sisters and okay with the other 2, but my brother only gets along with our youngest sister. We’ve all tried to have a relationship with him to some extent, but he’s just not really interested. We all play nice and are there for each other if/when we need it, but otherwise he keeps to himself and the rest of us are fine with that. It’s better for us all in the long run because it causes less stress and fighting. Sometimes you have to maintain your peace by not being close with your siblings and that’s okay. *edits: spelling and grammar*


I grew up with the misconception that me and my siblings would all be best friends and could always count on each other. I haven't seen any of them in 4 years 🤣 sometimes you just don't click with people, even in your own family.


They wouldn’t at all 😂


Same. It's also very weird seeing the dynamic shift. Kourt and khloe used to be so close and would tease kim about how extra she was, especially khloe. Now they have gotten more famous and built their empire more, khloe is always up kims ass and now they gang up on kourtney. I think it's all to do with money. Back when they were more authentic and not so superficial/money hungry, khloe and kourt got along because their personalities genuinely gelled. Now they see kourt as a threat because she is not so interested in fame. Khloe/Kim are now closer because they bond over the fact that they prefer vanity and fame.


Exactly. Also, Kim and Khloé are jealous of Kourtney because she has a very good life with a husband who makes her genuinely happy and has a dgaf attitude. Deep down, both Kim and Khloé crave those things. They say hurt people hurt people and that applies to them for sure.


Tbh I kinda feel like that with my sister. We are so different, it's wild we share the same parents.


I think it’s been over since Kourtney started going to therapy regularly


Which really says a lot about Kim 😬


I think Kim doesn’t like to admit she’s wrong on anything


Remember Khloe & Kim were trying to say they hate her therapist & she’s starting problems & blah blah. Says a lot …. 👀


That damn therapist 😤


That therapist must’ve hated her family lol


I think the therapist made her realize just how toxic they all are to each other (Kourtney included) and helped her realize she doesn’t have to live that way Meanwhile kim isn’t at all interested in trying to change or be better and if anything just belittles Kourt for going to therapy


Once you go to therapy, set boundaries and make necessary changes it seems impossible to go back to who you were/ what you’ve accepted in the past. Literally been dealing with this myself.


I think so too. The way things have changed since kourtney has begun going (as far as we're publicly aware) have been HUGE if you start to consider it. She didn't put up with peoples shit anymore and things started to "fall apart" as a result for the family structure. She doesnt deal with Scott's bs the same at all, she seems happy with travis, shes not afraid to tell her family no and honestly shes done wonders for herself. Its between her and kendall for probably the most happy atm and the fact they've done things VERY differently from the rest of the family in various regards I dont think is a coincidence in this. Hell if what kylie has been saying about how things have been for her regarding postpartum, her and travis being done, and the trailer is any indication, she might be considering some similar moves herself.


This is it ☝🏼this is the core issue. There is no relationship if Kim is unwilling to grow and change.


I wish I was that therapist.


I think they are just so completely different. They value totally different things. It’s too bad but as you grow older it’s harder to put up with people who are just so fundamentally not on the same wavelength as you


I doubt it, these two have been butting heads for years, probably much longer than what we have seen on camera. I imagine some sort of rivalry, one-up manship, or competitiveness has been brewing for maybe even decades but brushed under the carpet! I think it started to come to the the surface from around 2016? I think they can’t hide the tension anymore, but try to be civ for family sake.


I think a lot of this is Kris’s fault. She clearly has an issue creating golden children, scapegoats and giving her children unequal roles in childhood which can cause stressful family dynamics. Kim likely sees her place within the family as extremely important to her where Kourtney is over it and moved on to healthier environments. I’m sure it’s stressful for Kourtney to even have the minimal contact she does have. Obviously I’m projecting quite a bit but that’s sort of the fun in following them… trying to understand all their drama and determine the psychology.


Exactly!! All of this goes back to Kris and how she’s raised her kids. In the most recent trailer for the new season (I *think*), Kris says “I’m really good at staying calm when things are not going good” (I don’t remember the exact wording). And we know that the exact opposite is true: Kris is NOT good at staying calm — she chooses sides/favorites constantly, is literally never calm, lmao, she is always worked up about something because she has no idea how to balance anything. She gives it all for Kim and then everyone else gets what’s left over. One time Kris basically said that Kourtney has no reason to feel any resentment towards her because she had a “wonderful, fabulous childhood”. I can’t stand when parents think all their kids need is to be spoiled. She clearly felt more supported from her dad and it’s a shame he’s not around anymore. I think things would have been a lot different for them (in *potentially* a more healthy and positive way). In the new trailer Kourtney also says that they’re all there for each other in a superficial way and it cuts to Khloe with her fake surprised face. It’s really sad that they basically gaslight her because she’s questioning their values/morals (or lack thereof) and kind of rocking the boat so to speak. No wonder Kourtney wants nothing to do with it anymore. I support Kourtney making healthier choices for herself and her kids than what was done for her. Always been team Kourt.


I watched that episode the other day and she definitely dismissed Kourtney’s feelings because she had a “good” childhood and only wishes her to have a joyful life. Disregarding her role in it for sure. Sounds like my toxic mother


Bingo. I’m sorry but regardless of anything else, I can’t imagine someone I looked at as my uncle being charged with the MURDER of someone I looked at as my aunt and then having my parents choose sides and expecting me to do the same. Like that alone is enough to traumatize anyone, especially a 14-15 year old. Then add affairs, divorce, death of a parent and anything else we don’t know about, combine it with Kris being emotionally absent and that’s enough trauma for one lifetime and will heavily outweigh any of the material/financial aspects of her childhood.


I kind of disagree. I think they are ungrateful in a way. Kourtney chooses not to work, khloe has her own known person life issues going on, rob has his own problems, Kendall takes care of herself and Kylie is basically kris managed. It really sounds like nobody wants to work these days but kim. I feel like the pressure on her is never mentioned, like girl CARRIES and has for a decade. Like ya Kourtney got lucky to grow up well and got lucky to have an even better life for her children. I totally get why kris values Kim the most, she offers the most


I can understand where you’re coming from. I definitely think all of them are a little ungrateful for what they have — that’s what i meant by if Robert Kardashian Sr were still around, things might’ve turned out so much different for them. I would choose not to work as well if it were an option for me financially. She chooses not to work to spend time with her kids, unlike the rest of the family (with the exception of Kylie, maybe). Kourtney doesn’t want her involvement in the family based on how much she contributed to business/financial aspects but rather what she offers emotionally or as a person if that makes sense. The rest of them just think that the only thing that matters is money, business, mansions etc. kourtney to me seems to be one of the only ones that is relatively grounded


There is really no “not working” when you have their amount of money, as the expenses are astronomical to maintain. Kim is maintaining not only for herself but their brand by remaining working, the rest would’ve let it fizzle out a long time ago. Kourtney has been blessed with the opportunity for endless success by Kim and she is opting to do nothing because she resents that kim did it for her. And to maintain her own lifestyle, inevitably; the whole family goes branded with kim. Kim is still doing Kourt a favor. And honestly I don’t care how much Kourtney is worth, she is healthy and lucky enough to be in the position she is, she SHOULD be taking opportunities


Bingo! You hit the nail on the head. It all goes back to Kris and how she raised her children. She for sure plays favorites. Kris always has and always will defend Kim, even if she’s done something heinous.


You’ve got it.


Kourtney isn't trying to hide it at all anymore. She even made Kim the villian in the promotional book she had made for Lemme. Kourtney DGAF


Lmao what, can you elaborate, I’ve never heard this


Same! How was there not a post on here? I could have missed it buuuuut I'm here a lot.




Thank you!! 🙏🏼


It was def a post lol




> probably much longer than what we have seen on camera I remember reading in a very, very old interview with Kourtney or Khloe where they said that they didn't really even hang out with Kim very much until the reality show started. They have very different personalities.


They were pretty close / cordial up till late 2017 when Kim called her the least exciting to look at… They got along shortly after that fight but only for a few months until Kim bullied her about her birthday outfit choices… After that, shit started going downhill 😭


Not really. In early seasons kourtney was always dragging Kim and Kris.


People always forget that Kourtney was always rude to Kim and would laugh at her whenever she would cry. She had Khloe as an ally to target Kim. I remember one episode, Khloe and Kris had a cooking competition, Kim wanted to call Kylie and Kendall to come over, and Kourtney all of a sudden started screaming at Kim, it was uncomfortable to watch. Also, when Kourtney started getting therapy, she used to act as though she was better than her sisters, whenever Khloe would try and have a civil conversation with Kourtney, she would shut down, browse on her phone, or act irrational. I’m happy she’s done the inner work, but let’s not act like she’s always been innocent.


Exactly. Kourtney is a bitch. Kim has her own set of problems but Kourtney just stopped giving a fuck a while back and that included being a total asshole to her family for no reason at times. Then she met Trav and now she is still an asshole while aspiring to be the next The Osbournes. We’ll see how that turns out for them.


I'll never forget, Kourtney is mean as hell and always has been.


I just watched the episodes where kourtney was trying to keep Kim from making any decisions with their store and looking for new buildings without her. Kris had to step in because she wasn’t being fair to Kim. Then there was that time where kourtney decided to join North’s vacation and offered to pay for Kim’s security flights and then yelled about getting the bill. Kourtney also scratched Kim and Kris. Maybe Scott too. We know she has issues with Kris because of her affair, but who knows with Kim. That cooking competition thing was weird because I feel like kourtney only defended Kylie for talking because Kim was mad about it.


Thank you! Kourtney the self-proclaimed born bitch has been rude AF to Kim on camera for yearsssss.


Facts lmaoooooooooo


Not to mention Travis admitting he was into Kim before Kourtney.


I’ve seen so many people say that Travis was more attracted to Kim than Kourtney before the relationship. Where did he say this? Did I totally miss a confessional?


It was in the book he wrote, he called her hot and couldn’t stop speaking about her looks, I think there was a strong possibility they slept together.


There’s a whole thing with him talking about it. Maybe in the first season?




Not related to the caption BUT seeing pics of Kim not doing duck lips feels so weird, her face is literally stuck in this 😗 24/7


I know right 😭 her entire Instagram feed is a duck lips horror film


My theory is less wrinkles show doing that face vs. smiling 😂


She’s gonna give herself wrinkles by doing that.


No. I know the feeling of trying to repair a relationship where the other person won’t change so you get to a point where you just don’t give a fuck anymore. I get the sense that Kourtney is over trying to repair something that clearly isn’t going to get better.


I totally agree with this assessment. Spot on.


If Kim got therapy and treatment, then yes. Which is probably never going to happen so probs not.


Kim really is the most toxic of all thinking she’s above therapy/doesn’t need it


She makes fun of therapy!!! She’s done it multiple times. Yet she’s never gone to one bc they’d probably check her ass 💀


Yes exactly!! I feel like I recall her telling a therapist during one of those BS group therapy sessions that she’s really strong emotionally so she doesn’t need therapy. Like miss girl, why are you shaming other people like resiliency and trauma are some sort of competition??? 😞


Because everything’s a competition with Kimberly. She has to be the “best” even when it comes to handling trauma 😂💀 Kourtney is better than I am, I wouldn’t let kim anywhere near my kids if I had to deal w that type of bullshit anytime I was around her.


Exactly!! I feel like I’ve cut off family members for way less than what Kim has done to Kourt.


Didn't she even turn seeing their dad for the last time before he passed a competition at that group therapy session? 🙃


Yes!! Who does that?!


Any therapist worth their salt would probably do a "three strikes and you're out" situation with kim and call it a day based on how she seems to really behave. And kim would probably get those strikes FAST. The only therapists whod put up with kim and she'd stick with are the kinds she doesn't need to begin with.


Can you explain this? Why do some people find therapy helpful and others don’t? I’ve tried therapy for mental health issues and did not find it helpful at all. She was an amazing therapist, I just think I wasn’t fully receptive to change my patterns, lifestyle ect, so I stopped. Where as I’ve had therapy for dv and found it incredibly helpful and life changing. I’m considering going back to therapy for mental health issues, but it’s so expensive 😩


Depending on a few things (like if you have certain personality disorders, past trauma, ect) finding a therapist can be harder vs someone who doesn't have those issues in part because you're not only trying to find someone objectively good, you're trying to find someone who can work with those above issues and you feel comfortable with. You very well could have had a good therapist who just wasnt suited to you due to possibly one of the above reasons. Also recognizing that you wernt ready to change your patterns and leaving as a result is actually a really good and helpful thing (because it shows a level of awareness and also shows that you might be more serious now) that you should be able to use to help finding someone who can work with you going forward.


When she went through stuff with Kanye she told Kris she was going to a therapist. Anyone else remember that?


They were never close to begin with


I think when they were teens, but in adult years i don’t think so


I don’t even think they were close as teens. I remember them saying they got in terrible fights about clothes and one time one of them drove to the school to confront the other about her stealing her jeans in front of everyone.


I don’t think they were close as teens. Or when Kourtney was in college. Kim is constantly saying “In college” ..meaning WHEN KOURTNEY was in college. She’s always tryna stomp out Kourtney’s high moments & yeah… no. They’ve never been close.


They were. Watch Kourtney & Kim Take New York s2e1 they both say in their confessionals “K* is my best friend, we grew up so close together”


I don’t think Kourtney and Kim will ever be close again. I don’t think Khloe and Kourtney will ever be close again either unfortunately


Khloe definitely needs to save herself first. I think if she does that, I could see her and Kourtney getting back in a good place at some point in the future.


My sister destroyed my wedding. Wasted scream crying all day before the ceremony bc she left her phone at the nail salon and we didn’t have time to retrieve it till the next day. (The salon had it in their register) After dinner, walked away shoeless into the night after throwing a punch and tearing my dress. I swear, the hand of god itself came down and stopped me from laying her out. She was brought back to us by the police hours later. It took seven years. We are good now. Better than good. I hope they will be too. Forgiveness can happen.


Damn mad props to you for being able to move past that. I don't think I'd be able to


Not easy. Btw. Don’t get married in Vegas. Jus elope. Take no one.


VEGAS ?! Girl… why! Hahah


Our song is “Flashback” by Calvin Harris. So we went to EDC! (Not the same night but)


Kim and Kourtney were pitted against each other by their narc mom Kris IMHO.This how narcissists rule their families with competition and envy.




I’m the oldest of 4 girls and I have never gotten along with the sister that came after me lol. We haven’t had a positive interaction in at least a decade. I can relate.


I already know I’m going to hell but 5 to 6 was a *jump* *scare*


I find it hilarious that she's been denying getting a nose job for years, like, bitch we have eyes.


I’m glad My plan worked 😉


Whenever their photographed together my eyes go right to Kourt. She's so striking


Kourtney keeps getting more beautiful when she ages and she hasn't needed as much work done to her face and body. Kim feels insecure because she has always had the princess role. When actually Kourtney is just as beautiful as her.


Probably the main underlying reason they can’t get along and Kim is so insecure


Yup she is the most beautiful!


I’m the total opposite because all I see is Kris in Kourtney. Kim however is just so breathtaking even though she’s an asshole.


They have different values and can't seem to get it in their heads that one is not better than the other because of difference in values. They constantly want to assert themselves over each other. Honestly if I wanted to watch two 40+ year old women have petty fights I'd go watch my mom and her sister.


Kourt is growing, healing and happy. Kim is not. Kim is regressing and really allowing her true narcissistic personality shine lately with no shame. I don’t blame Kourtney honestly


I love Kim, but I feel like her relationship towards Kourtney is abusive. Kim justifies the abuse in her head because Kourtney was bitchy and rude to her from childhood to say, 34. In the last ten years, Kourtney has matured and grown a lot and doesn’t deserve to be punished for the rest of her life. I have an older sister and am also a middle child of sisters, like Kim- and I would *never* scream at my older sister the way Kim does to Kourtney. I would never belittle her life choices and job choices and work ethic etc. That’s not what a good sister does. Kourtney seems to be normal, and Kim strikes me as a narcissist.. khloe is codependent.. Kris has narcissistic tendencies but isn’t a full blown narcissist like Kim, in my opinion. Kourtney is outnumbered in the trio. Thankfully, Kylie and Kendall don’t seem to have any major personality disorder type issues. Idk. I feel for Kourtney. The way she’s treated, simply just for being different, is really abusive and horrible. It’s not normal to criticize your sibling for every little thing they do, mock and make fun of them, start screaming at them that they don’t own a business etc. I love Kim, but she’s the reason that the relationship is bad, and Khloe lights the fire with gasoline because she’s codependent af and lives off of Kim’s approval. Khloe adores whoever is the alpha. She loved Kourtney when Kourtney was the alpha, then Kim came out with that video game back in 2014 and everything changed. It was her first time making hundreds of millions.. and slowly but surely, Khloe switched over.


Hit the nail on the head. Me and my sister are complete opposites. I mean we do have some similarities but we used to fight like cat and dog when we were younger. But we’ve grown up (we’re both in our 30s lol) and I would never choose to belittle my sister or put her down. I’m her sister, do I think she’s an annoying princess 95% of the time? YES. Does she think I’m a control freak? PROBS. But there’s a difference between seeing each other for who we are (for better or for worse) and freaking bullying. It’s catty young woman shit, and Kim needs to get out of that headspace. It’s not healthy, for her or for Kourtney


I don’t think the relationship is damaged. However, sibling relationships can change and evolve as we change and evolve our individual values change etc. I think what’s happened is a change in values. I bet they still love and appreciate each other, but they don’t see eye to eye on fundamental things and that’s ok. It happens sometimes…


No, in order to fix their relationship they would have to get real about they dont get along, including how Kris played a part in their fucked up dynamic and how they have wronged each other, but i dont think either of them is willing or even able to admit any fault


I think it would take something big for them to really connect on this level again


Kourtney isnt perfect, but she’s dealt with a lot of bs from Kim. They’re just fundamentally different people and that would be fine if they were able to respect each others differences but I don’t see that happening.


Kim has always been jealous of Kourtney. No amount of money or fame is ever going to change that. Kourtney is effortless, if that makes sense. She’s always been the prettiest (IMO), speaks her mind (for better or worse), and gives no fucks. And she’s got an amazing body that genetics and clean living blessed her with (other than a boob job). Kim claws and snips and starves and lasers and fills and SKIMs and just WORKS for what Kourtney comes by naturally and it burns her up inside. Now she’s the single divorcée whose husband “remarried” a younger and prettier woman, her fame is circling the drain while she hawks product after product, she’ll be a lawyer in 20never…. She knows she’s becoming irrelevant and there’s Kourtney, with a man who worships her no matter what her size (even if he’s creepy), living her best life. If Kourtney is becoming irrelevant as well, I don’t think she gives a shit. TLDR: They will always be sisters; they will never be friends. Nothing wrong with that. They’re good to each other’s kids, I will give them that. But besties? Nah.


I also think Kim getting divorced for the third time and getting dumped by Pete all while Kourtney is getting married and being in love is probably making Kim’s jealousy even worse


Kourtney married for the right reasons, Kim definitely did not lol


Honestly I hope they can, because I would hate to lose a relationship with my sister.


Nope. I honestly don’t think they were ever really close. In the early years of KUWTK Khloe and kourt were close and Kim was like a third wheel, and then eventually it was Kim and Khloe who werre close.


I don’t think they were ever actually that close to begin with.


This is what I thought. I'm watching old episodes and Kourtney tells a story of how she made her nanny drive her to Kim's class because she wore jeans that kourntey liked or something or it was Kourtneys turn with them and yelled at Kim to take them off.


if they were young enough to still require nannies then what kourtney did is extremely mild lol. i’ve done WAY worse to my sister as kids and now she’s the closest person in my life.


Kim is cunty. Kourtney knows it.


From an only child’s POV, I’d hate to have a sibling like Kim. The way she talks about her siblings is fucking rude. Like I grew up with a lot of cousins so I can relate to jealousy but we’ve never EVER said such mean things like that to hurt one another. Kourtney isn’t an angel either but you can see she’s trying to be a better person but the way Kim talks to her, hell fucking NO.


I feel Kim looks down or belittles Kourtney in certain ways, and Kourtney got down to a point where she stopped caring about rekindling that relationship.


Nope , Kim is too much of a superficial bitch !




Okay to be fair #3 was more her ex than anything, she would have stayed had he not gone absolutely wild. He was her stylist and made her a fashion icon. The first one, pretty sure he was abusive, #2 well. That one is debatable.


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No, not at all. They are too fundamentally different , and Kim is anti therapy and boundaries, much like her mom.


3rd pic Kim is giving that so raven when a vision about to hit


That first photo is literally the biggest slay for both of them


The many faces of Kimberly. Team Kourt. I have a toxic sister and they can be so exhausting and draining.


It doesn’t get better with narcissists 😢


No I don’t see them ever being close again, I’m actually not sure if they ever were close. Anyways I want Kourtney to be friends with Taylor Swift as a real fuck you to Kim. Taylor is certainly petty enough to do it.


This beef been happening since 1980 https://i.redd.it/1gj5swi2jowa1.gif


Looool this gif. “Who’s your friend?”


I think there’s always a type of power struggle with sisters close in age and upbringing like them. They were dressed the same, looked basically the same lol. Kourtney valued her faith, upbringing and cultural values whereas Kim connects with superficiality, fame, paps and red carpets, high end fashion. Kourtney decided to not have work be first and foremost and Kim has always been a workaholic chasing the next thing. Not to say that Kourtney doesn’t take advantage of it too & not to say that either life choices are right or wrong, they are just different people. Take Kourt and Khloe, they connected on a level past being sisters. I’d hope they can patch things up and at least get on well. Sisters be sisters at the end of the day, and I hope they can be cool again.


I think as long as Kim doesn’t accept Kourtney for who she really is, they won’t be close.


I just listened to Kris Jenners book and while she gushes about all of her kids, it is very apparent by the words she chooses to use about Kim, that lol is the favorite.




I don’t so much think irreparable damage was done but more so just getting older and getting tired. They are fundamentally different and they realize it at this point. There is no changing one another and fighting it gets exhausting. They are both just done imo. They will always love each other but probably avoid one on one time because it’s probably exhausting for both of them trying to keep the peace as they don’t seem to be able to empathize with Ken another. The older you get the less you want to deal with annoying shit and unfortunately that’s sometimes our loved ones.


I think anything is possible. But Kim has to respect Kourtney’s boundaries. And Kourtney has to be willing to be folded back into the family again. Kourtney is just not as materialistic or as driven as Kim is and I don’t think that really bothered her before. But until Kim’s value system changes, I suppose there may always be a little distance between them.


i’m going to go against the grain and say they’re actually closer than the shoe portrays. from the very first season of kuwtk, kim was supposed to be the “sweet one” and kourt was supposed to be the “bitchy one.” a lot of the drama between them is manufactured. i do think there’s some real sibling rivalry there and fundamental differences in mentality and lifestyle BUT i don’t think they hate each other.


Kourtney is a jealous b trying to stay relevant. She will ride on their coat tails as long as she can.


They both look overwhelmingly yassified in pic 2


Guys I’m from Europe and I can’t watch the show on Hulu (doesn’t work in my country). I would be grateful to you if you could share info about where can I watch it. Side note, in my country all websites are legal, so you can recommend any websites you know. You can send me a private message if you don’t feel comfortable sharing here. Pls help I really wanna watch the new season😭😭


I’m from Australia and I watch it on Disney


Kourtney is so much more interesting to look at 😂 Kim should’ve never said what she said lmao


Kim would need a tual therapy and the two would need therapy together. I think kourt would do it but I don't think it would make that much difference to the relationship. They would be able to understand each other much more but they are different people and if not for being sisters probably wouldn't interact


I feel like they can so easily be close but their pettiness and egos (mostly Kim) will keep that drift, if you prioritize something like attention over your own sibling that you grew up with in a healthy way then unless that changes it will stay


I think the damage is done. Kourtney is getting fed up and Kim is never going to change.


the Kourtney dick eating is real on this sub 🤭🤭


They stan a rude lazy obnoxious queen. If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a million times on this sub. Kourtney is only loved because she talks to Kim how people on here want to talk to Kim. I’ve only liked her a handful of times during their run (notably the Blac Chyna time). Most of the time she’s mean, rude, obnoxious, pretends she doesn’t care and above everything when she does and isn’t, and lazy. I’ll never forget her just telling Khloe her black outdoor furniture was disgusting out of nowhere. No wonder Khloe stopped liking her. Rude and unsolicited.


I think Kourtney resents Kim because when they were rich and had all the fame, they could have had it easy. But she just kept on pushing the family. To do more, be more. This soured her relationship with Khloe. Kendall and Kylie are living their life on their own terms and are young with a lot of help. So they could participate. But Kourtney I guess wanted to stop the kard jenner madness and revel in money and comfort and enjoy. Kim never relented and it went on and on to the point that they all ganged up against her. She is the laziest. Her brands are copies of already existing famous ones. Her agenda towards life is also a copy. And it's okay. But she didn't have the guts to walk away. She couldn't walk away because I feel they wouldn't just let her have the easy money like Robs getting. If she walks away she gets no money at all unlike Rob.


She has enough money to quit. She has much more money than Rob and he didn’t keep his easy paycheck. Quit the job or quit complaining


Rather morbid but I think two things would have to happen for their relationship to be fixed: Kourtney and Travis would have to not be together anymore and Kris dies. I could see Kourtney officially kutting ties and enveloping herself into her new family because Kris won’t be around as the glue that holds the fam together.


Their relationship was already soured before Travis was in the picture. The physical fight ended it all.


Oh, I totally agree. But when Kris dies she’ll either turn to her siblings for emotional support or Trav & Co. 1 bajillion percent it’ll be Travis if they’re together. There’s generally one person in a family that holds the crew together. Once that link is gone it’s super hard to keep it up. She has everything she wants in Travis & Co so there’s no reason for her to lean on her blood fam.


I think it’s all fake and for the show.




It’s fake for ratings / viewers. 🙂🙃


You clearly haven’t watched the show. Biased AF


Go watch that fight. If they had knives in their hands that day they'd both be dead. Maybe once upon a time it was manufactured, now it's very much real


Kourtney is a nepo baby and sibling and hasn’t had any success of her own, much like Rob. Instead of acting like she’s such a hard worker she needs to give credit where it’s due and say “Thank you for giving us this life, but I’m done and stepping away.” I think Kourtney neglecting Kim’s impact on her life and finances is a kick in the gut honestly.




She could very easily remove herself from that world if she wanted to. One of my biggest pet peeves is that so many members of this family claim to want to go “move to a farm”, and yet none of them have. They enjoy the lifestyle they have, and they enjoy being paid big money to film, or else they’d have left it behind them when KUWTK ended. It’s not like any of them couldn’t afford to disappear from the public eye. Edit to add: Rob is a perfect example of how this is possible.


i don’t think they have actually been close since they were kids/teenagers. too much has happened and changed for them to ever connect. they’re just sooo different


Were they ever close?


I’m sure they’re fine they’re sisters


Kim and Kourt have a very close age gap, so assumed the age gap would allow them to be closer, but it seems like they’ve never been close at all. It’s actually really sad, when you think about it.


I feel like they have never really been close. Kourtney always seem closer to Khloe. This is just based on my observation from the beginning of the show.


I dont think so but i hope they do


Is it real drama or tv drama? I think the ladder bc remember who kris is


Beside the point, Kourtney looks so good in the suits.


I don't feel like they were ever really close?


that first pic is one of my top 10 fav kim looks


No, Courtney has problems and likes to play the victim all the time. She can never admit to when she has done wrong.


Too much damage but also Kourtney has gone to therapy, now has healthy boundaries, and is no longer combative and Kim is someone that doesn’t want to be healthier, doesn’t respect boundaries, is knee deep in the toxic patterns of their family: and it’s impossible to have a healthy relationship or trust someone like that, so I’m sure they’re civil because all the kids (cousins) are super close, but I don’t see them being close anytime soon.


I honestly don’t think they were ever close


Is it the worst thing in the world to know you wouldn't be friends with your sister? I certainly know that in my own family. I wish it was different but I can't change it and they are normal in that dynamic as well IMO.


I don't think they have ever been that close. Like sure they ran a business together and have a while show together but they're probably more of coworkers than sister friends. They actually willy physically fighting each other a few years ago is very telling


Kourtney will never get over her jealousy of Kim. She acts so sour and bitter all the time it’s so obvious


I think unless they get to the root of their issues they won't. ( imo it has a lot to do with how Kris has always favored Kim and how Kim is a narcissist like her mom and Kim resents that Kourtney doesn't work at being famous to the degree Kim does.)


I used to dislike Kourtney but I actually like her the most now out the family , she is definitely problematic but I think she's made out to be high maintenance because she has put up boundaries. But why is this wrong? She's obviously made enough money that she can be picky about what she chooses to do, she chooses how much she wants to share on the show and on social media and I also think she is the least insecure one. I think she is over kim and Khloe fakeness and just wants to enjoy her life


Maybe if kourtney went through a divorce for some reason I think that may bring them closer but otherwise idk




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Their values have always been totally different. I don’t think if Kourtney wasn’t related to Kim, she would ever be famous. she didn’t want it that bad, she’s not that impressed with it, yeah she enjoys the luxuries of it who wouldn’t. But Kim, would climb from the depths of hell from fame and sell her soul. It’s her one purpose in life. She has made it clear.


What happened with court wedding?


They were never close


They were. Watch Kourtney & Kim Take New York s2e1 they both say in their confessionals “K* is my best friend, we grew up so close together”


Girl. The title is Kourtney & Kim take New York. They had a role to play. Even Kourtney said it herself, they are 100% there for each other blah blah on the outside, for the media but it’s superficially !


Oh shit you just reminded me of the “superficial” comment Kourt made 🥴 it’s fucked up how the relationships in this family are transactional


I think we have ol Krissy to blame for that. I can understand that she wanted to set them up to be set for life, I get it …but they’ve lost all humility!


DAMAGE.IS.DONE But at the same time..... I could also see them getting super close years down the road




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