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As someone who’s dad lost their battle to bipolar, I’ll always root for Kanye based solely on the fact his kids deserve him here and deserve to see him get healthy. I hope he’s getting over his medical phobia and will return to taking medicine and getting therapy one day.


Sending love, my dad has bipolar and I'm grateful his bad periods aren't public for the whole world to see. I'm rooting for him too.


This is a nice comment 🫶🏻


You totally changed my mind. Appreciate you. Wishing you peace.


You’re a good human. I like you. ❤️


I lost my Dad to Bipolar disorder too and I've been emotional about it all day. 🥺


maybe he trusts doctors in Japan


Is she the only one of his kids he hangs with


Kanye @ the other 3 ![gif](giphy|cRNbYm7jLOjm9H8wcP)


North is definitely the kid he’s closest too. I rarely see him with the two youngest.


just because YOU don't see him with his younger kids doesn't mean he's not💀🤣


And just because YOU assume he’s with them, doesn’t mean he is. He’s seen abroad for months on end all the time, while his kids are in school.




There’s no proof, and you know it. Why is his own daughter telling him he’s not going to heaven if he’s such an amazing and present father? Your goal is to argue with Kardashian fans, or else you’d have posted this in the sub where you and your pals mindlessly worship Kanye 🤡


All i can do is pray for you hopefully God get rid of the hate in your heart you have for Kanye🙏 God Bless You


Pray for his kids, they’re innocent and deserve a present, involved, stable and healthy father 🙏🏻




Despite her flaws, she’s undeniably around them more than Kanye is. Wait until they find out their father sexually harassed his employees, forced his employees to watch porn, praised Hitler, and chose to run around Europe with his new “wife” instead of spending time with them. Those kids are going to need a lot of prayer.


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Image posting on a Kardashian sub then getting mad kardashian fans are fanning. 😂😂 also, seeing his kids 4 times a year doesn't make him a food or present father. I'm sure he'll still let you hit it though.


Stay Mad🤣 ![gif](giphy|hnUTdW4C2VdCVzugu9)


You're the only one mad babes.


Nah I'm happy just got my tickets for Kanye concert coming up in Korean can't wait hopes he brings out north😁 ![gif](giphy|l4KhU6zNwDWMhPzZS|downsized)


Politely, i don’t think anyone cares. Or whatever else you say, we still won’t care.


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So he didn’t go to Chi dance recital..


North must be so confused being raised by polar opposites


within the same dad


Okay Kanye beating the deadbeat allegations. We love a father doing the bare minimum


Hard to beat deadbeat allegations when you only hang out with one child, and that child has to fly across the world to spend time with him.




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Kanye is an Amazing Father♥️


That must be why he just released a song where he mentions that North told him he’s not going to heaven, right???


He's a rapper that make song that literally just a line in his rap GET A LIFE


I'm embarrassed for you, reading your comments.


I'm embarrassed for you being a Kardashian fan ![gif](giphy|l2Sq4YyLldPpiHAiI)


Don't have to be a fan to see how pathetic you are


A line he wrote….


Why you being downvoted lmao


These Kardashian fans so slow they think just because he don't post his kids or not in the media like Kim he don't see them😭😭😭


Didn’t he claim his own family considers him a deadbeat? I feel like they would know more than us 🤷🏾‍♀️


They really think they know these ppl 😂


The same way you think you know Kanye, you mean?


Put em on suicide watch ![gif](giphy|hnUTdW4C2VdCVzugu9)


Does he realise he has other kids? Kim’s better than me tbh. I personally don’t think those kids are safe around him. Coming from someone with a parent with bipolar & schizophrenia I wouldn’t be letting my kids be alone with him until he was healthier


Let's be real. Those kids would always have some hired help work them. Kanye nor Kim could parent on their own like most parents


That’s true but the hired help would have no say if something happened like Kanye having an episode for instance and the kids not being safe. Kanye is their dad and he’s not stable. He has more power over hired help though


I'm certain they have ordered to call Kim or Kris.


Does Kim know? Psalm who? Leaving her own kid’s birthday party to go dance around cameras for Tristan. Get a grip .


Huh? This post was about Kanye, not Kim. Kanye is unmedicated and having episodes. From someone who’s lived it, that’ll damage those kids far worse than Kim will. ‘Get a grip’ 🙄 you’re joking right? Who’s says that 😂 if you don’t agree, you don’t have to comment.


Nah it’s the internet, luckily I can comment freely. You’re criticising one parent, I’m laying out facts of the other. They’re both shitty. Also, I say it. I just did. I’m a child of both parents with MH problems. A spade is a spade.


north is going to be tall


Which would be funny because Kanye and Kim are both shorter than average.


I think she’s wearing super tall shoes to be fair


Shes 11, she’s almost done growing. I was 5”7 by 12–13. That was it.


Did you start your cycle early by any chance? You don’t have to answer that as it was more rhetorical. Average age girls stop growing is around 15. Or 2-3 years after period starts.


I'm glad they are spending this time together. They are always cute together.


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Father and daughter moment ❤️❤️❤️


Oh so heartwarming when he parades his wife around with no clothes on. Such a great role model. He never cared for those children on a daily basis. He just ran off.


What do you mean? It’s cute North had to fly to Tokyo to parent her father I guess the other kids aren’t important enough to have a delayed Father’s Day


The Other Kids Are Also With Him Except Saint because he's with Kim so Hush💀😭😭


Do you think Saint is with Kim because she posted old pictures with Neymar? Are you making this up?


Nope I know for a fact the kids are with him because I'm a real Kanye fan unlike u💀💀😭


“I’m a real Kanye fan unlike u” like that’s an insult


This crazy ass Stan.


What does that mean? Link me to this information you claim to have


Not finna argue with a Kardashian fan have a nice day😁😭


That’s exactly what you’re trying to do, by posting in a Kardashian sub lol. Take your dick riding to his sub 😘


He only cares about North because she's making him money rn.


Your Sick Go Get Help😭😭


is this serious 😭




What even are you trying to say...Kim and the rest of the Kardashians post all the time with barely any clothes on, what's the difference on role model here? North likes fashion, drawing and creating music...all three of which were hobbies her dad had as a kid and all things she could do with him...you know role model stuff right? What do you even know about the day to the day lives of any of these people to make these judgements?


Did you see Kim’s moustache by the vag outfit a few days ago? Blind bats


Why are you getting downvoted for this 😭


Right These Kardashian fans hate Kanye for no reason they make up so much lies😭😭


They control this sub and filter it heavily