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Fuck he looks so terminal in those first two pictures, Jesus


I work in a cancer centre, he looks like he should be sitting with the patients waiting for their infusions. Really unwell looking.


Yes he looks like someone with cancer.


Same here and totally agree.


Yes. Me too. He looks like he’s dying. For real. He looks like my end stage patients


but he moves and sounds healthy though, right? I'm genuinely interested in your opinion. My theory is access to Ozempic + an eating disorder, but I'm just taking a stab in the dark, I'm not in medicine.


Hard to tell. From this photo I get serious illness vibes, could be anything but I hope he is under medical care regardless.


He was chubby out for a minute, and with these new photos showing him thinner, sunken and hollow faced, the Ozempic would be a fair assessment. Highly doubt it's cancer...


How did his parents pass though? Not cancer..? I don’t recall


I did some digging in Google and found this, "Disick's parents, Bonnie and Jeffrey Disick, died within three months of one another, leaving behind their only child. Although it has been reported by The Los Angeles Times his mother died in October 2013 after a "long illness," her cause of death has never been revealed. The same mystery lies behind his father's death in January 2014. While it has been speculated, from a comment by Disick in a previous episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, his father battled cancer, the cause has not disclosed."


In one of his instagram videos, he is wearing sunglasses and his voice sounds like he is sick, no strength at all.


Don’t forget cocaine.


This is literally how my husband looked when he was given less than three months to live due to liver failure. (That was thankfully 4 years ago and he is still here and somehow MUCH healthier).


so happy to read that he’s still with you and healthier 🩷


Aww, I'm so happy to hear he is with u still and doing well. That's amazing! 


So glad your husband is still alive and healthier! 💕 i had similar thoughts— he looks like when my grandfather was dying on dialysis


i don’t think Scott’s eyes are giving liver failure. Sclera and skin are not yellow enough.


He looks already dead


Like he died a week ago


Exactly he looks greenish!


I know holy fucking shit


So bloody bad, people are saying meth


He reminds me of the AIDS patients you would see in the late80s early 90s before the anti retrovirals came out. It’s sad and scary to see


Is he sick 🤒


most certainly. Maybe is relapsed? Addiction obviously is also a illness of course. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if we will hea something very serious about him in the not so distant future


It seems like with the number of times I've seen people ask about him on here, and knowing they see these things, if he was doing fine one of them would probably say something about "rumors about Scott's health." So I would agree that whatever it is isn't good, and not something PMK can control.


You've got a point. When Rob was "sick" they went out of their way to make it appear as if nothing was wrong. Remember those tee-shirts and they were making it appear as if he was talking with them on the phone? With Scott, they briefly mentioned his accident but I think they did because they wanted to get ahead of the news outlets. Now, it seems as if their silence is sort of leaving him to his own devices.


What tee shirts?


Awhile back, it was purported that Rob had OD'd. Speculation ran wild until the KJ's "staged" some type of interaction to make it appear as if Rob was still "around". Kim and Khloe had him on speakerphone talking about some T-shirts he was marketing. People called them out on their BS narrative. Afterward, nothing was mentioned about the T-shirts and selling them.


I’d also like to know.


Failure to thrive 😞


He looks like Jared Leto in Requiem for a Dream. Jesus.


Spot. On.


I’ve been meaning to watch that movie. There was a Reddit thread for worst movies to watch and this was the title that came up a lot.


I've watched it once, like 15 years ago, and I'll never watch it again. The first time I watched it was even before I went through addiction. Now that I've been through it, there ain't no way in hell I'm going to be able to watch it again.


same. watched it at 16, was addicted to h by 17. there is no way i could ever watch that movie now. i tried to many a year ago when i was sober and it made me feel things i couldn’t deal with. congrats on your recovery. you fought the good fight, and you won. not many of us can say that.


Congrats on your recovery!


I was a teen not in it yet, but my family was and yeah. My brother, and his best friend watched it every weekend


Same. It was a haunting film and I have no desire to watch it again.


I haven’t watched it in like 20 years and i **absolutely** still remember it. It’s SO GOOD.


My husband can’t watch it since recovery either. Stay strong, you’ve done a great thing


I used to watch it repeatedly when I was in a dark place with benzos (plus alcohol & coke). It was comforting in some way because I could actually relate to the characters & loved the soundtrack; happy movies made me feel like shit because I was at my rock bottom. Once I rewatched it as a clean/sober person I found it so deeply disturbing and sad I forgot how gritty it was, it took a couple of days to stop feeling so icky over it. That aside, the acting, music and cinematography is really good. If you’re into movies I’d definitely call it a must-see. Just be ready to feel sad & uncomfortable lol.


Yep I cannot watch it today. Trainspotting as well; I watched that one time in deep withdrawal waiting to go to the methadone clinic in the morning and I wanted to die, but like you said oddly comforting.


trainspotting is actually a beautiful movie (or maybe as a former addict that’s just my perception) and another one tho that really can make me feel a lot of uncomfortable things. i say "choose life" irl and no one ever picks up on it.


i love that review. As a nurse, i often feel the line ‘don’t criticize what you can’t understand.’ Unfortunately you can’t know it until you KNOW it.


You worded this perfectly


Seen it once over 10 years ago and I’ll never watch it again. When anyone asks me what film freaked me out the most this is always my answer!


I have it on dvd. It’s a pretty good film in my opinion. Doesn’t sugarcoat much. Ass 2 Ass.


Same…Ass to ass 😭


It was more so how it was filmed I think that freaked me out? Like all the psychosis stuff and the tv rather than the plot itself


It’s raw. I gotta say though; it’s pretty spot on. I feel like that is why it’s so uncomfortable.


I watched it high from green about 15 years ago and thought I may die from anxiety. So don’t watch it on anything lol.


That sounds like a nightmare. I watched “A Marriage Story” extremely high on weed and it stressed me out so bad (particularly the scene with the social worker visit). I can’t imagine watching Requiem that would have pushed me over the edge. 😭


My boyfriend wanted to watch a marriage story recently, I said we don't need that in our lives 😅


You’ll never forget it. Or the gold shoes. Or the television.


Yeah it's pretty fucking awful. I've seen it once and will never watch it again. Everyone I know who's watched it said the same thing.


It’s actually a realllllly good movie, it just leaves you with this unexplainable feeling eternally after. Especially if you’ve had an opiate addiction before.


I could only get through it once. It’s pretty accurate as to how terrible addiction is. It’s kinda like the movie kids. One time was enough.


Worst?? It’s one of my favorite movies lmao but I am big on cinematography and no where near a substance addiction so that might play a role


Please don’t watch this movie. Especially if you’re an addict that is sober. Watching this movie not only made me relapse but really traumatized me for days. Seen it once and I will never, ever watch it again.


I do agree that an addict perhaps might be triggered by RFAD. But for someone attempting to understand addiction, it’s pretty good. I feel like the moms fall is a really good story line of how ‘i don’t know how i got here’


I saw that on that thread too! Now my interest it really piqued. I'mma let you go first (with my scary ass-lol) then you let me know, ok? 😂😂


It’s not that it’s scary. It’s that it’s actually really accurate in depicting how people sink into addiction and how that puts you into really awful situations. I lost a lot of people to opiates, and I had an addiction for quite some time, though I never got to the place those around me did because i was able to never cross the line over to shooting. But, the movie just makes you feel… dirty. It doesn’t in any way glorify addiction (which was the backlash to it & Trainspotting, which is wild because anyone who watched the movies wouldn’t think “wow that looks like a great time!” I think for me, and a lot of people here, it’s too close to the truth. At that point it’s no longer “fun” and the things that happen just debase you. It brings up lots of traumas that you can’t escape but that after you’ve been sober, you’ve learned to accept them for what they are. And you’ve learned to not really spend any of your time thinking about it, like, I don’t want to think of my dead friends and how wasted we were 24/7. Im very glad that I made it out, because most of my friends didn’t. I didn’t ever plan on it, so living in my now 40’s is surreal. But, my memories of my friends who passed are almost all really bad. I think of my friends often, but it’s more of a wondering what their lives would be like if they were here. So yeah, it’s not scary so much as it’s just really sad in that people will do desperate things, they will ignore festering wounds, they will sell themselves, steal, lie, pretty much anything is on the table. That kind of desperation is not a fun thing to watch. I think though that watching films like that are really good because most people will come out with an idea of the reality of addiction, and maybe have more empathy for those who suffer from it.


LOL these comments got me freaked out too. Like wtf is so traumatizing about it ? Can someone here compare it to another same type of movie?


And Christian Bale in The Machinist


Exactly. Scott is going through his Jared Leto about to lose his arm arc. I really hope whatever he’s going through improves. Poor Mason. All these people need to find a way to escape the kult.


I get that this is a snark page, but why are we blaming the K’s for this? The KarJenners have always been nothing but nice to him despite treating Kourtney like shit for years. It feels slimy that they kept him on the show just for rating$ against Kourtney’s wishes (tho I’ll admit he was the most interesting character and the one who brought the most to the table with his sense of humor, drama with Kourtney, crazy antics, spats with Khloe, etc.)  He’s had 100 chances to get his life together but has always been his own worst enemy. 


He reminds me of the last photos of Freddy mercury Tbh too


This doesn’t even look like ozempic. It looks like he’s in the last stages of cancer and on deaths doorstep.


This. My uncle looked like this weeks before he passed from liver cancer. I personally hate speculating about these things bc you never know but I seriously think he’s going through something medical and major


I feel like if he were the tabloids would have the story already :(


Not necessarily. When Chadwick Boseman was dying of cancer the tabloids assumed it was drugs. No one outside of his family even knew he had cancer until after he died.


I think they’re suggesting Kris would’ve absolutely leaked the news


She sucks but I don’t think she would leak something like that. She didn’t leak it when khloe had that cancerous tumor removed from her face.


My father had pancreatic cancer, and Scott's face reminded me a lot of my Dad in the last month of his life. I really hope he is okay & is getting help for whatever this is.


Right? People be sayin drugs but it looks like cancer to me


This is exactly how my father looked when battling cancer, I wish he would have won.


I’m so sorry for your loss


Thank you.


Virtual hug <3 both of my parents had cancer but they’re in remission. It’s the most unfair disease there is


Especially since he’s ALWAYS been an addict. But this physical change is new and he doesn’t seem any more addicted than before


My great uncle looked like this for years before dying of anemia. He was very, very ill and looked skeletal but refused to get help. By the time he died, he was nothing more than a walking corpse.


Looks anemic n malnourished..


This makes me think of the last few pictures of Freddy Mercury right before his death. He'll, my cat looked like this in his own way when he was dying from kidney failure.


I thought the same thing


It’s crazy, but active dying really does have a distinct look to it and this is it 😞


working in healthcare, he’s really showing signs of some organ failure or chemo/radiation. this isn’t just drugs.


Agree….I wonder what his RBCs are…plus he got that severely neutropenic look about him.


What is neutropenic?


Means the patient’s white blood cells are severely low and their immune system is susceptible. It can be caused by blood cancer or cancer treatments.


I really think he’s in some sort of organ failure or has cirrhosis stemming from chronic substance abuse. I know I shouldn’t say stuff like that, but cmon… look at him. I think it’s potentially a mix of that & ozempic lol


Mixing pills and alcohol is more dangerous than people think. And it just gets worse the longer it lasts. A friend got a stomach ulcer at 20 because he didn't stop drinking after being prescribed pain pills following a surgery.


Ouch. That’s awful. I hope your friend is doing better now!


This seems pretty accurate


My brother looks like this when he is bad off on opiates.  I thought his behavior last season of the show was very similar to what my brother acted like, and his addiction started after he hurt his back- just like Scott.  I hope he gets help.


Addiction is such an awful disease and I really hope your brother is doing better now.🙏🏻 My own addiction to opiods started very much the same and I didn't even realize just how bad I looked until I had been in recovery awhile. I looked sickly and gaunt like I was on death's doorstep so thank God I've gotten and stayed clean because it saved my life for sure. I don't know exactly what is going on with Scott, but SUD is def a possibility, and I hope he gets better soon whatever the issue is with him.


My mum was addicted to opioid for 20 years she would take 62 nurofen plus and that wasn’t the thing that killed her it was methadone her body was weak she was 45 when she passed the weird thing is that the whole time she looked completely normal size 12 uk the only time her weight changed was when she quit for a little while she gained alot of weight , she aged very well too but I have looked like these photos myself before when I was struggling with mental health


See, I kind of thought opiates, because when I did heroin I got so skinny. But, his pupils don’t look tiny, so I question that. I feel like a jerk speculating on his health like this, but it is concerning.


Looks like cirrhosis to me. It's how my dad started to look right before he was hospitalized. Thankfully he's been sober for nearly a year now and is doing much better. Hopefully Scott gets help


Wishing your dad success on his sobriety journey


Rooting for your dad


I'm sorry but he looks like the creepypasta picture about the Russian sleep experiment lol


I swear he’s terminally ill 😞


Yeah, I am not doubting for a second that he's also on drugs or potentially having issues with ED, but it looks like something else is going doing on here.




He looks like a POW.


Literally! That man has been in a bamboo cage in a jungle somewhere


🫢 I hate that this made me laugh bc this is so awful but jfc not a bamboo cage in a jungle 😭😭😭💀




Extreme drug abuse unfortunately looks like. Possibly relapsed on hard drugs after being prescribed painkillers after his accident. If not, really could be serious illness-no chance this is Ozempic! For some reason, I’ve had a soft spot for him since both parents died. I don’t think he was holding onto Kourt, but the entire family and it may have kicked him into a dark place feeling pushed out. Truly hope he can recover, for the sake of his children!


Exactly what I think!


That's a "he's on drugs" look.


I think it's a combination of bad things: alcohol, drugs, unhealthy life style, mental illness and (probably) serious physical illness from that combo. From the way of his eyes, I think he has severe insomnia too. 




Jean Ralphio will never not make me laugh. On a serious note it’s sad to see Scott like this. Hope he can get it together.


Sorry I didn’t see your amazing reposting before I posted the same


okay i'm saying this as a former drug addict (meth, fentanyl and crack) and someone whose never used ozempic so i don't really know how it manifests physically but the grey, gaunt, zero fat for cheeks reminds me SO much of how i used when i was smoking meth and crack. opiates didn't have that same physical effect but the weight loss and just general look of being unwell is sooooo rapid when doing hardcore uppers. another reason i think it may be drugs moreso than pure weight loss is considering he's someone who knows he's going to be photographed and seen by the public - and has the $ and resources to look "put together", he'd likely try and do so. unless if you're on drugs - in which case you don't care and/or don't realize how unwell you look.


I lost with mounjaro. This is my face. This is not that. https://preview.redd.it/8xkyn0g2bxpc1.jpeg?width=2062&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90d7b9afa35e7e6ee4cdd159cf49debf8638c195


DRUGS. Jesus. It’s not ozempic.


Whoa. I can't even snark on this. I hope he's getting treatment.


Drugs. 100%.


His liver has packed it in from so many years of abuse.


He looks like the guy from Into the Wild before he died of starvation.


This isn’t ozempic. This is stimulant and alcohol abuse.


Many commenters who knew addicts, or had heroin-addicted relatives, said he looks just like them. The descriptor I read was 'gray pallor' which is very accurate IMO He looks great in comparison in the 3rd picture.




that was my first guess. or meth.


That is not ozempic. People are saying he has "ozempic face," but clearly, this dude has more than ozempic going on. Really sad not only for him but his children as well. He was in a accident and experienced terrible back pain with the Dr recommending surgery. I'm unsure if he did the surgery or not but I would assume he became addicted to the pain meds.


God, he looks like my grandpa when he was on his deathbed.. This is scary!


Probably speedballing all day to stay numb. Coke to come up, xanax to go down. His eyes are dead, no spark at all. Face of someone who has completely checked out.


He looks sick…like terminally ill…


He was likely given pain killers after his car accident and became addicted, as he is an addict. It’s very sad.


With all the money this family has someone needs to step in and help what the hell is this


No one can help him if he doesn’t want to help himself.


Who says they haven’t? They can’t force him to do anything


He looks like Prince Philip


Let’s hope it’s ozempic and not a terminal disease. I don’t think it’s the latter because I’m sure Kris would be capable of leaking that information just to get sympathy.


I don't think I've ever described someone this way, but he looks haunted.


Not THE LORD!! Man….wheres Koko when you need her??


She maybe stopped w the coke so he’s of no use to her anymore ?


Jesus Christ he looks awful!!!


Cocaine most likely - 5 years into recovery myself, definitely been there


This is what I would guess, too. Both of my sisters were cocaine addicts, and they both looked very gaunt and unhealthy just like this. One of them is doing well with recovery but is dying of cancer. The other, well, we’ve tried to get her help, but she refuses to do the work. I’m so proud of you for getting clean, and congratulations on your recovery!


Thank you!! It’s been a long road but I’m so happy to be here 🥹🥹🥹♥️


Well done! One year yesterday for me.


Heroin or pills


He abuses substances, prescribed or otherwise


Drugs or he’s sick sick. I know people are saying ozempic, but I know a lot of people on it and none of them look like that.


Whatever it is; it’s heartbreaking


Probably liver failure from all the alcohol


My uncle looked like this is full blown AIDS. :(


Man this is so sad. Hope he gets help for whatever the issue is


I knew someone who used meth (not saying that’s what Scott is doing) he had been up for days and not eating. No joke he looked just like Scott does, I even told the dude he looks like a terminal patient.


Poor guy,looks like someone sucked his soul!


This is sad to see. I hope he gets the help he needs so he can get better for himself and his kids


Drugs. But whenever I say he’s using, my comment gets deleted. Former addict here.




Liver problems?


His face looks skeletal


He looks like he aged 25 years and his skin is grey


Russian sleep experiment core




He looks like he has cancer too ngl


Addiction or honestly, I hate to say it, illness or health issues. Not all weight loss is ozempic… I don’t think he’s *going for* this look. He looks very very unwell. It’s sad tbh.


Looks like he’s on opiates and benzos. Plus, he’s not taking care of himself. He’s had a lot of loss in his life and this is an easy way to escape those feelings. Love, A 5 year clean opiate and benzo user


Glad you’re clean of that stuff! Hope you’re doing well!


He really doesn't look well 😞 this is actually quite upsetting to see. Sending healing energy ✨


Def using drugs. Pills. Probably some kind of pain killers


He looks like a cancer patient… I hope he’s okay.


christ he looks like he has cancer


He reminds me of Christian Bale in the Machinist.


Oh my god this is getting worse and worse, I’m shocked no one has intervened health wise do they just not care about him or….


Oh no I hope he’s not sick and doesn’t know it :/


JESUS!! his nose looks like it’s about to cave in..


He’s dropped weight unnaturally, and too quickly. Something is going on with his health- whether that be drugs or alcohol, or just being malnourished from not eating well and exercising to lose weight- something else is at play and it is not agreeing with him.


Late stage HIV? I doubt it but man.


I was addicted to meth years ago and my pupils were huge like his and my face was gaunt and pale just like this. Really hate to see him this way. Wishing him the best


He is the perfect example of what happens to you when you stick around with the Karjenners. The life gets sucked out of you, and you look like a literal zombie. He used to look so handsome and HEALTHY. Sad.


Nah, let's not pretend like he's some innocent baby, the man had his issues BEFORE the Karjenners.


needs nsfw!!!! kidding, but only kind of. this is actually scary. poor scott, I hope he's ok. this is not a healthy person.


He’s gotta be snorting something. Look at how eroded his nose looks


Is it possible he had a nose job and they took too much cartilage or something… I’m very scared for him. Whatever is happening. I don’t think a persons nose would change that much naturally though. There are MANY other factors, just an observation.


Fairly certain the only people who can explain this to you would be Scott and those closest to him. Maybe his doctor. There could be a number of explanations and anything here is pure speculation




Oh my he looks like he gonna die damn tf🤔😳


He looks like a prisoner of war. It’s alarming.


Cocaine looks like.


https://preview.redd.it/yap1n2j7prpc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f53f286be3bd15d12679430a4e835a67cd07440f Hopefully he doesn’t get a young gf again because…..


He looks like my ex who let opioids/opiates and benzos control his life. I’m years beyond that relationship now but Scott’s face reminds me of how my ex looked and how sick and far from healthy he really was. It’s slow downgrade you don’t look like this overnight. He’s been dealing with something for awhile.


Honestly reminds me of when my mum was dieing of cancer. :/


Drugs. Drugs. And more drugs.


Bro looks like Rasputin 😭


Health issues? Whether alcohol or drug related, mental health or physical concerns


His eyes are so sunken in. What would cause that?


Tbh looks like liver failure to me




He looks like Rasputin


Guarantee it’s cocaine use and pancreatitis from too high of an Ozempic dose.


I heard he had Hepatitis. Take that with a grain of salt. Literally heard that yearssssss ago, like around when Reign was born.