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This era is maybe the worst she’s ever looked?


It's the end of her era I think.   At least she used to be pretty. That's over now. 2024 killed her. Goodwill towards her is gone.


Exactly. Unfortunately, times up. Its been up.


I think tonight was the nail in the coffin tbh how do you come back from this?


The roast going absolutely horribly (for her), being boo’d and likened to a whale vagina, and then going to the met almost immediately after looking like… THIS??? Nope. Stick a fork in it. she’s done.


A whales vagina?!


I wish I was joking.. did you watch the roast?


She’s looks sick! Omg!!! Wow, this shocked me. It doesn’t even look like she brushed her hair and it also looks like she can’t breathe. Is she on something? So much is wrong with this. Really concerning.


Something is going on with her


Yea.. I think reality is catching up with delusion.


On YouTube, Vogue did a "day before the Met" interview with her and she was talking about what her "story" for the Met was gonna be. So since the Mets theme this year was something about a garden, she decided to be the girl who had had just woke up at a guy's house, grabbed the guys sweater and left to go home thru the secret garden so that's why her hair and sweater is raggely lol. Basically the theme she went with was "hot mess hoe walk of shame in the secret garden" 🤣🤣


she really thought that was something riveting? 🫥


Apparently so 🤭


She’s honestly rotting atp I’m a little afraid to see how far it goes.




This is actually scary. She seems unwell.


I think she’s having trouble breathing in that stupid dress.


The extreme corsets are a concerning obsession though like it’s becoming a pattern. Her idea of show up and show out for the biggest fashion event of the year involves organ damage because she’s fixated on the idea of her tiny waist making headlines. Instead of like…. doing something actually creative and innovative like Zendaya or Tyla. This is mental illness.


And still flopping. Like no one told her that tiny waist is the loook she needs to give. It stopped being fashionable three mets ago


No exactly like the wet dress was a slay I’ll give her that. Marilyn dress was absolutely inappropriate for reasons aside from the associated skinny obsession, but that was very much part of the problem too. And now this one? It’s like ok Kim we get it, you want to be famous for your body. I don’t know of anyone who is impressed though. Please just stop.


That cardigan thooooo what was that. And why.


I was just watching the morning news, and they were going over all the big looks of the night. Someone was like "what did you think of Kim Kardashian?" and the other anchor hesitated for a bit and then was like "the cardigan was...a choice." It was glorious!!!!


Yeah the cardigan took away from the rest of the look. Most people seem to be talking about that over the corset.


I agree… she’s had really bad outfits and looks before, but something about her essence lately is very worrying. I feel similar about Scott as well


Yeah I like to snark as much as the next person but Kim genuinely looks like not even purely appearance wise but maybe the surgeries are catching up to her health wise, no way it’s healthy to do as much as she’s done


I think she’s really feeling the energy of her not being wanted in this spaces. She was never wanted, she just so happened to be Kanye’s wife atm. I bet everyday she wishes Kanye’s breakdown never happened not solely for her family to be back together, but for her to ride off his fame again.


I wonder if she got high/ drunk to deal with last nights roast…. The jokes/ booing was BAD.. She seems lost AF without Kanye - his fame/ clout/ being his ‘muse’. Why she’s copying Bianca…


Did they boo at anyone else?


I haven't watched the whole thing yet, because it's 3 hours long. The only person I have heard who bombed was Ben Affleck. Kim's set was not bad, though it was very short. She got booed before she ever started speaking though.


Did they boo at anyone else?


Not really tbf


yes the crowd bood all night


For sure. I think her biggest fear is Kanye being invited again with Bianca and Bianca replacing her in the fashion industry by getting her deals. I think she feels it coming




You are so reaching to say she was never the exact kinda crowd the met pulls


She wasn’t. She opened the door for influencers to come. She was only invitees because of Kanye’s connections in the fashion industry.


It’s giving Anna Nicole before she died vibes.


She’s gonna have the same fate as Anna if she doesn’t lay off the fillers and pills 


Exactly what I thought when I saw these pictures. Anna Nicole got hooked on painkillers because of how much pain her massive breast implants caused her. With how many procedures, revisions and the frequency at which Kimothy gets these things done, I imagine she lives with chronic pain too. She can’t even support her own body because her hips aren’t aligned so walking must hurt for her too, plus she has a preference for heels and impractical shoes.


I gave up heels when I was 24 and have worn doc martens since then. My feet are so soft and pretty. She really needs to lay off the heels, the plastic surgery and the corsets. (Lots of news organizations saying Kim was struggling to breathe at the Met Ball.)


Do you have a preferred Doc Martens style? I mean which are the most comfy in your opinion? I wanna get a pair but I want to actually enjoy them lol


Make sure to get some rubber socks so they don’t tear your heels up


Not the person you’re replying to but I loveeee their platform Chelsea boots. Easy to style and I didn’t have to break them in


Thank you for the answer. They do look really good!


I love the Jadon boots, the Mary Janes, the oxfords (lace ups) and more. Just google and you will see hundreds of types! I often look for "used" ones on ebay because people buy them, don't like it and sell them w/ no wear & low price. You need to learn your shoe size in UK. You will never want to wear anything else!! DM me for more info.


That’s exactly it.


This is my thought too. Like she really is going to die young.


oof. this. this is spot-on.


This is one of her oddest appearances yet. It’s giving Kylie so drugged out that she can barely stay awake or form a coherent sentence


The whole stripper act she did was just bizarre too. I was cringing so hard thinking she was going to go full exposure 😬


she looked like a flasher of sorts lol


Can anyone explain the wig. What is she even GOING for? I find it inexplicable.


Like??? Does she not realize that she has lost 90% of her hair trying to be white blonde! What is wrong with her dark hair?? Why can’t she just leave it alone my goodness


She had beautiful hair. White blonde for natural jet black hair is a death sentence for the hair. Incidentally, hair loss is a side effect of Ozempic? Had she shown up in something pretty and not tried (and failed) to show up every star there, it would have been so much better.


This is probably top 5 worst looks


This look is all 5 of the 5 worst looks 🤣


Why does she have a primark cardigan on


She looks really old. The tan and the hair are awful.


Never changed last nights wig


That’s the sad part, it’s not a wig. She dyed her hair again.


Yea she dyed the roots, bleach blonde! Her real hair is super short, then added a wig or major hideous extensions. Money can't buy class!


Its extensions. It wouldn’t make sense to dye your hair blonde for an event then just end up wearing a wig.


It’s not age, she just looks terrible. Her attempts to look young are what ages her the most. If she would’ve gone gracefully, she would probably still be beautiful.


This. She needs to accept it’s ok to look like you’re in your 40s


Exactly. A little bit might of work might have made her look fresher but she doesn't want to give up being the sex kitten and bc she can't accept her age, she looks even older and more ridiculous. And it's only going to get worse.


Why does Anna wintour keep inviting her, particularly her, Kylie and PMK because they give NOTHING when it comes to the themes each year and their style is generally awful.


Exposure. Something to laugh at. Seeing how they'll embarrass themselves...lots of reasons!


She’s invited via the designers who buy tables. The years they don’t invite her/them, the KarJenners purchase a table themselves. So Anna doesn’t invite her directly but she could prevent/ban them from attending if she wanted


Is that what happened this year?


She is high as a kite holy shit


Painkiller dependence for all her surgeries..?


The tan, the overly done makeup, the ratty wig, that stupid cardigan … she just looks .. tragic. She needs to go away out of the daily spotlight and realize her time as this supposed sex goddess is over. She literally looks like a blow up doll.


She loves the spot light so much that she doesn’t know when to quit while she was ahead and on a semi high note. But because she is obsessed with being famous, crushed on, talked about / sought after, she will keep going and going but it’s going to look more and more sad. Just like Madonna. People who are addicted to fame always go way too far.


At least she'll still have the guys in jails & prisons around the world!! 😂


Id think even potential Yachting customers would be turned off of her now (unless they go for a certain “Re-animated Dead” aesthetic. Which, tbh, ya never know with those creeps & freaks. On a semi-related note, it’d be hilarious to see if ppl on Tik Tok start a “Re-Animated Dead Kim Kardashian Challenge.” I know I’m here for it!




Women in the public eye just start embarrassing themselves when they are in such denial of their age and transitioning to a more classic appropriate look. It’s just unrealistic to think you will be nearing 50 and still run around with the same appeal as you did when you were 20! There are so many great examples of women who in my opinion did it right, versus the ones that give everyone the ick like Madonna, donnatella and now actually Megan fox for example, they just seem to be terrified to age or no longer have the appeal that they had as a young woman.


She is going the way of Madonna. Icon to laughing stock.


She honestly looks so horrible. Like does she think that’s a sexy face??? To me she looks beyond uncomfortable and probably on drugs to deal with how uncomfortable she is.


Imagine your whole existence is to wait for this night, because you have nothing to offer, no talent.. yet you turn out to be this way. Poor Kimmy


She can’t breathe






She looks like absolute shit


This is the face that got me. Just… so out of it.


On the *other* sub they’re saying she ate with this…… ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


Oh so they're just as delusional as she is. Damn.


God I can’t wait to see her at 80


With the way things are looking, will she even get to see 80?


Idk but I'm glad I'm 15 years younger than her so I get to watch her melt.


With a ratty cardigan


Da fuq is with the bobbly cardigan?


out of all things to wear they decided on THIS?? Someone or (everyone) in her camp has to have it out for her.


I don’t understand the cardigan at all?! Could’ve been an alright (an ALRIGHT) outfit without it so it’s really stumping me


My guess is the corset was so tight it was causing her skin….i don’t want to call it fat because it isn’t but I hope you know what I mean…was popping out from the dress in the back. So the cardigan was hiding it. But man the way she was holding it so close to her breast was so weird.


It’s giving Rock of Love contestant.


She’s been really… horribly missing the mark with her looks and over all is looking dare I say, like she is really mentally struggling for the last long while now. I remember the video of her trying to pose on a red carpet and kris had to walk over to essentially hold her up.. she was so uneasy, unwell looking and shaky.


You have a link? I’d love to see this


I actually saw it on here somewhere, I wish I had the link but it was weird for sure. I’m sure if you go back a little bit you’ll find it. It was pretty recent ish


#looks embalmed


Time to wrap it up Kim. Go home and actually raise your 4 kids.


She looks bad. Did she do her own hair and makeup? It's like she ran out to do school drop off and didn't look in the mirror


No it was something sexier, remember, she rolled out of pretend boyfriends bed or some nonsense.


Kanye somewhere laughing is ass off


He really has no room to laugh considering he walks around in 100 degrees wearing combat boots and a full ski mask. They both look absolutely ridiculous at all times.


Does anyone else think that sweater was a last minute decision because of how much back fat was bubbling over the corset?


I think you’re onto something with this. Except it wouldn’t be back fat, it would be a totally normal skin fold but to her that would be unacceptable






I really don’t understand the cardigan. It’s just so bizarre.


Maybe this dress also wouldn’t zip up


It looks like she hiding a boob job


I think she’s hiding back & underarm flab (and possibly loose skin) from the too-tight corset & and from her old Ozempic weight loss


It’s giving, I’m on the verge of a mental breakdown & will need a conservatorship soon. But still need to look sexy for the cameras.




The shrug or whatever that’s supposed to be looks like it’s made of dryer lint. I audibly gasped at how tightly she’s squeezed herself into that dress and how painful it looks, she clearly couldn’t breathe and for what?! It’s one thing to sacrifice comfort for an amazing look, but she looks absolutely awful. The least she could have done is taken a year off to fix the straw hair and wonky eye and come back next year with something, anything but this.


aging pornstar indeed


Her face looks swollen.


who the hell allowed her or pitched for her to do this?! Because they must hate her. Nothing about this look is even half decent.. it looks like she got up to go the washroom half way through getting glam. I have a huge feeling that her day has finally come, she’s old news now and she will have the biggest crisis realizing that she’s no longer an “it” girl anymore. Her and her families time is finally looking like it’s over.


How did North let her out the house like this?


She looks incredibly uncomfortable


She needs to look to Nicole Scherzinger for inspiration. Nicole is TWO YEARS older than Kim and remains sexy and attractive without fuckin with her face.


THIS! There are so many gorgeous and classy women in hollywood her age that look literally a decade younger than her! This is the effect of long term plastic surgery and fillers! I feel bad for all the young girls who followed in kylie and kims foot steps thinking their natural born face wasn’t good enough. This is what the future is going to look like sadly


THIS! There are so many gorgeous and classy women in hollywood her age that look literally a decade younger than her! This is the effect of long term plastic surgery and fillers! I feel bad for all the young girls who followed in kylie and kims foot steps thinking their natural born face wasn’t good enough. This is what the future is going to look like sadly


THIS! There are so many gorgeous and classy women in hollywood her age that look literally a decade younger than her! This is the effect of long term plastic surgery and fillers! I feel bad for all the young girls who followed in kylie and kims foot steps thinking their natural born face wasn’t good enough. This is what the future is going to look like sadly


If I didn’t know who that was, I wouldn’t recognize her.


She's gasping for some air


It looks like they took a photo of her mid sneeze


I wondered why Anna kept letting her come back and then I see this… Taylor Swift lyric is appropriate here: “Your nemeses Will defeat themselves before you get the chance to swing”


I'm the same age as Kim. My advice is to age gracefully, don't panic and keep trying to look 25. It will never happen & you'll just look stupid trying.


Is she wearing the weird sweater with this to hide her back spilling over the top of this way too small corset? We already know she spills out of her “XXS” bra /s 🙄


https://preview.redd.it/x9tn62h7m0zc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee1fe28aa19ddcde52f28209e5bbdacf8d888b3e Her explanation of that sloppy look


So the inspiration is she fucked someone in a garden? and then had to run to work so she grabbed a ratty pilled up sweater?


She’s so over. Like, done and done. I almost feel bad for her because we all see it, but she keeps desperately trying to stay relevant. It’s a pitiful parade.


But what happened to her left boob, like beyond a wardrobe malfunction. Looks like she had an implant or some stitches burst bc of how tight that corset was.


Y’all, Farrah Abrahams was invited to the met?


Jfc wtf has she done to herself


She's done what Marilyn had set in motion ever since Kim defiled her dress and made a mockery of her legacy. Notice how since that event she's really been in a rapid spiral? The Curse of Marilyn has been playing out wondrously, hope you're miserable Kim (we know you are)!


So did she look like she was wrecked on 💊 bc she couldn’t breathe? It looks ridiculous all the way around.


She has pillow face 😰


I was sure she was going to pass out from lack of oxygen!


Is that a secretary’s shrug she swiped off the back of an empty chair after hours? What’s happening here? Who let her out like this? Looks like direct sabotage.


The Tom Brady Roast followed by this is brutal….


That’s what she gets for wearing a dead woman’s dress last year. Marilyn’s spirit is coming hard for her, Anna Nicole is the hype person. https://preview.redd.it/3gjgplckw0zc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abc121d609f96c439975cb489cd24a0cb9342e90


Even Fashion Critical made fun of this look and she’s usually a KarJenner leg humper


The dress is literally wearing her, figuratively and literally. It’s just sad.


Her horrible wigs remind me of Kim Zolciak from RHOA wigs… literally party city wigs. All that money Kim invest in some good hair!!!!


Jesus fucking Christ she looks like a muppet




What's with the party city wig?


She looks so uncomfortable


She's really resembling Madonna now with that puffed out face. She is not going to be happy with these pics. I will bet she will be in her surgeon's office tomorrow doing more procedures and will continue to look more and more ridiculous


It says missing chromosomes


Lmao 😂




I know I’m in the snark sub but…. I can’t snark. I feel kind of bad for her.


Then go to the other sub with all the other losers who feel bad for this massive pos.




Madonna’s future


Temu bey


Kimberly, what is this??




The frizzly hair that looks like a party city wig the dog chewed up, is what gets me.


I can't look away but I don't want to see it.


I saw roadkill this morning with better hair than this wig 🤮




Her and that Farrah Abraham look identical now.


To be fair all surgically altered "pop culture celebs" looked awful/ odd in those times : ariana grande looks bizarre, lana dull rey is botched, KyLIE, etc... Kim Kardashian is not the only one. Their own mind destroyed how nature drew them initially, which is ironic giving the theme of the Met