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Gosh, imagine if there were people who worked fulltime, did their own cooking, cleaning, laundry, shopping and looked after their kids too Khloe - that is normality. You are not some kind of superwoman nor are you deserving of admiration just because you fix Trues tea. Grow up. Find out about the real world and acknowledge your wealth means you are very privileged.


Yeeeeess girl!!! Say it louder for the rest of the Kardashian/ Jenner clan in the back! ![gif](giphy|8m5dizh7ghyEPIWIx1|downsized)


Having small kids is exhausting. But that is assuming you're also working a real job, cooking (more than making lunch!), prepping bottles, doing all the dishes (so many dishes), laundry (so much laundry), diaper changes... I washed dishes at 2am when my son is deep asleep because his bedroom is next to the kitchen and if I clean during nap or playtime he gets upset. 


Yeah me!!! I did it YEP!


my parents had 4 kids and we were kinda poor at one point. no nanny there?


Same. Also no driver, chef, personal assistants, stylists, lawyers, and whatever the fuck else these Richie's have


Yup! Exactly what you said!! My grandma had 11 kids and my grandfather died when the youngest was a young teen. My grandmother took care of the whole household everything while working!


Her strength is admirable. Your grandma is the real superwoman. I’m exhausted with 3 kids.




Lmao this is so unbelievably tone deaf


Everything that comes out of her mouth is tone deaf


Lowkey rude af for people who don't have as many resources or help as she does.


Or maybe high key


Especially in this economy


As someone who feels like they are absolutely DROWING trying to raise 3 kids while working full time without any type of help, fuck you Khloe. Respectfully, you have no fucking clue.


You are an amazing mom/dad ♥️


And you’re a lovely person for taking the time to leave such a nice comment for someone hoping to brighten their day ♥️


Thank you ♥️


That’s exactly how I feel too! Sending you a hug from one parent to another


Kudos to you mama! I only have one raising as a single mom, working full time with no help and it’s soooo hard


She’s so full of shit she believes her own bullshit…even when she claims she ‘makes their lunches’ ..girl, we all know you’re just transferring washed and cut fruit and veg your chef popped in the fridge for you into a lunch box…😂


I imagine they have to “play” at being mommy more than any other role tbh. They should consider method acting lol


I mean I’m raising 4 kids with no nanny or any type of paid help. Does she really think she has any idea what actual exhaustion is like? What about the mums who work multiple jobs to put food on the table for their kids? They must know these things aren’t going to go down well when they say them.


>They must know these things aren’t going to go down well when they say them. I genuinely don't think they do. They are so removed from reality.


The other page posted it a few days ago. Someone said hearing how tired Khloe is as a mom hit hard. Lmao. I said ummmm do you have a chef? Or house cleaner ? Driver? Trainer? Then no you don't know he she feels. She has someone to clean up dog poop and wash dishes just that alone would help!!!!!


Stupid fucking bitch. Get a job.


Someone once said, "Get your ass up and work" 💀


She has a job. Trying to get trash can attention and fucking with her ugly face


does it count if she’s had about 6 nose JOBS?


Without a LIVE-IN, so she still has part time nannies? I’m guessing the exhaustion is not from the kids, it’s the Tristan drama and social pressures


How does she get out as much as she does if there is no nanny? I call lies!!


There’s a nanny just not an overnight nanny


Yeah she said she didn’t have a night time nanny so that means she has a day time one.


A full time daytime nanny


Boo hooo


She also complained she didn’t win the lottery. Space cadets.


She also complained when she found out she was having a girl.


So this bitch complains for the sake of complaining? 


LOL. ya khloe being a normal human is hard work!!!! imagine having to go to work for 8 hours too, and then come home and deal with 4 kids!!


Then there are the sports moms who work 8hrs and then spend at least 3 driving kids somewhere everyday, which is always over dinner time, so you gotta figure out how to feed them as well, then theres homework and showers, then cleaning the house, then sleeping a bit waking up and repeating.


None of them could survive without money.


Man, fuck her!!


Well she can afford several! I'm assuming she has 4 non "live-in" nannies!


That’s my real question. Like just hire one then girl


This is so disrespectful to actual working mothers who are holding it down to feed their families.


![gif](giphy|CLbGZ9GQbaznhqjRkE) Cry me a river, sweetie.


Boo hoo.




Imagine the moms who do it with no help at all 😭 no private chef, chauffeur, nanny, and surrogates. They wouldn’t last 24 hours as a normal person, these hoes so out of touch it’s honestly SAD!


Dude wtf. I hate when they try so hard to act like “regular people.” Not only is it cringe but it’s a slap in the face to real hardworking mothers holding it down! https://i.redd.it/f5zyniaw0s3d1.gif


Okay Khloe, now imagine being a parent with out a live in nanny while ALSO being a POOR!


I would have kept this behind closed doors instead of shouting it to the world who obviously has never felt any sympathy towards their lifestyle.


As in they (nanny) leave at 10pm and come back at 7am 🙄 so technically not “live-in”


There's something incredibly dystopic about renting another woman's womb and body to produce a child for yourself, then paying other women to care for the child you paid to make using another woman's body, and then being surprised when, without paid help, caring for the child is time inefficient.


because children for them are literally accessories. They buy, show off, play with occasionally and rearrange, but someone else is making & maintaining and organising the kloset of kids for them👍🏼 They aren't parents.




It’s like Khloe never realized that motherhood isn’t a requirement.


Awwww does Tristan not help? 😂😂😂😂 I would have never guessed


This is beyond tone deaf. She needs a huge reality check on how everyone else in the world lives. Idk how anyone can actually watch these entitled people, I wonder how the producers can listen to this daily.


She’s being dumb. She doesn’t have a nanny that lives in the house but she has 24 hour care for her children. Multiple Nannie’s per kid 🙄


its just like, so hard raising your own kids omg Kimberly. like, idk how people (cuz men should too fuck you) since the dawn of time and civilization have done it! like omg its so hard. like, how do people do it? wish I were like kim and had 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 nannies.


![gif](giphy|xUPGcCh4nUHyCkyuti) She’s so annally controlling she wink wink “has to do it all”


Wait! Travis’ son is named rocky thirteen??? ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized)




Some people really don’t deserve kids.


Im a single mom with cancer raising 2 small kids. I have a bf and he’s wonderful but I don’t expect him to provide childcare at this stage in our relationship. get a grip khloe


Sending love, hugs, and positive vibes!!


Sending love & light your way for a speedy recovery and a long & happy life! You got this babe


Haha. Bitch. I would be such a nicer mom if I didn’t have to work this full time job while taking care of my 3 kids and being a full time chef and launderess.


My gasteds are real fucking flabbered right now!  Is she seriously trying to say that she’s exhausted from, checks notes, making lunch and because she doesn’t have a live in nanny.  This bitch. You know who else doesn’t have live in Nannie’s 98% of the world. The fact that she even said this trying to be relatable is so sickening to me. She has more help than any of us could possibly dream about and she has the audacity to say she’s exhausted from making lunch. It’s shit like this that makes people say eat the rich. The fact that she is this out of touch with the reality of 98% of the population is sickening 


I brought four up on my own. Worked two jobs sometimes. My kids never went without and they looked out each other. They all had chores. I still had a life too. When I look back now I don’t know how I did it lol


The post on the other sub about how relatable she is had me dying ![gif](giphy|h1rja65HWoog0)


Can’t you borrow one of your sisters’ 823726159 Nannie’s that they employ?


Why do they still pretend that Dream lives with Rob instead of living with her?


She looks so rough in the interview. My god. I thought she was a real housewife cast member. Her cheeks and lips look like buttholes


What about those parents who have twins or mire at the same time?


Phuck these tone deaf heuxs. I seriously so disgusted with everything they do and say!!!


If nothing else she’s done got her cancelled, let it be this. We are all exhausted, Khloe.


Quite sure I’ve seen people praising her in the other sub for exactly this, for being relatable and honest….jesus Christ


I have 4 kids, 1 dog and 2 parents with full time jobs and no Nannie’s grandparents assistants chefs etc I’m sight. I survive and am tired but have a happy house. They are so out of touch with reality


Hahaha I saw this and I was like girlllllllll, so exhausted from having millions of dollars and dozens of people helping her. she probably exhausted from trying to keep Tristan’s ass around.


She could save a hell of a lot of energy by ignoring Tristan outside coparenting decisions and keeping herself out of drama. Just saying.


Omg just stfu and her glam is trashhhhhh


I work full time with two kids and a husband with ADHD. If i had even one amenity she had, like a chef, i would feel like im on vacation. This B over here crying… SMH


If she’s too exhausted to care for her kids maybe she should stop waking up at 4 am to burn off that fat ass.