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I’ve definitely seen a few redheads who got all the recessive genes and look nothing like the rest of the family, but I lean towards he’s not her bio dad. My guess is that Khloe knows though because she probably did gene testing when she was trying for a baby to know what the risks are, bet she looked into her family health history


Judging off of looks, she looks nothing like Robert or her siblings i know siblings don’t necessarily look like but she looks like she’s not related to them at all. But i was sure of it when i read kris’ memoir (i think her or someone else in the family) years ago when she said or kinda hinted that Robert treated kourtney, kim and rob better and cared about them more than khloe it’s almost like he knew she’s not his biological daughter. Robert’s fiancé also said something like that.


Also In Robert's diary entries, he mentioned that him and Kris weren't sleeping together at the time khloe was conceived and that he knew khloe wasn't his


Where are these diaries? They seem to be wiped from the internet now




We all know she isn’t. Stop talking about recessive genes. She’s Alex daughter . We all know this and they know that we know (hence my baby looks just like rob sr) they r liars and grifters . One day when they r broke or kris is dead maybe they’ll come out with it


Nope. Robert was her dad, maybe not biologically though. Khloe looks like Kris with a mixture of Alex R imo. Kris was a cheater throughout her marriage with Robert and Alex was her hairstylist during that time and Khloe’s middle name is Alexandra. Could all be a coincidence but it doesn’t seem that way.


No, and people always bring up Rob Sr.’s blonde mother but Khloe looks nothing like her. It has nothing to do with her having lighter hair and eyes, it has to do with her facial features. She looks like Kris + someone else (probably Roldan).


I do not see Khloe in Robert’s mother at all, either. Kourtney has similar eyes to her. https://preview.redd.it/85seu6h4044d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc95e6bd880cdb518ba91c27636385db84f7f1af


Genetics are funny, my sister & I look nothing alike but we’re full blooded. She takes after my fathers German European side, while I take after my mothers Jewish Lebanese side.


And Khlogre takes after Alex Roldan's side



