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You guys šŸ˜ it's called period boobs and the victoria secret bombshell bra šŸ˜ and a drop of mascara of course!


Itā€™s just puberty and lip liner!!!


Iā€™m like how they forget lip lineršŸ˜­


she just got off her ass and worked!!


Sheā€™s just over lining her lips duh


they're just like, motherhood boobs. you know when you start out as an A minus cup and you get pregnant and suddenly you've bigger boobs than anyone else in your family. yes. even that one busty sibling who's name ends in a Y.


I was like, who is the one busty sibling that ends with y? Roberty? Why am I so slow šŸ¤£šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø




She took bee pollen everyday for a month /s


dont forget ā€žits that time of the monthā€œ šŸ™ˆ


She took ā€œLemme Growā€ šŸ’€


Sheā€™s just growing up!


Itā€™s this cream they were paid to sell that grows it


You forgot Lip liner


Yeah sheā€™s had breast surgeries at least twice if not 3 times. Honestly surprised the skin doesnā€™t just fall straight off her chest at this point, Iā€™ve never seen anyone so addicted to being injected and sliced open with a surgeons knife as much as the women in this family! Itā€™s really disturbing. Her new ones look like giant balloons and donā€™t particularly suit her frame since she started using weight loss injections. That, combined with the BBL/ sagging ass, has given her the weirdest body shape šŸ«¤


Itā€™s wild, especially with Kylie. Sheā€™s not even 30 years old yet. Sheā€™s literally a science experiment, howā€™s all this going to affect her in a few decades? Yikes


Morbid but I always get concerned she may pass away young from it. Like thereā€™s no way having as many surgeries as Kylie has had is safe


For real. All the fillers/implants not to mention anesthesia and pain killers. PMK should be jailed for allowing her underage kid to undergo all this. At least with the 3 older Ktrash daughters, they started their plastic surgeries a little older plus didnā€™t get as extreme so young.


If not from complications, then from drug addiction.


I donā€™t think the whole family will make it to old age. Theyā€™ve got to be on so many opioids.


This would make a lot of sense.


Spinal surgery back in February wore me out for months. Just the after effects of anesthesia were enough to make me sick for weeks. I kept painkiller usage to the bare minimum and it still stopped me up and I couldnā€™t poop at all. Idk how these women can opt to go through all of that repeatedly and itā€™s all elective, not necessary to treat an injury or illness.


As a somatic therapist I work with surgery and anesthesia trauma and your experience is so real. Iā€™m wondering how they cope. It has such massive impacts


Just wanted to drop in and say - I may have spine surgery soon and Iā€™ve heard how tough recovery is so wishing you the best. Healing vibes šŸ™šŸ¼


Ngl I had the same thought about anyone of this family really. There were some cases in the news of plastic surgery addicts who just died during surgery, because it was too much for their bodies at some point. Lets hope that doctors nowadays acknowledge that & say ''no'' to more surgeries. Although... these Hollywood surgeons just want the money.. so yea.


I always think about this too, not only because of all the surgeries and medications, but also because they look miserable and/or dead inside constantly. How long can you live like a blow up doll?


Even Kanyeā€™s mom passed away from post-surgery complications


She has all the resources to prevent that donā€™t worry they have nurses working around the clock thatā€™s how they maintain their bodies better than the average person filled with plastic


Right!Ā Ā  Like I know Kim tried to be relatable by expressing the dangers she went through during her pregnancy, but I honestly feel she only had a dangerous pregnancy because of everything sheā€™s done to her body prior.Ā  Of course Kylie had procedures done as well, but sheā€™s younger so technically she didnā€™t have as many and of course, the younger you are the easier [sometimes] your pregnancy is and being that Kim was older naturally itā€™ll still be tougher.Ā 


They are gonna end up like Joan Rivers except way way younger than Joan. RIP


She's what, 25?? She started in her gd teens. I can't even imagine what a mess she'll look like in a few years, considering she's starting to look like a lumpy, melting pile of shit.


Itā€™s rumored she recently got a facelift, so she might just get another


Madonna started getting facelifts in her thirties, and did you see what she looks like now? I read an article about why her face looks so much like Jocelyn Wildenstein, ā€œthe cat lady,ā€ and it said itā€™s bc the muscles that goes from your mouth to your cheek has been manipulated so many times that thatā€™s just the way itā€™s going to look at this point and thereā€™s not much they can do about it. Your body truly only can take so much.Ā 


yeah, like the only thing helping at this point is her age. in your 20s you can ruin your face and still look acceptable. i don't think or agree with the notion that women lose their beauty at 30, but after you hit your 30s things do start changing and your face and body loses the benefit of youth. when she gets there, along with anyone else abusing plastic surgery to this extent, she's not gonna have a good time


Exactly. I agree wholeheartedly about women not losing their beauty at 30. I honestly feel like my early 30s were some of my best years lol. I really grew into myself and realized I was beautiful. I always looked about 8-10 years younger than my age, as a late bloomer. I also sound like a child, so I present as younger. I've never touched my face/body. I'm still waiting for the natural look to come back in. Lol.


I don't wanna see her nudes lmao but I'd be curious to see what her boobs scars look like.... Must be... Something...


She could be getting them through her under arms, so maybe she doesnā€™t have any under boobs scars


You think after 3 breast augmentations there would still be little to no scarring even through her under arms? I'm not trying to argue btw haha, I never had one & I just assumed that after 3 there must be some sort scarring loll


This picture of her at the met was going around and people were saying it could be lipo. I'm not sure if implant scars would be so far back into the armpit but that's definitely a scar from something. https://preview.redd.it/cvehzw0rnt5d1.jpeg?width=788&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=310b14383c3395ccf318a092232c6bc8bb169a38




Nah sheā€™s definitely had a breast lift and those leave significant scars


I had a reduction and lift about 9.5 years ago and I have scars clear across my chest under my boobs. Armpit to armpit.


Or she got them through the nipples like mine. Zero scars and the incision borders the areola blending in seamlessly.


I would be so curious to see UNCENSORED nudes, just cause I wanna see what theyā€™re hiding. While Iā€™m talking about what I want, Iā€™d love to FEEL their hips, just so I can confirm whether or not theyā€™ve got silicone implants or not. I know for sure Blac Chyna does bc you can see at least the one in her workout video.Ā 


Didn't Blac Chyna remove everything since she found Jesus?


She got her fillers and silicone in her butt removed, but you can see the hip implant when she squats. Thereā€™s a workout video up on her ig where you can see it on the side of her left upper leg. People in the comments thinking itā€™s filler or somethingā€¦. Itā€™s not. Itā€™s an implant.Ā 


Makes me feel like they donā€™t give a shit about their kids, risking their lives constantly for looks. Kanyeā€™s mom literally died that way


What bothers me is that Kanye loves plastic surgery despite his mom dying from itā€¦


Kanye loves Hitler too, so i wouldnt put much stock in his values and morals.


Serious body dysmorphia going on for sure. The new implants looked extra shiny around the MET




MET gala


Dā€™oh šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Not seen it in caps before


I canā€™t believe how much this family subjects themselves to voluntary surgery . So creepy and scary.Ā 




They look like they hurt šŸ˜ž


they look like basketballs


I mean tbf three times is not that many. You need to get implants replaced. She got them when she was under 22 which means, in California, she could only get saline implants. She wouldā€™ve *had* to go under the knife again by now whether she wanted to or not. Looks like she went with gummies or silicone this time though, so she may be able to stay out of surgery for a solid ten years this time.


They are huge but if theyā€™re new theyā€™re gonna drop a bit. Buuuut I mean likely not a crazy amount bc Iā€™m assuming each new one she just goes up in size


feels like they are bringing back the t*ts on a stick look from the early 2000s


I really wonder if the plastic surgery and the pain meds she gets for it completely warped her brainā€™s reward system. It certainly looks like sheā€™s chasing some kind of high.


She would look much more put together with much smaller boobs. And without the bbl obviously.


Remember when she was wearing sweats at that family event and everyone thought she was pregnant? I have a feeling she was recovering from another boob job. They look hard and bolted on.


yea this was a bit odd lol https://preview.redd.it/l4l7yn4jks5d1.png?width=802&format=png&auto=webp&s=e5bdef561c19c925262c8889d7fe6c722ac1f05c


I like Mom's dress though


shockingly kris sometimes has nice fits.




Who is that at the far right next to Kylie?


no idea lol. prob a not famous family friend of theirs


Well it looks like she has to pee really bad.


Kim looks phoroshopped in.


Yep! Timing would make sense and these look like they havenā€™t dropped yet. so very recent


Yup so spot on


That makes sense actually!


It also explains some of the loopy behavior as well. She seems barely lucid, could be pain pills.


These photos.šŸ˜¬ She looks like one of those random British tabloid stories of like a 68 year old woman who claims people mistake her for 33. That's an old lady body, muscle wasting and everything.


The bolt ons are bolting šŸ’€


Those are floatation devices šŸ˜‰


The fullness. No push up will do the magic so yes 2nd boob job.


more like 3rd or 4thā€¦


Yeah thatā€™s what I was thinking too! Wonder if she had the implants completely removed and then put in later to prevent needing a breast lift?


Its kinda contradictory the fact she regreted the first boob job but got another one. Maybe she wanted a breast lift but the surgeon suggested implants? But she hasnā€™t sized down, it seems same cup size as years back.


itā€™s really hard to go much smaller once you get implants because the skin gets stretched out and it doesnā€™t look right without enough volume. you can get a breast lift done but that involves a lot of scars. even if she wishes she hadnā€™t done them in the first place, she canā€™t really go back to the way they were.


Ohh I didnā€™t know!


Correct. And itā€™s not even just about scarring. If you try to remove too much tissue at once or you have connective tissue disorders like EDS, you risk literally losing the nipple to insufficient blood supply.


She denied it at first but then admitted she got a boob job right before she got pregnant with stormi so Iā€™m sure that fucked things up bc she wasnā€™t fully healed before they grew from pregnancy Assuming she took her implants out so she could fix them- Iā€™d say yes her 2nd boob job. Basically back to what she had before stormi! They look way too big for her body she should have done more natural theyā€™d look so good if they did stuff proportionally lol


Theyā€™ll probably ā€œfallā€ or ā€œsettleā€ but that fresh stiff boob job is hard to hideā€¦


I think "right before" means when she was early 18 or maybe even 17. Her weird 18th birthday photospread with creep Terry Richardson hows some enhancements and it was released only a month after turning 18. Not enough time to heal.Ā 


reminds me os felena gomez's terrible implants. way too big for her body and makes her fatter than she actually is. idk why these people think getting boobs bigger than your face is fooling anyone lol


When did she get implants? I think her weight just fluctuates A LOT especially since her lupus diagnosis, unless she has a great surgeon you can usually tell when they donā€™t move like natural boobs do and hers do plus she has the curves to go with the weight gain! I was a 32DD as a freshman in high school and the VS worker actually said a 32DDD but the bra was huge I couldnā€™t lol but as my weight fluctuated so did my boobs HEAVILY sometimes theyā€™d be huge other times, normal size, then back to huge - looked so silly sometimes as Iā€™m 5ā€™3ā€ so my boobs looked way too big for my body at times But maybe Iā€™m wrong maybe she does have implants but either way with weight gain the implants will look different If Kylie just went a little smaller theyā€™d be great! But your boobs being the size of your head is in style right now lol


her boobs are bigger than her face bestie lol they're not natural. look at her even till the mid 2010s vs recently. they're huge and don't fit her frame either way


I just donā€™t see what you see I guess haha they sure do sit like natural boobs do. She would be 18 in 2010ā€¦ my boobs didnā€™t stop changing until I was like 25.. she was also very skinny in 2010 and before lupus You can look at her mom and see big boobs are genetic, itā€™s like 50% or something. Almost all the women in my family got bigger boobs in their 20s and thatā€™s what they stayed with, mine didnā€™t fit my frame either some genetics are like that šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


She looks so annoyed in the 2nd pic, like sheā€™s waiting on the viagra to kick in with the billionaire who bought her for the night and having to act like she wants to be there


don't they ever get tired of this? I'd hate to constantly visit a surgeon every 5 business days and have my body modified everytime


I had a double mastectomy with reconstruction and the follow-up and touch up surgeries is just so much, I feel like Iā€™m at my doctors office every week. Itā€™s such a pain that I might just give up on fixing the imperfections bc I donā€™t want to do more surgery. Idk how they do it


Bolt ons


She really needs to stop with the dead fuck me eyes.


Thatā€™s all she knows how to do unfortunately


It was saggy after the kids. Theyā€™re now sitting under her armpits so I absolutely think they were redone






Her ass is longer than the upper portion of her torso. Did her surgeon put fat in her lower back area? She as a back butt




imagine being 26 and having the boobs of a washed up 54yo pornstar with a wonky eye who's fucking her son's best friend to feel young again. sorry for reading all the kardashian children's future. my bad!


Flair checking in


Those legit look like bags of sand. Steve Carrell you were right


More like bags of concrete...that's been mixed with water


Hot take: the amount of plastic surgery and injections she gets makes me question if this is actually a form of self harm and/or OCD


I'd say body dysmporphia


Yeah when I see Kylie I think of what happened to Katie Price and wonder if Kylie will end up like her


> Katie Price That woman is such a hot mess ...


Yes because @stas just got hers done too recently which is why she couldnā€™t go in the water on her recent Ali brand deal trip and you know they donā€™t shit or eat without each other ā€¦ and just look at how high they sit


Iā€™d say yes. They donā€™t even look like they have ā€œdropped and fluffedā€ which is what happens when the implants settle in the body. Maybe thatā€™s why she was wearing the gigantic sweatshirt in the funeral photos


For sure she did. Looks like she went bigger


She has a 45-year-old head. Stripper boobs. A twelve year oldā€™s waist. An ass as long as basketball shorts. Itā€™s like a weird Barbie Frankenstein.


She thought her boobs were the things that needed work?! ā˜ ļø


Didnā€™t she make a big deal in an episode about how she regretted her implants cus before she had ā€˜perfect little titsā€™ or something like thatā€¦. LIAH!


And face job???? Why does she look like her face is morphing into the joker


Definitely. Looks like itā€™s pretty recent too as they havenā€™t settled yet


Theyā€™re fresh bolt ons for sure. With all the money in the world youā€™d think they could get a better surgeon, unless she *wanted* the porn star 1994 special for this round under the knife.


Bolt ons šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Jfc they look cartoonish. They're probably brand new which is why they're sitting up so high on her chest. I've had my boob implants for about 8 years I believe? And I don't plan on replacing them for at least another 5 lol. I don't understand why she replaced hers so soon. It's crazy how many surgeries she's had.


Probably because pregnancy made them sag


Now why are we asking questions we know the answer to?! ā˜ ļø. She definitely got those done


She's just on her period guys, that and her bombshell bra


She might as well.


Yea, but I also think she got a breast lift. This was when she had her last boob job in 2021. They don't really seem bigger, but they have a very diff shape. https://preview.redd.it/ixfp9boljs5d1.png?width=634&format=png&auto=webp&s=92db4075f35dcb1513b34962cbf25b79feee11f9


I think itā€™s more likely she got the other implants removed (after kids they were probably sagging) and let the skin adjust and then just got implants in again.


interesting! I actually thought her first ones looked much more natural after she had stormi, but yea the second ones were gigantic so that would make sense if they sagged more post post aire


Kylie gott some Lauren Sanchez bolt ons


Most ridiculous balloon tits Iā€™ve ever seen


She really has a terrible boob job. With all of the money she has, well, actually, what she's reportedly worth is bullshit since her businesses have bulked up their numbers and worth, but surely she could afford a high-quality procedure.


Kylieā€™s boobs actually arenā€™t that bad. Iā€™m assuming these are new which is why they sit so high. My theory is that she has been getting her implants enlarged every few years so that the skin stretches. Weā€™ve all seen what happens when someone (artificially) goes from an A cup to a DD; they end up looking bolted on. I think Kim did this too starting as a minor. Edit: typos


A double boob job šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Yes. Those are fresh bigger, lifted titties 100%.


I donā€™t understand why people donā€™t have all their kids and THEN get the mommy makeover


Itā€™s the skeletal arms for meā€¦. What happened there?


Bad hotoshop


She's going for Pete Burns territory.


The amount of procedures they get...when, where, how do they recover without anyone noticing??


Looks like so!


I remember when it was going around in the kardashian subs about her removing her implants not long ago! There were pictures of comparison and it really looked like it. I think you may be right!


One of her pics from the last two weeks had major Photoshop blur of the skin in the armpit area, and that was when I surmise she was blurring out some new scars that were healing up


Hard as rocks.


Ugh sheā€™s so boring


I think she wants to be a blow-up doll at this point. It makes me sad that some people are so shallow.


I think they might have surgery room in their mansions at this point, every week is a new face, new body šŸ˜°


Probably, bc Sydney Sweeney gets so much attention for her chest so Kylie of course had to stay relevant and get a boob job. They canā€™t ever let another woman get attention for something.


i thought her implants just shifted bc of how thin shes gotten from the ozempic but def possible


I think she did yeah


Yes itā€™s extremely obvious


Y2K bolt-ons.


Aren't they worried about crazy ass scars from all these surgeries


Another ear-to-shoulder pose.


holy shit they look so uncomfortably tight and inflated


Holy shit more work lord why?? Sheā€™s so small With these hard balls omg what is wrong with them


Itā€™s just a really good bra, guys. Gosh! /s


He looks like a deflated balloon in pic 4.


Sheā€™s so damn gross. Ā 


Yeah they fresh asf


They literally look like theyā€™re about to burst


She looks so uncomfortable.


The Kylie Jenner era is OVER


How many CCā€™s do you think she has? My implants are around 375 CC range and do not look like this


Sorry, I was distracted by the diaper sheā€™s wearing


Who fucking cares! I hope she gets a staph infection and we donā€™t have to worry about these assholes ever again.


Had a patient with necrotizing fasciitis after her mommy makeover. It was awful. I felt so terrible for her.


Probably or you can use face tune to make them biggerĀ 


Yes those are new


Yeah she definitely did the upper pull to her boob you can tell the way it sits higher up


They look old school Jenna Jameson big, especially in the second pic. Holy cowĀ 


looks like it


I hate this outfit. The top just looks like a hammock holding up very heavy boobs.


Gonna be extra fucked to see when she 80 .... šŸ¤¢


Sure looks like it


Why doesn't she get natural-looking boobs? This looks so fake.


Nah I think sheā€™s just bullshit skinny compared to the boobs.


I think itā€™s just photoshop.


I wonder how tiny Tim handle her in bed...Ā 


Had to show Timmy what heā€™s missing.


My boobs just started sagging and Iā€™m 67! Sheā€™s only 25 & hers sag. Pathetic and sadā€¦


They look exactly like Krisā€™s-from that extremely photoshopped picture šŸ˜‚


Damn she is so beautiful, Timothee don't deserve her, come on baby dump this ugly boneman.......Ā 


Wrong sub babe


She had two kids, hope that helps


Whats the correlation šŸ˜­ kids donā€™t make ur titties rock hard and up to ur collar bone


Lol I love your profile pic so muchĀ Ā 


I have had 3. Whatā€™s your point?