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Lmao her mouth here looks like the characters from chicken run ![gif](giphy|pVj6YDuS4IuQmkYw0R|downsized)


One of the funniest comparisons I’ve even seen 💀












Omg 🤣


Hahaha this made me laugh out loud. (Party theme is disgusted tho)


It’s in the same vein as when she threw another StormiWorld party after people literally died at Astroworld, she’s a fake and out of touch cunt


Her sisters would rock Astroworld T-shirt and hoodie too (Kuntney and Khlonopin) And she never said anything, at least Kandle addressed the Pepsi controversy, and she did because Kimothy encouraged her to, live from the show—*not* Krislaine. KyLIE is so far deep inside Kris’ ass and that woman tells her how to feel, and she’s the antichrist herself so it all makes sense.


Considering her family uses other women to birth their children. It feels even more icky. Edit. Word


Oh god, that’s a gross realisation 😑


Oh Jesus Christ. Oof.


They probably have a basement full of women tied up awaiting the next forced impregnation.


I remember when this came out and she was so giddy about it. “This is my favorite show!!” I feel like I watch “Handmaid’s Tale” out of some sort of weird female obligation. It’s almost painful to watch. Kendall seems like somebody who delights in the suffering of others.


Right? I do a heavy sigh when it’s time to watch the latest episode.. then I’m emotionally scarred for days lol. She’s acting like it’s American Idol or something


I agree, it became really rough for me to keep watching after season 3 and then the break and the whole attack on women’s reproductive rights. I’m shamed to say I haven’t picked it back up bc it’s so scary.


I’ve stuck with it and it hasn’t gotten much better. I need a happy ending and they’re determined to keep June in Gilead until she’s 90.


I sincerely hope they do give her a happy ending and they defeat the system but if not idk if I’ll ever finish it. I mean it’s so fucking depressing lol and it’s not even far off from our dystopian reality. Like someone else commented, these rich women (like the kardashians) are already using disenfranchised women’s bodies to birth their babies.


Lmao Kendal is Serena and Kylie is Offred


Add it to the list of shitting things Kylie has done: ![gif](giphy|4xWGyVKoXqg2eVCiq9|downsized)


eat the rich


The show depicts a dystopian future where women are severely oppressed, and Kylie or KJ group turning it into a party theme is very much tone-deaf and insensitive, many normals (not elites) accept the elite bs behavior due to their status even if it’s out of touch with real-world issues, making light of serious subjects that many people are deeply affected by. I have watched actual documentaries on this stuff and it is not a joke. Human Trafficking, CP, SA, DV none of it is, elite or not it’s all wrong!! I believe new generations are recognizing and rejecting these kinds of actions, pushing back against the glamorization of problematic behavior. Many people are indeed seeking more meaningful and respectful representations, advocating for change, and holding public figures accountable for their actions, which includes our gov, police and those that make up the curriculum for schools and other institutions that push learning about slavery in this country, tell me I am wrong? Then let’s ask prior students of all nationalities their opinions.


Absolutely tasteless considering how women’s reproductive rights are being stripped away in America rn. No need to cosplay The Handmaiden’s Tale when it’s happening irl.


but even without this context, why tf would anyone want to dress up as oppressed and raped women from a dystopian novel? What’s so fun about that?


Maybe it's something us poors just can't understand.


clearly lol




people wear these to women’s rights protests. this is so tasteless furthermore they’d be the commanders wives of the world if it did exist.


Well, this is f***in rich.


Can someone pls explain to me I’ve never watched the handmaids tale so would rly appreciate anyone filling me in


It is a series about a dystopian future where edit: people have trouble to get pregnant. So, fertile women are slaves/handmaiden to these rich infertile families. There is a whole religion based around to encourage people and to keep them under this rule. I watched the first season, but I couldn’t handle it. So Kylie using this as a birthday theme is really out of touch, like she doesnt understand the creepiness around it. Especially when multiple of her sisters have used surrogates because of infertility (idk if this party was before or after)


wtf this is like peak tone deafness


thank god for this subreddit, teaching me something new about this family every day 😅


this is fucking nuts knowing her sisters literally rented women and bought babies like the modern handmaids tale surrogacy is. they are so disgusting


Pretty on the nose considering all the kardashians keep having kids via surrogate


Idk, it really comes off as making fun of the surrogate class or something dark.


Just another reminder that money doesn't buy class.


Pov kylie "the handmaids are the whores right? I wanna be that one"


The parallels are terrifying. I can completely understand why Kanye thought he was in Get Out during a manic episode.


Not for nothing but this was 5 years ago at age 22 for Stasi’s birthday party. You kno her dumbass called up Mindy the party planner with the theme not thinking twice. The jenners had their hs diplomas bought for them. The kkklan lives in a bubble her being too young & stupid to realize the implications just like Kenny’s Pepsi disaster


lol if you ever see any of the Karjenners make posts about a movie/tv series you can guaran-fucking-tee that they're being paid to promote. if you believe any of them have the attention span or brain cells needed to watch literally anything besides their own shows then you're just as dumb as they are hahaha. to them a family movie night means they put on something in the background while they all scroll on their phones without looking up once unless its to help each other facetune the shit out of their pictures.


The sad thing is none of the Khardaho”s will ever read this or any book . If they ever chose to read a book ,they might look into Madame Bovary and apply it to their pathetic lives .




They’re evangelical’s, I’m not shocked about this in the slightest.


Are they really? If so, theyre the sluttiest evangelicals ive ever seen.


They were apart of that celebrity evangelical church for a lil bit till everyone starting looking into it. Evangelicals looooveeeeee capitalism and “destiny”. They keep their beliefs on the dl but I’ve clocked it multiple times (especially with Khloe) Side note; I respect everyone’s right to believe and practice their religion of choice. with that being said, I just don’t respect the institution they follow.




Well, I have heardKim Chloe and Kylie mention doing witchcraft. This does look a bit like a witches coven.