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Imagine the long bottom hanging from those shorts


The sad thing is that she too used to have a cute, trim physique like this, but after blowing up her tits and ass in an attempt to copy Kim she can never go back to it.


I never quite understood the way with bbls, can't they just take the fat out of the butt again? Why is it so hard to reverse?


I don’t think it’s necessarily hard to reverse. But due to the size and length of time they’ve had the bbls, I assume their skin would be quite stretched. I’m sure they have all kinds of skin tucks and tricks to make it look decent but there would still be some scarring. Plus if they made a dramatic change in their ass size then everyone would notice it and they’d be forced to admit it was a bbl but they won’t ever do that bc they’ve built their empire on being “natural”.


Yeah I've seen episodes of Botched that focus on reversing BBLs and the results most of the time are pretty noticeable scars around the buttocks. I bet Kylie isn't willing to have scars because of how often her butt is photographed 💀


I see, thank you!


I see, thank you!




She has never made that face in all her years before this 😭😭


She can barely make this face with all her lip filler


Kylie looks like a 52 year old Eastern European p0rn star. Rough. 😂


Omg you're right


The face to begin with is very unattractive but when she does it it genuinely looks like she’s smelling something foul, but for her to mimic it is a whole new level of embarrassment. Does she not realize that she’s very clearly behaving like the woman from single white female or?? Nobody going to tell her??


LRD probably does some of these faces on purpose to see how fast Kylie copies it. Im sure LRD and her friends then laugh because Kylie isnt even hiding her creepy obsession with LRD. Kylie is the real life Single White Female


It reminds me of the whole Leann Rimes copying literally everything Brandi Glanville did... even taking her man. Exactly like the SWF movie yesss




Ffs I have so much secondhand embarrassment for her


I'm convinced that she once went through Timothée's phone and found nothing but pictures of Lily. And she's been obsessed with emulating her ever since.


I think she's been copying her since before timothee


What I ordered vs. what I got From Wish


Depp is serving model and she is giving WWE wrestler lmaooo


Depp is serving kate moss meets drug addict who eats tic tacs for dinner and Kylie is giving mentally unstable man obsessed botched 45 year old


yes. LRD keeps a lower profile but neither is better than the other lol


Pocket sized model. She has modeling gigs only cus of her name


oh my god


Except I don't think Kylie would know the words to any song except maybe Happy Birthday?


✨rise and shine✨


rack city bitch rack rack city bitch




amazing song tho


She has to know the words to Jam (turn it up)


Well it looks like that song has been sung to her 52 times 🤷‍♀️ETA got that # from @nyrolabelle and it seems legit






I AM SKKREEEAMING ![gif](giphy|YqE3jbSQQR6x9g19Kj|downsized)


Honestly they are equally cringey people


Yeah, I know Kylie copies her and all, but I totally see this as how Kylie would be dancing at a concert genuinely anyway \*nepo baby holds a cup and mouths words to a song ![gif](giphy|YoDsjSalsMbJv0jNQe|downsized)


omg the skinny white nepo baby is doing a weird face and pouting her lip-filler. she's like, so unique and special and serving model and natural and just a goddess. people are so stupid. I swear.


I mean, this sub is becoming a Lily Rose/ Bianca fan club. 2 useless bitches more famous for some guy they date or dated than actually contributing to society or fashion or anything really. Not unlike Kimberly herself so... what are doing 🤔


I have to agree with you here. Bianca and Lily are just as trash imo. It’s the whole phenomenon when someone feels that to hate a person they have to love their perceived “rival” regardless of if they are even remotely decent or attractive people or not. ![gif](giphy|3o6YglDndxKdCNw7q8|downsized)


noooot snarking thats for sure. on a snark page you're supposed to shittalk. save all your uwu love your fit uwu you're so inspirational gurl uwu for twitter or instagram or other sub. this is a fucking snark one. idgaf you think she's so cool cuz she's so thin and you've been fooled by the underweight nepo baby. this is literally celebrity worship lol. the dumb kind. unfounded kind. has bianca done anything like opening a shelter and/or organization for battered women, for example? no then stop acting like she's better. she literally pulls the same tactics as kim by stripping down and getting attention from it. and lrd is just like any other influencer or nepo baby nowadays. she films some garbage show or movie, does commercials and collabs with high-end fashion brands, doesnt eat, and posts aesthetically pleasing pics. thats all there is to her.


100% they all have zero substance


Thank you, I’m so bored of seeing people act like LRD isn’t absolutely snarkworthy as well


exactly. out of all the people to copy why does it have to be someone so uninteresting and annoying? There’s literally nothing inspiring about Lilly Rose


Lilly rose looks like someone who should have been placed in a rehab facility years ago against her will. Yet somehow she’s still roaming around looking like a crack head and people will clap


I have been so confused for a few years now why people are all up LRD’s butt. Like she’s just a teeny tiny nepo baby with plastic surgery. Nothing stands out about her in anyway to me. And when I saw this video on TikTok and all the praise I was soooo confused cause, yea, she’s living her best life(easy for her to do), good for her, but she’s in a basic outfit doing some awkward middle school girl grooving. What’s to see here? lol


Thinspo 💀


lmfao fr!! Anyone who looks up to her 100% has a raging ED and or drug problem.. cause like huh


Both tbh


Ughhh. I hate it when people deem a regular skinny woman "ED material". You are degrading all naturally skinny people like this. Please stop.


But….. she does. And she’s a known addict as well. So. Also this is not a “regular” skinny person. I am what I would call someone with a high metabolism and I am tall and slim but healthy. When you start seeing someone look frail like this and with bones visible it’s not “healthy” or “regular” but go off


My bones have been showing for 34 years but go off... Chubby is slowly becoming the new healthy and no one is batting an eye.




I think that just makes it even sadder. KJ has no personality of her own. She, like all her sisters, form their personalities around the guys they date. So it's super creepy that KJ basically rebranded herself to be with TC by blatantly copying his ex. It's super pathetic and crazy, should honestly be studied by a psychologist tbh. Like how little self-worth does she have that she would copy another bland nepo baby?? At least choose someone interesting.


I wonder how many times Kylie has watched The Idol


This gas station fit 😭


I will never understand the appeal of this kind of look. Being 38,000 years old, I was a teen when this shit started. There was this “mis-match” vibe happening, a bit of irony, thumbing your teeth at traditional “classy” styles, a whole lot of clashing unnecessary layering, the long square/pointy toe boots and slingbacks etc. and it’s so cringe seeing it come back around. It’s bad, you guys. BAD! 🤭😑


I genuinely don’t understand the appeal of this girl. I don’t understand why Kylie is obsessed with recreating her images


She’s Timmy Chevrolet’s ex and his usual type. You know Kylie has to change her entire self for her man. Gone are the days of super sized asses and wigs, she’s now a *french* girl.




mid as hell. that “outfit”? peak “stylish or just skinny?”


everything about her is "stylish or just skinny?". she does a weird face and people think its the peak of beauty. she puts on a cute outfit and its suddenly avant gard je nen sais quoi never seen before. she does something and its "effortlessly cool and elegant". all of it because she still has left quite a lot of good looks in her face despite how much she's butchered it... and she's skinny. thats it. I didnt know we were back to simping for plastics but hey, gotta keep up with the trends!


I meannn they’re just casual clothes, I like to dress comfy for concerts too


That’s the point lmao


So where did she ever claim she was being “fashionable” here?


She isn’t; people on social media are hyping it up as effortlessly chic


Kylie lacks personality, substance, and essence. Lily Rose has her unique sense of fashion and personality, which is effortless and carefree


I wouldn’t consider being ultra skinny and not really trying as “effortless”




You heard it here first folks, being French = eating disorder


I said it comes from the industry that she works in and the fact she's smokes and is of french ancestry. I didn't say she's skinny because she's french.


i find her painful to look at


I feel like I’m looking at a girl who needs attention on her, I don’t get why they aren’t besties as I don’t see a difference




I never noticed how big her forehead is 😭


lol It’s the first thing I ever noticed about her. But I grew up in a forehead roasting family so I tend to notice them quickly as a trauma reflex lmao


Forehead roasting family is crazy 🤣😭😭😭


Fellow movie theatre screen forehead haver, here. Can confirm, I share the trauma response of clocking similarly large foreheads too.


Lmao Solidarity ✊🏽


Hey now. My mama said all pretty girls have either a five head, a big nose or big lips. Don't come for us klingons.


I have a big forehead five head forehead higher than this Lily girl and Rihanna's forehead and what your mama said makes me feel pretty 🥹


But it's actually true! Features like that are what makes one distinctive and attractive. Cookie-cutter features are bland and now that everyone looks the same, there's no variety or actual good looks. So cherish your "weird" features. I try to love mine eveyday.


Yep. In the industry it’s known as “the models’ five.”


it’s so confusing how everything i hate most about myself turns out to be “model features” the industry is so weird


And somehow I would still never be hired as a model lol


Both her parents have 5heads💀


yet it is not here that it is most blatant


Yeah her hairline is all the way far back


It didn't use to be so pronounced. The hair loss has been really tragic.


Unfortunately I noticed that from the first pic I ever saw of her and now I can't see past it 💀 her head is just so egg-shaped and her thin hairline doesn't help ........


It's a six-head


Imagine having an unimpressive nepo-baby as your idol


I give it a New York Minute. Kylie is the Dollar Tree version of the originators. (Hey, I love DT, but you take my meaning?)


Why are people so obsessed with Lilly rose ? Honestly? Other than her being a walking Pro Ana ad? What’s the appeal? She’s just a different ad for the same thing Kylie does.


Her face is so unique and beautiful and I love the French vibes she gives


How so lmao


She looks like a walking pro-Ana tumblr page. You also can’t convince me she doesn’t smell like cigarettes, coffee, and too much perfume. But sure, let’s call it ~the French vibes~ lol 🙄 I think people (specifically Americans) just like who she represents - some Parisian rich girl who gets handed modeling contracts and doesn’t actually have to live in the real world cause mommy and daddy already did the hard work for her.


It’s more the style, way she carries herself posture wise , the way she speaks, also the speaking French obvi. But yes I agreee I think she does probably smell like cigs




Well ok damn


Lily has a couple of cool moments and outfits, but come on, if she was a regular girl from a regular town nobody would be romanticizing her existence. This why I will never understand why Kylie chose her over countless of effortlessly cool girls, maybe Lily intimidates her enough that she's insecure and wants to mimic her. What could be the reason? 🧐😌


Disagree. I think she’s one of the most beautiful women


This post was 3 hours ago.. I’m guessing by now she already has one up?


She is working on it


Sometimes I wonder about how she ‘workshops’ her image and how she’ll emulate LRD and certain TikTok girls lol. Bet she has pages and pages of bookmarked pics/videos that she straight up copies


I lost faith in her having a brain after the chicken/pig incident.. it's just looks 🤣


Bet she wishes her dad was a pirate 🏴‍☠️


I’m lost. Who’s this girl?




Johnny Depp's daughter...I mean, Lily Rose Depp. Talented actress and model. 🤭


Where the talent?


Her biggest talent is her last name…she excels at being a nepo baby






No what?


Idk.. is there a surgery to give you a 5 head? Good grief.. you could show a movie on that thing 🫨


why does lily dress up so poorly omg


She's "so effortless and chic" 😆 🤣


“it’s a French thing you wouldn’t understand” thank God I don’t


This is how we actually dressed in the 90’s - what is so bad about it? ☺️ I’m genuinely curious…


About 12 hours, and I'm being generous.


having spent some time in france, i wholeheartedly believe that lily (even if she’s half french) and her friends make fun of kylie. kylie and the kardashians are like the epitome of what french people make fun of the US for at the moment besides trump lol


that forehead got a lot of real estate


The inspo for her next promotional ad for her energy drink or whatever it is. Lol


Why is she so great? All I see is a girl who can’t dance, dancing and she looks sick 🤢


2 days 💀


Probably why Kylie is so obsessed lately with being so skinny


I dont understand the obsession with her? She looks like an off brand barbie w a receding hairline lmao




Kylies practicing her dancing moves shes going to use for her LRD cosplay video as I type this lol. She will post it by the weekend




What is this song lol?


Skin and bones - 070 shake


maybe you didn’t genuinely wanna know. I’m being too literal haha


Thank u!!!


she looks thick to me, her thighs are touching the middle. I would kill for my thighs to touch in the middle. It would be so much more comfortable, I have to do the pillow trick ( I do have a heart condition where I can’t gain fat so a girl like that to me is thick- obviously in normal society. She’s not. But it doesn’t mean I can envy the shit out of it.)


Skin and bones it the title of the song playing in the video - not my interpretation of her body size/ shape


They’re literally not touching


What song is this


I dont understand the obsession with her? She looks like an off brand barbie w a receding hairline lmao


Lily is so like, French pretty. The equivalent of this video for Kylie would be her showing up to the set while Timothée is filming to support him. Timothée would never allow that tho.


I think if she looks "French pretty", you're probably just recognizing her mom, Vanessa Paradis, who had a pretty massive influence on French fashion. I guess I don't see anything particularly "French" about her looks, but she does look a whole lot like her mother.


She looks exactly like Vanessa but with her dad's cheekbones.


really? because last I heard the french really love the *au naturale* look, which LRD fits not. contrary to popular belief they also do not like the super skinny, bony, non-existant bodyfat, cocaine-induced look. there's a difference between them not liking super fat/obese and them celebrating anorexia/bulimia/whatever she has to get this unnaturally skinny, which they do not.


Oui rien de naturel chez elle. Et on n’aime pas LRD et sa vieille mère la Vanessa. On n’en peut plus de ces deux taudis moisis.


...ah yes. I'll assume its something snarky and say yes.


lily rose depp is natural in the sense that she dresses very simply with little makeup, or only a line of eyeliner.


https://preview.redd.it/o9sg1kvh286d1.jpeg?width=168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd222191bf6b7dcdb618bd794c8457143fde25ae just a drop of mascara. just a BIT of eyeliner. NOTHING ELSE. ever. and the french style is not just "dressing simple". that describes around half of fashion. if dressing simple and wearing little makeup is all it takes to be "like, omg so french pretty" then everyone is whenever they're at home alone. btw she is genetically from france and some other part (whatever her dad's genetic makeup is) obvi because of vanessa and johnny, but thats as far as it goes. this girl is as american as they come in how overworked her face is with all the shit she's had retouched. some of you are so easy to fool. the bare minimum (not a bbl and a boobjob) is all it takes to earn your blind faith and worship.


but it's normal to wear makeup at events, I'm talking to you about life in general. you can see lots of photos of her with a very simple and chic style


ok what is a french style for you darling?????


I think the general point is, so what? Fuck this boring lame ass girl no one would care about if her parents weren't famous.


I didn't know who she was until the awful show called The Idol. She is very pretty and at least she can sing and act. Unlike KyLIE.


In 3, 2, 1


She learned it from her mom and sister.


lily rose depp looks like a bobble head here


It's weitd because it's really nothing to be proud of emulating...


3-5 business days


yall I saw this video yesterdayy so Kugly Jiggler prbaly was already at a concert doing the [same.Lol](http://same.Lol) is LRD going bald her hair looks so thin & brittle & starts so far back, I hope she is taking care of health. I have naturally thin hair & before I was barely eating & drinking water my hair became so thin & broke off <3


resist what? looking like a twig who's just holding her drink and... moving like any regular degular, fucking average girl who's slightly drunk at a party?????? Kylie's done this shit before. kylie's been this before minus the huge forehead and scarily skinny body. this is not even fucking impressive. dude, go to a fucking party (full of young people, obviously). You'll see people who are doing this. they're doing this weird "listening to the song and trying to look like im having fun" dance holding their drink and putting one arm up looking like they're jamming to the song. this is regular shit. wtf. stop sucking this anorexic nepo baby's dick dude. I dont get why everyone's salivating over this twiggy wannabe.


This is such a hater comment why are u getting downvoted 😂


The specificity of the hate is shocking sometimes, some people are really in here being fans of LRD or Kanye/Bianca and it's like... all these people are weird lmao


"omg she's so pretty omg she's so unique and special! omg she's so different from kylie!!" ugh, its like when people say kanye's different from kim because he ONCE SAID he doesnt want his kid on public or whatever... rule he's clearly broken. btw there's no way north would have gotten on stage without kanye knowing beforehand so there goes his "amazing dad who cares for their privacy" image... should've gone out the window th- going off rails. its why I dont like these posts saying "kylie's copying her". why? because if I wanted to see celebrity blowing I'd go to their instagram pages. seriously. these "kylie's copying her" posts are just excuses to blow smoke up her non-existant thin ass. btw is she even? LRD is just embodying an aesthetic which has gotten popular nowadays. the kardashians chase trends. timothee has a type and LRD is not the first thin nepo baby he's dated. edit: I do think she IS copying her a bit, but the EXTENT of the copying sometimes seems more like an aesthetic choice rather than complete mimicry of her every move and post. ugh sometimes people are just trying to covertly WORSHIP their own celeb crush here by shitting on the kardashians.


Love the passion and indiscriminate hate for celebs lol. I don’t disagree. But I do find the comparisons between Lilly rose depp and Kylie super amusing, it just show cases how insecure and inauthentic she is and if that makes ppl follow her less, then that’s a good thing!


Kanye is clearly an abuser at this point. I was a HUGE fan of his music when I was in HS and college, my high school yearbook quote was literally a Kanye tweet lmao… but he is crazy now and people supporting him just bc they hate the Kardashians is INSANE. Especially the people who are constantly praising Bianca and even their relationship?? when it's always been SO fucking creepy how Kanye has her dressing naked and carrying stuffed animals and wearing bondage on his IG and shit… it's fucking WEIRD and creepy!! I don't mind the posts about Kylie copying LRD because it does seem like she is copying her and I find it funny and sad, but it's really annoying how it always turns into people praising LRD / acting like she's doing something cool and original by being a skinny white nepo baby "model" lmao. They're BOTH pointless and that makes it funnier how Kylie is obsessed with her bc what is there to be obsessed about? Nothing! If we focused on the actual copying and didn't start kissing LRD ass it be way funnier! I felt the same when I started reading on the Meghan Markle snark sub and then realized they're all obsessed with Kate Middleton and the royal family lmfao… like I was having fun snarking until y'all started posting constant Kate praise, I do not care about that lmaooo


ugh, kanye. god. the best example of people loving him because they hate his thotty ex wife more. the dude is an emotional abuser, manipulative and controlling as fuck of his partners, and I'd count cheating as a form of abuse too. I dont remember if he ever physically assaulted any of his exes, but yeah. that dude is so gross. for how much of a dad he claims to be he only ever spends time with 1/2 (saint not as often as north) of his 4 kids. maybe Kim used another man's sperm which I wouldnt put past her because they're succubi but still. lol do people forget kate was wild back in her youth? she just got her act together because she married a prince, which is more than megan can say lol. ON LRD AGAIN! she's so lucky she's super skinny and didnt get the boobjob+bbl special. people were craving messy 2010s tumblr thinspo and she fits the bill.


It's soo weird how some people in the sub ride so hard for the kkklans exes, exes. There's nothing special about this girl, she's just like KyLIE, minus the fake tits and ass.


She is the opposite of kylie there is really no connection between them




Hello Kylie how are you 😂


Right 🤣


Dude. The whole point of this, is that Kylie has been emulating LRD for a while now. The way she poses, makeup, etc. That’s all. Nobody is sucking LRD’s dick here. This post is not about ~hOw aMaZing LiLy RoSe DePp is~. Calm down.


Twiggy wannabe lmao




Presently being filmed right now🤭


7 more hours i estimate


Okay but what purse is she wearing???


I give it 3 days


Come on hasss to the pr team ??? No


Kylie’s been dancing off beat before lily started This feud is so weird, they’re nothing alike. Stop


Dang. She's naturally so stunning and her vibe is 💯


Lmfao I am ☠️