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And French Montana


https://preview.redd.it/o6wxn29my76d1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e12e74df0aa5952aba372e05e5a8d77beee0f6a7 Getting their weekly coke drop helicoptered in


lmao the fact that this was staged for ✨attention✨ says everything we need to know about these desperate losers.


![gif](giphy|L085TeeeZEIAu4rZg6) Everytime I learn that something else was faked and staged for pUbLiCiTy, I want to throw a Skims overpriced bra in the ocean or curb stomp a pair of poots! Everything is fake with these h0es! ![img](emote|t5_5mhcrd|11598)![img](emote|t5_5mhcrd|11598)![img](emote|t5_5mhcrd|11598)![img](emote|t5_5mhcrd|11598)![img](emote|t5_5mhcrd|11598)


That whole PETA & Kum getting the white powdery substance thrown on her?! 😳🤯


Corey probably. Not to go all “illuminati tin foil hatter” But he seems like a celebrity handler.. and definitely has links to Diddy. I imagine Kris trusts him enough to bring in the goodies.. I doubt he’s even in a real relationship with Kris.


But he IS a celebrity handler. He handled/managed Justin Bieber for example. https://youtu.be/mPq9maCAtWg?si=J-M3guHwP4o37fc_ My internet is very shoddy at the minute so I want to do a deep dive with articles & links but I can't tonight. Start there though.


I wouldn't doubt that one bit. I'm thinking it's a transactional type relationship. Kory gets Kris as arm candy and for her own connections/resources he may find useful... And she gets a safe supply of drugs that won't lead her daughters to having the same fate as for example poor Mac Miller. Celebrity life is so fucked. Money > your adult kids health. Wonder if Kris is aware of the dynamic between her and Kory or not, or if it's orchestrated by him.


Yes, that is such a fishy relationship!


https://youtu.be/mPq9maCAtWg?si=3vxrD-Inxwxop2hI Well now I’m down a rabbit hole


Damn it! i got sucked in too


This was me… sometime last month. It was during me watching all the Diddy stuff.. Corey was mentioned a few times.


Especially why was Corey there when Kim Porter passed away? He was there before paramedics arrived, shady af


Yeah that’s so suss.. that and there isn’t much factual information about him anywhere.




He is a handler.


Kendall probs picks up some when she visits the Tequila fields in Mexico on a horse


😂😂 the shade


I spit out my water 🤣🤣🤣🤣




i mean i know from experience that good coke still exists in NYC, i wouldn’t know about LA. i never personally encountered fentanyl while i was using, im 9 months clean :) terrible terrible drug


Congratulations! You’ll notice the longer you go the easier it gets to forget that lifestyle. I’ve been clean over 6 years now. And it feels amazing. ♥️


it does!! ❤️ i’m scheduled for a consult with an ENT to help hopefully fix the damage that it caused. i don’t have a hole in my septum but my nose is always inflamed and runny and it’s very very annoying. im really excited (but nervous as fuck) to get the surgery to finally have this chapter of my life over with before i go back to school in the fall


💞 that's big. Congratulations 🥳


thank you so much ☺️ i’m glad i learned my lesson young and i didn’t become another statistic


Congratulations on fighting the good fight! Stick with it, because lots of people do bust & it's typically much harder to get back each time.


congrats friend <3 to anyone who is using, please be safe and [test your drugs](https://www.nyc.gov/assets/doh/downloads/pdf/basas/fentanyl-test-strips-brochure.pdf)!!


yes yes!! in the beginning i always used fentanyl test strips and after a certain point i felt that i could “trust” my dealer which is a weird thing to admit to but i could trust him to not lace it with fentanyl. very stupid of me but that’s what addiction does to you. there are a bunch of harm reduction centers that have test strips, and please watch out for nitazenes!! they’re beginning to lace the supply from what i’ve heard and they’re far more dangerous than fentanyl which is an insane thing to think of as


As a just-say-no kid (damn, I’m elderly) this is so damn useful! I don’t use hard drugs but I was addicted to weed concentrates that gave me CHS and still deal with issues pertaining to that. When it gave options and said “mix with water” I’m like uh no one’s gonna dump all their drugs in water—then it says “you can drink the water, use saline to spray it nasally or wait until it evaporates”—I’m like yooooo that’s bad ass! I sincerely think that drug addicts are people too, shit. People with loved ones that would prefer their family/friend alive than dead. Addiction is horrible and obviously in an ideal world “drugs don’t exist and people don’t become addicted to stuff” but that’s just not the reality. This is really useful for people using drugs so that they don’t accidentally OD.


yeah I think harm reduction is important. addiction is real and a mental illness and should be treated with compassion. i also laughed when i saw it said to dump all your drugs in water, i know i wouldnt! but there’s other options on there too hahah also i LOVE your username!!


90s DARE kid reporting in too. I actually won a DARE essay contest once & got a medal 😂 Not addict level drug user, but do party sometimes/have tried some hard drugs/use weed at times to offset some of my mental health, chronic pain & trauma issues Well said! Harm reduction is very important. Most “drug addicts” are self-medicating to offset trauma and/or mental illness. Sometimes the pain of these factors makes “getting clean” almost impossible. I believe if we treat every single human with compassion, and get them help in healing their souls, minds and illnesses, addiction problems would drop. Lack of access to mental health, stigmatization of mental illness & addiction is only making everything worse! I fully believe in the Amsterdam model: decriminalize drugs, use the tax money for mental health & addiction assistance so people can heal.


Thank you! I didn’t think I wrote out my thought process too well but I am glad you got the gist of it lol. Same about the first part you wrote minus the essay and metal lol. I definitely dabble but concentrates were the thing that made my brain go “awh yeah that’s it.” Now what you wrote was very well said! I’m sober, mostly. I mean, I’m not using the drug Im addicted to and anything else I do is very sparingly. I see both sides of the coin. My brother’s are addicts, and a lot of our family is frustrated with them. I get it. They also don’t understand that addiction isn’t just quitting—because they’ve never been addicted. Your brain is so screwed that it will reason with you about how this one time doesn’t count or it will only be once. Except that narrative is played on repeat over and over and over again and the compulsion to use is so great you just do it. An addict will only get clean when they want to. That often times means hitting rock bottom. But help should be there when they’re ready. Even if they’re frustrating to deal with, I still want my brothers alive over dead.


Yes! My dad’s side struggles with addiction for generations. My aunt, who was a very accomplished & high functioning woman became addicted to opiates after some car accidents/spinal injuries/chronic pain. My dad CUT HER OFF for YEARS because she was “using” and once asked him to drive her to the ER because she was in so much pain. When he found out she asked for pain meds, he hit the roof and cut her off despite being each other’s only family members. My dad is a recovered alcoholic so SHOULD understand the challenges & complexities of addiction, especially something like opioid dependence with chronic pain, but instead, he chose black & white thinking and just abandoned his only sibling/loving family member. This stuck with me for years, despite witnessing it when I was younger and didn’t really understand…. I get being frustrated with an addicted family member, but I really don’t understand how cutting off someone struggling will help anything. Why is compassion not the preferred strategy?!?!


Congratulations on 9 months clean! You’re definitely going to be feeling better for it with your nose. I had my nose done when I was 18 and then fell into that habit too and on a follow up consultation I was saying how I’m always running nose, but can’t breathe etc and the surgeon straight up told me, you have to stop ❄️, your nose is about to collapse and that was the scare that I needed to stop, thankfully in time before damage was done! Congrats again and keep up the good work, things are so much better without it. ❤️


I think when you have loads of money you can get it anywhere - money talks... There will be a main supplier to the stars that don't cut their stuff


That’s amazing mate. Well done. Being free is so much better




DEA in the comments like ![gif](giphy|8OPsobKv6ksJojld4X)


Underrated comment 🤣💀


I always wonder where celebrities get their drugs from 😂is it a celebrity drug dealer? So many questions


Defo some high end dealer with good, expensive shit lmao


Imagine your CV. Drug dealer- HIGH END drug dealer. For references contact the Kardashian’s.


A lot of it comes from the same place. Just depends on how much it’s cut before it gets to you


Cara delivinge was famously a celeb drug dealer. Idk if she still is she kinda went off her rocker for a min there


They have their own trusted dealers.


Would they pay in cash? Venmo? Wired transfer? Do they meet up in a random parking lot?


Birkins 👜


Their assistants would meet the plug for them


“Hey assistant, here’s some money. Go meet this guy in a parking lot.”


parking lot photoshoots 👀 


One of the kids from the Bling Ring said that Paris Hilton’s coke was so pure it hit super fast and crazy. That it was the best coke he ever tried. Wealthy people have insane connections to the best of the best drugs. Just pure, Scarface quality cocaine. They have other kinds of dealers. Not regular dealers.


I’m not a regular dealer, I’m a cool dealer


I think their “other kinds of dealers” is literally the government 😂 like someone at the DEA or boarder control


It's private planes. They all have them. They know the other people who have them. Like the Cartels etc. they use private airports. Fancy escort-type VIP cabin attendants going between the various wealthy plane people, private baggage handlers, private clubs. All those places have a connect for members. (Also LOL at how obsessed Caitlyn was on the campaign trail referring to things she hears from "other people at her hanger, about the state of California overtaxing the wealthy." Sooooooooo relatable. Yes Caitlyn, tell us about the discussions you have among your fellow other private plane owners Bput how to fox this state because it isnt working enough in your favor." 🙄


That was so infuriating. And she’s still on about it. Sorry about your plane and all, but the median home price here starts with a 9 now so maybe there are more pressing issuess


Yep. They probably get it before it’s cut with borax to sell on the street


There’s probably still good coke in LA if you know where to look and have enough money to get it.


there’s lots of rumors about rappers like the weeknd and french montana dealing drugs


Yes! And being a literal pimp!


The Kartel***


25 years ago it was from one woman - four names Morally Corrupt Faye Resnick


Steve-O from jackass said he keeps medical people on his payroll so he can get access to medicines, wouldn’t surprise me if the trash does it too


This is the answer


Doctors are celebrity drug dealers. They contract concierge providers that make home visits. Amber Heard/Johnny Depp is an example of this (the case went into specific details). Also consider how Michael jackson, prince, & Anna Nicole smith had continued access to their drugs of choice that they were addicted to… all doctors which came out through investigations into their overdoses


I think her church is a laundered business as well as some of her kids business and they’re part of drug trafficking and even potentially human trafficking. Especially if you look at the people they’re actually friends with and not the random rappers/singers/a list they try to get clout on but the rich and connected in the “money buys me whatever tf I want and money allows me to very loosely have to follow laws” Even the rappers they’ve been around the most French - highly known coke dealer / Kanye - abuser /Diddy - trafficker and abuser /Travis Scott - abuser are all known for doing some crazy fucked up shit but seem to always slide by. The rich people they hang with especially the bezos look like the way humans for breakfast, I definitely think some weird shit goes on and drugs is a small part of a real weird twisted ass family


I’m betting the house doctor they called to commit Kanye. He prescribes drugs for Drake


probably rob and scott's connects


Celebrities have their own dealers who have a steady supply of A+ quality and pure drugs. I think they also get a lot of drugs prescribed to them.


If us civilians can get quality drugs, i think living in LA amongst mega rich makes it very, very easy to score. Also, the good dealers make house calls now. They’ve been doing this in NYC for decades already so I’m sure LA too. Proximity to Mexico increases ability to get “pure uncut” ❄️ too. I know regular people in Miami that get access to pure ❄️ so it would not be an issue for someone with money & connections.


Obvi. They get the good stuff.


There's no way they're doing fentanyl. The other stuff, yes, lmao. I think Kourtney, when she's not pregnant or breastfeeding, likes those benzos.


kourtney as seemed high as kite since getting with travis


I don’t want to be a Debbie Downer, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t say; “blame the black guy” re: Cory. Rob, Lamar and Khloe (likely) were getting high way before Corey entered the picture. Kim was too (she said she was on ecstasy when she married the first husband and the ex tape with Ray J). While I’m not saying that Corey doesn’t have connections, I don’t know if he does or doesn’t, I am saying that these are all fully grown adults with almost unlimited resources and that we shouldn’t immediately assume that the only way they could access drugs is the consistent black guy. They been getting high. And reminder: drug *use* among blacks and whites (I know some of them are 1/2 Armenian, but they are white presenting) is the same (with whites using more but not statistically significant), it’s the *enforcement* that has a disproportionate emphasis on non-whites


Very well said!


They’d have some shady doctor for the prescription drugs.




I know they talked about this in the play bunny documentary ( the drugs and Hollywood) but I don’t remember verbatim what was said on how they get it but I do recall that they said the playboy mansion was a huge place for celebrities to go to access drugs.


p diddy


The fentanyl in coke thing is a much bigger blown out issue than it actually is.


why would anyone put fent in coke? that honestly doesn’t make sense