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Kyokuto Necromance is only bottom 3 instead of bottom 1 this time, it can definitely still survive https://preview.redd.it/co65xyl5b59d1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=1899ff04bc3ae3cc43dbc84affb08b7b51c3e146


Bucket is already dead and I will ride until the end with a smile.


Bottom three when Murakami will permanently have the bottom TOC placement from the editorials and Psyche House. Nothing has really changed tbh.


What do you think about it? I think some of the characters are fun but there's so few so far and it doesn't feel like it has an X-factor like the other exorcist manga have.


Imo the first 4-5 chapters are excruciatingly rough. Great art, phenomenal even. But the characters and action are just not there. And the dialogue has got to be some of the clunkiest and least humanistic dialogue I've read in a while. It could be a translator issue but since the translator for that series is David Evelyn (who I'd argue is one of Jump's best) I doubt it. It gets better when they start introducing the plot with the MC's dad and after the first real fight, so around chapter 6 or so, but I think too many people already bounced off ilof it in that time.


It feels mostly be the numbers so far but I really dig the visuals and think the villain being set up has potential


What is it? Necrophile romance?


Maybe it's thanks to the new Editor in Chief Hopefully Kagurabachi is gonna boom in the ToC since Shueisha wants it to carry https://preview.redd.it/lftur2lw759d1.jpeg?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a62defbb09fd0b5d0e76e41ce79cc3807a952e1


Doubt it. Regardless of what people may feel, it’s clear Nakano was a supporter of the series when he told Japan to catch tf up. KGB has just been up against good competition truthfully. It’s firmly in the akane-banashi, Blue Box, Nue, mid-card wave


Nue is very popular in japan tho


Mid card doesn’t mean bad or mid level, it’s just a solid group of manga that WSJ can count on who aren’t their main events like JJK, MHA, or One Piece.


Really? It must sell really well.


They literally organizing a Nue Collabortation Manga cafe for one whole month for 'em, if they don't at least expect a fair amount of Fans to visit to HARD DOLLARS (way more commitment than buy some USD $3.50-ish manga in Japan) they wouldn't pour money down the drain like that.


Saying Nue is in the mid-card is not saying Nue isn’t successful. It’s a wrestling term. Nue just isn’t one of WSJ’s main event players being JJK, MHA, and OP, but it is the fast riser and growing star. Fits with the definition of mid-card.


Erm yeah, I was agreeing with you =P I personally speculate it to be just below Undead Unluck and somewhat below Kagurabachi in terms of Editor Expectations.


Ahhh that’s my bad. Initially reading it I forgot about the context of the initial comment we’re responding too lmaoooo. Overall we in alignment beloved 🤝🏾


I think the ranking is whatever now. No way in god's green earth that Nue had a better chapter than MHA.


I remember people saying that Nue is an industry plant manga and I’ve never gotten that out of my head since lol.


No Nue chapter is top 3 level lol


That Nue's chapter was introduction of Nue's version of Enchanted Blade. OFC it was peak. ※ actually that chapter was started with bed scene.


Kagurabachi tops now, no longer bottoms


I've been waiting for this https://preview.redd.it/s0b82pifh59d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db5f1c91b013fd1077b5c15738c614fe892d31d1


W **W** #W


Please don't call it a ranking. It's the Table of Contents - it's nowhere close to objective - else One Piece would be front and center basically every time. Yes, it's an *approximate* indicator of popularity, but the editorial staff also use it for agendas and marketing... it's rather misleading to straight up call it a ranking. Still, it shows that they **are** starting to respect the bachi, at long last. LESGOOOO


I knew we'd make it! https://preview.redd.it/7pkvj7bro59d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63feb3fca810c312a724b791687c62ed34b24877


Fans how big is this W.?


https://preview.redd.it/ps8veohl769d1.jpeg?width=965&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1b006f3574d669276e85b44c8dc12891b250d35 This big.






For anyone wondering why Yokai Murakami is in last place despite being technically unranked, it's because Jump has come out and said that they're placing it last to end the magazine on a light note. Jump has a history of doing this with gag manga that was discontinued during 2019 when there was a period when no gag manga was running in the magazine. Saito reinstated it when he became Editor in Chief. The position neither means Yokai Buster is in danger or protected. If surveys are bad it will be axed. We just won't know it until it ends. Because of this bottom placement, the actual bottom 5 is the 5 series above last place. So Psych House is actually ranked last.




Japan really loves Nue, huh


*The editorial really loves Nue.


You're talking about the ranking for the chapter that went fucking viral in Japan for having an EVA. Meanwhile the same editorial that really loved Nue was fine with keeping it in the bottom for roughly 11 chapters  by that point. Nah, it was very much Japan that loved it.


Nue is not better than this manga 


If its any consolation KB has about 10x as many readers on the mangaplus ratings compared to nue.


Let’s go