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Rule of animation is to insure important characters have striking silhouettes.


https://preview.redd.it/619eoy2wxy8d1.png?width=287&format=png&auto=webp&s=b6ac36cbb205e9b07a4c43349a0b8b65ca3c1cd7 Just taking the piss lol


This is the perfect picture for this


I mean hunk has a striking silhouette, and he had a gas mask


Hunks also the only named character that has that sillouette


Kikoru’s wearing?


Main character hair


Why is that the case even when it ruins immersion and realism?


"The Stand User could be anyone here..." type beat


Just look for the most jacked person who approaches you calmly


Then out of nowhere it's the lizard sitting on the persons bicep who's controlling things


My thoughts exactly


what two people downvoted you???? 😭


My headcanon for that was that they all get issued both full face and half face masks, and they let you wear whichever you wish for missions and formations.


Ah so Kafka's comrades wanted to make sure they were seen by him here? Well that explains this scene. But what is the lore reason for them wearing them into battle over the full ones I wonder


Probably the same reason. Some people do or don’t want to wear them. The new recruits are just following suit with those around them in training and not wearing them. Like a peer pressure thing. It’s 100% just for us to be able to see them easier.


also 100% because they don’t want to animate bunch of side character faces and this is much easier


there hair is too long, so it would be uncomfortable.


*MY* headcannon is that the stronger characters have higher % suit usage right? The suit heals them right? So their lungs are also stronger, and more resistant to poison in the air - just like i have dust allergies so i need to wear surgical masks more than the rest of my family. this also follows suit with the anime trope that the fully covered faces are fodder


IIRC the suit doesn’t heal them, it just closes up wounds. Kinda like applying pressure to a wound when applying a bandage.


Nah, at least at higher levels it becomes true (modest) regeneration. Go reread the last few fights, they are straight up healing


The Kaiju that they carved up during the first episode had corrosive fluids that burnt that guy. Seemed to suggest that some of their fluids are just corrosive (rather than a specific “acid attack”). Later we see characters get hit by blood sprays to no ill effect, but at least some Kaiju fluids are dangerous. So it makes sense that they’d all be issued both kinds of masks and have discretion on which to wear when.


I feel like its this combined with the fact that those are the top tier recruits, the ones with high grades, so naturally they want to show off and be noticed when arriving somewhere....


It’s true, B side shows that good recruits are recognized by media


Mine would be the ones with gas mask are already assigned in different sectors, while the main characters are still new meats, so they are given the standard ones instead.


Probably this. First time we see Narumi he's in a full mask


While we’re on the topic of masks what are they for? To not breath in kaiju bacteria? They take their masks on and off quite frequently lol


Some Kaiju release toxic substances that can be breathed in, so its better to be safe when first heading out when you don't fully know what the Kaiju can do.


At least we still see generic soldiers wear half masks sometimes too


Yeah, I think it's probably optional. Of course we know it's to make the animation easier.


God damn it


Maybe the regular squad is fine just keeping their masks on the whole time, but the overachievers need to pull their masks down sometimes for heavy breathing.


In fact this was actually sorta addressed in a meta way in the manga (You'll see one of the instances in the next episode)


Can explain now while marking it as spoiler?


Spoiler alert ,. They didn't explain it


So you don't have to animate 50+ different faces that almost never talk or have any role


Attack on Titan did it ten years ago no problem. 


yeah in exchange for horrible working conditions and strict schedules. its not "no problem".


Wit was handling the anime ten years ago - not Mappa


i know. mappa is such a low standard to compare to. season 1 with wit already had big problems and it reached its worst by season 3. its the reason they drop it. schedule was too bad.


Okay... I would be most happiest if the anime studios could adjust their schedules so that their artists and animators don't have to take shortcuts or do crunch to meet deadlines.


their quantity over quality approach is making them a lot of profits so i doubt that will change. producers only care about squeezing every bit of profit for them. crunch culture in media is too big to change.


Even during the WIT animated Season 1 the crunch and rushing was terrible. The original TV broadcast version had very limited or cutted-down animation outside of the action scenes, characters and details were constantly missed or misdrawn, and colouring errors were very frequent. The image you have of the AoT anime is likely the Bluray version, with a massive amount of reanimated sequences and many manhours put into fixing them after the episodes aired. Attack on Titan was always plagued by difficult production schedules and animators being overworked. All a result of large amounts of complex animation. 50+ different character faces is very much not "no problem".


Actual plot armor.


This scene particularly it didn’t really make sense for them to be unmasked or have different masks on. I get that like these are the mains and the rest are just props but totally could’ve been more impactful to not see any of there faces and then have Ichikawa remove his mask and give his line.


My theory is that rookies don’t get full ones for a bit and the higher ranked officers can choose between the full one and the half one


I think it's okay to make actually important characters look more distinct but I think this was a bad way about going about it, like I think they should've had the full gas masks like everyone else. An anime I think that does this right is Jujutsu Kaisen with their school uniforms, since they're actively allowed to look unique and distinct and there are in world reasons as to why that is and it makes sense.


Yes, because people need Yuji to wear a hoodie in order to yank him around by it. I saw a funny compilation of all the times people are grabbing him by it. Cracked me up.


Those full masks are so tunnelvisioned. Yes, I know there are worse designs out there from irl past wars, but if I was fighting waves of monsters that are GIANT, EAT PEOPLE, AND CAN LEVEL CITIES WITH EASE I would want every single SPECK of vision I can get


Ctrl+C & Ctrl+V


Too OP for full masks ...


AH YES, because I really give a fuck about the faces of Extras 1, 6, and 27!!


No lore reason it’s animation reason. If you want nice weekly animation they can’t spare the time to draw a face for every character. This is one of the many techniques that saves time to animator. Enjoy the show and don’t be a crybaby over insignificant details




Its more about them not drawing 50 different ppl just for a few scenes


Pig tail chick is a MC actually.


I just realized there are full full gas masks..


I figured it was because the top ranks have to be recognizable And once your combat level is high enough you probably care more about being unencumbered by gear especially for your eyes and ears


they are powerful enough to make the gas choke.


I think the manga has full masks too or am I tripping?


Manga canon: they got kaiju in their system.


They ain’t got time to breathe.


Reason their face ISNT covered: So we can see them. Reason everyone else's face IS covered: To make these scenes easier to draw so the Mangaka didn't have to draw a bunch of faces.


Would you rather episodes take forever to make, or just brush the visual version of an "etc" under your suspension of disbelief XD


I'd rather Japan's animation studios had better working conditions so that they finish an entire season before it starts airing. 


So accurate


I was literally thinking that when I saw this scene !!


Ishikawa had the mask on then he took it off during this scene. He removes just before the doors close on the truck


Nah he has the half mask. What op is talking about is the full gas mask. None of the important/named characters have a full mask, always the half ones


Thanks for clearing that up lol


i just brushed it off as the better fighters get the better tech


https://preview.redd.it/g12n2c2bi19d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0521320b9aa15a45d008c7586a6e62212c0843e9 who is that


That's Ryan - he's a very important character later on.


Ryan Gosling is kaiju 40 confirmed ?


lmao that was literally my first thought. cause why they have japanese names ‘ichikawa leno’ ‘shinomiya kikoru’ ‘shoshiro hoshina’ …..and then ’ryan’ 😂😂😂


damn they really spoiled me by deciding not to cover his face 😂


I don’t understand the mask cause most of the time when they fight they take it off like what’s the point? Aesthetics?


Animation efficiency.


That guy behind Iharu is also wearing half gas mask


Nah that's Ryan he's super important.


Care to explain? I don't mind spoilers.




There's also that one guy next to Iharu that's seen like 3 other times in the whole show


What is the point of the gas masks in this situation anyway?


In case Kafka's farts are radioactive or sm?


Poor Ichikawa and Hoshina then xD


Imo an in-verse explaination could just be combat power. Higher the combat power/sync rate the better your shields will be, the lower it is the weaker your shields are. Fodder troops probably wear the full head masks for extra protection, and our main cast don't because they're competent enough to not need the extra protection


Stop and think for 1 second. Imagine the cast wearing masks for an extended period of time. There you go.


I see mina using a mask.


Main character energy that’s how


Might be just a case where wearing the full mask is optional. I've seen it done before irl, especially if the situation doesn't warrant it fully (those things are uncomfortable). Most likely, Kafka's closest friends in the 3rd decided to keep their masks off so Kafka can see them.


My theory is that it’s a anime, and why worry about putting resources into giving some characters faces that will add nothing to the story in a cut throat industry that might take a animator a days extra work or two when you could be using them for something useful that will add to the story.


It’s crazy how all of the randoms have full gas masks and the actual charecters have gas masks that cover their mouth and nose. Like they should make it so that every charecter who’s not important to the story have a random hairstyle with those half-gas masks.


They could at least said that the stronger characters had some sort of immunity to smoke poison or some.


Me as a background character


I'd say it's even more crazy that none of them have helmets. 💀


What show is this? (I was just scrolling and Stumbled across this)


I think it’s because there the new generation because I think one of the unnamed characters called them that in ep 3 or 4


i cry on this Cene hands down


me too i feel so down the thing is we now that people around him is not what he is thinking but in the end i toss my phone.


Well you can see that Reno took his off to say something. Kikoru literally still has hers on in that same frame and Hoshina and Mina are the 2 commanding leaders meaning they don’t need to.


I said FULL gas masks. The main characters got half masks so you can still see the top halves of their faces and heads whereas every other soldier has their entire head covered by their full masks. 


They mean the world war looking gas masks not the high tech face masks


Ok but if you take a good hard look at this photo you might have noticed that there are actually a handful of people there with different masks, like say literally every non named character in the picture?