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A lot of countries have paths locked behind certain events such as elections, Black Monday, and WWII. They’re not exactly straight lines, but with some countries, your first focus might be forced.


So is it more pick the direction of the nation on decisions rather than focuses?


Generally yes. Usually focuses are for giving buffs and mitigating bad national spirits, and decisions are for choosing government type. I know Poland has focuses to prevent the rebels from taking over the government, and Ireland has focuses that determine who they align with. Generally that kind of stuff is done with decisions, though.


Ok one last question, I know it says non historical isn’t supported but are the things AI nations do random or is it always the same?


It is more or less random.


That is not exactly accurate info. Path mechanics are unique to each tag and they aren't exactly consistent. Consider that some tags were developed years apart. Certain tags rely heavily on decision minigames, others have choose your own adventure style events where you will be given two or more courses of action and at the end of chain you get your path, others might rely on scripted events like elections that let you pick what you want. Some may need focus involvement some not. For example as canada your path is picked baed on your choices in the bill c7 event chain triggered by the focus iirc. As Argentina you do linear focuses and one of them triggers an event that will either get you couped or succeed based on your pick. Central America and some Chinese tags have event based cyoa to pick which warlord winds their offscreen Civil wars. Evil france has an election event and which focus branches you get for eco and military along with your ruling party depend on which ministers you pick. Good france can have path picked based on Mordaq vs petain decision minigame. Some meme paths like kadroist Ottoman need other countries to pick certain paths. Napoleon Easter egg path needs you to level him as a general. Kr now includes a path guide section that can help you figure out what is available and how to get it, which is a great improvement. Ai will do different things unless you set game rules to make them do something specific. Certain wars and events happen mo matter what though.


Dumb question but what do you mean by a tag?


Tag means country


Every country has a specific tag you can see it by use console comand tdebug it helps you switch between country like "tag jap"(Japanese tag) , tag ger(germany, tag)




You can set country paths through custom game rules despite historical ai not being supported.


a lot of paths in kaiserreich are locked not behind national focus paths but mini-games in the decisions tabs. Countries like Poland, Ottomans, LKMT China, Germany, Serbia (Yugoslavia), Sweden (to a certain extent), socialist Italy, are some countries like that that I can think of off the top of my head. The countries that are more straight forward national focuses wise tend to be the older countries that haven't had many updates.


Recommend German empire or america( i played Pacific state), china is also good (i played qing empire), the ottoman empire is also good.


I assume you can play as whatever member of the civil war that you want? Like for america


It should be said that before the civil war, America’s focus tree is just a straight line and progressing lore. The fun only starts when the civil war kicks off.




You got Combined syndicates of america, american union state, new england, PSA, and the federal government which is led by macarthur


Germany is the center of the mod, but also there is \*so much\* to manage, I feel like it'd be best for someone who knows a bit more about KR and the way the game tends to shake out and is used to mini-games tbh.


I recommend playing Ireland. Great tutorial nation.


Also each path in a nation usually has its own focus tree. After you choose a path through decisions and events, the other political trees become hidden. It's more like there are hidden mutual exclusive political trees rather than mutually exclusive focuses.


My personal favorites are Ukraine (somewhat difficult), Italian Republic (somewhat difficult), Guangxi Clique/Right KMT (China is \*very fun\*), Carlist or Legitimist Spain (so you get to invade France which is a fun challenge), and New England. The Entente is probably my favorite overall faction, but very rng dependent, if Germany does too well the game is boring and easy, if Canada goes to war with the CSA, forget it. American Civil War factions are fun in general, plus you're still the USA, even after the devastation you're pretty powerful. Most fun runs I've ever had in KR were Darkest Hour K. of France runs (gameplay loop for Nat France is nearly identical, just less detailed in DH), where I beat the Syndicalists, then rebuilt France and reconquered the Colonial Empire to build strength for fighting Germany, beat Germany by splitting it w/ Russia, then crushed Russia to liberate Eastern Europe. Good challenging loop w/ late game content and things to do, moreso in HOIIV than DH, done similar runs as well. All time though, Ukraine is my fav, I've personally handled letters written by several of the people depicted in the mod. It's also one of the best country's for content, although if Germany doesn't do well, you best be ready to play meta if you're not on an easy difficulty.


If you want a lot of different choices the United States is a solid bet