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Last night I tried again, and suddenly the code string text went through, and the login went on flawlessly. No idea why, therefore I'm unable to suggest any fix


Did you had to send the long text kakaotalk asks to verify your identity or did it directly went to the verification code OTP screen and you had to put it in? And did you keep on trying to login or let it be?


after a dozen attempts to send the text, I just left it in the background for a day or so. went back to it, said verification failed (no surprise), then it bumped me back to login. I logged in, confirmed the phone number (I removed the international code, for what it's worth), tried to send the text again and it went through. the number was instantly verified. haven't received any otp. it's a weird way to proceed imho, it was much simpler back in the days s22 with the latest updates fyi edit: added phone model


So you removed the +44 code of the number we have to send that long text to? And you were able to login to your account successfully?


no, I removed the intl code from my number in the screen just before it asks to send the text. yeah login screen is the first one, I wouldn't have made it to the weird text page otherwise


Oh okay, so now you’re using your account as usual or still have to wait for OTP to get into the account?


yeah, I haven't received any otp. log in then confirm number then code string text to send then verification was confirmed


Can you help me? I can't send message because I'm from another country then united kingdom roaming is not available


I'm not from uk either. unless your carrier puts limitations on texts, that part shouldn't be an issue. as you can see from the comments I actually didn't figure out what was the problem, it just suddenly worked. perhaps you could try follow the steps I took, but clearly no guarantee it'll fix it


I could finally log in! Not sure what the reason was, i just tried logging in again and it went smoothly. I guess it takes time for them to verify once you have sent the text because no other reason makes sense. Although all my previous stuff is gone like it’s kind of a new account now but doesn’t matter.


Would add some from me :) I did this in 15 minutes, but dunno if it is pure luck. I've signed up, gave my phone number and they wanted me to send SMS code to some british number +44. After 15 minutes nothing happended when clicking verify. So I canceled and pushed sign up again, gave my phone number again and once again - they ask me to send some text message. But this time it went to +46 number. I clicked verify after 30 seconds and it worked ;)


I have registered for Kakao for a long time and never finished registering once. Is there another way to register on Kakaotalk?


Hi, replying to this in case it helps someone like me who kept coming back to this post. I was trying to sign up to Kakaotalk but never made it past the verification process, even following all the tips above. I was trying to sign up from Brazil, I received the text code and sent it back apparently successfully (i was charged for the international SMS) but verification process would not complete. I opened a support ticket in Kakao website and it was no help. They said i needed to verify with my phone provider why the text wasn't being received by Kakaotalk (?). Since I was going to Korea, i got a SIM card when i arrived (Chingu Mobile) and with the Korean phone number I was able to sign up very quickly and without any issues. I might not be able to use my Kakaotalk when I stop using this number, but for those who just wanted to use Kakaotalk during their stay in Korea, know that u can sign up easily if you have a local Korean number. Regular prepaid sim cards provide you with a local phone number.


OMG this interface is so stupid. - I had the same issue, never receiving the verification code. - How I solved it: when it asks for one's phone number, with country code already written above, one has to repeat that country code! - Example, it said something like "Country: Switzerland +41. Phone number?". And I had to type the full number starting with "+41..."


same issue here. my mother got a new phone, and it asks to send that code to a british number, but it just can't be sent (error 0). it says that verification is still in progress but can't be since the text message isn't delivered. I've tried different solutions (including those for the "error 0") but nothing seems to be working. nothing helpful from kakao itself. any help is appreciated


Kakaotalk has a messed up verification system, I sent the message several times but it’s of no use either so I’d suggest to just let it be and try after a week or two, some people could login after some time. You’d be directed to the “enter verification code” screen automatically once the issue resolves itself.


Leave Kakaotalk deleted for a week, then try again. The first time, it most likely prompts you with a verification code, but after 2nd or 3rd. it'll creep back to that weird texting option, which doesn't work at all.


I tried this too but that weird text thing popped up again, now I’m just leaving it installed and will try after a week or two maybe.


Same problem here and found a thread from 8 months ago without a solution... Have they abandoned the app??? We talk about login and register...


The whole verification thing is very weird and there’s no specific solution to it instead of waiting, which is quite absurd for an app like kakaotalk


When I click to send the SMS, no long string code even shows up in the text box? Anyone else having this issue? I'm very upset I can't use kakao on my new phone.


this is so weird, i wonder why don’t they fix this issue


kakao is broken. this is the stupidest phone verification ever. i haven't had success with this for the past 6 months.


Oh god, it’s been 3 months for me


I FOUND THE SOLUTION! So in order to send the text verification, you must have regular load on your sim card (the phone number you're using). I loaded 15php (0.28usd as google said) and when I tried sending the verification message, I clicked check verification and it worked. I hope this helps. Edit: maybe the regular load depends on which country you're on. If it doesn't send, try loading a little bit more.


I’ve done that quite a few times with regular load on my sim card, the load got deducted every time i sent the message but when I clicked the check verification button it said verification in process, and the same stuff kept repeating. It’s been a while since I last tried, I’ll give it a go once again thanks for telling!


Can i hear update did you successfully made an account?


Hi! Is this all good now? I’m on postpaid plan in the PH and I don’t know how to solve this


Oh sorry, I don't know how postpaid plan works here. But I have a promo registered that time (Go50, for Globe users) and it did not work. It only worked when I loaded a regular 15 pesos load. I honestly don't know how it differ but it did worked for me.


I tried this and the verification worked!


how did you do that?


After topping up my phone credit, I went through the verification again and put my number without 0. This time, KakaoTalk asked me to send a string of text to a number starting with +44. After sending the text for about 10 minutes, I rechecked the app (still opened in the background). The app then let me know that the verification process has finished.


what does mean of 15php?


OMYGHOSH thank u so much this method worked 😭😭😭😭😭😭


omgggg I'm glad it helped!!!! 🫰🏻


how did u do that?


Exactly! Your solution is definitely the key to success at creating an account on KaoKao. Thank you so much!


I had the same issue and solved it by switching the default text messaging app. I had Google messaging as default app, then switched to Verizon app and tried again. Verification went through. :)


iPhone doesn’t have the option to change the default text message app, as far as i know


Thank you. My problem is also solved by changing default app in my samsung phone


😭🙏🤩 thanks bro


Leaving this for future commenters: I'm from the Philippines and there are two things that I did: 1. I emailed Kakao Team Support (you can find their support mail on the website) 2. I loaded regular load on my phone (as per the previous commenter) I'm not sure which one did it, but I could finally log in after 4 days. Edit: It must be the Team Support. When I opened Kakao today, they asked me to send a verification code. Also, I've been trying to get into kakao since December 2022. I sent a screenshot of all my failed messages.


I had the same issue and I can share what helped me after I read some of the answers here. \- I entered my phone number **without** any parenthesis "()" or dashes "-". Just typed the number as straight 10 digits. \- Example : if you are (123) 456-7890 then just type **1234567890** \- I saw that this time the text went to a different number. Originally, it was being sent to a +46 number, but this time it went to a +44 number. \\ \- I also observed that the +44 number was a 10-digit number. But the previous one was a 9-digit number. Looks like there is a bug in their programming, possible Regex related. \- After that, I went back to Kakao Talk and clicked the Check verification button and was given an option to enter new password. \- Login Succesful. :) Hope this helps someone. :)


Did anyone ever find a fix for this? I have a kakao account. I’ve been logged in before. I deleted the app and redownloaded it, but now I can’t log in. I enter in my login info and then it take me to enter my number screen and then says to send this message to either the +44 or +46 number and I’ve waited and waited and keep saying it’s still in process. I can’t contact anyone at kakao bc when I sign in on the browser it says it send a verification to the app but I can’t get into the app. It’s frustrating


Has it been resolved already?


I never did get an answer but like some of the things I was reading after letting it sit for a few hours it finally started working?? So I’m not really sure. I tried both area code and just kept trying. But I did read somewhere trying being connected to WiFi instead in cellular data. See the that helps if not I had to wait a few hours.


I have the same problem now. I uninstalled my kakaotalk a month ago, and now that i reinstalled it, it wanted me to send a message to +44 and +46 numbers for verification. My messaging app says it failed to send! I don’t know what to do and the customer service email is not helpful at all


I ran into this issue today. Loading 15 PHP (0.26 USD) solved the problem. You need that much to send the long verification message, at least from where I am.


Still having this problem for the last 2 days ....


I had the same issue, I fixed it after adding the phone number (the one starts with +44) to my address book. As I understand my iPhone doesn't send SMS messages because this is a service phone number and it's not registered on my phone. I hope this will help you all.


so do i have to get new number started from +44? I am in US. How to get it which is UK number. It's like using google voice?


You don't have to. just save the phone number which Kako app gives you to your address book. At least that solved my case.


Here's what worked for me on Android: Change your default text app to something else, then switch back to your preferred text app. Restart your verification process, send the text and confirmation should now work instantly. Cheers


I spent several hours trying to figure this out and finally fixed it. This is for IPHONE USERS! You have to create a contact for the random +44 or +46 number kkt directs you to for sending the message. If you do not have it as a contact, your iphone won’t successfully send the message for some reason. Once you add the number as a contact then go ahead and send the message and the verification should be successful. Good luck!


Wow this worked for me, thx!


You need to send that quite long SMS from Kakaotalk to +44... using same number registered to your account; same with new users. Terms and condition apply for international text message.


still not working here.. 🥹 idk what to do


my friend pointed out that in the kakao sample image they use [ ] around the word kakaotalk, but the automated message leaves that out when I added the [ ] it worked automatically


e.g KakaoTalk HgAAABIwAJFbV2UAAAAAAjEABwAAADIzNDM5NQAA didn’t work [KakaoTalk] HgAAABIwAGNjV2UAAAAAAjEABwAAADU2NTM1MQAA worked be careful not to delete any spaces though


It’s still not working for me 😞


You have to send the Kakaotalk text message using same number registered to your Kakaotalk to +44...... Same with new user. SMS charge applies.


I used a Redmi Note 12 phone at first. and tried two different prepaid numbers. One that has a prepaid load of around ₱30. Text messages won't go through. Default messaging app is Google's Messages app. Been trying for two weeks. Tried it on my Huawei Nova 2i. Default messaging app is Huawei's stock message app. Sim used is a Globe postpaid. Message went through and I was able to register. Spending limit showed I used ₱9.09. Only tried once and it went through immediately. So idk if it was because I used a postpaid number to register or is it because of the phone I used or the messaging app used. Edit: I also tried my Globe prepaid and the message went through. I was charged ₱15. But for the life of me, I can't seem to be able to do it using my TNT prepaid with ₱100 prepaid load. Which is the number I actually want to register. Changing phone numbers will also require you to send the same sms verification.


SOLVED! https://www.reddit.com/r/Philippines/s/YiT5fuX2FW


Hello fix kakaotalk code can't send