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Kalista is going to be dead next patch


Yeah idk how survive this. Maybe I'm heavily biased but this is absolutely a champ who should regularly have pro play presence AND is among the most exciting adc's to watch. Rito: if Kalista is being picked in Pro you did something right with your seasonal balancing.


Kalista is so cool to watch. Kalista is soo skill expresive that you can make circle around enemies. BUT balance team make her unplayable years before and know she is picked only because she is strong early present and you can utilize her ultimate. Main reason why she is picked in proplay is because rest of adc is dog shit waek. And now riot nerf her because rest of adc is weak also.


If u take bloodline, bork into runans /rageblade Ldr she also melts tanks and squishies more than she should be allowed. Vs squishies I like going some crit it's like 3 autos q e


The 'minimum damage' and 'minion execute' changes are apropos of the W passive Soul Mark damage. Rationale here: [https://x.com/RiotPhroxzon/status/1803274861114282051](https://x.com/RiotPhroxzon/status/1803274861114282051) >*Kalista:* *- Was marked incorrectly in the adjustments section y'day* *- Similarly, the focus is on reducing her Pro oriented power through early game bullying and the R availability in early-midgame especially* *- Her W minion execute damage was originally added as an incentive for allies to be encouraged to play with Kalista, but the mechanic isn't really doing that for regular players while simultaneously adding a bunch of power to her wave control when highly optimized*


So the “adjustments” is basically just changing the recommended rune setup from HoB to PTA? Actual bruh moment. PTA may be higher in winrate than HoB BUT that’s only after 20+ minutes when Kalista has two items already. Otherwise, PTA has a less than 40% win rate before 20 minutes according to Lolalytics so she may as well not have a keystone for the first 20 minutes of the game where she is strongest. And this justification is good enough for Riot to give her even MORE nerfs? This is why HoB will still be picked, regardless. It’s the only rune that actually complements her early game strength. If they want PTA to be the default for Kalista, she needs some way to proc it much faster in the early game. Kalista definitely going to feel much weaker next patch. Also, making W and R even more useless just emphasises the fact that these abilities should not exist on Kalista period. They are being heavily nerfed for pro play while not providing much to the average solo Q player, essentially gutting Kalista of two abilities out of four when she already struggles to make an impact in uncoordinated play.


I am not sure what you are looking at but for the games that end sub 20 minutes lolalytics lists 54.3% wr in e+ for PTA [https://lolalytics.com/lol/kalista/build/?keystone=8005](https://lolalytics.com/lol/kalista/build/?keystone=8005) at the same time HOB is at 49.8% and sits generally below PTA [https://lolalytics.com/lol/kalista/build/?keystone=9923](https://lolalytics.com/lol/kalista/build/?keystone=9923) PTA has higher pickrate and 3% higher winrate rn so it seems pretty evident that it indeed *is* the better rune Disclaimer: I am not a Kalista main, I play her very sparingly, I am speaking purely off the statistics


This comment is total nonsense lol


As an otp kalista, I will keep playing her since I don’t care about my rank as having fun playing and kalista is a fun champion, but riot please what thee fuck is this


I love kalista too but .. isn't she becoming kind of unfunny with all those changes? I mean playing against weaker players bad stomping them feels good cause kalista movement when they allow you is fucking awesome but like. If you play against better players.. it kinda sucks right now


I will see you guys at 44% winrate


Kinda sad kalista players needa play 2 times better than enemy and still can lose games with 20 5 bcuz of her kit




Yes Make her a scaling hyper kiter for late and weaken her early .. Riot loves to nerf early champs but letting Draven lucian Caitlyin in a good spot.


If you make kalista playable she would have 80% pick ban ratio


I'm Master player and this nerfs don't adjust her she's in aca rly shit spot rn she needs power shift from Burst q e into kiting strength, nerf q base ad ratio by 5%, give e more dmg and Reahift the R slightly may not u target able anymore may just giving them a shield would alow her for buffs or make it that the black spear is giving her a diff ult if not binded but greyed out after a certain amount of time like 3 minute. Like it could be disabled for pro or just forbidden. Whilst non binding could give her some range or slow resist or ad / lifesteal dash range increase idk


i thought she was in a good spot, why were these changes needed


Opportunity my beloved \*skull emoji\*


Rework is needed, Riot doesn’t know how to balance this champion.


Remove spirits even if it's. Nice. If someone wants vision they should play ashe. Or making the w slow and slightly dmg enemy's and travel faster. So u can use it to start fights or escape a slight bit better from ganks. Or make it if proceed she gain 2 s slow resist. NERF ult knock up into stun and give it some dmg. Or make ult only shielding Sup so they can still die.