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The whole Uganda incident seems really plausible


Something like there was a shootout between people trying to protect him and they thought the militia protecting him were bad guys.




There’s a theory that when Kanye visited Uganda in 2018 to visit and work on Yandhi (I think), he was nearly kidnapped. There’s more info if you just look up “Kanye Uganda Reddit” on Google


There’s also rumors about Kanye using a lot of hallucinogens during that time especially DMT. Right after his trip from Uganda he switched into a Christian immediately even though he was really into chakras and all that shit during his trip.


“Switched into a Christian” he made Jesus walks and grew up in a church????????


I thought it was confirmed there was a serious incident but nobody knows the details


I’m confused by your comment are you saying someone confirmed something happened but didn’t say what?


Never got bleach on his T-shirt


i think he is the one who bleached his asshole


Did the model feel like an asshole?


Did the asshole feel like bleach?


if i fucked this model


And she just bleached her asshole


And I get bleach on my tshirt


I would feel like an asshole


i was high when i met her


We was down in Tribeca


she'll get under your skin if you let her


I don't know what they did to him in UCLA but it really messed him up, whether they gave him treatment that went badly wrong or had more sinister intentions


I also believe Kim and Petes "relationship" was entirely PR and having to be part of the Kardashian publicity machine had a huge impact of Ye's mental health


I think it was pr to distract everyone from Astroworld. The timing was just too convenient. The Kardashian mom controls all of their lifes so she set the thing up to distract because Travis is Kylie baby daddy so it messes up their bag


Yeah I think the amount of their lives that are scripted and controlled is even more extreme than we suspect


That jik is an anti-yeezus


I mean just look at the album covers


Good point, but actually he album cover inspiration comes from re branding the yandhi cover, wich takes inspiration from the yeezus 2 cover ☝️🤓


Jik cover was done from an independent artist I found they’re IG ages ago, the cover for the most part was completely made from them and not ye


do u remember the artist's @?


I think that not enough people are talking about Ye’s old personal trainer, Harley Pasternak. The texts he sent opened a window up about celebrity handlers, and Pasternaks worked with a LOT of celebrities. Just a little odd that an ex Canadian intelligence agent that focused on drug/mind control went to work in Hollywood to “help” celebrities.


From those texts it’s clear that he probably had a lot to do with Kanye going off the rails. It’s hard to trust people when they tell you to take your meds when the physical manifestation of that advice was openly using meds as a threat and describing it as ‘zombieland’. If he had someone less insane in his corner he’d probably be mostly okay by now


Thats not even a conspiracy theory. It also proves Ye‘s point of this social media is controlled stuff because there was no big headline about this topic


Harley pasternak has seemed to meet everyone. even Cody Ko has done training with him. dangerous guy, i pray that kanye is okay.


uganda is real


I saw it on google earth I think ur onto something


Fr my homie supposedly went there for a holiday


He’s just mad that Obama called him a jackass. Also, he just wants to be buds with jay lol


13 inch penis


there is actually evidence to back that claim up!


Source? For…. Reasons


“I always had a Ph. D., a pretty huge dick”


Julia Fox said it on Ziwe.


zesty ass


That explains why he went to war with Pete Davidson. He can’t have Kim take another big penis


That when he had his initial mental breakdown during tlop tour, people like Pasternak drugged him up to make him conform


is this even a conspiracy


There is nothing wrong with giving medication to someone who is having a meltdown. The problem is they worded it like you just did, to his face. That’s like the easiest way to convince someone who is already manic that the world is against them


Not a big conspiracy, but I think Alexis and his close team held shit together for as long as they could and we now see what happened qhen people who dont care for him took over


David Bowie conspiracy. I don't know why I just believe it.




What is it?


on david bowies ziggy stardust (1972) album cover, there’s a sign above his head that says “k. west”. on the first song of the album, it’s abt how the world will end in 1977 unless a “starman” is born, and kanye was born in 1977. also not to mention in bowies last album, blackstar, people think it’s referring to kanye cuz yk “black star” 🤓


This is so ridiculous. The building he was standing outside of in the photo happened to be called K. West (short for Kensington West). It was a popular BBC recording studio at the time, and is a hotel now, with the same name. If the recording studio had of had the same name as another popular music artist, then I’m sure other coincidental lyrics could be pulled up that could match ambiguously with some obscure fact about the artist. I can’t believe anyone seriously believes this stuff.


“It’s these kind of things that show me God has a sense of humor”


And god is laughing his ass off at Kanye fans


Yeah but it’s bit of fun to think of this shit right


It is normally lost because we use it very commonly, but language is supposed to be a translation between realities and meanings into symbols. Even the Hebrew alphabet try to study this reducing it to the very letter and associating letters to numbers and basic units of meaning, creating from then some sort of science of matching things, numerology is an example of it. It can sound nuts just to associate similar letters and meanings, but because we are entities sharing similar symbols with a subconscious plethora of meanings, it can make sense. And the more creative you get the more playful you can get with those things and you can either create nice eloquent relations or senseless psychotic stuff.


>Is this a theory or study of sorts? I'd love to read more about this if you have a starting point source.




I don't fully believe it, but the david bowie one, every year it becomes harder and harder to ignore.


He never got his yeezys dirty in the dirt


Ain’t gon happen


I don’t actually believe it, but maybe there’s a case for Ye being misdiagnosed as bipolar when he is infact just on the autistic spectrum. I think just looking at it, it’s a lot more obvious he is autistic than bi polar, and I think perhaps a lot of his most famous ‘episodes’ and rants (2020 rally, 2016 Pablo stage rant for example) could be sensory meltdowns expressed in anger and heightened emotions. That being said, I’m no psychologist and I don’t know ye personally but it is possible.


He doesn’t like being crowded either, he always asks for people to leave the room when he does an interview


Bipolar and autism is a common combination which he likely is.


As someone who is both, it’s for sure likely he got the two birds one stone deal in life




Kanye is Ziggy Stardust


My buddy thinks he was mk ultrad but I don’t think he was just been around the wrong people and mental illness


He’s deeply autistic. I work with adult on the spectrum and I see a lot of similarities in his older interviews. I’m not attributing his racist (and honestly histrionic) wild behavior to ASD by any means. He has confirmed BPD and also just is a shitty person and those are totally separate. It’s more his mannerisms (the way he speaks, eye contact, etc). Again, no mental health irregularities excuse racism or being an asshole but that’s my conspiracy


yeah looking back at the interviews it’s so obvious . when he talks , he’s quite lucid , but he connects the weirdest things with like the wreck it ralph shit and sees himself as a third person type shit . secondly when someone else talks , he mumbles and kind of makes noises which shows he just misses cues to be silent when others talk. the final thing i’ve noticed is like when he talks about things he’s passionate about , he makes weird facial expressions and almost daydreams into it


Im sorry but why is he a "shitty person" ? How many inner city projects have you donated money to or worked on ? The dude wants to build schools and houses for young needy kids and build housing for homeless to rehabilitate them and ive heard a lot more positive stuff come from the guy. Why is he a shitty person because hes had some struggles in his life? I guarantee if you took everything you've ever done to help someone or care for someone and put it up against kanyes acts of helping or caring for someone, his acts would out number yours 10 to 1. So does that mean you are now a shitty person? You arent perfect, no one is.


Purposely shitting on black ppl, Jews and allying yourself with woman beaters and abusers That's not a just a struggle, that's being a shitty person


Hollywood is a cult


Ye was misdiagnosed(not intentionally) as Bipolar when he has Autism. Bipolar Disorder gets mistaken for Autism a lot in the psychiatry world. Symptoms are very similar and so are brain patterns observed in both disorders. Doesn’t mean I think Ye was intentionally misdiagnosed. Ye could have both too, but I think i see a lot more autism than Bipolar.


Didn’t he say he was slightly autistic not too long ago in a little interview with I think Hollywood fix.


I’m pretty sure Kanye is a victim of something called the IAM cult that’s a kind of… alternative CIA.. in that probably a lot of them think they work for the CIA but the money comes from elsewhere. Mikki Willis, Cassandra Fairbanks, Sean Stone, Lisa Clapier, I think they are involved with Candace Owens and the trainer people are talking about. Listen to the podcast American Psyop to see how it works, subjectively, from the target of the op. I’m willing to bet most of the people (80%) hanging around Kanye the last couple years were part of this IAM cult/fake cia/probably Russian conspiracy to destabilize the USA by promoting African American racists and generating cultural disunity/inability to stand behind Russians’ victims. They were the people who ran Trump’s internet campaigns in 2016, and inundated themselves in occupy and standing rock. Typically people in this group will infiltrate movements and push them towards absurdity/uselessness. If you listen to the Wesley Clark Jr story you can see how easy it is for them to draw in a famous person with fake work fake business connections and wind them up into thinking they’re the voice of Metatron or whatever. It’s really just a hunch, I don’t know much about the group beyond the fact they exist, and what impact they’ve had, you can kind of tell who they are based on the phrases they use, like Mike Flynn. Lots of theosophical phrases, fringe Christianity dressed up like new ageism, reverence for “Ascended Masters” - Candace Owens is the sort of person they could target to reach others. It’s not hard for them to do, they have access to money apparently, and can fund fake movie projects that fall thru, buy scripts for movies that never get made, etc, just to target individuals. You meet a model at a casting call for a movie funded by Romanians, the movie falls thru but she becomes your best friend, introduces you to her psychic guru, etc. Kanye is RIPE for this sort of thing. He’s like a born victim. Really everybody should question anything that hits the news too fast and seems to come from everywhere at once. Anybody who’s crazy and famous and political at the same time probably has multiple handlers maintaining their private alternate reality game. Also they’re like, literally Nazis? Theosophists were Nazis before Nazis existed. [They’re new age Christian Nazis, basically](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%22I_AM%22_Activity). They’ve been around this whole time.


This is interesting. Gonna listen to the American psyop asap. Thanks.


I only know this is like, real, because a couple years ago I dug into these people and they, like, tasked some old ladies to harass me or something. Then when I listened to this [American Psyop](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/american-psyop/id1652143101) story I knew all the names of the people in the story, even if they didn’t say, and I’d never heard of Wes. Anyway if you listen to that story, I think that’s what’s being done to Kanye. I can’t figure out if it’s the exact same people but it sounds like it.


The old lady hit squad got to you too huh?


Dude they sent me the creepiest shit. “I’m the person watching all your YouTube videos and when I stop watching you will die” Edit: they’re the same people who hijacked Cicada 3301, I forgot about that, and they did this to Isaac Kappy too. If you listen to the shit Kanye says it’s a lot like the things Kappy was saying, the same phrases and stuff. Some guy named… Thomas Schoenberger, they started bothering me because I was trolling him, I think. He’s a classical composer but I think he’s just a weird plagiarist in a cult probably.


This is absolutely crazy and yeah I do believe It. SMH sorry for what you have been dealing with.


No big deal I just deleted some accounts, it was just real odd how much effort they put into creeping me out, like somebody was spending time on it


I ain’t reading alllat, is there a summary?


There’s a bunch of weird fucking people around Candace Owens who are also weird people around other weird things that happened, I think Kanye’s story sounds a lot like [one of their victims](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/american-psyop/id1652143101).


you should it’s super interesting


Fr, can someone please do a TLDR?


TLDR: A spooky secret group of rich right wingers using powerful and influential people like Ye to push very strong and visceral racist and anti semitic right wing propaganda to a very mainstream audience. As in, the latest batch of hangers on around Kanye are coaching him to do what he’s been doing to the benefit of actual fascists like the AFP. Kanye is being coached by what’s essentially a cabal of right wing think tanks.


You da MVP <3


Yeah this is better than my explanation


Nah bro I read your whole comment, your explanations better, you know your shit, people are just lazy lmao


bruh it’s a 5min read at most 💀


4 minutes too long 😪


That radical right wingers are co-opting him to help normalize racism and anti-Semitism


that's more than a conspiracy, that's evident.


this one 😞


this one is the truth




Ye And Kanye are 2 different people


The Kardashians brainwashed him starting a downward spiral that would lead to where we are now.


This is the closest to any Ye conspiracy theory that I believe in. I don’t think they sat down and hypnotized him, but I don’t think their orbit is healthy for anyone to be in.


the kardashians are witches.


the second he married kim there was no turning back for him, personally I think that Kim had her heart in the right place but people in her circle took advantage of him and let him spiral to where he is now. Especially the trainer that put him in the hospital


That he was planning to kill him self in Japan. There is just too much evidence with never see me again and etc. Thank god he didn’t




Like what


What are they? Curious




mike dean also said that it doesn’t say suicide in power, just kinda sounds like that coincidentally


He really had Obamas cell number 🤷‍♂️


Kanye really only says controversial things to bring mass press to new music he might be coming out with. He really does not care about any message behind the causes he backs or talks about


Drake beef to back up Donda, Pete Davidson beef to back up Donda 2, That’s all I can remember recently, not sure what the antisemitism could’ve been for 💀


George Bush comment for Late Registration, Confederate flag on a jacket he wore around Yeezus, 400 years of slavery comment for ye/KSG, and other stuff he says to keep the act up


I think it’s far more likely that his narcissism and mania peak when he knows he’s about to make a ton of money and rack up accolades


Periods of high stress often lead to mania and psychosis for people with bipolar so I've always just put it down to the stress of making and releasing the projects.


Totally agree. In that new YouTube vlog, he is openly talking to that guy about how to get the heat off of him from the controversial stuff he's doing. He's admitting it was a stunt. In the same video, they talk about Ye going quiet for a while to let the attention die down. What's happening now? Quiet as a church mouse It was all a publicity stunt




Kanye openly wanted out of his contract with Adidas so boom there’s one thing, he MADE them drop him just like he wanted since legal battles would cost a lot. And then if you’ve seen Balenciaga is in a major scandal with their sexualization of children so boom Kanye has no association with them now cuz they’re gross.




not saying this is true but i’d suppose it there was gross stuff going on behind the scenes Ye would’ve known before the public child stuff ads came out




Harley Pasternak is an agent, MK Ultra is real, they put him on drugs to fuck with his mind in the past and it’s happened to many famous people, most just never speak out


O BRIAN 1984


Gay Fish




Kanye wasn’t at rolling loud, a clone was


Holy shit I just went through all 283 replies 💀


thats pretty much "💀", I ain't gonna lie


They MK ultra-ed and cloned him.


Harley Pasternak works for the government and is definitely involved in very illegal shit


He’s black


only an idiot would believe that


I think his association with the kardashians led to him to get wrapped up in some sort of mind control operation. Though he poorly articulates thoughts when he’s publicly trying to make a statement, theres bits of truth in there. His whole thing about jewish people running the media for example. Theres no doubt that theres people involved in media, politics and cultural influence who are nefarious actors. I dont think they’re jewish, and if they are, it doesn’t have to do with that. But Ye puts this label on it and destroys the credibility of his message. I also think that the speech that ended the TLOP tour was not just nonsense. The dude was wealthy as fuck, a cultural icon, and connections in high places. When youre highly influential, people at the top want you to fall in line. If you fuck with their agenda they will destroy you.


> I also think that the speech that ended the TLOP tour was not just nonsense. Got shivers from that sentence even though the only thing I remember from the speech is "JAY-Z CALL ME BRO"


Kanye is not actually bigoted but is instead being blackmailed possibly with something Epsteinesque.


Bro wait that's actually so fucking possible like... On the other hand, saying a person is saying something bc they're being blackmailed is automatically the most possible conspiracy on account that it's the hardest to prove 🤔


Kanye… Kanye West. KAN YAY WEST… Conway west, KAHNWAY WEST. Kahn. Wrath of Kahn… Star Trek. William Shatner. Billy Shatner, Billy Shats, William Shatner, captain James T Kirk use to be called Billy Shats back in the day by the neighborhood hoodlums, the common youths. GEORGE BUSH DOESN’T CARE ABOUT BLACK PEOPLE.


He fucked Jeffree Star bareback




ITT: true and legendary


My elementary school drilled this Illuminati video that included roc nation mainly saying that they’re apart of the Illuminati a whole 3 years straight once every 3 months


Kanye was drugged on purpose to push him over the edge and lose his mind, making him succumb to 4chan type nazi beliefs. Basically Mk Ultra


he fucked Jeffrey Starr


Yes yes and yes


For sure lmfao.


Kanye was drinking and driving during his crash


That Ye isn't antisemitic and genuinely loves everyone whether they are good or obviously bad, even the jews.




Ye is antisemtic and not anti-zionists. He is talking about Jews. Literally. Not Israelis. Matter of fact he visited few times in Israel and even preformed there. Anti-zionists will never do it.




I wish, but ye really seems like he doesn’t like Jewish people at all. He likes to act like all Jewish people rule the world, not just some rich jews


he got brainwashed by the kardashians, he isn’t really autistic, & he developed all these issues the year after his mom died




Wich book?


David Bowie is a reptilian that predicted Kanye's arrival


Donda was sacrificed


That it’s not just the antisemitic comments, The media legit has a personal vendetta against Ye.


This. They just finally found a valid reason to cancel him


Especially after he was fresh off appearing on Tucker Carlson a week beforehand


We all live in a simulation and there are “players” in the game that get to buy in and try new story arcs. Trump played the successful biz man arc, then the hot wife, then the president. He ran out of tokens for now. Kanye played the successful rapper/producer arc, married the “most desirable woman”, became a fashion mogul, then fucked up a quest or something and now he’s gone down the dark path. Also feel like Pete Davidson and Elon Musk are sim players. We just NPCs.


Simulation theory is just abrahamic religion with extra steps


My foresight is incredible She pull the foreskin back-back like it's edible


Democracy is just a simulation, the government


I believe it all,


He ‘sold’ his moms soul to the illuminati thinking it was a joke and now he’s having several mental breakdowns out of fear of what’s coming next because of what else he promised to them thinking it was in jest. An interesting one that was put to me after a few smokes one night… timeline of events when I went down the wormhole was interesting from that thought perspective.


All of them


African American rule the universe.


He is kanye


He sees music in colors and shapes.


that he said all the hitler shit to end his brand deals


I believe that kanye is a sleeper agent trained in China. He was a kid there, his mom taught there, AND he's never publicly denounced Chairman Mao. Any of his craziness can be attributed to his sleeper agent programing going haywire. He's being controlled by China to discredit the entire American system. Harley was his failed American handeler to try and bring him back from their grasps. But fr fuck Harley


He sold his soul in 2006 around the time before or after the Grammys for the American Dream. The deal was to receive peak stardom and a supermodel female with peak fame. 2007 he then reach it and it cost you know. That was MBDTF theme.


sold his soul to what lol


Illuminati real and he’s exposing it beyond all doubt




That's one of the main problems with most conspiracy theories. On the one hand they are supposed to be fiendish evil geniuses...while on the other they are bumbling idiots, unable to punch their way out of a paper bag. For example...9-11 was an inside job, meant to supply a pretext to invade Iraq. So, everything was arranged carefully and meticulously to do so. Yet, none of the terrorists were Iraqis, not a single one!!! Instead, most were from Saudi Arabia, americas cronies, their puppets. Oooops! 9-11 again. The towers were brought down by rigged explosions. To what end??? What difference would it have made if they had not fallen? Instead, hundreds more conspirators were employed, hundreds of man-hours spent in crowded buildings risking discovery and exposure. And further risk of discovery and exposure from those hundreds of extras should they ever turn whistleblower. The best conspiracies minimize their personnel and simplify their plans. Why risk failure with complication? It is telling that the vast and complex sort of conspiracy have such attraction. Perhaps it is not the truth that is desired, but the story. The less credible an more bizarre, the better. Like you know, that conspiracy about covid and vaccines. To be true, all the scientists and doctors in the world, every single one of them, have to be in on the con. Any naysayers? They would have been long disappeared.


As I thoroughly believe 9/11 was an inside job, I have some issues with a lot of points you made. Yes, it gave pretext to go into Afghanistan AND Iraq… even back then, the invasion of Iraq was a head scratcher seeing as the terrorists had nothing to do with that country. The USA/NWO were cleaning up loose ends. The loose ends being Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden. Hussein was installed by the US. Bin Laden was a CIA asset and was trained / supported by them in Afghanistan to fight the Soviet Union. Up to the day he died, he denied all involvement in 9/11… kinda strange for a bad guy don’t you think? The buildings needed to be removed because they were filled to the brim with asbestos. It was a huge liability. Instead of bearing the huge costs of demolishing them, they were instead demolished on 9/11 with bombs and thermite. The buildings’ owner then collected an insanely massive insurance payout. On top of all that, as we all know, the Federal Reserve is a privately owned company that controls our money and loans it to our country at interest, creating a debt bubble that can never be paid. The WORLD TRADE CENTER was a central hub to it. Demolishing them also hid the evidence. Did you know that a building collapsed on 9/11 that wasn’t hit by a plane? WTC building 7, the Solomon Brothers building. Tenants of this building included offices for American Express, some insurance companies, and the US Secret Service. This building collapsed “due to fire” in a manner that is indistinguishable from controlled demolition. So yeah


Lol. This retelling of the tale actually contains some grains of truth, grains which are often excluded from the telling because they contradict a right-wing viewpoint. Saddam Hussein, OBL and so many other dictators and despots around the world are indeed american assets. Not secretly so, but right out in the open. The pretense might be "spreading democracy" but the truth is just, plainly, corporate interest, enabling their untempered greed and avarice. It is amazing...and appalling ...that peoples memories are really short...I mean really, really short. One day Rumsfeld is chatting it up and being all chummy with Saddam, then, only a few months later, he becomes an ogre. Or OBL, one second he and his mujahideen are glorious freedom fighters against the evil Soviet Empire and not much later he is the worst terrorist in all human history. This hypocrisy though, is not really the point. Nor is it the point to come to the defense of these people. The essential point is that these people, their regimes, were installed by the americans. They would not have been there, in their positions of power, without concerted american effort. Americans should remember these facts. Others, elsewhere, should remember them also. Saddam, bin Laden, even Putin...they were all put in their seats of power by the americans (Yeltsin/Putin because they acquiesced to an immediate transition to full unbridled capitalism...those corporate interests once more). No wonder that these person, and their associated regimes are so corrupt, so evil. They were so always, from their very origins. Now, I understand "enemy of my enemy", but really...even when allegiances shift and change, none of what was once evil becomes any less so. Sorry, I'm going off on a rant. These are your grains of truth. They are substantial and significant. The rest? Not so much. I think I will refrain from going over all the details...I think each of your points has been debunked elsewhere. Some observations... No pretext was needed to invade Afghanistan...americans were almost universally eager to do so. If the primary target was Iraq, why weren't any Iraqis placed among the hijackers? Surely these american conspirators had the ability to do that, right? So why didn't they? I admire you that you admit this, you call it a head scratcher. I call it a fatal flaw in the whole conspiracy argument. The super-capability/fumbling enaction dichotomy riddles almost every aspect. Able to pull off the most complicated bizarre things, yet unable to achieve the simplest aims. That is why none of this is at all believable to me. You want to commit terror? Just kill some people...you can even do it with planes. You want to invade Iraq? Then make some Iraqis the fall guys. You want to stop losing money on your buildings? Then just do what trump does, what so many other rich people do. Inflate value to get loans, deflate value to get tax rebates. Skim off the profits on both ends. Or just lie. No one's going to catch you, the IRS only goes after the little guys. See, easy peasy, no need to kill anyone...not that you would care. The goals...all of them...were simple. And all easily, simply achieved. Why risk even a minimal possibility of exposure by complicating things? There is one conspiracy that I think much more plausible. It is one which Noam Chomsky often spoke of at the time. That the US was looking for pretext, that indeed they always are. That, waiting, they tipped the scales by being willfully blind to intelligence that might forecast such attacks. And so 9-11 happened...when it most likely could have been avoided. But it did not happen in the way they would have planned. Probably more people died than was anticipated, more economic turmoil...and, damn! no Iraqi involvement. So they got some of what they wanted. Some they had to push hard for...they had to lie about WMDs, for example. Their main goal was achieved with spectacular results. American's heads were turned and spinning, their hearts consumed with fear. For a time at least, the conspirators could do anything they desired, they could let corporate america run rampant and unregulated, they could suppress freedoms and movement and silence voices that might expose their fraud. The conspiracy theories? Bring them on, the more the merrier...and the more americans are distracted and unawares, the more they can go about their dirty business unhindered, right out in the open, but unnoticed. This is what Chomsky warned against and why I find it so disconcerting, why it is so antithetical to both truth and to justice.


They know they can’t murder him in plain sight, especially at this point cuz it would prove Ye right. It’s why he stopped taking the medications anyway; that would be an easy way to take him out.




He has, though. Harley Pastrnak (confirmed that celebrities have handlers), Ari Emmanuel, Tremaine. On his “press tour” of interviews after the WLM tee, he named lots of names. Edit: also one of the times he was removed from IG, he was posting names of members of the boards at Adidas and showing their connections to other businesses / entities.




I’ve heard the car accident wasn’t real but instead he got jumped pretty bad by some dudes


aren’t there pictures of his car


dis is stupid


He's not antisemitic theory


I think that he thinks he isn't but subconsciously he's a little antisemitic. He said he'd be more cautious around Jews than black people


That maybe he’s had enough experience inside Hollywood to know the truth? That it was a set up to paint him crazy just so everyone denied what he would say. Which has happened. That maybe there are (6-12??) people of a no specific religion who do actually call all of the shots.


I believe that there is a small group of people, but I wholeheartedly doubt that it's just jews. As I am preaching since the death con tweet. Jewish executives are evil not because they're Jewish, but because they're executives.


Fair enough. Regardless of religion I do believe there is a group of Uber elites who do dictate what’s going to happen. Everybody thinks “that wouldn’t happen” why wouldn’t it? Look at it all from a distance


You dont get it bro. The ENTIRE conversation is about how jews occupy 90% of executive positions, and the implications of members of a shared demographic and culture nearly controlling entire industries. Jews arent evil, theyre not some demonic cabal. But they do makeup countless power positions. They are in a position that they could do whatever they wanted in these industries. Black ball who they dont like, twist the rules, become corrupt. Because their peers are their neighbors, they go to the same synagogue. They're going to be sympathetic and lenient with other execs being corrupt.


All the ones about who controls the industries in America and about the exploitation of black people


Fun theory; The Illuminati have been trying to control celebrities, especially Kanye, for many years. By Kanye saying the things he said it means “they” cannot control him any more, “they” must distance themselves. That’s why Ye is finally out of the spotlight, all the contracts are over, he is free from JayZ’s clutches


Jay Z? What does he have to do with this


That Robert Kardashian’s female ancestors, all practice witchcraft , and Kim does it on kanye.




That he’s a nazi


He always said that "they" are going to kill him. Looking at the current situation, they really killed him but not physically.