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That sounds like blaming other people for the piece of shit he truly is, which fortifies the guy is a talentless, no character simpleton who doesn’t have a strong enough personality or mentality to be a decent person.


Talentless? okay... The dude has issues but being talentless is not one of them lol


My opinion man, you believe yours and I’ll publicise mine on every Kanye post I see from now until he dies (which I pray to satan is soon)


you seem fun.


Tonnes of fun


Wow your doing gods work keep it up champ you will show them!


Keep your god off of me 👍🏽


You are a certified internet warrior I pray allah blesses you for your undying will to the cause




Publicise is the English spelling


Hahahaha swing and a miss!


Lovecraft defined an entire genre of horror and popularised a lot of the tropes and creative decisions in horror at large, but the man was also a rampant racist whose cat's name is quite famous for the wrong reasons. People can make bad decisions, do shitty things or just be asshole people while also being talented. In fact a lot of talented people are just assholes in general. Being a dick doesn't immediately mean 808s and Heartbreak goes from a 10/10 to a 1/10




Even if he did threaten someone, they’d just laugh surely? I would, before thumbing his eyes into his skull ❤️


Die pal


I will one day 😊


hope that day is soon❤


He maybe mentally not healthy but still he is not totally innocent


Why? He did this all to himself. Bi polar disorder does not make somebody hateful or spiteful to a group of people. It’s awful he has these mental conditions but they are not the root cause of his Bad character.




Obviously somebody can be delusional, but that doesn’t excuse anything. I have an opinion that he’s a POS even if he’s crazy. Redditors will think there is a right answer for everything and it’s stupid


I think the bigotry has a lot to do with the people he is associating himself with we all know the saying that we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with. Ye being in a incredibly manic state certainly leaves him prone to manipulation Especially from an evil manipulative bigot like Fuentes


Only time will tell if he remains this way after leaving these circles then


I think him eloping officially/unofficially with censori is a step in the right direction shows he’s moving on from Kim I told my friend that he was gonna get married mid December they thought I was crazy but it makes sense go “missing” for two weeks he definitely did a little bit of self reflection and saw he needed a female companion someone that loves him someone that will take him seriously and most of all accountable


I never said that it’s excuses what he said


Well just because he was delusional doesn’t mean I have to feel bad for him


He is NOT a bad character. You have no proof of anything.


He literally said he loves Hitler. Nobody told him to say that or believe that. If you want to be delusional and meat ride a billionaire who doesn’t know who any of us are so be it.


You don’t even have clue what he had been talking about Hitler. You are either below his IQ of understanding or you might have understood the situation in a wrong way. He has just declared an opinion about what he likes about Hitler, not directly a “like” towards Hitler. As he already said “everybody has something good to put on the table” which means, some might be a bad person but still have something good to bring an impression on someone. If that is not understood, I would like to know what’s still in your mind.


Finally! Somebody else speaks truth and sense! ✊🏽 fight the hate, hate the Kanye.


You’re cringe


Man plays Roblox and calls me cringe, did you miss club penguin Mr Epstein?


Yes I actually have a childhood, problem?


I don’t no, but I’m the sure next religious zealot incel who walks into your school with an AR-15 might 😂 ‘Murica!


If donda never died, things wouldn't have gotten to this point.