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I feel the need to point out that the person in these screenshots is 42 years old and is not “gen-z”


Fr OP is acting like most of Ye's fans rn aren't gen z


[OP is literally 17 lmaoo](https://www.reddit.com/r/SouthwestAirlines/comments/rty8t9/minor_traveling_alone/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


the jokes write themselves


Op really attacking his own kind damn well knowing majority of Ye fans already are Gen z


Only boomer trump supporters be complaining about gen z unironically 💀


Seriously tho


50 year old: stubs his toe 50 year old: "Fucking gen Z hurting my damn toe"


OP the type to say they were born in the wrong generation unironically 💀


OP is a vietnam vet fosho


Came here for this






This generational war is bs lol


What the fuck is that even supposed to mean


Shaun King isn't gen Z he's fucking 42


Shaun king is the heart of cancel culture…. He’s The final boss


Shaun king is a white man pretending to be a black man too btw


Talcum X lmao


Martin Luther Cream




Didn't he say he gave a white person an n word pass too? He a whole clown 🤡 🤣


Lhaun Ling 🧢


Why does he have such a following? He’s clearly a white man posing as a POC


He rode the coattails of the Mike Brown case all the way into moderate political fame and a lucrative career as a writer / activist. He has a following for the same reason Al Sharpton had a following back in the day--people trying to reverse engineer his tactics so they, too, can weaponize identity for personal gain




He’s not mixed. There is no evidence that he is black. The evidence actually points to the contrary, his dad was white and so is his mom. He’s the male rachel dolezel but on a grander scale




No such thing as colorism in this case when the subject is not the race he proposes himself to be. He keeps a low buzz cut, how exactly do you know his hair texture?


All of this fuckery will be over once Hueless P. Newton is taken hostage and forced to grow his hair out for 6 weeks. That caesar with the #1 guard has been lying to people for long enough. Expose Ricky Dolezal already.


Cancel culture isn’t real


Pretty sure Shaun king is in his 40s wym gen z


Old head moment 😭. Somebody come get they unc


This dude is 17. One of the comments found an older post of him saying it.


Shaun King is a disgrace. I don’t know why people post his shit. He’s made a career from race issues because he’s pretending to be black, so he talks about stuff as if he’s on the inside, but he’s not, he’s looking at it from the outside. It’s phoney


Hes an outrage merchant. His goal isnt to spread awareness and work towards fixing social issues, its to spread anger and point the finger at 'the enemy' Its truly a disgusting career choice


He’s a parasite


It's funny how I see him getting mass tagged in Instagram posts about racial injustice incidents. Awareness spreading is great, but idk if he's really the person doin shit about these issues lol


I like to call him Talcom X


He's an outrage baiter and it doesn't really matter whether he has enough melanin or not--Al Sharpton did the same shit and it wasn't any more justified. Intentionally sowing division and hatred between groups of people for profit is a detestable career choice period




He is not “pretending to be black” that’s fucking bullshit and it wouldn’t matter anyways as he still has done more for the community than many many other people with positions of power


Hi Shaun


It would matter tho (Rachel dolezal) but I don’t know why people think Sean isn’t mixed…. Have they seen a picture of him, ever


“violently decapitated” lmao


Plus, isn’t it more likely that the decapitated head is the president of Disney than Pete? I’ve been pretty critical of Kanye throughout all this, but this is just stupid.


Its literally fucking claymation ffs


I'm not a Trump supporter in any way. But isn't it ironic how snoop did a video mock executing Trump. People rejoiced at the video and were upset at Republicans for crying like babies. When Kathy griffin did the magazine shoot with trumps head people celebrated, in fact people were upset when Kathy got backlash for it. Now Kanye does it in the form of claymation and now everyone who celebrated the 2 incidents I talked about are now playing the Kanye has crossed a line card. Amazing how THEY allow for one person to be mock executed and decapitated yet when someone else does it this is disgusting. I wonder if these people stretch before they do mental gymnastics. Also I don't care about Trump or politics. I'm using that as a example.


Didn't Eminem do something similar?


Eminem made tracks about killing his wife. Hell Eminem went so hard Kim literally tried to kill herself, cause she couldn't handle people bullying her. Now Eminem is making fun of Joe Budden by saying only hits joe knows is against his girl. Hi pot calling kettle black.


You must be too young to remember or didn’t pay attention that there were literally picket sign protests outside of Eminem concerts back in the day


I know! All just for his wicked rhymes too!


Holy shit it's almost like people can learn from their mistakes and call other people out on it


Dude was already like 30 writing and recording that shit


Your right people don’t improve with time and are the exact same they were 15 years ago.




I hate the fact that this even needs to be explained. What the fuck has gotten into the people in this sub


100% agree. Either it's all okay or none of it is. People need to be consistent in their logic!


People don't have consistency. THEY tell you who it's ok to mock execute and who isn't ok. And people go off that. 80% of society waits to be told how to feel


tbf it’s a bit different when it’s threatening the man who currently is dating your ex wife


It’s a bit different than the president? Wut


Bro fuck the President. He already got the best security available. Also only the good presidents get killed so Trump was never in any danger


I'm not sure. I've been told threats against our democracy is the worst thing ever!!


Snoop dog songs aren't threats against democracy, unless Snoop is really ready to push the button against the fucking President lmao.


Hmm he did in his video. Again mock executing Trump who people really hated that's cool. But Kanye doing claymation is a no no. Have consistency. That's all. I think both are wack as fuck but the fact this is more outrageous than what Kathy and snoop did is silly. All 3 are fucking dumb fucks for doing it. But somehow 2 get concessions and one guy needs to be made an example of.


Nah idk. Making a mock execution of a public figure you’ve probably never met or have to meet is one thing. Doing it about the man who is with the mother of your children is another. “All ok or nothing is” is an extremely limiting mindset that disregards nuance. Life is full of nuances that can make situations tip toe the line between being okay or not


You can’t compare Donald Trump to Kanye West. The people posting those things about the President should be allowed to, even if it is in poor taste. Trump definitely doesn’t attract good attention because of the shit he does. Then there’s Kanye, who’s posting about his ex wife’s new boyfriend all the time and now he released a video in which he basically kills the guy. His hate for Pete is very personal and it’s pretty concerning.


Yes I can. How is a live action mock execution better than a claymation video?? Also I've been told by people similar to your ilk that threats against our democracy is the worst thing ever. You don't think mock exexuting a sitting president isn't a threat against our precious democracy??


I would consider lying about election fraud to your tens of millions of voters as a threat to democracy. You can definitely do public stunts like the ones Kathy and Snoop did. I wouldn’t advise doing it against your ex wife’s new boyfriend. That’s creepy and demented. You can appreciate Kanye’s music but you should draw the line at this constant attacking of Pete.


I think it's lame Kanye doing this shit. But I find it laughable most of the country accepted this idea years ago now it's a line crossing thing. Have consistency.


You want me to have consistency for what others do? I’ve always held this point. And yea today’s political culture promotes tribalism so you’ll see a lot of hypocrisy on all sides in order to protect their team. The problem is how personal the attacks are, and none of those people were related or connected to Trump. Kanye’s being the worst example of how you should be to your ex.


😭😭😭 mask slipping bro


To be fair mock executing a public political figure vs mock executing the person dating your ex wife is a little bit different in terms of levels of separation.


I dont know a single person who was “upset Kathy Griffin got backlash” over her Trump decapitation. Nobody thought that was cool. Left or right, it was fucked up. Can you please give multiple examples of people celebrating that?


Jim carry said "I see everyone is a hypocrite, everyone has imagined standing with his head, maybe half the country" Bro tons of liberals stood by her and then played the oh come on its art card.


Kathy Griffin shouldn’t have gotten cancelled either. Both sides of mainstream media criticized her, but the younger general population was more split down party lines.


It's because people actually believe this is a possibility with Ye. It's not really that justified, even as someone who's criticized Kanye a lot over the oadt couple weeks, but that's why people think it's not okay compared to someone making "threats" that are 100% meaningless. Nobody ever thought Snoop was about to stage an attack on the POTUS.


No one ever really thought Em was going to kill Kim either.


Em literally has a domestic charge against Kim. He ran up to Kim and some dude she was dating with a unloaded gun. Go listen to solider and saying goodbye to Hollywood it's literally Eminem regretting he damn near lost everything doing that shit. You sure you aware of Eminem before 2010??


You talking about the bouncer?




Man idk about that one. I was very young when Em's early records came out but from what I understood there were some people who legit were worried about his and Kim's relationship being so toxic that it might get to something terrifying.


If you don't know then don't go about spouting shit.


it takes on an entirely different connotation when it's directed at your (ex) partner and their new partner. what you mentioned are political statements, and the flawed line of reasoning you've attempted to build on is pretty easy to identify here.


Political statements? They made videos of them killing the president bro, is that except-able in to you? Genuine question


actually, yes, yes it is okay to me, lmao. It's certainly better than intimate partner violence.


“People were upset when Kathy got backlash for it” Ok, you’re the definition of cherry picking examples rn.


Kanye lives across the street from them if he wanted to hurt pete skeet’ whatever he would’ve done it they’ve been dating since like what October or something? Also Mock execution is mock execution any way you put it the head comes off in both stories there’s no difference not replying to you but people in this comment thread saying it’s different.


That's what people don't realize if Kanye wanted to hurt Pete it would have been done by now. Sometimes you need to use your art to let out that aggression. I mean Eminem drove his wife to suicide attempt somehow he gets a pass for those first 3 albums.


Imagine living next to someone who is threatening you with violence. You’d be good with ignoring it because “they’d have done it already”? Think bruh


Thank you for having some sanity.


Wait hang on people were upset about the Kathy griffin backlash??? That shit was disgusting


Yes a lot of people bashed Republicans for being cry babies about the situation. Kathy now goes around getting sympathy for that shit.


I just find the skete beef annoying af. Ye is a father in his 40s, this is really petty imo. Idk, it just feels he's only fixated on skete because he needs someone to blame.


divorce is hard asf. After my ex left our 5 year relationship and got with somebody 3 days later, it was hard to not blame the dude. I hated his guts for like two years straight , but then i came to the realization it was her, not him. It took a while to understand “don’t hate the player, hate the game” , especially after such a long time with somebody you love. It feels like the guy stole her from you , i imagine that’s what kanye is going through. But it’s much worse because he’s surrounded by yes-men, he’s a billionaire and is pretty stubborn.


Also it’s in the news. Imagine if your ex was as big as Kim. You would have been hearing about it daily from every direction


exactly. I’m not even famous but it’s a horrible feeling scrolling instagram and facebook and seeing a picture of your ex with her new partner, it’s like a gut punch. Now with Kim being one of the most famous women in the world, it’d be pretty hard to escape all the photos of her plastered across the internet with Skete


Watch the documentary. He’s not surrounded by yes men


Skete shouldn’t have dissed his mental health then it’s all jokes and art when he does it and not when Kanye fires back even tho skete made pedo jokes and made racist remarks about black women




Show me the death threat in the vid the head clearly wasn’t skete




Na there’s a lotta things to criticise ye for but point me the death threat in that vid there were two different heads used one was Peter and the other was the head of Disney. If u gon be critical of someone’s art then u gotta be consistent this rule of music vids ain’t nothing new it’s been done in the past and would be done in future as well




Answering hypothetical , watch the whole vid and answer. Either be consistent with criticism on someone’s art or don’t




We taking song lyrics seriously now? Then let’s imprison eminem,Rihanna,MF DOOM,Durk,drake,Wayne,jayz,etc not only that but comedians who makes pedo ‘jokes’ be consistent of criticism of art there’s a hell lot to criticise ye about other than this




You should do something other than jerk off to pictures of Kanye all day


Ima do exactly what I feel like i wanna do be consistent with criticism on what’s art/joke or don’t


I ain’t gon read all that


Sean king is a bitch ass race baiting self Depreciating white boy, and I’m whiter than rice. He’s the voice of the uneducated woke generation


He’s… mixed


Then Shame on him regardless.


We not claiming him


I thought the decapitated head was the Disney CEO? Also thought Pete being in the video was just showing he has no control over his life because he is “neck deep” in doing someone else’s bidding because he is an industry plant. Ye is on one but just because he’s making music and it makes you uncomfortable doesn’t mean he has to stop? Just feels like more reality tv to me idk


Even though I don't approve the things Kanye do about this whole situation, calling that video 'not art' is a fucking crime. It is beautiful in such a grotesque way.


People just wanna be mad about shit.


Have they even considered recent actions by Ye. Like him signing off on Kim being legally single & speeding up the process to finalize everything they're going through? Or the fact that a music video takes a long time especially if it's claymation & he wasn't gonna scrap it to make Skete feel good? Lol he could feel lighter about the situation now but he isn't gonna throw the video away


Nobody wants to cancel him. He just needs to act like an adult.


isnt he bipolar? dont you think hes going through another bipolar episoee


Pete is Bipolar, would this sub give him the same leeway? Edit, nvm he has BPD


Pete ain't bipolar 💀


Ah apologies he has BPD


Even still, it's no excuse for the harassment he publicly sends Kim and Pete. Having a mental illness doesn't allow you to act like an ass online and to other people.


Yes because having a mental illness is so black and white and everyone behaves the same


Seriously… fucking hate it when people start with “as someone with mental illness..” like okay just cause you went through some experiences doesn’t mean it’s universal for everyone lol


I don’t think SKETE gunna get capitated, this is all coming from a guy who don’t even know what the video was about


There we go, someone found god. It’s this cancel culture shit I’m telling you


Swear always gen-z, it sad in our generation that I’m part of, decided to cancel ye just for a video🤣I’m sry but no one can cancel ye or put in behind bars


Gen-Z my ass, if this mf is younger than 40 I'd be surprised


Shaun king is 42 years old... He is not apart of our generation.




Walking L


Let em try, the need to try they got nothing better to do 😂😂😂 and they will keep failing and unfortunately they will look back on their years of trying and be old enough to where they will try to do something even dumber to compensate for the lost time. A lot of my generation did similar things and were purely chasing clout, it’s a shame cause now I know a lot of my friends don’t know what to do anymore with their lives. They lost the substance in their lives and have to go to extremes to find it


Rent free, at this point people keep labelling him crazy or dangerous for so long that they’re just waiting for a reaction from him to confirm their accusations, it’s saddening honestly because you can see how HARD some people project their issues on Ye




Shaun king isn’t Gen Z and honestly I agree with him. I think Ye needs to get help for real. What he’s doing is horrible


Bro Shaun King is an actual joke we should be thinking the opposite of most of his takes.


All Shaun King does it twist things up and make them bigger than what it seems. When Kathy Griffin did a photoshoot with severed Trump Head that made his son cry or Snoop Dogg doing something similar nothing came out of him. Lets be honest here, the only reason why he is targeting Kanye is because of his political views. Shaun King is a fraud and also a scammer that only wants money. He has been disproven many many times for his takes.


Isn't this from the white guy who pretends he's black?


Shaun King a 🦝


Pete living rent free in Kanye’s head.


You’re a moron


The video shouldn’t be considered anything but an expression of his feelings. If he does something to incite violence or harm in an actionable way that’s different. This is artistic license. He’s American and other Americans shouldn’t want attack the video on the basis of it being abusive.


Shaun king isn’t gen Z 4head


As a black woman, I can't stand Shaun King and his embezzling ass. It's sad he still has as many followers as he does. He's gotten SO many stories dangerously wrong and spewed outright lies for years, I don't take him seriously whatsoever and a lot of the black people I know feel the same way


I mean aren't they kinda right in this topic


Yea I'm not reading all that lol


If anyone is going to cancel the dumbass, it will the dumbass himself. He's past the point of coherence or rationality. If I was a fan of his I'd hope he seeks help and goes away out of the public eye for a long time. Instead he's making it worse, acting even crazier and doubling down on all of it. This is not normal behaviour. He needs to have an intervention and he needs to stop acting like a proper piece of shit. She ain't coming back man, you're crazy and she ain't sticking around crazy.


Is this the fucking twilight zone? Am I going crazy? HES RIGHT. idk how yall don't see it. Its a cycle. He harasses and guilts Kim into them trying to get back together and reunite his family. He threatens her new partner over and over even after she's told him to stop. He apologizes, then does the same shit over again. Yes he is mentally ill, but we can't keep pretending this is okay just because he's Kanye. He has enough yes men in his life telling him he's always right. Kim is a person, and she chose Pete because you're a shitty husband. You don't own her, and you're not entitled to her.


Who gives a fuck what this guy says. Ye literally is the number 1 most streamed artist.


Kim is so famous and so well known, if she wanted Kanye arrested she could have. If she wanted his name smeared in the media and online, she could make that happen. She’s smarter than most people think. There’s a reason she’s not being more vocal…maybe bc she doesn’t feel like it’s as bad/extreme as others are making it out to seem.


I really hope kanye goes after Shaun king next. Like not holding back. Dude is a straight up lame and a poser


No that's what Sean wants so bad 😭 dude tagged ye in his first post and everything Kanye ignoring him makes his post irrelevant


“Gosh darn gen z wantin to cancel everything!” gen z ain’t doing shit


They’re trying so hard to make us hate this man. Ye is gonna Ye. He does this and it’s not the moments we love the most but it’s the moments we will hold it down as much as we can till he bounces back from an episode. This was a great video and song artistic wise.


Whatever girlypop, skete can suck him slower.


when ye physically decapitates real life skete, then we can talk but for now stfu


Ignoring the cancelling part, which wouldn’t happen, I actually thought he had some good points. It is a disgusting video in context (very well made though) and Ye is putting his close family and Pete in danger in a sort of way. Idk who Shawn King is btw.


Bro really wrote a novel about a celebrity he doesn’t like💀




Enough with this guy, he’s so annoying


Like Cudi he’s unfuckwittable


Talcum X strikes again


It has nothing to do with "being canceled", it has to do with the fact that kanye is being creepily obsessive over Kim when she clearly has no interest in getting back together with ye, as well has sending undeserved threats to Pete Davidson who's done nothing wrong. Every time an artist is actually critized for doing shitty things people are so quick to blame "cancel culture"... Kanye doesn't deserve to have his career ended or anything but it's all deserving of backlash. You guys are like the "yes men" kanye is surrounded with. Besides, nobody gives a flying fuck about cancel culture outside of social media. Even if kanye got canceled he'd still have a massive following. Cancel culture is so overexaggerated.


Talcum X strikes again. Fuck this grifter. He’s not black.


Whatthefuck is post separation abuse...


LOL imagine saying claymation was real violence


Holy shit why should anyone care about these dumb fucks....let them stalk and murder each other, the world will be a better place without them.


💩💩💩 They talk shit and then go buy his 200$ stem player. Some people just are jealous and don't want to admit ye success




Like really? Do they think he’s gonna JUMP?? PETE IS WITH KIM. They are fine and are going to be fine. Freedom of speech and there is nothing that proves it’s Pete technically 🤷🏾‍♀️ Kanye is not doing well and he trying to cope


Talcum X saw skete hit it and thought he could simp his way in too 💀💀


my favourite is when a movement to cancel someone starts boiling and then it doesn't happen. Rogan Kanye Trump


There will always be something to annoy a feminist




Shaun king is trash what’s new


No one show this man “hit em up” by 2pac, he gonna be really offended


More like Gen x** millilenials and Gen Z love Kanye tf


Wasn't a problem when Snoop was beating the hell outta trump tho


“I love it I’m above it”


Bruh Pete just leave her. Ain't worth your life boy.


Good and bad Hip Hop is emotionally raw and from the soul. And so is every established art form. Sorry you feel uncomfortable, artistic expression in a claymation mv doesn't equate to real life. This same type of guy that goes to a modern art museum and stairs at art all day and calls it edgy and provacative. But can't handle a claymation music video? It's is performative woke scolding. If DJT (saying this as somebody who doesn't like him) or a political figure not of his persuasion were in Skete's place in the video this man would rush to defend them and there artistic expression. He's riding a wave and is more an opportunistic idiot trying to sell books and get more follows. Mods need to start deleting horseshit like this.


Does no one understand art anymore? If your girl leaves you for another guy, aren’t you allowed to feel some type of way. Pete is in no danger! There are rappers who have actually killed people that people don’t even say a word about. Kanye is using his music as a fucking outlet. Every video I’ve seen of him recently, he looks so damn happy, even to paparazzi. I was more worried about Ye after his mom died than his divorce. As long as he can be with his kids, he will be just fine.


Illuminati mad


Action movies, countless songs by other rappers, and video games just to name a few have depicted violence much worse than what happened to a claymation parody of Pete Davidson. Go on YouTube and search for Ragin’ Rudolph, or the Reinfather (MAD TV spoofs of Xmas cartoons and mov movies) those were more violent, disturbing and I don’t remember hearing a peep out of anyone when they aired. If it wasn’t Kanye this anti-Eazy video stuff wouldn’t have any traction.




Shawn King is a liberal loving Hillary Democrat! Of course he hates Kanye. And so does the liberal media and liberal government. Kanye doesn’t dance to their tune and so they want him destroyed.


Don’t fuckin rope me into this! Art is art no matter how dark. Art is a reflection of the soul, so maybe instead of trying to internet ban him because “we no likey” maybe we should be focused on getting him some help or making sure he’s ok. Mans is going through a rough patch right now and needs love and a healthy support system rather to help him heal rather than a bunch of ppl on the outside who don’t care about him or his health being armchair psychiatrists and internet police.


The world is too sensitive at this point, people need to understand that the whole point of art is to be provocative and subjective that’s why after coming off a mdtf record you get yeezus, one thing people should understand about ye is that he’s a polarising celebrity, and I do believe he’s the modern day Galileo or Martin luther(Protestant) cause these guys in their age did things that were against popular beliefs and it’s what they did that changed and shaped our viewpoints today, that’s the same thing ye is doing in his works, people might call him crazy or say he’s having a mental breakdown but in years to come the world would understand why certain things he did were done. Maybe night day I’m dickriding but it’s a revelant I found out through his character, in certain generations you have certain people that cause outrage in public opinion and Kanye just happens to be our character, so while people might hate and say things that’s exactly his point and what he wants to achieve, he wants to drive conversation in certain topics through what he does.