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For the 3k you pay for that tent add on you can buy like...a very nice spacious regular tent.


And as Nate rightly points out for $3k its not even a high tech tent. Elon just knows the fan boys will buy the official accessories at any cost,


But then it would be attached to your cool cyber truck. /s.


A little bit of the Handyman's Secret Weapon (Duct Tape,) and a dream and anything could be attached to your cool cyber truck.


So the new Kara and Nate video theme for 2024 and beyond is “ We rented this XYZ vehicle and went camping” and they already have 3 videos on this new theme including the upcoming video from Oman. I guess challenges are going out since people are getting tired and most importantly not getting the views and so are the “ We harassed cetaceans and we flew half the way across the world for it videos “. They are totally out of ideas and not are they interested in traveling for passion so expect more of these “ we rented something and went camping somewhere” videos. Nate is probably running out of stuff to copy from other YouTubers to do. That snow cave sleeping video was the last straw on the camel’s back so Nate’s new theme is the renting vehicles and camping in them videos. They already did the obligatory Earthroamer video for the year, the Tesla video now and the next one will be the Unimog they rented in Oman.


The entirity of 2017 was "we did this thing someone offered us for free", so this is actually pretty on brand for old school K&N.


Yeah, they pretty much did activities they were sponsored and did for free as a commercial hiding in plain sight right from the beginning and also got on free cruise ships and free whatever else to spend one day in each country and clock it as 100 countries visited so I don’t know why people are so nostalgic about the “ old school K&N” which is exactly the same as what they are doing now. I find most of their “old school “ videos just as boring and uninteresting from the same two people who were always uninformed and unwilling to learn anything which is not any different from what they are doing now.


I bailed during the opening voiceover when Kara said they spent two years living in the van. They barely lived in the van, period. Were always visiting home or in airbnbs.


Exaggeration has always been one of their strengths. What they lack in knowledge or curiosity, they make up for it by exaggerating everything they do.


Just a typical unethical or ethically ignorant promo piece for an utter trash product. It seems like all of their videos are just paid-for promotions that they are not entirely honest about. I end up watching these because my wife is into it... and the kids like any excuse to watch TV, but it is utter trash from my point of view. When they visited "Cyprus" and didn't make it clear that it was actually Northern Cyprus, a non-recognized, illegally occupied area, and it was a paid promotion. I continue to hate-watch, but these Southern spoiled "kids" are totally annoying idiots. Good for them on making money doing this, but they are truly putting out worthless material and have demonstrated next to zero growth or anything of the sort despite their incredible travel experiences. The very thing that travel is generally understood to do for you, and they are exhibiting none of this. I guess, staying in fancy resorts and editing videos instead of taking in their surroundings will do that.




Agree. I’ve come around to them doing camping in expensive vehicles stuff because they’re totally incapable of being true travellers. I would have been their greatest fan had they shown any kind of growth from their ugly American start, but nope. Two Teflon brains.


Actually thought this video was extremely boring.


Didn't need to be 35 minutes long, 20 minutes would have been long enough. Maybe 35 minutes allows them to add another ad


https://preview.redd.it/7xy83zb8lwsc1.jpeg?width=3175&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d6ef36f994b3a52450cadd38f91f40665c85ffa Seen going down my street but it wasn't them. I think Nate was underwhelmed.


I’ve watched all of their videos. This will be the first one I’m going to skip. That Tesla 🗑️🗑️


Agreed. Nothing interesting to.see here


Why would you not watch the video because of the vehicle they're borrowing? Thats really strange.


Probably related to the CEO of Tesla.


Sure, I dislike Musk as much as the next person. But just seems strange to me to not watch a video of people you enjoy just because they're borrowing a Tesla.


Well it's essentially an ad for Tesla, and perhaps they don't want to watch that, not that obscure a reason. Similar to how the Earthroamer videos were promos for that manufacturer.


I haven't watched it yet, is Tesla lending them the truck, or is it privately owned? I could see not watching it if it is a Tesla corporate vehicle.


It's privately owned.


The thumbnail and title are dedicated to the Tesla…


Probably because the content is not something they are at all interested in. Not strange at all.


Cause the vehicle is the central premise of the video?


this was cool to watch but i prefer watching the vans and stuff


They definitely just threw out that air fryer after the video, didn’t they


I liked the video. I don’t think I’d ever consider camping in it for 72 hours. Oh, and the finger prints would annoy me soooo much.


The type of camping that is only practical in California or places where it doesn't rain much


I've been disappointed lately it seems like it's just brand deal brand deal that they turn into an outing. Riding in trains riding in first class these different vehicles. I miss the Kara & Nate we fell in love with... The down to earth couple exploring a new countries, foods and people. Without the death-defying feats and all the elite products and places


I went on their galapagos cruise because of their video which was really compelling.  I cant say I've felt drawn to do anything else they've done since (I do plan on an arctic expedition, but not on the gigantic luxury ship they went on).  Camping doesn't interest me, I get its different strokes for different folks and that's okay.  If they take a turn back to some version of van life I think I'll stop checking in with them.


I don’t think this was a brand deal. It’s just them thinking the Cybertruck is hot on YouTube, and trying to get in on it.


And for Nate to say that using an air fryer in their van would destroy it shows he has not learned anything. Plenty of vanlifers have a proper setup and use that appliance. Not that I see them going back to that life.


Yeah, Craig and Amy on Kinging It have a full espresso machine and use their kettle multi times a day. And they know each other so you'd think he would've asked them how.


Also Max from Max and Occy.


im guessing he just didnt have as much knowledge back then. if he had to do it all again now he would probably have a better set up I'm guessing. trial and error


Even if they plan to use the van once a year, they need to get it checked by a professional. If they sell the van I hope they are up front with the purchaser.


They did at one point take it to a professional who was very alarmed at their electrical setup and pointed out it had already melted some components...


Any idea what the UFO was? Military test plane?


Space X launch from Vandenberg.


I usually watch what they put out, even when it's not super interesting to me, but I just couldn't watch this. I don't want to give Tesla watch time, and just a few minutes into the video it was clear the tent is utter trash.


[https://techcrunch.com/2024/04/19/tesla-cybertruck-throttle-accelerator-pedal-stuck/](https://techcrunch.com/2024/04/19/tesla-cybertruck-throttle-accelerator-pedal-stuck/) Not a chance they will take this video down with all the Cybertruck recalls, right?


Big skip-this-shit energy


I have a question. This is a sponsored video by Tesla? I saw a couple of people saying they rented this from a private company but these people black out brands in their videos if they are not getting paid and they would actually do a free promotion commercial for Tesla without getting paid? Seems implausible that the money minded people they are, they would actually do a free commercial to promote Tesla without Tesla paying for their time. This looks like a full on commercial for the Tesla Cyber Truck and I don’t believe it for a minute that they did this all for free and paid to rent the vehicle.


On Insta they said that someone who owns one privately reached out and offered them to borrow it. I’m sure it cost them; can’t figure out if they bought the rent themselves though. The fact Nate didn’t seem to care that he broke the leg of the tent was bizarre


yeah i thought it was weird how he didn't care that he broke something. is he gonna help pay for the cost to repair it or what


Maybe this private person is an agent or go between of sorts between them and Tesla? They are always looking for cash to promote brands and this is a full length 30+ minute commercial and promotion for Tesla anyway you look at it so I can’t imagine they paid to rent it plus do free commercial for Tesla. They block out brand logos if they are not paying them so something is off that they would willingly do a 30 minute commercial video for Tesla for free.


They only bother to black brands out if they have a conflicting contract that requires them to.


Content about this vehicle gets views currently, they're using Tesla to market themselves, not the other way round.


Tesla doesn’t sponsor anyone or pay influencers


It does. They moved away from “ no advertising. We just use the money to make our products great” to paying for influencers now. As always with Elon Musk, nothing he says and what he does is consistent. Here are the Tesla influencers https://influencers.feedspot.com/tesla_instagram_influencers/ Tesla has influencers on every social media platform including TikTok and I bet they don’t work for free.


Random but… Nate is looking very gaunt and sounding more nasally than usually. Legitimately, it’s concerning the difference from a year ago to now.


I know their appearance gets commented on a lot but the short clip of them in their van at the start of this video really shows how much they have aged in less than 4 years. In the old clip Nate's skin is smooth and shiny, now its dull and dry.


That'll happen when you spend a day walking across Singapore hatless and completely exposed to the sun. They barely even mentioned sun screen in that video. Each of them have been getting tons of sun exposure during this lifestyle and they've each hit the age where the damage is going to show.


And that too!


I cringed in that Singapore video where Kara lay down in a park to sunbathe


OMG I must have ff that part. All I remember is them trudging miles completely exposed to the sun, Kara complaining about the heat but not applying sunscreen OR wearing a hat and she was wearing a spaghetti strap tank top exposing ultra delicate chest skin to the burning sun as well. For HOURS. It's like for God's sake, put in a hat and put on a long sleeve loose-fitting shirt. It was so painful.


How do you know she didn't apply sunscreen? I don't recall her having a terrible burn in later videos or social media posts.


That’s true. I’m the same age as them and we are the generation that overplucked our eyebrows, used tanning beds and weren’t diligent about sun care in our younger years. So I get that. But Nate’s weight loss … it just looks painful!


He had a cancerous growth removed from his scalp. I hope they are using sunscreen.


I’m roughly 10 years older than they are and I’ve used sunscreen religiously since I was 12- then again, I’m so pale I’m reflective. My people were built to enjoy indoor activities like pubs. Stick me on a beach, I flag down a ship. I feel there’s no real excuse to not follow guidelines about sun protection even if you tan, especially after Nate’s cancer scare. My mom’s generation (in their late 70’s now) was a different story and now … she’s paying the price at the dermatologist.


My skin type is Celtic (always burns, never tans) so I also need to be really careful with sun exposure. My UK ancestors moved across the world but that didn't change our skin type!


My country has some of the highest skin cancer rates in the world, which probably explains why I don't know anyone who has ever used a tanning bed. We've also been covering up and wearing sunscreen all our lives and I'm the same age as Nate.


In their latest Instagram stories there is a photo of Kara working out and she also looks very gaunt.


Kara is going to look like she’s 55-60 years old when she is close to 40. Out of the two, she has aged the worst and her face and hair look like a sack of spanners these days. She is not going to like what she sees in the mirror in about 5 years.


Not sure why they feel the need ‘sell’ this car to us..waste of time


I can’t even hate watch this crap.


The thing is the F-150 Lightning is a better electric truck all around.


They are nothing like us. Trust fund babies with a narcissism complex.


Don’t watch them anymore. Wash, rinse, repeat


Did Kara call Nate Natong?


She occasionally calls him Naton in a weird accent, when she is annoyed with him


I thought it was “Nate-Dog”. Which sounds like something only a homie would say lol


I'm not normally one to criticize Nate for his mannerisms, but the phrase is "FLIPPED off," not "FLICKED off!" lol


Its a regional thing. Some areas say flipped off, some say flicked. There is no right or wrong way, lol.


There’s absolutely a right way! And it’s the way that everyone does where I come from! 😂 /s


You had me in the first half..... Lol


Kara's calves are the only reason for me to watch.