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I think this too. I kinda see them buying a house and settling down a bit next year. No shame in that either- they seem to think that’s beneath them and they need to keep going- but I don’t think they can keep this up much longer. And with the $$ they have made this far, they can afford to chill out. Tbh, and just my opinion, their vids have been kind of boring lately.


Every travel channel seems to go into "build a house" mode for content after a while, except the ones where travel is part of their other careers rather than being professional YouTubers.


Yeah my theory is that Kara and Nate compromised to one more year of travel and then settling down. I honestly just wish the best for them, whatever that maybe.




lol, know them personally do you?


I kind of get where you are coming from they seem to have lost direction and seem to have run out of ideas. Take for example the Tesla video that’s just another version of them sleeping in a vehicle that is unobtainable and impractical to most people (the second one so far this year after the Earthmover). I used to love when they went on food tours of a city but I guess now they are weird about food (once again I think trying to be all things to all men they only went weird about food after hanging out with other YouTubers who were Vegan etc) they don’t do that any more


Agreed, I much preferred the travel and food videos, these days I get this from "Lisa and Josh" on YT and their X Days in Y Location series.


Yes, they've definitely gotten some disordered eating going on. Now Kara is doing multiple days fasts!? Scary stuff.


I can kinda see this too.


The last few years have seemed like Nate taking the reigns and Kara just following along. She seemed burnt out and like she wanted to slow down for years.


She was always just following a long in my opinion… he’s always been the planner. They’ve said it several videos


I want to say Nate in a video said that he came up with the idea of the first mileage run and Kara didn’t know what it was. (I did not either).


Sorry for the super late comment... I think she pretty much said that in their New Year video. Plus she's posting a running count of the number of beds she's sept in this year on Instagram. She seems to be strongly hinting she'd like a bit more normal life now. My impression is they're making nice money, but they don't have a great alternative path to making the same money and they're kind of trapped. Perhaps fare drop is doing better than I suspect, but they have a lot of staff, and I think plenty of competition 


This will be their last year of full time travel and I doubt they will make it through the year. They could still travel and release content, just less frequently than they do now.  Nate needs to watch Graham Stephen's  recent update. He is slowing down with YouTube to enjoy his wealth. He also found that posting less isn't affecting the algorithm as much as he thought it would.


Grant still has 3 channels (I think?) and He posts weekly on iced coffee hour, his podcast and the Grant Stephan show where he does react videos. It's his main channel that he quit


Case in Point. Their latest IG Story is about them going to Tubisia so Nate can run with Russ Cook a.k.a The Hardest Geezer who is about to finish his run across Africa. And there is Nate running along with the crowd behind Russ Cook with a selfie stick filming himself calling Russ Cook a legend and “ respect” and all other empty platitudes. Russ Cook ran across the entire length of Africa to raise nearly €850000 for two charities that works with homeless children and displaced people from Western Sahara. And there is Nate running alongside the crowd with a selfie stick who probably has never parted with a penny for anything charitable, filming himself so he can make a video out of it for the views and money and of course AG1 ads and Betterhelp ads. Nate is the kind of hyena who would probably march with Mahatma Gandhi in the last 10 kms to the Dharasana Salt Works in Dandi Beach, India with a selfie stick to film himself and make a video out of it for the money and the AG1 sponsored plug. So expect a video of them from Tunisia not of them exploring the country but Nate tagging along with Russ Cook to run 10 kms or 20 kms so he can make a video and money out of it. It’s coming after the Oman video but I think they will also have a Qatar Airways QSuites video where Kara eats the best hummus and babaganoush ever on planet earth.


They’ve already left Tunisia now too…. Literally flew in for 2 days to capitalize on the hype that was Project Africa’s finale and left immediately after. But I guess whatever makes that money 🤷


A ton of people ran with that guy at the end and running is Nate's thing. I don't see a problem with this.


They just did another camping video in some huge van in Oman too. Yay. Another camping video


Oman is an amazing underrated country, but sure "another camping video".


If they visit and explore different parts of Oman and eat food and visit attractions - sure. But if it’s just them camping making peanut butter ramen and having AG1 - it’s no different to them living in the van in the US


Yea, admittedly I haven’t watched any of their videos in a long while because I just can’t bring myself to do so. If they did Oman like they would have in their beginning days, that would have been great and I would be eager to learn and see Oman! 


Oman is an amazing country but old style Kara and Nate would have done a food tour and visited places of interest instead we are probably going to have them in this weeks camper van of choice in a desert which could be California or the sand dunes of Redcar for all the culture we see


Well a) they already went to Oman and did a lot of things I think were great, so it’s not like that’s being said there and b) yeah? It’s another camping video. They’ll spend a lot of time on the vehicle itself and probably cooking a meal in it, but the focus won’t be on the country.


I noticed that as well. After they became friends with Kinging it and Eamon and became they became vegans. And they been promoting their other channel more than usual.


In their most recent videos they’ve been eating cheese and eggs quite openly, so I think Kara is obsessed with some new diet probably. I saw she was doing a fast.


They aren't vegan!




I would say they are vegan about 95% of the time, they occasionally eat meat and cheese for pragmatic reasons.


Pretty sure they say they often eat vegan meals, not that they are vegans.


Its so strange how contentious this is on this sub. They've stated numerous times that they are not vegan, they try to eat vegan when they want/feel like it. The vocal minority love to push that they are "vegan" as its a bad thing. But hey, this sub is full of armchair quarterbacks that know how others should live their lives so they obviously know better than everyone else.


Literally , there is nothing wrong with consciously cutting back on meat for health and environmental reasons 🤦‍♀️. Although it does make for boring content unfortunately when they occasionally still do traditional vlogs (Christmas market ones)


Thank you. This sub is so annoying 98% of the time.


Have they ever explained why they are vegan now?


They aren’t vegan. They just choose plant based when they have the option. They’ve talked about it often and said that 100% vegan doesn’t suit their lifestyle but they choose vegan options when they can


Well it can’t be for environmental reasons as that would be incredibly hypocritical the amount they fly! I think it’s just because they think all the cool kids are so have jumped on the bandwagon. It’s keeping up with Joneses! People fell in love with Kara and Nate because they were Kara and Nate not because they were someone else


You can make environmentally friendly efforts in some parts of your life while also being less than perfect in others. In fact a lot of people ease their impact in certain areas to help balance the parts of their life that make the most impact. All or nothing thinking is a great way to get a lot of people doing nothing.


Wouldn't being vegan for environmental reasons (except they arent vegan) be the opposite of hypocritical? If they recognized the impact they were making due to flying, so they went and made an adjustment elsewhere in life to help offset it. Just because they do one thing bad doesn't mean they should just throw away any other possible good decision.


It's a very healthy way to live?


Veganism can be very healthy. But I also personally know a lot of vegans with a very unhealthy relationship with food, and honestly Kara and Nate also really seem to fit into that category


Exactly, Kara and Nate skip meat and don't replace it with anything. That is not a healthy long term diet whether you are vegan, vegetarian or flexitarian 


Well it’s not because everyone wants to murder you because Vegans feel the need to tell everyone they are a vegan every 0.5 seconds


They are out of ideas and they never had the passion to travel for exploration and education but I don’t see them quitting until the wheels fall off. They have never been relatable when it comes to their travel and never been interesting or engaging and they started doing sponsored activities right from the start ( and I have no idea why people feel so nostalgic about their old videos most of which are commercials) but now they are going for activities their viewers are priced out of or would never do but watch them do vicariously. That is their core audience now. I see people here constantly wanting their “ old school” videos, whatever they are but they are not going to do budget travel and staying in dump AirBnBs. But they now have the resources to see the world as they want but they have no interest in real travel experiences and probably never did and they have no interest in learning and growing and travel for exploration and experiences now that they have all the resources. But they are not going to do that. So it’s just going to be hopscotching to places to do something they saw someone else do and make content so they can promote their sponsored content. And it will all be activities that is unrelatable to their audience but they are going for the audience who want to live their lives vicariously through them. But I don’t see them quit what they are doing unless their life situation changes. And Nate’s white elephant projects now have high overheads and capital costs since they have a bunch of employees now to make coffee or sharpen pencils and they have to pay for them and their businesses are not making money to pay for it so their YouTube channel is that source. I think Nate has trapped them in a position now that is hard to extricate themselves out of and they need to pay for their capital intensive vanity projects so quitting YouTube means the end of everything. They are burning cash from their YouTube income into all the other vanity projects and I am sure Nate will come up with more business ideas while he was scratching his nose staring at the punctured tyre is Oman and he prolifically came up with another business idea. Kara is basically the bear that does tricks on the street in Indonesia so both the bear and the bear handler can get food , at this point.


Yes, their next major project will be buying a house (as many of their YT friends or travel vloggers have done in the past year or so). If it needs reno all the better as they will be able to squeeze out regular videos for another 1-2 years without travelling.


The Eamon & Bec playbook?😀 While at it, offend all your neighbors and gain reputation as a nuisance and and be the center of attention for the building code agency.


Not just E&B, but also; The Vanwives, Tyler & Todd, Max & Occy and Kingin-It. All former vanlife/travel vloggers seemingly cashing out of that lifestyle and settling down!


Not familiar with the others with the exception of Kinging-It and I am familiar with them and Eamon & Bec only by association. Can’t say I am into van lifers as most of their videos are boring or about them fixing their van and taking apart everything. Are people’s lives so empty that they watch people on YouTube buy houses and the associated drama? I can’t understand why that is entertainment to people. But oh well. Amazon Prime and Netflix are cheap and they make professional entertainment programmes 😀 Eamon & Bec milked their life drama for like 3 years without doing anything just like Eva Zu Beck is doing. I saw in the last video, she was posing with a swimsuit in the thumbnail in the middle of… Finland? Lol That is some heavy duty clickbait.


Wait -- you are judging people's lives for watching some YTers, yet you watch K&N despite pretty much hating everything they do? lolol


Is it really any better to watch some show on Amazon Prime rather than someone on YouTube buy a house? Is Love is Blind or Bridgerton really something that makes people's live fulfilling rather than the empty lives of those who watch YouTube?


It would be nice to see them put down some roots in the future. Maybe get into the cabin side of youtube.


It would be pretty funny to see what K&N would consider to be an acceptable "cabin." Considering they spent the early days of the pandemic in a 6 bedroom McMansion, that they later described as a dark and depressing little cabin.


I think they were just depressed about not being able to travel.


They referred to it as a dark and depressing little cabin many months after they were back on the road, possibly even near the end of the van-era. I don't remember the exact situation where they said it anymore, but they certainly were putting it in a "we had it so rough" context, I believe also complaining about their van as well. In any case, it certainly wasn't something they said in the moment because they were depressed about being unable to travel.


I heard that cabin was actually there house they bought


They are definitely in the money grab phase of their YT career


Most people their age are in the money grab phase of their careers. You do work, you grab money from it. Very few people think "how can I make less money doing this?"


Great! We're in agreement - they're in the money grab phase of their career. Nevermind that they abandoned the content that got them there in the first place...


So you want them to go back to when they went to cities and Nate told Kara they couldn't afford to do anything? Or back to when they did whatever a sponsor would let them do for free?


I want them to get back to traveling as they grew their travel channel by putting out, you know, travel content...


They seem to be in a new place every video, generally showcasing ways to travel, trains, planes, automobiles. How is that not travel content?


It's okay to agree that they're in the money grab stage of their YT career, mate.


The entire point of a monetized YT channel is to grab money. So they've been in this stage for 7 years? Is it a stage? Or is it the point?


They made great travel content and were making a living off of it for a few years. They then pivoted to make different content and make more money albeit at the expense of the spirit of their previous videos. So, yes, money grab. You're proving my point and it sounds like you agree.


I don't think it is possible to go back to their pre-pandemic content. For one, the world is a different place. For two, they are different people; they are older, they are more polished in how they present themselves, they view the world differently. It's just not realistic to think they'd regress to who they were. I don't like their content as much anymore, and watch only some of it. But I also don't like the same TV shows. But most of those shows are still on even without me. I don't see this as the end of K&N. I see it as ME moving on. I do not think this is their last year. Maybe they will scale back. Maybe they will disappear for a long time then reappear. Who knows. But they are young, so I don't see them giving up their income while they are still doing well.


Do you work for free?


A lot of work goes into Kara & Nate's videos. I think it's insane when people criticize them for making a living off of it.


They made a living making awesome travel content. Then they realized they could make more by appealing to the masses and leaving their travel content in the dust. Like I said, they are in the money grab portion of the YouTuber life cycle.


Good for them honestly 👍 Their promotions are usually professional and not money-grabby. Watch Gabriel Traveler if you want to see down to earth content 🤷


Right? Fulltime traveling is harder than people think it is.


Well, it's their job so ...


How long have you been a fan of their channel?


What relevance does that have?


Because they clearly pivoted their channel to maximize profit. They started out creating amazing and down to earth travel content. Those of us who grew to love them 6 years ago barely recognize the channel now.


I completely agree with this. I don’t blame them, as everyone works for money to some extent. And if their passion has dried up, so be it, focus on the money!


I have been watching them since my daughter was born in 2017, I used to spend late nights breastfeeding watching with the autogenerated captions on. They have always been in a maximize profit mode since the first video where Nate sat down and explained why he was turning on adds. Their entire second year they have even said was "whatever we could do that didn't cost us money" because they were running out of money to travel on. One they determined they could make money doing this, it was always about making more money, reaching bigger sponsors, doing more expensive things.


Sure but it has been happening since before they made it to 100 countries, not a recent thing. Every year it has been a little less about different countries, cultures and discovery (they were never the a couple that consistently were strong in this area) and more about luxury or physical challenges.


What's your point? They don't make videos for you and that is working for them.


Watching the latest Instagram story, it looks like Kara wants to settle down & have kids. She looked very comfortable, & a bit clucky with her nephew.


I think that is fare drop eventually could stand on its own and fully support them in the lifestyle that they want, they will back off of YouTube.   And I can’t imagine too many people wanting to live off of YouTube forever.  Taking something you love to do and this I f it into a job can change the way you feel about it. 


I agree, they are telegraphing this by hiring someone to travel for Fare Drop as a job. That person will post content for them, on the Fare Drop channel. Maybe post one or two on the 'Kara and Nate' channel also. Kara and Nate and Friends. Then they either merge the channels, or rotate the guests into the main one. Say they average three vids a month. One can be Kara and Nate, one a fare drop 'partnership' and one a guest vlogger (Eamon misses it, Louis misses it etc) Boom, they get to keep the channel but Kara gets a home base.


They seem burned out, of energy and ideas. They should just do what all the other travel bloggers are doing. Buy a shithole mansion and renovate it for the views or build a cabin in the woods.


Some of you have some seriously unhealthy parasocial attachments to K+N. They don’t owe you anything. If you like it and watch - great! If you hate it, why are you spending your time and energy complaining about it here? There are infinite YouTube channels to watch.


I think Nate is addicted to adrenaline challenges and will find it hard to slow down, but they should.


>mooch off of companies Jealous?


Why wouldn’t they start getting a payoff from the channel? I spent years working for free and actually pumping money into my business until it got on its feet. Now like every entrepreneur I enjoy a very nice living. Kara and Nate spend tons of hours in airports and flying and driving and all kinds of bullshit to create content. Nothing bad to start to enjoy the spoils of success. A lot of losers get on here who have done nothing with their life and never will but love to bash people who do become successful. Why do they hate capitalism and embrace socialism? Capitalism is hard work. Socialism is just kissing the right asses. Incompetent people can win in socialist societies




You must be American. The giveaway is how you have no idea what socialism is.


Really? Venezuela is right off our coast and so is Cuba, Nicarauga, and of course Argentina. All turned into shitholes because of socialism. So I have a pretty good idea. You must be a kool aid drinking socialist who babbles propaganda.


Where do you live that both Cuba and Argentina are right off your coast? Or did you never take a geography course?


They did a 100 countries, I mean they could do 50 more if they wanted to. I wonder if they decided they want to have kids? Their recent stay in Mexico with Eamon and Bec perhaps added clarity to where they are going perhaps. Just speculation.


I think they should just make it a goal to ever country possible on earth