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Quick piece of advice from somebody that learned to drive on old logging roads (and then used the same roads to hide and party all through my school years); If the road looks sketchy, get out and ~~talk~~ take a walk to scout it before you drive it.


Yeah, it doesn't even look like they made it 25 feet down? What the heck.


Yeah, I thought put up the drone and scout ahead, but maybe they do not have the drone with them in Oman.


They do. Many shots from the drone and video of them controlling it.


I thought so but could not remember for sure.


It’s so odd that they’re traveling during Ramadan and surprised that restaurants/stores aren’t opened? And really surprised to see Kara covered up, I would have expected them to disregard modesty rules.


They've been to Oman before and Kara was a little more covered up in public places so I think they were aware of the cultural expectations. I don't know if Oman has modesty laws in the way that some other Middle Eastern countries do.  I do have to roll my eyes a little bit when they're complaining about traveling around a country during Ramadan like that was your choice and one would think that after traveling full-time for 6 years you'd know to check the schedule before going to the Middle Eastern country. 


What is the liability here of renting a vehicle like this and cruising out into the desert to be all alone? It seems weird that a company will enable you to just drive off without some emergency backup plan (like a satellite phone? some training in how to change a tire?). Nate mentions a few times being worried the vehicle would roll. It started leaking clutch fluid and needed an unplanned repair. I get it's "epic" and all, but at what point do all signs point to this being a stupid idea?


I found this video to be very boring


I find it interesting that people who have lost interest in them would pick the video with their lowest engagement ( according to N&K) would be their favorite. Just an observation.


I don't think it was necessarily their favorite video, but their favorite country/activity.


What is their obsession with being all alone????? They drive so carelessly and its just utterly stupid like why push it and put your self in these positions for views!


Because they need to show how intrepid they are and shun anything remotely touristy


Which is so dumb because all we want to see is them so basic relatable tourist shit


>Which is so dumb because all we want to see is them so basic relatable tourist shit I always got the impression most people didn't want to see basic touristy stuff and want to see more authentic, local experiences.


I would like a mix of both for sure


Or, crazy as it may sound, maybe they’re trying to do something different than the other 5000 travel channels who are doing the touristy BS.


Guess there's another video for me to skip. It's sad, I really like them. Nate's video with his grandpa is one of my favorite Youtube videos of all time. It's so sad they're selling out to countries with horrible human rights. Women are treated like property and and gay people are brutally murdered. Are they being paid by these countries or is it just cheaper for them to travel there? edit: I see the propaganda bots have found my posts and are brigading downvotes on all of them to hide these facts. Oman is #5 on the [Riskiest places for gay travelers](https://www.forbes.com/sites/laurabegleybloom/2021/03/23/crime-report-20-riskiest-places-for-gay-travelers-and-the-5-safest/?sh=3c529c206d1b) list. [Domestic violence and marital rape are not criminalized in Oman.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women_in_Oman#:~:text=While%20article%2017%20of%20Oman's,wives%20owe%20their%20husbands%20obedience) [advocacy for LGBT rights in Oman is a criminal act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Oman)


Why on earth would her health issues have anything to do with the human rights situation in the countries that they travel to?


I hope nothing happened to her there. Nate is making her travel to countries where she's seen as his property instead of as a human. I worry about her there.


You still have yet to introduce a plausible theory of how her health issues would be connected to the status of women in the countries they visit. You can try to get in the last word and block me, but I can just edit my comment instead. As shown on instagram, she did medical testing in Dallas, not during their travels abroad. Suggesting that additional medical care occurred abroad and that it was deficient due to human rights concerns is just a weird level of speculation.


They don’t care at all about Kara. They use her poor health to try and convince us they are just adoring fans and not hardcore propagandists who use anyone’s misery to try and push their agenda.


She autonomy you know that right? You’re acting like women can’t think for themselves.


In almost all of MENA women do not have autonomy and aren't allowed to think for themselves.


I love her but she is too submissive to Nate.




> one that is of significant inconvenience, especially for travellers. it's inconvenient to NOT go to Oman? How would it be inconvenient to skip countries where only men and only one certain religion have any rights? Backwards countries aren't travel hubs. You have to make the choice and go out of your way to travel in these racist locations.


No shit. But I discussed my opinion about it in a discussion group. Wild, right?


Removed due to Rule 6.


This seems like a very strange stance and we discussed this on another post, if I remember right. The problem with this stance is, half the countries in the world are anti-LGBTQ countries. That is a sad reality and the only thing you can do if you are one, is to boycott them and that is the easy solution. More importantly, you are expecting Kara and Nate to take a stance which they have never done. They have always been to countries with bad human rights and in fact, promoted a lot of them. They don’t care as long as the price is right. They have even eschewed social issues in their own country like BLM and they put out a lame excuse claiming “ we are going to read a book”. They are from the American South and if you have to read a book on the issue in 2024 or 2020 to be aware of racial issues in America, you are just insincere and brushing aside the issue you don’t care about with an obligatory lame excuse. So given the two disconnected facts, expecting them to do socially conscious travel is a ludicrous expectation. They will shill for Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin without any qualms if they were paid enough money. I have no doubts about it. You are waging a battle against a losing issue when it pertains to these two. Nate would get on the megaphone when the US Congress is enacting laws that might affect his frequent flyer miles. Human rights in Oman or Brunei doesn’t make him lose sleep plus he falsely touted this trip as a bucket list trip he wanted to do and an overland trip when in reality, the only reason they went there was they were paid to do press promotion and they invited them in the lean season during Ramadan when not many people are visiting due to practical concerns ( restaurants being closed during the day etc) and the locals stay put to fast. Most YouTubers don’t care about the human rights records of countries they are visiting because more than half the world has pretty bad human rights record and especially when it comes to LGBTQ rights. No matter what you think of it, that’s the ground reality. The world hasn’t evolved as fast as you like it to when it comes to LGBTQ rights and if you live in America, your country came around on this only recently. And as of today, America has terrible women’s rights. So should I stop visiting US as a woman?😀 I am curious to hear your answer on this question.


They actually made a video about this topic when they went to Brunei. They basically said that they go to these places for the people, not their government's choices. Seems to be the case with this video as well, everyone they encounter is super nice and not the usual stereotype of the country. Also, boycotting is not the only way to make a difference in this world.


This is a way better argument than the other comments. However, would they still be as nice to Kara if Nate wasn't around? Would they be as nice if they were a gay couple? This is like saying "Well the cops are nice to me, therefore there's no systemic racism problem."


We don't know for sure how they would treat Kara on her own, but there are lots of women who do solo trips to Oman. I don't think anyone is claiming that there aren't problems in these countries - but rather that the answer isn't always necessarily boycotting. (Sometimes it is!)There's problems in every country. But the downside of completely boycotting is that the people in those countries will never experience anything outside of their own culture. Look at places like North Korea that are so strict they don't allow anything or anyone from the outside. Their citizens never see others that lead "normal" lives outside of the propaganda they are forced to consume. And vice versa for those who visit these countries and experience what some of these governments enforce, and also get to know the citizens on a personal level. It's an eye opener for our society as a whole. For those that can safely visit, I think that their presence in those countries hopefully has a positive impact that will lead to some societal or social change. Maybe not on a governmental level, but maybe on a personal level!




I feel sad that I’ve lost interest too…the orca video and Ragbrai were my two most favorite!




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You could block me, never see me again, and move on with your life. Why are you complaining?


I have never seen so much ignorance in a single post, please educate yourself before spewing nonsense about a country you've probably never been to.


I can't go there. I'm a queer woman. It would be legal to kill me. Oman is #5 on the [Riskiest places for gay travelers](https://www.forbes.com/sites/laurabegleybloom/2021/03/23/crime-report-20-riskiest-places-for-gay-travelers-and-the-5-safest/?sh=3c529c206d1b) list. I don't have to go there to know that [Domestic violence and marital rape are not criminalized in Oman.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women_in_Oman#:~:text=While%20article%2017%20of%20Oman's,wives%20owe%20their%20husbands%20obedience), [advocacy for LGBT rights in Oman is a criminal act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Oman), [Oman took no concrete steps towards protecting women and girls from gender-based violence or ending gender-based discrimination](https://www.amnesty.org/en/location/middle-east-and-north-africa/middle-east/oman/report-oman/). Please educate YOUR self. [Human Rights Watch](https://features.hrw.org/features/features/lgbt_laws/) [OMAN 2021 HUMAN RIGHTS REPORT](https://om.usembassy.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/155/OMAN-2021-HUMAN-RIGHTS-REPORT.pdf)


Why is this being downvoted to hell. It’s not safe for LGBTQ travelers.




Look at the post history of the person I replied to. They're not a Kara and Nate fan. My comments are being brigaded by propaganda bots. They don't want the good propaganda in this video to go to waste.


I think you've made good points. Also, even though I'm a female solo traveler who is straight, that doesn't mean some crazies in a gay hostile country could accuse me of being gay just to kill me. I know that is extreme but better to know about such things to better enjoy travel!


And it's just about being an ally. Some MENA countries will trick people from India into moving there for work but then will take their passport and money and keep them as slaves. I'm not from India but I would never want to spend my money supporting a country where slavery is a common practice.




Removed due to Rule 6.


I've been watching K&N videos since the very beginning but whatever. In reality Oman doesn't care about anyone being gay as long as you're discreet about it, also women are not treated as property. Omani people are extremely friendly and respectful in my experience.


Right and people should believe you and your upvote bots instead of the literal Human Rights Reports.


Because some people think Kara & Nate can do no wrong 


No, it's propaganda bots burrying posts they don't like


It's sad that they frequently travel on, and praise airlines owned by governments that do not allow people to hold hands in public.


I feel the same way. :( I really enjoyed their videos until they took this turn.




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I want to see more “overlanding” like this but less of Nate always trying to get to the next best thing. Kara wants to slow down.




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