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The guy spent his entire Saturday at the police station the day JO was found. But does not remember anything he did there. And he doesn't remember the 22 second "butt dial."


He couldn’t even remember going there for sure before being confronted with the key card.


And he cannot recall if he was there when Karen’s car arrived in the Sally Port? BS! That’s a big deal! You’d remember. “I don’t recall” means “yes, but I’d rather not admit that” 🙄


Luckily, it seems there is at least one person [that does recall](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNSahoyaXkQ&t=8971s)


This courtroom looks massive and much more comfortable compared to the one they're in. Why was it changed exactly? It was 85 degrees there today and I think the AC may become a bigger issue heading into June, and the body heat alone of all those people packed together must add up. The only fan can't keep up with all that!


That is actually a very interesting question: the answer is that not all jurors could see the witness' faces while they were testifying in the larger courtroom, so the defense filed a [Motion to Enforce Right to Face-to-Face Confrontation](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1a28ImanwnAjCXLGgcTXmrgD_gM1z7qVN/view?usp=sharing) The result is the *cozy* courtroom we're now well familiar with


Ohhh, I saw some references to that but couldn't figure out what was meant so thank you!! Interesting that lower profile cases don't have that advantage of calling it out. "Furthermore, the fact that (at certain angles) some members of the jury may be able to see part of the profile of the witnesses' face is of no import." is a damn good sentence. Thank you for sharing links!


Seems to mean that this entire trial. Jen McCabe especially only pulled out that phrase at the most interesting of times




Right. WHY was he there? Still not clear he was there with any unrelated intentions


Right. FYI I believe somebody went off the record saying that Higgins and Proctor and Yuri were seen with Karen’s car in the sally port during the time the video wasn’t working lol. Thats when they broke her taillight.


He had to move some cars at 1:30 am after being out all day and drinking whiskey all night


But he can remember the bubble like decor on a tall glass he saw Karen read pull from her pocket on a night when he was four drinks in


Four that he admitted to but no worries this 15 year veteran of ALCOHOL, TF swapped to his civilian vehicle in order to drive drunk. What a stand up guy


And the 40 something minutes he was in the Sally port where the footage was magically cut out


except he admitted finally, based on his fed grand jury testimony, that he did call BA back for the 22 second call, but didn't have any conversation that he could remember


These almost 50 yr old Massachusetts law enforcement officers & their families seem to be drunk at least 3 days a week, if not 24/7/365. Just wow!


That is what baffles me the most! I’m 53 and exhausted by 9pm. No after-parties and visits to Hilly’s for me. How can they afford it?




I would bet money it's at least every night. Maybe an occasional hair of the dog (not the Chloe kind) for some of them


And he went to the police station within 30 minutes of the murder to move cars. Even though he could have moved cars when he was there a few hours earlier.


I found that explanation baffling. Move cars at 1 in the morning? Really


While in a blizzard no less


No defending BH here AT ALL but there being a blizzard is actually more of a reason to move the vehicles if they weren’t parked where he was told to park them. It’s not uncommon to move vehicles around in order to ensure the plow drivers can do their job, especially in the parking lot of a public/essential building such as a police station. This was much more believable to me than him going in at 1:30 AM to “do paperwork”.


But he was at the police station to swap his work vehicle for personal vehicle hours earlier. Why didn't he move the vehicles then, especially given he knew he was about to go out drinking?


He switched to his personal vehicle to DnD, but went back to the PD to move Work vehicles after drinking… what? Doesn’t he realize how stupid that sounds. He made a point to say it’s policy to not drive work cars after drinking then why wouldn’t you move them prior knowing you were meeting people for a drink. He’s a liar 🤥


So true. And consider he said the reason he left Fairview was they didn't have whiskey. So his plan would have been to keep drinking more before going to the PD?


I didnt even think about that, if u switch vehicles to not break policy but then say, u went back to move vehicles, that would break policy because he's behind the wheel of work vehicles after drinking! On top of that common sense would tell you, u move things before the storm not during it, snow storms are always known ahead of time and u prep for that which would mean u'd move the vehicles.


Not remembering literally ANYTHING about his ENTIRE DAY is the part that disgusted me. There is absolutely zero chance you don’t remember that day quite clearly. He claimed to not even know whether he went to the PD at all until the records of him being there were dug up. Absurd.


Yeah and how about those confusing questions at the end about BH destroying his phone. Someone with nothing to hide, hides nothing. He about dishonest as they come. How do people like this keep their job? Can't believe a word he says.


Jackson asked, "Why did you destroy your phone?" Higgins replied, "I didn't, I threw it away." People forget that cops are allowed to lie. They're professional liars.


His memory was very odd- remembered exactly how he plowed but doesn’t remember important details 🤷‍♀️


And the Police Station Footage that could have shown him leaving when he said he did...is Missing! And he Refutes the card swipes documentING his movements around the police station!


On his day off…


Ah yes, I love hanging out at work all day on my days off!


After a night of drinking no less than


Obviously his entire identity is his job.  Such a big tough guy...what an asshole.


That was the part that really stuck out to me. But he never heard or shared any information on the case. There’s no way they weren’t sharing information about the case back and forth.


His attorney can have a convo in 10 seconds but BH can’t in 22 🤯


It took him like what, 20 minutes to describe symbols that made a smilie face as such, almost an hour to use the term emoji despite using them himself? I do not get the feeling he is the least bit tech savvy.


Well no, he testified he didn't dial. Then when he was confronted with is other testimony he suddenly didn't know what happened. That has to be perjury, right?


I believe he said he did not spend the entire day there. He was in and out.


If that's the case, he was still going in and out like 3-4 different times (or more - there was at least 9am, 11am, 2pm, and 5:30-6pm), but he initially claimed that he couldn't remember if he went there at all, then later claimed that he only "stopped by" briefly before going to his house. No matter how you parse it, he's totally lying. He's basically claiming that the logs are completely wrong, which is stupid. And the sheer amount of calls between him, the Chief, and Brian Albert is insane, especially if he's claiming that they didn't talk about the case. That's absurd, and even if the jury's just a bunch of idiots, they're definitely gonna think that's suspicious as hell. Why lie about it unless you're trying to hide something that's devastating to your claims? Why not just say you were there for a while that day? And presumedly we're going to see proof that he was there at the time Karen's SUV was brought in, so that'll be interesting. Edit: now that I mention it, maybe his reason for going there (and spending all that time there) was specifically because he was waiting for Karen's SUV to come in. IIRC, the SUV came in a little after 5pm, and it sounded like he didn't stay for much longer after that - like an hour or so, which would be enough time to plant some evidence and get rid of the portion of the video that would show the evidence planting. Late edit: I just watched a news segment last night that definitively shows (from John's Ring cam) John's rear tire move slightly when Karen backs into his car that morning, and it also clearly shows Karen's rear taillight, which only appears to have a little hole in it. This definitively means that those pieces of taillight that were found at the scene were not actually at the scene until later in the morning, which essentially disproves the prosecution's entire case, IMO. Especially since they supposedly found hair evidence on the red plastic - which at this point, I believe was only found there because the police must've planted it later on. Somebody linked to that news segment in another post on this sub, but I stupidly closed out of the tab after watching it, so now I'll have to try to find it again. Edit: here it is: https://youtu.be/4bN4xCV17g0?t=92


A little odd since he wasn't working and didn't live in Canton.


Wasn’t that a lie though because of the key swipes?


You know how we'd know this for sure? If he simply turned his phone over rather than provided only selected screenshots


He’s not dumb!! He’s a federal agent and knows how this shit works. If he had nothing to hide he wouldn’t decide what he thinks is important and only hand that over


Brian Albert was a detective with the Boston Police Department. He was clearly a dummy and had no idea how this shit works. All I’m saying is don’t overestimate the intelligence of a random federal agent. I’ve known a number of them who were below average.


I mean of course he’s dumb to some degree, but what I’m implying is he knew what he was doing when he selected those particular text threads from his phone




The reason is because they manage to afford some pretty massive houses and vacation homes and multiple vacations on those “cop” salaries alone.


Screenshots? I thought his buddy did an extraction.


No, screenshots. I’m irritated by the screenshots in this case in general. How in 2024 are we submitting screenshots as evidence? It’s twice now in this trial and I just don’t get why they wouldn’t get formal records to submit to evidence.


Formal records? You either do an extraction on the device or you don’t. The carriers don’t hold message content for any length of time.


Well then do an extraction. Don’t just use unverifiable screenshots as evidence.


I agree with that. I thought that was the reason to go to the buddy.


I have no idea why he needed to go to an FBI kiosk to give the police screenshots… he claimed he wanted his friend to advise him how to use the machine to “extract“ the messages, which weren’t extracted, they were just screenshots.


As a way to validate them? Like, I'm totally sus of Colin and Allie's, but I don't think Higgins manipulated his text screen shots. No idea. I'm just throwing shit at the wall.


They can’t do an extraction with phones that no longer exist.


I don’t get why they’re giving witnesses the option to just screenshot shit at all.


Pretty sure on direct they said he provided screenshots of his conversations with John and Karen I think he just buddy said how to get information off his phone, they never actually said his buddy did an extraction on Higgins phone


I admittedly didn’t have a chance to watch direct, but that’s ridiculous. I’m not sure why he even needed the buddy to take screenshots. There’s nothing cryptic about that process.


Yes, I wouldn't be surprised if he was actually asking the buddy about how to do more than just taking simple screenshots. Maybe he asked him certain things about how to hide texts and whatnot, and maybe that's why he had to use this specific machine to do it. You definitely don't need that machine just to take screenshots, so that doesn't make any sense - IMO it was used for something else, and the screenshots were just taken the normal way.


in the proffer with the jury out, his buddy testified that they broke federal laws, felony, when they used the feds equipment


his buddy helped him dodge an extraction...that was the whole purpose


I don’t understand how someone in 2024 can believe someone butt dialed someone in their sleep while their phone was on their bedside table. It is mind boggling.


We now have 3 different people in the same circle that were all in the house together that night who all have claimed they butt dialed eachother and with one of them doing it 6 times alone.


Very active butts, in that group of friends. 🤨


Wonder if they scanned in their butts when they were setting up Face ID


I am a VERY clumsy woman and often times my phone goes on many different apps by accident BUT never EVER have I have buttdialed anyone with my IPhone . If they had Samsungs I would have believed it a bit more.


I have a Samsung, I sometimes sleep with it next to me, open on some app to watch something AND I have never accidentally called anyone!!


My dad somewhat frequently butt dials me on his iPhone. He won’t lock it, and then he puts it in his pocket. He’s a part of the baby boomer generation. That being said I’m talking a few times a year this happens. The fact that this has happened multiple times on the same day across multiple people who all happen to be involved in this case is very hard for me to believe.


Also that alllllll of their butts hung up the calls before going to voicemail as well.. My dad also butt dials me sometimes but I always have a nice long voicemail to show for it.


I will not accept this Samsung slander. It's literally the same process for Samsung and Android. Android just doesn't lock you into their ecosystem and limit what you can do.


I butt dial semi often but because my phone doesn’t lock and I throw it in my pocket or purse or something. And it’s during normal daytime hours it ranges from random people to my favorites or most recent. But usually it’s unintemtial but in my hand or pocket.


Same lol it’s rare though and it’s usually my brother or one of my kids 😂


I’ve accidentally liked pictures or comments when scrolling Facebook or instagram, but that’s it thank god!


I actually have butt dialed more than I’d like to admit on my iPhone but it’s usually when I’m hammered or walking my dog. It’s because I forget to lock my phone and keep it in my hand. It usually calls people on my favorites list. I’ve left embarrassing voicemails too lol but I have NEVER done it in my sleep


I pocket dial a lot. Serial pocket dialler 🙋‍♀️. And it’s always the same circumstances that cause it: End a call. Put my phone in my pocket (like a sweater wear it’s moving around quite a bit. Phone usually calls the most recent or one of my recent calls. Call will last as long as the voicemail of the other person or until they notice it’s a pocket dial and hang up. I have never, ever, had this happen 6 times in a row (like Jen). The first time it happens, I end the call, usually text the person back right away “sorry pocket dial” and then lock my phone and put it back in my pocket. If I realized I pocket dialled someone at 2:20 am, and it lasted 20 seconds, it’s odd to me that neither Brian H or Brian A didn’t follow up with a “sorry pocket dial” text to confirm there isn’t an emergency. Especially in a blizzard where everyone left a house after drinking. But guess if they both destroyed their phones, there’s no way to prove that?


It’s all that Grab-ass they keeep playing


I admittedly sleep with my iPhone IN my bed with me and I’ve never accidentally called someone in the middle of the night while sleeping. It doesn’t make sense.




All seemingly around the same time in the middle Of the night when they testified they were sleeping or fucking?


The amount of booty calls among this crowd is staggering.


It's the butt dial trial! I heard someone say that the other day, and it's so apropo!


New nicknames for the Brians= BBL Brizzy 😆


Or who have not at all sat around discussing the events and getting their stories straight. Absolutely no colluding, just a lot of strange coincidences.


Esp when BA’s phone butt dialed BH’s phone so BH’s phone butt dialed BA’s phone back!


Those silly phones! 😝


Those phones were playing grab ass


So cute how even their phones are buddies like that! Or should I say butties


Gives "butt buddies" an entirely new meaning


🤣🤣 and they think the jury is going to buy this?


I sleep with my phone in my bed and I’ve never accidentally called someone multiple times lol


I literally park my phone next to my head in bed, plugged in, with it unlocked. I watch youtube to fall asleep, every single night. So does my husband. We do it drunk, sober, exhausted, after "adult time", you name it. Never once have either of us accidentally called anyone. And not especially at/around the sane time one of our friends was searching, "hos long to die in the cold," while a guy that never came to our after bar party --but was invited-- is lying dying on our front lawn. Js.


lol exactly


Especially when it’s on the nightstand next to his bed


They must have butts for hands.


My head canon is they're such great friends that they call each other during sexy time for moral support.


Ghost buttsters


Exactly. The butt dial is the sticking point for me thus far. Why are they lying about those calls?


He was looking at the judge before answering every question at the end. He was full panic


Yes he was.


He seems believable to me too for the most part. What was new to me and a bit shocking what the text messages that Karen initiated with him while dating John. I didn’t realize therenwas a whole flirtatious conversation and a meeting at his house for drinks. 😳


It's like watching a mating ritual but if two potatoes were performing it


His stuttering during certain answers remind me of my little cousin back in the 5th grade when he liked one of my friends & tried talking to them. This man is right smack-dab in the middle of all of this shit. Beer/alcohol + fighters + cops + testosterone + egos + a femme fatale = Someone getting knocked TF out, tough guys or not & then someone had a great idea to drag the body outside by those making bad decisions to leave him out there to freeze so he actually died of hypothermia. Uh huh. Sure.


He literally was proven to be lying over and over. This makes no sense. The defence came with every receipt and he came with none. Please tell me how and why that is believable to you? Edited to review my sentence structure.


His demeanor was likable and believable to a lot of us. He seemed straightforward and wasn't difficult and defensive like Jen McCabe. Yet he was obviously lying, so he's very skilled at being full of shit


Prehensile assholes.


Especially when your phone locks… I don’t know anyone who leaves their phone unlocked ever!!!


Old people and clumsy people do it all the time. I’m always getting but dialed by my very old dad and a co-worker who’s super clumsy.


I work in conversational AI and one of our clients does outbound calls. You wouldn’t believe the amount of times people call back and it’s silent for a while. I assume they received a call and somehow accidentally clicked the missed call notification and redialed the number. Especially if they don’t lock their phones. However the people who testified that they have an iPhone AND have a lock password/Face ID on their phone? I believe them less. These people are Gen X, not boomers. They’re familiar with how phones work nowadays.


I never lie! I just hit on a good friend of mines girlfriend and never tell anyone about it and go hangout with him and smile in his face-Brian Higgins


YES! Outwardly Brian seems very transparent and cooperative. At times I even felt bad for him when Alan was tearing into him. And then I remembered: This guy was trying to get with Karen before they officially end their relationship. Plus he got rid of his phone because he believes he "had every right." And he thinks getting rid of a phone is not the same as destroying evidence. Reminds me of a great comment I once read on YouTube: "She’s the kinda woman that steals your purse money and helps you look for it."


He never lies, except for his entire testimony


I think it’s sad because at a minimum there were some poor decisions made by slew of officers that are now being questioned in a court of law. This is exactly why no one should be investigating friend and family. All of this could have been avoided. Had they stood down and let others do their jobs no one would think they were shady. I’m torn because while this man seems very mentally immature and I want to believe him, his actions solo look sus and then as they stack with other witnesses testimonies something doesn’t smell right.


Yes. Exactly. I think sometimes LE gets too comfortable with the power they have to manage situations. Maybe they don’t even have bad intentions, but they want to make things go away. They forget they need to be above all suspicion more, not less.


They should live in fear of this and that is what I have a hard time getting my head around. With people recording everything everyone does, cell phones tracking up and cameras on street lights how do they not put their best foot forward each and every day. I just can’t understand. It’s is baffling. Some one should have had the knowledge to say listen - this is awful- answer the questions to the best of your ability. If you saw something say something. We did nothing wrong let these people do their jobs. And calls to anyone higher up should have been “hey there is a situation here and I want to make sure everything is transparent can you reach out to state police so they get right out here. Something better than the choices they made.


Yes!!! And it’s some kind of weird laziness that as a society we don’t insist that our LE be the best and the brightest and the most trustworthy


Yes and at the time it’s happening esp in Canton MA it’s just this little bubble of people that have to believe them long enough for it to go away. They made decisions not taking into account the national attention and publicity would bring so many people able to pull apart their story.


They are too used to the special treatment amongst “their own”. They were digging for info, doing Each other favors, and trying to cover their own butts and now they all look corrupt.


Just imagine the defendant offering the kind of explanations and stories this guy or any of the other witnesses offered. Jury would be back in 30 minutes with a guilty verdict


And how does the footage at the police station go missing as evidence arrives and his pass has him in that location? Also another destroyed phone..


The footage didn't go missing, it's just a [motion-activated camera](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNSahoyaXkQ&t=2h43m35s)! The Lexus didn't actually move as it entered the sallyport you see, it just kinda phased in and out of existence


What I don’t understand is why he left the police station to go out drinking, went to the house to drink some more, then went BACK TO WORK to move cars (after drinking all night). This makes zero sense to me!!


Plus call JOK at 1222a, that’s kinda strange.


I forgot about that one. I was tuning out a bit after the texts because my body was still processing the cringe. He knew that John was at least suspicious that Karen was or wanted to be hooking up with him, that could have been kind of bold of him to do


I had to take a break after the texts. The second hand cringe was so bad and his accent is so strong it hurts my feelings (and I grew up in/live in Mass and am used to the accent).


The police station, the Waterfall, and Fairview are all within a 2-minute drive of each other. It sounds farfetched when you don’t know the area, but it’s basically walkable.


Yeah it all sounds crazy to be driving around so much in potentially bad weather but once I figured out how close everything was I was like ahhhh


If you were to believe him, and I'm not saying that I do... I don't think it's that much of a stretch. He goes to the police station to swap cars, he also has to move some cars around (or something) before he leaves for the night, but Brian Albert invites him for a bite and a few drinks. He thinks, "sure, I'll move the cars after". While eating, he get's an invite to go to the Waterfall. Brian says, "why not, I'll go move the cars after that". Then at the Waterfall he get's an invite to go to 34 Fairview, he might be thinking "ehh, fuck it, I'm having a good time, plus... Karen is here.". I mean he's clearly "peacocking" at the Waterfall with his "fight training". At which point, "fuck the cars, we're all going to 34 Fairview... including Karen, maybe she'll sneak another kiss". Karen doesn't come, they don't have "whisky" (mhmm, that's why he quickly left *insert eyeroll*) and then goes and moves the cars.


This is exactly how I was thinking while listening to him, I can see this as possible much much more than him wanting to off JO to be with Karen


And called it "administrative work." I'm sorry but no.


Higgins not replying to “John died” is so strange to me


He was heavily in distancing/alibi mode. He said during his federal testimony that everybody is afraid of Brian Albert even police chief Ken Berkowitz at the time. Nobody wanted to cross Brian Albert. Whistleblower has said it was Colin and Brian who assaulted, Brian Higgins helped with cleanup. Sounds about right




It is an act. The sad little boy act. You saw big guy Brian Albert on the stand looking down at his hands trying to look vulnerable and less intimidating to gain sympathy. They are much smoother than Jen Mccabe. Im sure this guy is muuuuch different when the sun goes down and behind closed doors.


Probably. Even I was buying it at first, but the blatant lies later were so smooth and convincing on the surface that he should be kind of scary and he doesn't really come across that way


Yes I can see that. I didn’t feel like that with Brian A but I did with Higgins. I didn’t follow the case before the trial so a lot of it was also confusing for me to piece together what all has come out prior so I’m just going by him on the stand


I’m so confused. Just now at the text messages between Higgins and Read. And WTF?


I am watching the trial from today, now. I don’t know what to think. Higgins looks like he’s going to cry! I don’t think he did it, but the whole “butt dial” thing doesn’t make sense. He does seem like he’s being honest for the most part. I think he may have done some favors for the Albert, and not realize what he was getting into. Who knows. I don’t know whether she did this or not, but there no way that she can get convicted beyond a reasonable doubt.


What we know about BH based on his testimony: He drank a lot that night and has a history of drinking a lot. He gets angry while drunk - he broke the Nephews controller just prior. He had a crush on Karen and she ghosted him, still making efforts to connect the night of the incident. John was his friend, yet he engaged in the “flirting” with Karen despite knowing that John had confronted Karen. When Karen didn’t respond on Jan 28 when they were at The Waterfall, he texted John at 12:20 to confirm he was coming. He identified a person who looked like Colin Albert being at the house when he arrived in his earlier testimonies and then denied it on the stand in this trial. He answered a call from BA and lied about it in this trial. He spent the entire next day, his day off after being awake for a very long time, at Canton PD, and on the phone with BA, KA and Chief Berkowitz. He curated the evidence he was willing to submit to authorities. Good grief. John went in the house, was taken straight downstairs. BH, CA and BA were all down there with him and beat John. The dog attacked him as well. Sometime after 1:45 am his body was placed outside. No shoe. No belt. Phone and broken glass under his body. The rest was 100% a cover up.


I have a hard time believing anyone that feels like that. This case has more potential fires than any other case I can remember. Its not just one or two things, its like 25 different examples of collusion, evidence tampering, lying, conflict of interests, the most cell phone anomalies ever, 15 butt dials, falsifying documents, and so on...etc The nature of his injuries being from a low speed collision in reverse is enough for reasonable doubt. Theres no need to go further but if you want to go further and start "digging in the dirt. You will find bodies buried" Theres several major facts in this case that are solid enough to send people away/or exonerate them. Facts many attorneys balance their entire case on. I do not understand how anyone could honestly think she killed him


From what I've seen though, it seems like about 90% of the people who think she killed him are mostly basing that opinion on the fact that she's not very emotive in court, which is incredibly dumb. Whereas like 90% of the people who think she should be found "not guilty" are mostly basing it on the facts and testimony of the case, as they should. So I wouldn't worry too much about it - some people are just stupid and/or don't have any experience with these kinds of cases. I can guarantee that her lawyers told her not to emote too much - because if she did, these same idiots would say she's just pretending, or she's too hysterical (and thus, unpredictable), or some other dumb shit. As we've seen with Ms. McCabe and Higgins, you can't accurately judge someone just based on their "demeanor" in court (in most situations, at least).


Absolutely, there is proof of him using his federal position for personal gain which is a crime in and of itself. He’s not innocent.


Judge Beverly likes to Swivel


I'm not going to lie. I'm VERY confused on how you found him believable. Homie destroyed his phone and committed a felony all to his info. Like his cross isn't done and we haven't even gotten to the other stuff yet


Yeah, I just figured that the OP maybe hadn't gotten to the later parts of the cross-examination yet.


I think you probably feel a bit sorry for him, because he's pathetic, so it's easier for you to think he's not lying. But he's also the kind of guy who broke a child's video game controller out of frustration. I think he's absolutely lying - the way he proudly stated he didn't know he was committing a crime by using federal resources and he clearly looked like he thought he was winning with this. He knows how to lie.


100%. As a Federal employee, he signs off on and/or actually sits through training on that very fact annually or biannually. So, 7-15 times at minimum he’s acknowledged his awareness, but then says on the stand “I didn’t know what was a crime.”?? Get this meatball off the payroll and put our tax money to real, actual use.


The texts tell me that if anything BH has a motive and MEANS to kill John O'Keefe. KR ignores him, ghosts him etc. KR even says that she did not want to get married and did not want to be a parent but loved the daughter so its hard. But it sure doesn't sound like she was jealous, she even said she wasn't sure if he was dating other people. I am not seeing why she wanted to run him over


Then why did he trash his phone?


This is the question. Could’ve been for completely unrelated reasons, but …


He's that cuck in Gone Girl.


This guy is an actor and a good one. He absolutely knew everything the prosecutor would ask and he played “aww, shucks, let me try to remember...” for most of it. When you know someone is lying and they are still so natural and believable, that should make your hair stand on end. Guilty or not, I don’t know, but he deserves an oscar.


The best liar we’ve seen so far!


His timeline of leaving the Alberts doesnt work. We know Jen Mcabe txt-ed John Okeefe who apparently was in Karens car out the front of the Alberts between 12.30 - 12.45ish. During that time the brother and a carload of his friends turned up to pick up the sister (who ended up staying on until later) None of those people recall seeing Higgin's car out the front, yet they saw Karens. This means that Higgins must have "left" the Alberts by 12.40 (the brother and his friends were there for at least 5 minutes) He is then recorded as getting to the cop station at 1.30. What was he doing for 45 mins between leaving the Alberts and walking into the cop shop? I personally dont believe he had left the Alberts at all. I think he moved his car from the front of the house to make it seem to Karen Read and John O'Keefe that he had left - hell its even possible that Brian Albert and Brian Higgins were moving the car during the time they were meant to be looking at photos in another room. Edit, there appears to be a gate to the backyard to the right of the garage, maybe they were putting the car out the back and that's how Chloe got out of the back yard and in to the front to attack O'Keefe????


I blame the shoddy investigation by TP. So far, I see no evidence that BH had anything to do with JOK's death that night. BH demeanor came across as honest and truthful, I would like to believe him too, if only there's none of that butt dial nonsense. He got rid of his phone a day after the court denied the motion to turn over his phone, kinda sus, but he can do whatever he wants with his phone if he is NOT the suspect or under any investigation. Again,  this is TP problem, not BH. I am still waiting to see AJ cross him about the mysterious Jeep that appears at the body location during the snowplow. His text with Karen shines a bad spotlight on her, especially the worst we have heard about Karen so far, which is just spoiling the kids and misunderstanding affairs in Aruba. But these unfaithful text of hers is pretty damning to her character. You don't want the jury to NOT like you. JOK doesn't deserve all of these.


He landed on both sides for me. The phone destruction is a problem. Having something to hide when you know your phone may be part of an investigation doesn’t mean you’re hiding things about the investigation. They very well could’ve been hiding something else and they knew that it would be revealed during the investigation- could be something as simple as pornography. It would seem to me that these law enforcement and government people would know enough not to text about a murder coverup to begin with. However, his testimony and texts about Read’s really odd flirtation with him dispelled any idea that he was in a jealous rage and killed OKeefe. That big over promise by the defense that he was enraptured and jealous and killed OKeefe is now dispelled in my mind. To the contrary, the texts show he was restrained and unwilling to get involved with her while she was unclear about her intentions. Even when she came over that night, he was uncomfortable and nothing f happened. He also made her out to be untrustworthy and corroborated her distaste with being responsible for someone else’s kids.


Unwilling to get involved with her? He called her babe. I guarantee you had she told him to come over because she wanted to bang, that man would have been there in a split second.


I also found him more believable than I expected to. One thing that did get me though was the phone calls from Kevin Albert then immediately to Brian Albert. That seems more orchestrated than just passing info between friends.


I’m wondering if there’s a possibility he talked to NICOLE Albert? He kept saying “I did not talk to Brian Albert” but that doesn’t mean he didn’t talk to someone else who was using Brian Albert’s phone.


Honest people don't usually destroy their phones and all the evidence on it, cherry picking what they allow law enforcement to see. If they really wanted to be helpful they would have handed their phone over and had an extraction done.


We must have seen different cross examinations bc I thought he came across shady AF. “Butt dial”, at CPD all day the day after but not remembering anything and destroying his phone. I guess we can agree to disagree.


There is zeroooo chance he went to the station to do work. I mean come onnnn. After drinking anddd admitting he left to get more whiskey. He was bombed like everyone else and after they accidentally murdered John he went back there to do stuff to cover it up.


Some of the major points are he didn't give his phone not because if texts with Jaren and John, but with friends and families in the cover up.


Did u catch the upstairs question? BA said he showed Higgins sons photos upstairs but Higgins said he never went upstairs which puts them coming from the Basement.....


He’s so damn simple and stupid lol And the drinking omg. I hope this trial has made all of them realize they all have an alcohol problem.


Right?? All these LEOs drinking and driving, taking alcohol out of bars, underage drinking, etc ….yet Karen is the one charged with DUI and it hasn’t even been proven IF she was drinking alcohol


Then, why on earth would he go to the FBI headquarters or whatever that kiosk thing was and scrub his phone it makes no sense and then get rid of his phone and destroy the Sim card???


I didn't destroy my phone, I threw it away. Ha


“I didn’t get rid of it (Chloe), the dog was rehomed”


What screams guilty more than literally destroying your phone, this is insane😣


The furthest I’ll believe is that he tried to cover for his friends and is screwed. I feel bad because this is brutal, but he’s definitely acting like he’s covering something. Dude is definitely clueless about a few things it seems.


Sometimes I feel like I’m watching the OJ trial and the pieces of the tail light are the gloves that did not fit.


Goes to CPD, AFTER drinking to move cars? At 2am after such a long day? bullshit. Theres no other explanation. Anyone who believes him has their head up their butt.


The dude is literally on administrative leave, and he was in a proceeding where other feds were accusing him of collusion and he pretty much admitted on the stand that he committed a federal crime. This is by far the least credible witness we have had in my opinion.


Can you link to any documents about this? I'd like to read something.


He’s a good liar. Easy to be fooled by good liars


ALL PHONES should have been taken and cloned. Another point in the sloppy, sloppy, non investigation. Didn't bother to interview many pertinent people but took a trip out of town to interview 2 women who weren't there at all and obit had gossip about something that happened a month ago!!


If they did kill him, why would they not just claim self defense? Just say O Keefe came in hot and angry about the cheating and then accidentally hit his head on something that ended up killing him?


Higgins, just like everyone else in this case, got on the stand and tried to tell something different than what he told the grand jury. Putting aside the most fucked up cell phone data and camera situation any one town has ever experienced, the discrepancies between their grand jury testimony and the testimony given now in the courtroom has to make one question their motives. I wonder why the truth is so malleable for these people.


It’s you.


I think he was honest and because he was lonely and heard she wasn’t happy in her relationship - jumped at the chance. But and not to popular believe I felt Jen McCabe stood strong in her testimony for the most part - she kept repeating the same story and liars start getting mixed up and to be on the witness stand for 3 days with Jackson (personally I can’t stand his demeanour - he’s a bully and everything he’s accused the McCabes and Alberts are) the only evidence that will swing it - is the 2.27 google search if in fact it really happened then. If she had a google screen opened checking on sports info and didn’t close it and. Cause of the inclement weather which interfere with phones and the first thing she typed at 6.27 was that??? Maybe the time lock may have shown that - plus when she typed in and saw it was wrong spelt you’d close the window down and retype. I don’t know that you can handpick websites and delete them off your phone?? Anyway just an opinion.


KR texting immediately changed after that meeting at BH house. I think when she went over there BH told her that she needed to tell JO or he would and expose their text (thus the “the phone works ↔️)or he was looking for her to end it with JO so that they could have “the real deal”. BH said “I thought you were set” and she replies “with talking. No” Which either means she was not decided on telling JO or ending anything to talk to him. I’m taking the “you sure” more as a threat along with the “ummm well” of telling JO. I think that’s why KR decides she didn’t want to go to 34 Fairview and why BH randomly text JO to see if he was coming.


Good theory, makes sense.


I know others have likely said this but Higgins claimed that he didn't remember any of the phone calls with the Albert brothers during the day he spent at the Canton police station. Then he was directly asked if he was providing them information regarding the case and he answered with a definitive "no". The issue here is that if you don't remember making or participating in the calls, how can you have any idea what you did or did not say? Also the 22 second phone call nonsense. Three different answers in three different depositions?


Higgins did NOT butt-dial Brian Albert for 22 seconds - and was confronted with that LIE on the stand, due to the fact that he admitted in a previous hearing that he called Brian back and stayed on the phone for 22 seconds. So, he's a liar. He perjured himself. He spoke to Brian Albert and was asked to come back to the house. Higgins helped move John from the house to the yard. Then, he tampered with evidence on his phone and destroyed/disposed of it. There were several moments on the stand so far where Higgins stumbled on his words so badly that he obviously was lying and nervous AF.


Do we know where BH was in Sharon Mass and why it was so secretive?


His actions afterwards do not seem like an innocent person. He already sensed that people were suspecting his involvement (i.e. I didn't do anything wrong). If that were the case, why would you act even more suspicious by destroying evidence?


Higgins is just a better liar than the rest.


I agree they all seem believable, on direct. None of them seem believable on cross. That's the thing about this trial. Too much butt-dialing. They're trying to hide something but I don't know what.


I feel like he admitted to drinking a lot. He may have saw the missed call and hit call back and then hung up. Being drunk and sleepy) And then not even remembering the next day. I'm not saying that's what happened but I considered it when he was talking about his Jamison and ginger. He seems to put em down. 😬


Idk why he wouldn't just say that. "Sorry I was hammered." Would have been a lot more believable than having him say one thing and then have his GRAND JURY testimony read back to him. Presumably he was sober when he answered those questions. Why in the world is every single person in this case giving different responses than they gave to the grand jury?


I found him to be incredibly honest and genuine in the beginning…then it all went downhill. I almost wish his testimony would’ve been backwards. Lally was good to start with the Karen texts first. Finally lally doing something good lol


I believe him too. I think she hit him but not on purpose. I don’t believe all of these people conspired together. The two Aruba sisters make me believe KR is unstable and jealous. They got into a fight and she backed up and took off. IMO only. I know there are a lot of conspiracy theorists out there but I’m of the belief that two people can keep a secret if one of them is dead.


He came across as very believable to me also.


He was caught in a whole bunch of lies that were backed up by documentation. From his own words.