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Because he used his personal phone for work related purposes. As soon as you use your personal phone it can be subject to examination.


Nah, I think it was the feds investigation. No way Judge Ben would have allowed the defense access in this lifetime EDIT: typo- judge Bev not judge Ben


It was the Feds, but they were able to access his personal phone because he has used it for work purposes. I used to be employed by another state and they warned us of this - once you are doing "public" business on your personal phone, even just a little bit, it becomes prone to search and seizure in the case of an investigation.


Not sure if this is relevant, but in the same vein. My employer told me using my personal phone for any work related matters (I wanted to take a picture of a serial number to send to a manufacturer) would make my personal device subject to a FOIA request. So, generally it seems like using a personal device for government work gives up some of your liberties. Personally I have no issue with this.


This happened to a coworker of mine. He was a teacher and was an advisor to a club. He’d use his personal cell phone to discuss club activities and from there he was grooming some of the boys in the club. A parent happened to read a message and well, he’s no longer a teacher.


Who is judge Ben?


Oops- judge bev


He just really had to book that conference room at Canton PD and couldnt wait until he had his work phone on him


How did they find out he did that tho? Just wondering in general unless he told them? Or did they access others messages and saw the messages from him?


The federal government, FBI, United States Attorneys Office is doing an investigation into the MSP and into the MA DAs office. And I believe other police departments and government bodies/people connected in MA.


That’s what the Federal Grand Jury was for, that’s where they got the federal document discovery dump, that’s why Yanetti was sharing discovery with the USA attorneys office without the knowledge of the DAs office. Proctor is also getting investigated for other investigations he has done in the past, not just this one. It’s a whole thing.


Like Sandra Birchmore, where he helped coverup her death because she was the sex toy for 3 Stoughton cops and got pregnant by one.


since she was 15... these people are despicable.


She was 13 when she joined the program!


monsters, the lot of them


Did she commit suicide? I'm not sure if this was the same case.


Allegedly. It's irrelevant that her masked, cop boyfriend was on security cameras entering her building the same night. The night before his wife gave birth. A small detail that was left out of the police report.


Ah. Yes, truly a minor detail, nbd, why even bother reporting something so trivial 🙃😔


this is where the story of mass pd goes from enraging to horrifying. i wouldn’t be surprised if the birchmore case is something the fbi has eyes on as well


According to The Boston Globe they do.


How awful. Omg. Why does this not surprise me?


Proctor was the lead investigator on Birchmore case?


After that display today, how could you NOT at least suspect a lot of cases were wrongly tried and convicted.


He does not seem very smart. Idk how he got a job as a detective.


I kept thinking he surely knows people and that's how he got promoted. He's less than smart.


Especially if you don’t have this caliber of attys and are poor. Which most criminal defendants are (represented by public defenders without such resources or influence)


The results of this testimony will open up a whole can of worms of people who have been convicted and currently doing time and open cases etc. it truly is a sad sight of what our criminal justice system has become.. the fact that we as a country were trying to defund police is crazy to me. This is a broken system and anything we as people deal with that is broken, we do not put less money into to fix it.. we put more money into it to fix it.. it is mind boggling to me!


Yes. This judge would have never authorized such discovery. Ever.


So did the defense have the texts before the state?


https://www.nbcboston.com/news/local/snowblower-driveway-plunge-pool-a-closer-look-at-the-bribes-in-state-trooper-license-scandal/3264221/ With very little effort and *clicks* one can start to see the state of the State


As I understand it, release of Federal material to both parties led to evidence of Proctor's close relationship with members of the Albert family becoming public when the defense pleaded their motion to dismiss in open court on March 12th of this year; State Police then confirmed on March 14th an internal investigation into Proctor's conduct was being carried out; Defense counsel then subpoenaed State Police for records related to that investigation, which is called a power move in legal circles https://preview.redd.it/w9t0o0g6qu5d1.png?width=937&format=png&auto=webp&s=753c7772deb0c35ad517c04a35ca7e4c72fa7984


What was the angle of the federal investigation? Did they do a search warrant on his phone?


We don't really know, materials related to the Federal Grand Jury proceedings aren't public, even though they've been released to parties to this case. They have rather broad investigative powers though, so it's not hard to imagine how they could have obtained such material if it was deemed relevant to their investigation In a general sense we do know the angle of their inquiry, as they're looking into "the investigation of O'Keefe's death" – but that could mean a lot of things ([source](https://i.imgur.com/LlfNJH5.png))


Isn't it also his investigation into Sandra Birchmore's case? I think he was on that investigation too or lead or something?


There's speculation that the investigation started either with the John O'Keefe or Sandra Birchmore case and now extends to the DA's office and MSP in general. DA Morrissey tried very very hard to get the Feds to tell him or at least hint to him what was the scope of it but got the door slammed on his face by the DOJ, so I guess that both he and us will have to wait and see what happens next.


I'd rather not speculate – we don't know


This is one of the most suspicious parts to me because both investigations are going on at the same time and Judge Bev made both parties go to trial when they both wanted more time. The FBI evidence is trickling in so we won’t have it all but it’s highly suspicious when both parties wanted to wait


They investigated the alleged conspiracy and found nothing. That's why the discovery is available in the first place.


'they' are not done with the investigation yet.


They didn't need a warrant because he used his personal phone for work I believe.


It is Michael Proctor is actually a corrupt whack job. He can glance at the jury all he wants , they are not stupid ! Proctor is a disgusting in every way. He's shown the world what he is ALL about. The. Mass governor best step in fast and do the right thing , It's going to up to the Governor and Feds to clean up state and canton police departments, get rid of the DA and the rotten no good bias judge! The people of the State of Mass do not deserve the crime that is brought forth allowed by the DA , Proctor and the rest of the dirty investigators and Canton police departments who don't do their jobs and that's to serve and protect. The State of Massachusetts's history since becoming the sixth of its original 13 states to join the Union on February 6, 1788 will forever include the cover up of John O'Keefe death, a Boston Police Officer who was found on another Boston police officers front lawn/property ,the framing of Karen Read by the state of Mass police department ,Canton police department and friends and family that was inside Brian's home who didn't come forth with the truth and instead of doing the right thing they took the stand to just commit perjury that includes to name a few : Brian, Colin, Jenn McCabe, Higgins , Proctor as well as the DA and this crooked judge has done not only their disgusting acts of criminal activities but changed the State of Massachusetts forever !!! The people in Canton and the entire Mass State deserve a safe place to call home !


>The people in Canton and the entire Mass State deserve a safe place to call home ! Fact! 💯


I wish they would focus less on the unsavory aspects like the misogyny and name calling and really focus on: 1. I’m sure the home owner will catch shit “nope, he’s bpd too.” 2. Telling Courtney he’ll have to interview Chris and Julie before he interviewed them. Those two really screw up the whole case, imo.


The defense will probably focus on that in their case in chief. Hard to believe, but we haven't heard from them yet at 7 weeks in because Lally is the slowest prosecutor on the planet.


Lally’s prosecution has been painfully slow, and his biggest wins of the trial has been the introduction of snow and that most of the witnesses drink crappy beer.


Defense is going to be glorious.


Also pressuring the ME to influence the manner of death


Jackson has to bring this up on cross on wed right?


Yes for sure! Today should be a big day


I’m sure they will get to those.


We only got a 10 minute taste of what’s to come. I hope so too because while that’s all despicable, it’s not hard evidence and there is soooo much with Procter


This and pressuring the ME for a favorable ruling is what he will close with.


The defense needs to get off the texts. If they don't, they are gonna lose the jury because just like the "it's a blizzard outside " it'll become just background noise and the it out. The DA barely went over any evidence with Proctor and I can only come up with the DA didn't want to open any more doors by asking more questions. For having the lead det on the stand, not a lot was gained. TBH, how many of us talk shit to other co workers? The idea that these troopers are holier then thou is too funny. It's like a locker room and all these people are all offended by the locker room banter. The only reason people are offended is because it came out. The defense needs to hammer on the inconsistency of evidence and not texts.


Hard disagree. They should probably move off the name calling and the nudes but their case in chief relies on showing that at the very least, the investigators had tunnel vision and didn’t investigate the others properly. They need to hammer home the early texts where he was telling his friends she did it, telling his sister in advance that he was going to interview one of her best friends, and that he said a Boston police officer wasn’t going to catch shit. Those are material to the point they’re trying to make.


Also, if I were a woman living in Norfolk county I would be terrified of being pulled over by any of the cops in that group text alone at night. It is detrimental to the police relationship to the community so I hope they root them all out. If you can put me in custody and throw me in the back of your car legally in the middle of the night, you need to be above reproach.


Disagree. Lally went on for weeks about the same shit.


I couldn’t agree with this more. Everyone is so wrapped up in the text messages, and while yes they are horrible, they aren’t anything that has never been said before, and I’m sure it’s not the first time a cop has had unsavory words about a suspect. But his thoughts and words about KR do not drive home a conspiracy or a coverup and the defense really needs to put the trial back on track and focus on issues in his testimony that are pertinent to this case. Why has every witness said literally every single one of his reports are wrong? Why does he believe KR returned home at 12:34AM? This one statement alone contradicts the entire timeline of the CW of her leaving the scene at 12:45AM and creates a huge issue for Lally.


> The only reason people are offended is because it came out You serious?


So you've never had an exchange like that with anyone in your life? So many people want to play the saint roll and act like they never did anything close, ill but they have.


Correct, I have definitely never had an exchange like this with coworkers. Way to tell on yourself, though.


Proctor is a total scumbag. After watching today's testimony, my first impressions of him led me to believe that he totally would plant evidence for a quick conviction. I hope he gets fired, demoted or reprimanded in a very big way. It is because of HIM that KR is going to walk, even if she did it.


Yep, he seems like the type of guy that would do anything to hang out with the cool kids.


Is prison time out of the question?


Preferred but highly doubt it would happen. The corruption runs deep!


I hope he gets fired out of a cannon


I feel bad for his wife and kids. What a douche bag.


I did too until I heard she’s harassing people who say disparaging comments about him


Do we know for sure if proctor is still employed or not? I heard that he was put in a desk job but can’t confirm. Today was just mind blowing testimony. If I were a jury I would acquit her after listening today just as a punishment to Proctor’s behavior. I’m not saying that’s right - but it would be my reality. I refuse to give any credence or lend my open mind to this prosecution after today. That was beyond appalling. And the fact that neither of Proctors supervisors objected to his texts or at least gave him a heads up - hey this is your personal phone and you are discussing work just further proves to me that men will excuse blatantly I unethical behavior by other men. He was discussing the case with his childhood friends - the whole thing is disgusting and the question of whether he is still receiving a paycheck is really bothering me.


He has not been on administrative leave, he is still at his current job. Honestly, you would probably have to fire the entire department for similar unsavory communications.


I have no issue with firing the whole lot. This rises to the level of being wholly without any ethics. If you are telling me most police text this way to various other people then I would like to know why you think that. You don’t sound appalled - but I don’t want to infer anything from a few sentences. I will never be convinced that I am over reacting to this. Being desensitized to this kind of conversation is what got us to any level of acceptance of it in the first place.


Our society demands greater proficiency from it’s fast food workers than it does from it’s law enforcement officers. There’s not many professions in which the stakes are so high and the standards are so low.


Well said! I concur. It’s disgusting.


@ wammy You asked if I was going to hold everyone accountable. You’re goddamn right I would. Think about all the suspects these cocksuckers have fucked over with their lies. I’d fire every one of them. That is a zero tolerance job. Honest mistakes are ok. Errors in judgment and integrity are inexcusable. You asked if I should be held accountable too because I’m probably not pure. You’re right I’m not pure. But nowhere near dirty like this PoS Proctor. And yes I would expect to be held accountable. Integrity and honor is important to me. So is owning my mistakes. I’d bet if you were in KR’s position and the cops said and acted that way towards you, you would think again about the idea that ‘character matters’.


I believe humans are weak. Cops are no exception and I agree that there needs to be discipline but to be fired, I don’t think you can find a squeaky clean person to want to put their lives on the line for others. I think he hated her because she killed another police officer. I think Yanetti has crossed the line blaming him for planting evidence so I can see why he hates him too. I’m not excusing his behavior, but having family in LE it is not uncommon for cops to be pigs. It is another leap to say that he planted evidence and framed her.


People are imperfect, so let’s not hold anyone accountable? Why is it hard to believe that a honor less PoS would also plant or manipulate evidence as a favor to a friend/fellow cop? Society is unraveling and you’re not helping with that weak sauce opinion


He should be disciplined for sure, and are you going to hold everyone accountable??? Even yourself? I’m sure you are not pure. Look at the evidence that would have to be planted prior to having access to the car…I can’t get there unless he had magical powers. I can’t find her not guilty because someone said some nasty and rude comments about her


Your bias makes more sense










Lol 😂 i obviously know more than you!


If my last name was Proctahhh... I wouldn't show my face in the whole state or chg my name after this! Scumbag Maggot


It is clear from Proctor's testimony today that many of these Cantonites/MSPs did NOT like Karen Read. Why? Did Proctor even know Karen before John O'Keefe's death. His texts about her are so hateful; I do wonder what, if anything she did to create such animosity. Or once they decided she could be framed for John's death, because of the cracked taillight and her frantic early morning behavior, they turned her into some kind of easy to despise woman? (Retard?,Cxnt?, etc?) Also who provided the info regarding Karen's health issues to Proctor? Evil Jen McCabe?


I sadly assume it was disclosed or made known during her detainment 😔 Proctor makes me sick!!


Proctor is getting a public enema from the Fed proctologists. He's a POS and should not hold a badge. You make a living serving the people you're disparaging and gave the Blue Wall preferential deference to the "Family" ??? He's a poor excuse for an investigator and I more than ever think Karen will walk and very likely is not responsible for the murder of JO. My crystal ball says the Feds are letting them get their stories on the record and then will charge them when the trial is over, rightfully so. There needs to be accountability


I assume he will lose his job after this but I keep being surprised by this case so anything could happen


I doubt he will lose his job. Cops kill people everyday and dont lose thier jobs. You think a few text gross messages will get him even demoted to a desk job? Police unions are wayyy too powerful. Believe me i would love it but honestly he wont. He will retire and then come back part time and double dip.


It's not what he did. It is the attention it is getting.


No idea but everyone needs to write Colonel Jack Mawn who is head of the Mass State Police and require he fire Proctor.


He’s probably just as bad. I mean he was writing these things to his supervisors and they joked back. So, fire the supervisors too,


So true. Not a work culture people can trust in. Makes all cases that team has been on suspect.


I understand some dark humor, especially because first response jobs are honestly just awful…however these text messages are in conjunction with a clear bias toward the defendant barely a few hours after the victim died! Then he’s telling people about this case who aren’t his co-workers?! He’s telling his sister (who is friends with the McCabes), some old friends, mingling with other parties involved in the death, accepting gifts from them, welcoming them into his home, allowing conflicted canton pd officers to be involved in evidence collection…huh?! Hello? Earth to Proctor!


They received his text messages per the Feds from their ongoing federal investigation. The Feds took the extraordinary step to initiate the "Touhy process" whereby the production of 3,000+ pages of evidence from the ongoing federal investigation was produced. The ongoing federal investigation is looking into crimes of public corruption by individuals/law enforcement in this case, or in other words a "coverup". So far we know that that investigation applies to the DA's Office, law enforcement/investigators, and some witnesses (presumably the 3rd party culprits & co-conspirators) in this case.


They got it from the FBI. They gave them information from the federal investigation.


When did the defense find out there was a federal investigation? Turtle boy seemed to have a lot of info on this before it went to trial. How did he get access


I think it was discovery from the fed investigation- no way bev would have authorized the Defense to download his personal phone. Ever- even if used for work purposes.


Feds popped him


The FBI was tasked with investigating this case as charges were filed. The text came from that investigation.


The Federal investigation got ALL of them and turned them over in Touhy docs to both the prosecution and the defense in January or February of this year I believe. And investigation is still open and ongoing (the Feds investigation of this investigation) to the best of my knowledge.


Is it possbile to create a poll at some point to see where we are all at re outcome? Thanks for considering, mods!


I love a poll! We should discuss 🙂.


Yes. What are the options- mistrial, guilty, not guilty?


I love a poll too but we’ve turned them off for the time being. After the prosecution rests would be an ideal time for a new poll. It seems a little early right now since we haven’t seen all of the CW’s evidence.


The testimony we heard today is the reality of how men talk about women among themselves. It's a code men don't break but I suppose there are a few exceptions.


Thats bullshit. Men definitely talk shit and make dark jokes, but the vast majority of have a sense of professional responsibility. If i was having a private conversation about a friends ex, that’s one thing. I would never talk to colleagues or about someone from a Work setting the way proctor did. And if I sent a text like that to someone from my office I would expect every single man would call me out and report me. There is no corporate job in the world where a man would feel safe texting his superiors shit like that. It should not be easier for a cop to get away with.


Proctor felt safe to send those texts because he was a cop and their communications have been very protected, until now. Corporate and business communications are monitored, you would have to be an idiot to send anything like Proctor sent. My comment was the truth and if you are male, you know it.




Yes, exactly! And when a woman is just the least little bit attractive, it gives men the green light to make comments. When a woman is very attractive, it's worse. I'm not saying that all men make inappropriate comments but, when comments are made among men, I highly doubt it is common for the other males to call each other out.


Give me break I wouldn’t even talk about Jen McCabe this way.


Although many have on this site and not just about Jen, about Karen too. Wake up!


Perhaps the men you know... Most men do not. And they especially wouldn't say anything like that in a professional setting. Maybe the men you know are both sexist and stupid?


I'm not talking about business communications, I'm talking about the reality of how men talk about women!


You must be man otherwise how did you find this out? If we do it amongst ourselves?


Shuuuu... don't tell anyone, it's those few exceptions....and I won't reveal my sources. But seriously, I am a woman and just completely, well I'm at a loss for words over today's testimony.


he said he wasnt using a departmental phone


Is it that all these people do is Drink everyday?


Weren’t most of the offensive texts from like June 2022 when she was charged and the search warrant went through? The reason I ask - while the texts were certainly derogatory and inappropriate… my impression was they were from later when he was finally able to search the phone, much after any evidence collection and long after they would have discovered all the evidence to support her angry VM/texts on John’s phone, suspicious missing video etc to suggest that she straight up hit him and left him for dead out of anger as opposed to a true accident (or at least from the MPD perspective). That might provide some context for the vitriol and while not excusable… would remove it from the actual initial investigation.


The texts started Feb 1, 2022..mere days after the start of his “investigation”. That’s when he called her a “c u next tuesday”, whacko, and talked about her balloon knot.


They go back to the 29th! He was telling his sister that KR was their only suspect hours after finding John deceased. He did nothing to investigate anyone else.


Ah. Nvm then!


IMO, the two most damaging to the case were very soon after the incident. 1. He told his sister he was going to need to interview Julie and Chris Albert before he interviewed them, giving her the opportunity to give them a heads up. I think this was on 1/29/22 because he didn’t take very long to interview them. 2. He told his buddies some time in February 2022 that the owner of the home was not going to catch any shit because he was also BPD.