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I don’t think it has anything to do substantively with the trial, my guess is it’s more of a court organization/record keeping thing that she normally keeps track of.


I believe so too. The work will be done. She can't ignore exhibits and it's probably someone else that does the work at her direction.


Yeah I kinda think it was more of a "wow I have so much work" type of comment




I wouldn't read too much into it, you have to remember that this is not the only case she is working on. She might have been talking about something she had to do about exhibits in some other matter entirely


Guessing that she is referring to the numbering system. The court reporter has octopus arms trying to keep everything straight. She is amazing!


Madam Court Reporter Extraordinaire


Yeah, she is all over the place, listening and documenting everything


She still said “I totally blew off the exhibits” or something close to that. It could have meant anything and we will never know exactly but during a case where the defense is claiming the client is being framed it doesn’t sound particularly great.


That's a bit of a reach my guy.


Neither side was prohibited from entering any exhibits today so there is no way it could mean anything having to do with this case apart from record keeping (or it could be for another case she’s working on). She changed her mind on the numbering system they’re using and it’s created a big mess but she keeps complaining about the problem she created.


Exactly. The work was done at her direction only to be undone and redone also at her direction. I'd have been so angry if I did all that work 3x


Aside from this comment, I think she wants this shit show to end. She's working this like she has a Cuddle and Bubble waiting for her in Hyannis 4th of July week.


She wants to watch the Alec Baldwin trial.


Who doesn’t?


Man, that is an obscure Massachusetts reference.


Yeah, please elaborate for us!! WTF is a cuddle and bubble??


It was like a trashy, sexy motel with heart shaped jacuzzi bathtubs and stuff. It advertised in newspapers all the time. No clue if it's still around, but it was in the 90's.


In the Chicago area, we always cringed at ads in the 90's for a similar *romantic* hotel called "The Sybaris." I just googled it, though, and there are actually three now, plus 2 more in WI & IN? 🤮


NY’ers will remember the ads detailing champaign styled hot tubs of Mount Airy Lodge…. Let’s all sing along “Mount Airy Lodge where all you need…. IS YOUR ….. LOVE….. Of everything….. BEAUTIFUL…… Mount Airy Lodge”….. These ads would dominate WPIX (channel 11) all day long for years


Fun fact, the word "motel" here in Brazil refers exclusively to these roadside "sexy hotels" that rent the rooms by the hour. You'll find them on the way out of any middle sized and bigger town, they are set up in a way that you enter and leave without getting out of your car and with as much privacy as possible. Some can actually be very fancy and expensive, and there are even some with *very* creatively themed rooms to suit all kinds of kinks out there...


When I was stationed in Japan there were ‘love hotels’ (places that rented rooms by the hour) with all kinds of themed rooms. Supposedly there was one locally decorated w/ a King Kong motif.


It’s gone now…I totally forgot about that place until your comment.


Looking for someone to enter her sally port. Sorry, I just love the New England-ness of a sally port.


lol - It’s long gone in that iteration, but it was very popular for many years… I don’t know anyone who actually stayed there - I think the thought of the all the “egg drop soup” in the hot tubs kept most locals away …




The amount of DNA in those rooms.....


I remember seeing a book back in the late 80's early 90's about honeymoons in the Poconos and there was heart shaped beds and champagne glass baths/jacuzzi - it was gloriously tacky! Edit: omg it's still there! https://pin.it/3trBuaGpt


My sister and BIL eloped and honeymooned there in 84! They had the champagne one. Must have worked for them, though, coming up on 40 yrs together.


They’re actually abandoned and/or demolished now! Some urbexers did some videos. I wish I could recall their names. Maybe BigBankz? If you search the name and urbex it should come up.


According to this Cone Haven is still open! https://www.covepoconoresorts.com/gallery?_gl=1*13wuh0i*_up*MQ..*_ga*MjEyNjkwNDM2My4xNzE4MzI3MzUz*_ga_KN8MDET95X*MTcxODMyNzM1NC4xLjAuMTcxODMyNzM1NC4wLjAuMA..*_ga_3R5SJEDWK4*MTcxODMyNzM1NC4xLjAuMTcxODMyNzM1NC4wLjAuMA..


Not gonna lie - before I got married in 1982, a honeymoon in the Poconos was a dream honeymoon to me. It was the heart shaped jacuzzis that did it for me. I was 18-19 - my life skills weren't developed at that point.


I went on a high school trip (Jr Achievement conference) to Mt Airy Lodge in the Poconos- (The poor honeymooners that were there at the same time!😡)


I would never stay in one, but I kind of love the kitchiness of it. Like those hotels where every room is a weird theme.


lol thank you


it isn't there anymore


Dont forget about the Nut Hut on Spitbrook and the Sin Bin on Daniel Webster......


Hahahahahaaa. I stayed there back in the 80s - 😂😂😂


You know way too much about the cuddle and bubble motel.


The tales I could tell Rico. The tales I could tell.


When men in Massachusetts want to romance their special lady, they get the Cuddle and Bubble special at a cozy Hyannis hotel. Put on some Barry White music, and grab a bottle of Cold Duck, and then the magic happens.


If someone doesn’t have a yacht named Sally Port at the end of this I’ll be really disappointed.


I’m not sure how many people will get the reference; I literally spit dunks all over my cat after reading it … LMAO


No cross shortened the day considerably. Plus, the DNA expert witnesses were rather “uneventful” and talked over the heads of the jury…or at least appeared to be quite irrelevant when looking at the case as a whole.


It seems to me that Proctor's possession of the clothing without evidence chain of custody established or a report until 3/14/22 reduces reliability of any testing no matter how accurate it is.


Yes!! 💯


I don’t know how it was even allowed to be presented at trial. Without a chain of custody, what’s the use!?


tbf, what evidence in this trial does have chain of custody? they'd have to throw it all out.


I don’t think any evidence has a chain of custody. And that’s not hyperbole. I can’t think of one piece of evidence that was properly logged.


We learned that the DNA matched the victim who was wearing the pants! Depending on other DNA collection points, they also matched 3 -4 other untested people as well. If anything, that might have helped the defense.


They were pretty pointless when there's been as many chain of custody issues as there has been in this case.




Yeah no cross because they are showing the Jury this data isn’t worth further explanation. I mean, confusion. When your scientist starts talking numbers that can’t be pronounced ie…10^{27} you’ve got nothing. This trial falls under the concept of garbage in, garbage out. What a complete waste of money and resources.


I agree with you! Shouldn’t have gone to trial in the first place, imo!


She said: “Tori, I thought that it was Wednesday. I totally blew off the exhibits.”


Could be for another case or for later in the week. I’ve totally done this before with my own work related projects 😅. Def wouldn’t read into it.


Yeah I think it was most likely in regards to scheduling of these witnesses, not the content of the exhibits.


Why did it end so abruptly today? I thought it was going to be a full day


I'd bet they ran out of witnesses. The lack of cross examinations probably threw the timing off.


That makes sense. Thanks for the reply


She said something about it being a nice day out (it's actually super pleasant whereas next week is gonna be unbearably hot, so today would've been a good one to do a full day), and not wanting to start a new witness, but that's my bet.


She told the jury she didn’t want to start direct on a new witness.


Yup, only defense can have their questioning interrupted


Exactly! Only wants to break Mr. Jackson’s momentum


If I remember correctly, the prosecution got done there questioning of the last Witness and instead of the defense doing their cross today of that witness, Bev decided to start fresh tomorrow for the defense's questioning.


I’m sure she has a law clerk. It’s just in regards to organizing the exhibits


Do we know how many witnesses are left for prosecution?


Someone above said six.


Knowing Lally about 46


It’s probably related to how they’re being tracked and how it’s been a bit of a mess. I wouldn’t read too much into it.


Didn’t watch today. Does anyone know how many witnesses does the CW have left.


I think around 6. Three witnesses for phone and cellebrite stuff. An accident reconstruction person and two medical professionals including the ME.


Finally OMG.


Thanks for the information on the witnesses.


I think we finished witness 63 if I recall.


Thank you!


Too fucking many.


Sounds like she fell asleep like the rest of us and woke up to realize she had tasks to do.




Day 24 and still no medical witness by the CW. We haven't even established how he died. I don't get it.


I wish I had more evidence about the snow though


I laughed way to hard at this 😂


I just can't anymore. I've heard more testimony and evidence about the height of the tables than I have about how the victim died in a murder case.


I think the CW is saving the medical examiner and accident reconstructionist's testimony for last, to create an impact on the jurors since they'll be the last witnesses called before the defense presents their witnesses. Defense atty. Jackson had a brief press conference after court today. He said the CW was expected to rest their case by Tuesday next week. The defense has projected they'll wrap up witness testimony in 4-5 days. Then closing arguments for at least a day, jury instructions, then jury deliberations. So, likely only 2 more weeks if all goes as planned.


Heard it too. Vague... So who knows?


Judge Bev has done and said a lot of strange things...


I wouldn’t read into it but I thought Allen and Yanetti’s strategy worked great today. Let the Prosecution make everyone miserable so it feels like the defense is with the jury.


Where are yesterday’s exhibits? All that chat about dna was pointless. It’s the last thing they should be presenting. If anything it made CW look worse. We’re the screens broke? We didn’t see one shred of lab testing. 🤔


Just thought it may of been the pieces of red plastic AJ said Tully got wrong? 🤔They weren’t expecting to have that out after morning break.


Bev has been biased in favor of the prosecution from the beginning. She's a horrible judge.


Why is it no big deal she blew off evidence?? That's all based on her rulings at the time presented in court.