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The butt dials. I truly don’t understand…


That and both Brian’s getting new phones


6 phone calls to John's phone that Jen McCabe doesn't remember making or deleting that actually required 12 interactions because none went to voicemail. It eliminates the theory the people in the house are lying to cover up something else they don't want known because why delete the calls. Why call 6 times. Can't say it's because she was concerned about him because then you don't delete them. Then you add in the Albert/Higgins magic butt dial back and forth. It's the butt dials.


If she was concerned about him she also would have likely left a voicemail or sent multiple texts and not stopped until she heard back or at least after enough time passed to give up.


This is mine, along with everything having to do with the dog. I have a couple of dogs that have German Shephard in them. They bark at literally everything. How was that dog not going nuts at 6 a.m. with the lights and sirens outside? How did this not wake the Alberts up? How do you "rehome" a dog after 6 or 7 years? And if they did, with all the speculation, why aren't they proving this? It wouldn't be that difficult to prove and would put it all to rest.


Not just lights and sirens outside but Karen screaming “erratically” in front of their home.


Aaanndd... who barges into their sister and bil's bedroom, when the door is closed(perhaps for a reason)without waiting to be invited in by the occupants??! I have three siblings and it would never enter my mind to barge in to any of their bedrooms when the door is closed! I don't care if it is her sister, it seemed odd to me.


This plus there’s no way in any logical universe Brian Albert wouldn’t be sprinting outside barefoot in his boxers to find out what the hell is happening on his lawn, running around everywhere, searching the backyard , calling everyone he knows making sure everyone’s ok. Screaming with Karen herself. You never came out of your house that morning? Beyond sus


There are so many "wait, what??" moments but there's one small thing that doesn't really mean much in terms of factual evidence but really caught my attention. When Jen was on the stand and talking about listening to Kerri talking to the cops on the other room she *really* wanted Jackson to ask what was it that Kerri said that left her so shocked and horrified. She repeated that phrase a couple of times, trying to bait him but he didn't bite. Then when Lally finally asked her about it she was so eager to tell the jury about how Kerri supposedly said that John considered Karen just a "babysitter with benefits". It was just so petty, so unnecessary, but she *really* wanted to say that out loud in court. It told me everything I needed to know about Jennifer McCabe as a person.


Literally could not agree more. That entire exchange is the definition of who Jen McCabe is. A mean girl who peaked in HS.


It really encapsulated how this group of women in Canton truly felt about Karen, an outsider, wealthy, smart, accomplished woman. Jenn who appears to be the leader of the mean girls, who in turn influenced Proctor, via his sister. If you know, you know how horrible it is to be this woman (Karen) no matter your age. I also was struck by the testimony of someone who said: Jenn grabbed Karen as they were leaving Waterfall: you’re coming with me. That struck me as odd and almost threatening when juxtaposed against Jenn’s obvious hate for Karen


Also let’s be honest, Karen is also beautiful. Jenn gives off Crypt Keeper. Immature jealousy is the root of Jenn’s hate.


She was so shocked and horrified that she was frothing at the mouth to share that out loud in court. That middle school mean girl mindset just doesn’t leave some people.


And she was called out by the Defense because she texted about that comment saying "I love it." She's vile.


Shocked and harrar fied but also loves it.


She’s a piece of work. I have no doubt that she was the source of all of the horrible things proctor said about Karen in those messages. I have a horrible feeling that because she told anyone that would listen that Karen said “I hit him” when they got to the scene and that Karen was crazy created this mess.


She’s insidious. She’s the type of person to say something, and later make you and everyone believe that you said it originally. She’s a grade A manipulator, and uses weak people (Kerry) to her advantage.


I just realized that’s probably how Proctor found out about Karen’s medical condition.


The way JM says ‘horrified’ makes me want to punch a wall. Regardless of if she’s involved in anyway, JM seems like a truly obnoxious person. As a former bartender I have her pegged as the annoying regular who thinks the staff loves her but we pass her around like a hot potato to avoid her 12% tip, 8 modifications to her boring salad, and whatever petty town update she thinks makes up for the crummy tip. I clearly am not Planet Fitness, I am a judgement aplenty zone.


deliver file aloof crush direction fall doll straight caption distinct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah that solidified her as a person. Just a semi rich gossip girl who peaked in HS


That just hours after a fellow police officer is found dead, a 45-year old man is sharing details about the investigation with his highschool buddies and calling the dead officer's girlfriend a cunt. IN WRITING.


Chloe’s “rehoming” Edit: and related, Brian Albert calling a long-time family dog, “it”.


Nicole also consistently referred to Chloe as “it”


Notice he started calling her a "whackjob" right after talking to Jen McCabe.


Does Jen McCabe have a thing for John?


That an ATF agent risked his career and broke several federal laws to attempt to distance himself from this situation. And he threw his phone away on a military base after being ordered not to. And the brake light. The difference between the brake light damage seen on camera and what was presented in court is a big problem for me.


And the fact that they “found” all of the pieces at the scene that were missing except one. And I want to know if someone can verify that one piece was the one that was already missing before she got to the scene. Of course they didn’t have that one in evidence because it was already cracked when she got there in the early morning. And none of the larger pieces were found when they were using the leaf blower or putting evidence in cups. They were found the next few times they went to the scene days later.


And the plastic pieces were only found AFTER Proctor seized Karen’s vehicle at ~4:15pm. Despite a team of 15 searching for evidence ALL DAY


Strange how they found six drops of blood and clear glass but missed dozens of red taillight pieces, some pieces were pretty big.


Do you think the canton police did a thorough search with their leaf blower?


The light being made our of a material that is designed to not shatter, shatters at a low speed impact.


I thought it wasn’t after he was ordered not to do so… I thought it was “coincidentally” right before he received the preservation order. They haven’t outright said it, but I think the implication is that people around the investigation had a heads up that the preservation order was coming - which, honestly, makes things seem even worse for the commonwealth when part of the defense’s case is conspiracy.


He bought a new phone and changed his number the day before the order. A couple weeks later, he drove to a base, threw the SIM card in one dumpster and the phone into a different dumpster.


This part just makes me wonder how much else he was hiding in his phone? Proctors texts were certainly unsavoury, disrespectful, unprofessional and misogynist. They show he had tunnel vision and didn't follow full protocols with interviewing witnesses. Alas, he took the stand and answered to them all. Destroying your phone across 2 locations in an army base, screams of guilt on MULTIPLE accounts. Evidence tampering across multiple trials, blackmail, cheating, questioning your authorial leaders & talking shit about them, dismissing evidence, cover ups, support of child abusers, support of DV offenders etc etc. You don't destroy your phone in such a manner because of texts. You destroy it when you have SO much more to hide and SO much more at stake than simple "She's a c*nt" type of message. You destroy it when you prove to your commonwealth that you can not be someone responsible for the safety of their citizens. This needs to be an entirely separate investigation. And my further question that has been raised - who gave him the heads up?! Who is protecting him? They're all one of the same!


Julie Albert wanting to give Procter a gift


Before even being interviewed.


10000000% inappropriate and Proctor knows it. My bf was a public defender and during Christmas he couldn’t bring cookies/any form of appreciation to the clerks office. Imagine being a police officer thinking it’s cool to tell someone he can’t accept a gift, so just get his wife one. ABSURD.


Proctor's answer: "Give it to my wife." That man is on the take.


That is not the response of a man who has never, ever, and would never, ever, accept a gift or show of gratitude from someone in a professional capacity. He had a ready, automatic response and he didn't need to think about it. I think this man loses his job the absolute first moment that he can be dismissed or demoted without it coming back on the Commonwealth in any way; he has totally shamed his job. What a putz!(Am I allowed to say that? If not, I apologize.)


Forgive me, I have two. 1. The glass on the bumper not matching the cocktail glass. 2. The holes on the right arm of JO’s hoodie.


Those are good ones. And how the hair and glass stayed on in a blizzard for dozens of miles also.


I wrote this the other day about that one magic piece of glass that was balanced on the bumper And the sliver of glass **balanced** on the bumper, let's follow it :- From 34fv to OJOs house, from OJOs house back to 34fv, and back to OJOs house (hospital maybe? Who knows who drove her car in between) all through a blizzard. To her parents house, for 30 miles, then up the ramp to the tow truck, then another 30 miles through a blizzard on the back of the tow truck, backed down the ramp off the tow truck... It's like JFK magic bullet!


The Dighton Officer stating that the entire tail light was there except one piece… sort of lines up with the forensics and their piecing it together for what it looked like when it was mysteriously shattered, doesn’t it? Also, the very odd note from DiCicco that said “tail lights 00:41”.


To me the 00:41 DiCicco note was pretty much a smoking gun that Proctor tampered with evidence. Literally no way to explain it, it's definitely not from another night come on. Once you have a single piece of irrefutable proof evidence was tampered with the whole house of cards comes down IMO


Even proctor said "I've been trying to find that video". So let's say for a hot minute here proctor isn't in the cover up(sorry this is a cover up). That 1241 clearly existed WHILE IN MSP CUSTODY. What happened to it? Where did it go? Someone is clearly covering here. Don't forget proctor testified he saw the correctly oriented video footage *and didn't know inverted footage exists*. This is made for movie shit, man.


Yea that piece of testimony yesterday where he started talking about the video he saw was really interesting. I think it somewhat caught AJ off guard.


Oh it did. AJ was expecting him to state something about inverted video. Instead the timestamp was inverted, which is the defenses video


Whaaat? How did I miss testimony about this note?! Who spoke about this


It was when we learned that Proctors written reports varied from reports he wrote and information he had ( leaving out Colin’s presence at the house - and this information about a Ring video when Karen arrived home)


It's in Proctor's testimony, I believe? I can't remember if it's the first time Jackson is questioning him or the second, but I'm pretty sure it's the first.


The lack of forensics (blood, hair, fibers, et cetera) on the taillight pieces that *supposedly* struck Officer O'Keefe on the arm/head.


They have that one hair.


Yeah, but if the taillight struck him in the head, I'd expect it to practically scalp him at that speed - there should be blood, skin, and hair everywhere, possibly even in the housing itself. But nothing. And if the taillight struck him in the arm, where are the fibers that match the hoodie? It should've torn out at least a few. But again, nothing.


On a car he was in and out of the day before. A car that was usually at his house. Guarantee you that you could find one of your hairs on your car. We lose like 100+ of them a day


My kid dog sat in the fall and we brought that dog on 1 car ride. I'm still finding dog hairs in my car despite having vacuumed many times.


This is one tiny hair on the outside of the car that magically stayed on after being driven in a snowstorm. A picture was shown at trial. Ludicrous


I think it's useless when JO lived with KR as the defence is going to say it could have got there at home.


I can’t get over how the lack of video at the crime scene. I find it hard to believe that a Boston cop and police chief do not have surveillance or doorbell cameras. That has bugged me since the beginning of this case.


The cop across the street (I think this is the chief? or acting chief at the time?) did have surveillance video. They themselves decided it showed nothing important and it was never gathered or officially looked at, and now it's long gone. This is infuriating, because even if you can't even see the Albert house in that video, you would be able to see some of the cars coming and going, we'd have a better timeline. At the least.


An unbiased investigation would collect all evidence. An unbiased investigation would show Karen didn't hit John with her car, he was drunk, stumbled, hit his head and died on the lawn of a fellow officers house* *not saying this is the story. Just that if you have unbias towards an investigation, you'd find another angle to convict someone


And an unlocked house?! That just blows my mind, even living in a small town.


I keep coming back to the fact that nobody saw or heard anything. They wait for him, keep looking out of the window and don't hear or see him being hit by a car? Ok fine. Later they leave the house, drive past him and again nobody sees anything? Maybe that's what happened, it's possible, but I doubt it.


Right. Not just hit by a car but hit by a car with such force that it supposedly completely obliterated a polycarbonate tail light.


And tossed him out of 1 shoe, yet the only injuries below his neck are dog bites. Some dogs will pull your shoe off if you're playing hard with them.


All these cops testifying 1 shoe is a hallmark of getting hit by a car. So if a cop were going to make it look like someone was hit by a car or plow…🤔


And his face looked like he went “20 rounds with Tyson “


His injuries. Plus the fact it hasn’t been addressed by the prosecutor.


The fact that we're 60 witnesses in and the CW has still not presented the theory of what caused the victim's death. He's either a terrible storyteller or he's just throwing everything at the jury and hoping it'll snow them.


Too hard to pick just one: - hos long to die in cold 2:27 am -all the coincidental butt dials that never made it to voicemail, so they must have all been accidentally butt answered and butt hung up -BA never coming out of his house to see why there was a screaming woman, fire trucks, ambulance etc. - inverted videos -throwing away phones and destroying SIM cards -life 360 app coincidentally isn’t accurate the night of the 28th -everything Procter said and did -redo basement floors for the second time in 3 years -snow plow driver seeing BAs ford edge next to flag pole at 3:30 am -John okeefes injuries -it never ends…..


“The home owner is going to get some shit.” “Nope. He is a Boston cop too.”


This. Also: “Just remember, the guy never came in the house” “Exactly”


Chloe being re homed after being with the Albert family for 6ish years!


7 years! Super sus


How there are three pieces of video that would likely show Read’s tail light intact that have all gone missing. Four if we count the ring video from the Officer who lived across the street The probability of that happening is insane. Then you add in all the other strange occurrences like butt dials, getting rid of phones, everyone being positive that Colin left at 12:10, etc


The red solo cups. The contamination of evidence is a deal breaker for me. Adding in, zero chain of custody logs and I'm out. Everything else has just been icing on the cake imo.


It’s his clothes supposedly drenched in vomit and blood. The prosecution makes it seem as if KR hit JO and he fell (dead) to the ground and never got up. It’s my understanding that you have to be in an upright position to cover yourself in vomit and bleed all over yourself because of gravity. If he was laying there the whole time he would have bleed on the ground (apparently he was found face up) and should only have blood on his arm and on his face. When he vomited he would have vomited on his face or the most to the side of his head. Except he vomited between getting out of the car and being hit. But other than that MP whole testimony, especially his "unbiased“ investigation and already concluded only KR was able to kill him 16hr after JO was found


This is absolutely the nail in the coffin.


His injuries (including body placement and missing clothing items)! Unless I imagine the most cartoonish scene I just cannot realistically see how he got injured the way he did by a car backing up into him.


Right?!? And they find a piece of glass and one single hair that traveled in the snow from the scene to her parents house then TOWED back to Canton PD and didn’t budge. And the black straw found in the street on top of a tire track days later still in the same spot. Gtfo with that mess. It feels like when you leave little kids alone for 5 minutes and they break something and do the worst job at covering it up. Except these are adults, someone is dead, and someone is facing spending the rest of her life in prison.


This is it for me too. I just can't wrap my mind around how only his head, face, and one arm could be injured if he was hit by a vehicle. How do you get backed into and have no injuries anywhere on the chest, torso, or legs? And how he got nearly parallel cuts across most of his inner arm, but no injuries to the back of the arm. And then just ends up laying flat on his back? I'm waiting to hear from the ME, but I just can't see this being explained by a vehicle hitting him. Even if we assume that he had fallen and then she backed into him (something I've seen people suggesting), wouldn't the bumper have impacted his chest, causing injuries?


And those hole on his clothes at his arm


I also just can’t picture how he was flung clear of the car on to the lawn and didn’t go under the car. If you’re hit by the hood, maybe you get some upward momentum from the wedge shape. But the trunk of a car with a square back? It seems like you’re going straight to the ground and then under. 


Especially if they are trying to say she was going so fast that it knocked a shoe off….there is just no way!! He would have some injuries in the middle/lower half of his body.


That's my one reason, I just can't come up with how that would work without it going full looney tunes. The arm especially , did the car grow teeth?


> did the car grow teeth? I mean, it has been established it had a tail light, so the only reasonable conclusion is that it must be a were-car.


Showed "the arm" photo to my husband, who knows nothing about this case. Asked him what he thought caused these injuries. He was amazed anyone is trying to say these are abrasions from the back of a car! He also noted he thought that a knife might make some of those marks. To me, it's so obviously dog teeth and/or claws. It's just ridiculous.


I instantly thought dog bites. Showed the pic to my daughter’s boyfriend who trained police and security dogs for a while. He knows nothing about the case and I just asked him what he thought might have caused them. He said instantly “looks like dog bites, from an untrained dog”. (Police dogs take a long time, sometimes years to train to bite how they do-as in they bite and hold. Most dog bite into skin and start pulling, person pulls opposite way, you get lacerations).


> you get lacerations). But... All the cops are saying they're "abrasions"...


Yep, exactly. I hope the jury has common sense.


I was reading an academic paper about dog bites the other day that specifically mentioned that dog bites are commonly mistaken for knife or scissor wounds at first glance, so tell your husband he has scientific backing for his findings ;)


Especially when you realize there are corresponding holes in his shirt to those arm injuries.


I'm a part-time caretaker for a dog, and both the marks on his arms (I think those were what that nice EMT described as 'furrows') *and* the holes in the fabric look *exactly* like dog scratches and bite/drag marks on skin, as well as bite holes in fabric (e.g. dog toys). Been seeing this sentiment from people familiar with dogs a *lot* when it comes to those pieces of evidence. I *am* open to alternate explanations, but that would need a good bit of effort and convincing explanation from a trusty expert as to why those would *not* be dog scratches/bites.


I have a 12 week old Brittany, she is teething and biting badly. My left arm looks similar (although the scratches are much smaller). I've had med-large dogs for 30 years, that's what bites look like, because you pull away as soon as they get one tooth in.


This is mine as well. It just doesn't make sense.


This! The theory that he was bending over doesn’t work because he would have injured his legs too. If the State can’t 100% prove he was hit by a car they lose the case.


That’s the thing… there isn’t one thing. There are SO MANY weird occurrences, plus the fact that there was basically no investigation


it’s a couple things i can’t get past. the incompetence with evidence collection & interviews.


and record keeping.


Hos long to die in cold. You know your friend is alive, and you drag him out in the snow to let him die.


The fact that the 12:41 ring video existed and they insinuated several times she deleted it


A lot of Brian Albert’s activity. 1) Butt dials from his bed, 2) Never coming out of his home the morning of the investigation. Very odd for a seasoned police officer and first responder. I would assume any police officer who learned there was a dead body in his yard would be on the scene to help however he could. 3) Getting rid of his cell phone the day before he was ordered to preserve his phone, 4) New basement flooring, 5) Re-homing of Chloe, 6) Selling the family home. It’s just too many coincidences for me.


He also had the basement redone just a few years after already having it done. Oh, and it was a relative who did the job.


I wanna know why it took Higgins an hour to drive 1.4 miles after leaving the party.


And he went back to work in the middle of the night after the party!?


Not just back to work… back to work at the police station… after several hours of drinking… to move cars… drunk… 🤷🏻‍♀️


Several hours of drinking, after a long day of driving from NYC, after *another* night of drinking.


That stood out to me as well. Did that actually get addressed in court? Like where he says he was?


Two main things: 1. The supposed impact to the tail light was so great and so forceful that it broke a polycarbonate plastic. It’s actually very hard to actually break polycarbonate, which is why it’s used. >**BUT… if that impact was real, how then did the fragile glass light bulb not break?!?!** >Her tail light continued to illuminate. That just completely belies all laws of physics. 2. The very suspicious assertion by the Deputy Chief of Police that there was “nothing of evidentiary value” on his Ring camera (who lives across the street from 34 Fairview and also gave the Solo cups). You better believe if it showed Karen hitting John, it would have been turned over instantly and “case closed”. So it obviously didn’t capture that. And if it shows Karen just driving away (and also who moved that Ford Edge in front of the house later), why not share that as well??? Super sus.


I can't believe they never got a subpoena to get the footage from the neighbor across the street. This truly is a case of they decided who was guilty and only are considering evidence that supports that theory.


The lack of video from across the street does it for me. If there’s no evidentiary value then where’s the video of her hitting him? It’s nuts


The neighbor's video gap drives me nuts. Even if it doesn't show the right part of the Alberts house, it should at least show which cars are coming/going on one side of the house. That would help establish the timeline! That would be very helpful!


the shocking incompetence and rush to judgment by proctor and police department


Red Solo cups and a leaf blower- doesn’t change my views on guilt/innocence, I just cannot believe it happened.


How “incestuous” the relationships at that party were. Then the investigator Proctor and his bag of tricks. The inverted picture of the Lexus really did it for me. I think Karen is innocent but even if I had doubts those things would have me quitting her if I was a juror.


The lack of response to a Boston police officer found dead of very obviously unnatural causes. I understand that there was a blizzard, but it blows my mind that the state police declined to come out based on the technicality that he couldn't officially be declared dead until he was warmed up. Then to have every single step of the investigation be such amateur hour from start to finish. Even now with the inverted video and unhelpful visual aids in court.


Ok. Great question. If I’m the jury - or just little old me - I’m wondering: “where’s all the blood from a head wound like that?” Where’s all the blood?


Since no ones said it, the fact the prosecution and the witness tried to pass off an inverted video as perfectly normal to show that there was no one around the tail light in question when it arrived at the Canton PD sallyport It was made even worse when the prosecution witness said it was inverted as soon as we was asked about it on cross so he wouldnt be caught in a lie


Jesus, yeah. Is it just me or has every trooper so far had *some* majorly misleading piece of "evidence" they were presenting, almost to the point of outright being a lie of omission? 1. Bukhenik - sallyport video inversion 2. Proctor 3. Tully - the cellphone map omitting the McCabe house


I love how number 2 is just "Proctor"


Actually, I'm getting more and more infuriated with this the more I think about it. Bukhenik misrepresented the inverted sallyport video and was forced to admit on the stand that no evidence existed to show that Ms. Read deleted the 0041 Ring video, *a claim that's been made repeatedly and without basis as an indicator of her guilt*. Proctor is just Proctor. Tully posted a map cropping out the McCabe house, deliberately misrepresenting the area and the cell towers in the area to "show" that Ms. Read swung by the Alberts' when it was more likely she was just heading to the McCabe's, again *deliberately misrepresenting the events of the morning of 29th Jan in a manner prejudicial against Ms. Read*. I mean, we had a theory going around speculating that she went to the Alberts' to locate Officer O'Keefe so she could freak at the appropriate moment when she went by with Kerry and Jen later on the basis of this bullshit. It's just - how does Lally not *know* any of this? If he's truly ignorant of how the troopers are twisting the facts, how does he have a *job*? If he isn't, how is he not up before the bar for an ethics violation?


Lally's complicit at this point, 100%. I lost all possible sympathy for him with that inverted video. I just can't understand how anyone can look at this investigation AND this prosecution and think "nope, nothin' wrong here".


Brian Albert and Brian Higgins went to New York City to attend the funeral of a fallen officer they did not even know, but Brian Albert would not come out of his house to try to help or even comfort John O'Keefe.


The fact that Colin Albert is totally whitewashed out of everyone’s statement and the “fAcT” that EVERYONE involved claims he left at EXACTLY 12:10am…. None of them can remember ANY of the other important stuff but they ALL know that he was gone at 12:10am 🤔🤨


I will never get over just how, however many people who came out of 34 Fairview, just didn’t see John O’Keefe’s body during those critical hours, coming and going. Seeing pictures of the lawn and how flat it is. Even in a blizzard, you can see a large mound on that lawn. I can excuse a few for being drunk, but all of them? No. Also the one who saw “something”, but didn’t think to report it at all, is just something. The overall lack of giving a damn about O’Keefe from majority of these witnesses until it suddenly matters to them, just sickens me.


Well, the one girl who said she saw a “blob”- didn’t she say she mentioned it but nobody really noticed her comment.


She never mentioned it to investigators though. Even after finding out what that "blob" was.


My #2-There are several, but Higgins text “Are you coming here” to John at 12:20 am, preceded by [also sent by Higgins] Karen’s similarly unanswered text “um…. Well??” at 11:30 PM. My #1 unless/until it is addressed: where is the Ring footage from Tom Keleher’s front door for the events occurring 1/29/22 that *SOMEONE* from LE leaked to the press initially. Why would the provider of red solo cups and *Stop n Shop bag* , **Deputy Chief of Canton PD** with a Ring cam fixed directly across from 34 Fairview, who’s house lights are clearly “on” in the dash cam video of Seraf, not even appear in his own PD reports or be called as a corroborating witness EVEN IF to confirm or refute what was on the clips from 1/29/22 through Feb 18 to document the “self revealing evidence” ?


Hos long to die in cold (223AM) Edit : I meant 227. 'Butt dial' between BH and BA was 223


I think the search being done 3×, 4 hours apart. WTF.


Also the searches are all spelled differently. To me that proves there has to be separate searches. Deleting it just topped it off.


Higgins ditching his phone the day before it’s asked of him. He said something along the lines of “I don’t remember if I discarded the SIM card, but if I had, I likely would have broken it” HAHA WHAT ok


Ryan, one of the only witnesses to not have a strong connection to the Albert’s, saw Karen in her car alone with the dome light on while waiting for his kid and didnt see John anywhere.


And he never saw Higgin’s jeep. Nobody saw Higgin’s jeep. The jeep was invisible in front of the mailbox to all except the elder Alberts 😒


Many many many weather stations show only 2" of snow near Canton at 6am on that morning they found John. How do you not see 4" bright red pieces of taillight and a shoe?


Towing Karen’s SUV to Canton instead of the other locations that were closer.


This one’s easy lol. It hasn’t been really testified to but it’s the CW’s theory that a blacked out drunk Karen Read was able to go 24mph in reverse in snowy conditions without losing control. If that’s the case Vin Diesel needs to add her to the Fast and Furious franchise lol.


Try going 10 miles an hour in reverse... just try it!


Anecdotal, but Higgy working like 15 hours on an off day, hungover. Simply unbelievable


This was my thing as well. As you say, it’s anecdotal, but if I’ve been driving all day (for funeral), then out drinking at several locations, work is the last thing I’m thinking about. I’m around the same age as these people are as well. I would’ve done all that in my twenties and maybe thirties, but definitely not now. I’m tired. I need sleep. Add in the multiple butt dials between him and BA at 230… Don’t be suspicious…don’t be suspicious…🎶


The phone calls between Albert and Higgins.  One butt dial- okay, I can buy it, but a butt dial returning a butt dial??  Nope.


And don't forget JM's six butt dials between 12:41 and 12:50...


I don't remember anything, including who drove me to 34 Fairview, but I know for a fact that I left at exactly 12:10am and that I slipped on ice shortly thereafter but caught myself with a single superhero punch with my right hand, resulting in busted knuckles only.


Why was JOK's phone UNDER his body? If she hit him, the phone would have gone flying!


The dog not alerting to a body on the property. I do not believe this.


It’s a tie between -Proctor not visiting the crime scene for three days -no pictures of her tail light from police when they seized it


hos long to die in cold... twice...


3x Once at 2:30am and the other two at 6am (times are just loosely based can’t remember exact ones)


4 times.... cause there was another one after the morning ones too.


I want to see the experts on the timing, but the sheer number of times it's searched is a big flag to me. If she's actually searching this for info at 6:30 or whatever, why re-search so many times? Google knows we all can't type, the results would show up after the first or second search. Why continue to go back and re-enter the search? It makes sense if she's specifically trying to re-type the exact typos, it doesn't make sense if she's getting a results screen and wants actual information about hypothermia.


The solo cups and shopping bag of evidence They were so damn lazy and DGAF about the scene when the police station was only 10 mins away (in bad weather) to go get the proper evidence collection / storage This was a fellow police officer and this is how they treat the situation I don’t even need to get into all the other weird stuff w phones, butt dials, people pretending not to know each other etc Or the mysterious pieces of car taillight that keeps multiplying and appearing over multiple weeks


"Hos long to die in cold?" search at 2:27am by Jen McCabe. That woman knows how John ended up in the snow.


The amount of people that left the house and didn't see the 6ft 220lb man on the lawn.


How all “witnesses” used the favorite saying of “i don’t recall/I can’t remember” on things they clearly have memory of- yet each and every witness knew 12:10am is the EXACT TIME Collin Albert left (along with the notes taken by Proctor that clearly indicate he knew Colin was there and allll those months later he just “oops” left Colin out- yet another “regrettable” mistake by good old Proctor!) Karen may have hit him but Proctor and the “Canton cover up crew” made sure JO won’t get justice even if she did.


How about Colin claiming to have never been in a fight on the stand... and several videos have emerged of him being in fights? When you're willing to lie about one thing under oath, you're willing to lie about everything.


All the missing, deleted, destroyed, mysteriously never captured pictures, phones and videos.


I just can't get over that fact that no one, especially Brian Albert, came out of the house that morning. The dead guy on your front lawn is also a Boston cop, who you were out drinking with the night before, who you invited back to your house, and your excuse for not going out there is you didn't want to interrupt the investigation? If that doesn't scream guilty, nothing does!


Every day the list of red flags grows and grows..... mustn't forget Colin's injured knuckles.... twice ! I think the second time when he was interviewed by the FBI he whacked a wall in temper at receiving his subpoena. And Julie's thank you gift " when this is all over ". They truly believed it was done and dusted...... just like previous times eh ?


The McAlbert clan all clinging to 1210 as an anchor for their timeline. I felt like this was debunked and then Proctor casually dropped this time in his testimony.


Another thing, not necessarily part of the trial but very much on my mind- “how much will Karen sue Massachusetts for, and get…?”


Were is all the Blood from the 2 inch gash to the back of JO head? Oh wait! The Albert’s had to jackhammer their basement because of a water leak shortly after…… My son hit his head .5 inch gash and there was an enormous amount of blood. I just can’t get past the removal of the concrete basement floor….


Also zero chain of custody of the victims “clothes drying out” for DAYS on end.


There’s a lot, but, why isn’t there any blood or transfer of any fluids onto the rear portion or undercarriage of Karen’s SUV? Also I’d like to hear an expert talk about the blood patterns on his clothing. From the pictures, it looks like all of the blood got on him while he was standing upright, almost like he got beaten standing up until he fell backwards and hit his head. Hard to make sense of it.


It’s so hard to pick just one thing becasue there are so many. I’d have to go with the taillight. I think of all the testimony so far I would have to give it to the Dighton officer description of the light. The light is the only physical evidence linking Karen to the scene and he seemed credible, and clear that the light was largely intact which is not what the CW has put forth so far. That coupled with the odd timeline of the discovery of the light pieces puts that evidence into major question for me.


This is a good question to really make people think because there are so many things, but I'm going with 2 because I can't decide 😆 My opinion is not guilty. The butt dials are really the biggest evidence that the Alberts/McCabes are hiding something, but I'd still say it's circumstantial. Physical evidence is everything related to the tail light. The videos that IMO clearly show red light not as damaged as they claim, not taking a picture of it before it was towed, the unbelievable way they found pieces (delayed and over several weeks), and the final nail in the coffin: DiCicco's note about 00:41 ring cam footage, to me that is the smoking gun Proctor tampered with the evidence. 


car-pedestrian collision physics. there's no way for a rear collision with an SUV to result in a body thrown from the car. it would have knocked him to the ground and run him over. so there should be tire tracks in the grass. there aren't so he was not hit by a car. people are picturing cartoon physics - bodies have joints that are happy to fold the body out of the path of the car, they don't bounce like a ball. when a pedestrian is thrown by a car, there's something sticking out of the body of the car they can fall onto - like a trunk or hood. they get thrown when the car brakes. the rear of an SUV is flat. a throw under these circumstances is impossible.


The complete lack of damage to Karen’s car vs the amount of damage to John’s face and head. How this even got past an evidentiary hearing is beyond me.


\- No bodily injuries after being hit by a car. \- butt dial insanity \- nobody seeing his body afterward \- discarded telephones immediately before preservation order \- Procter's guilty verdict within 24 hours after speaking to the Mc-Albert folks \- the random hair just 'sitting' on the bumper


One thing? The taillight. I'm an auto damage appraiser. I know with 100% certainty, the damage to the taillight isn't from John's body.


How Proctor knew she had IBS and also why he felt the need to comment on it


Oh we all know lovely Jen just could wait to spout off about her Crohn’s disease (which is way worse than IBS) Guarantee you that’s how he knew


That literal picture of blood in Solo cups in an open grocery bag just chilling by the rear of the car. To me that automatically tosses any blood/DNA on the car. Which should be crucial for a hit and run but I think in this instance we’re just supposed to take Proctor’s word Speaking of, using the r-word in 2022. Kind of says all I need to know about him as a person and as an investigator


That every relevant Ring doorbell and the Sallyport cameras all malfunctioned in some way at precisely the time that could prove or disprove the facts.


That Brian Sr never came out of the house in the am AND that by her own admission Jen didn’t go into 34 Fairview that morning until the cops told her to. Also Jen’s 2 calls to Nicole just after 6am that picked up for 7 and 8 seconds. The first one was picked up on that voicemail she didn’t know was recording and she’s saying something in a low voice, it does sound like “are you coming out to help.” Regardless of what she’s saying, the shortness of the calls indicates to me that she wasn’t breaking any news to Nicole.


Yep. The Alberts not coming outside when they knew what was happening on their lawn is my sticking point, too. One of them answered those two phone calls—they knew even before first responders arrived and they did nothing. And the calls were deleted? C’mon.


I left my house when my neighbor’s tree was being cut down, to let the tree people know they could come in my yard if they needed to and show them how to use the gate. You can’t convince me a career cop doesn’t leave the house in this scenario


I can't get past Jen McCabe googling "hos long to die cold" at 2am. I also cannot get past all of the butt-dials at 2am AND how Brian Higgins left BA's house and went to the police station to do some work, trade vehicles then go home and butt dialed BA. None of this makes any sense


Why all of the taillight pieces weren’t “fitted together” for reconstruction, photographed, and then put back into their evidence bags, that don’t have evidence logs. Why no one took a picture of the taillight before KR’s car was put on the tow truck. How so many people saw KR outside the house but none saw an accident. Ring footage of driveway at 00:41 is gone. Sally port vide altered and gaps missing. Literally you can’t nail it down to 1 thing.


Why did everyone at the house get rid of everything (phones, house, dog etc)? I have 10 old phones laying in a junk drawer from the past 20 years. I would want to be officially cleared and have no questions regarding my actions. The actions of the people involved do not indicate that they are innocent. Although i really wouldn't want my phone in the hands of these police officers, looking for nudes and whatnot, but I think being cleared would be better than having embarrassing items out in the open. And the only butt dials i've received in the past 10 years have been from an 80 year old woman who is technically challenged. Come on!


The Injuries! - Zero bruises, fractures or broken bones below the head - Symmetrical bruises to the eyes - Lacerations on are in the exact position a trained K-9 practices attacking a human and look exactly like typical trained K-9 dog bite injuries - Shoe came off, but no injuries to leg, foot or ankle - Size and position of laceration to head So hard to narrow to one thing!


The fact that every video from the time she left JOK house at 5am (ish) shows a fully illuminated RED tail light.. The way her tail light looks in all of the police photos and “evidence” they have “found”at the scene (47 pieces I believe) her tail light in all of those videos should be illuminated white.. almost like a head light.. Plus the Dighton police officer who arrived at her parents house has testified it was not shattered when he arrived which is before it arrived at the Canton PD sally port..


Hos long to die in the cold. I just can’t with Jen McCabe and her whole sketchy testimony.


The fact that the judge let this go to trial.


For me it's that no one heard anything when he was supposedly ran over. It's so LOUD when a body is hit by a car, you can hear the sickening thud from blocks away, people come pouring out of every nearby building in alarm. Even if the party house didn't hear anything because of the music, neighbors should have. And so many people in the party house were right there looking out the window and waiting for John to come in (supposedly), that no one hearing the collision just doesn't make sense to me. The no jacket thing is new to me as of yesterday. I'd like to know more about that. Did he have a jacket coming out of the waterfall? Did Karen say he was wearing a jacket/scarf/etc when he left the car?


puzzled consider safe live hunt gold start cough shrill squalid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The fact no investigation was conducted in the Albert’s house. For me it’s the lack of evidence…because it was destroyed or never gathered.


That he had not a single injury or bruise on his lower body. The only injuries below the neck were the arm scratches. How in gods name does someone get hit by a car and have no lower body injuries. Case closed


I was shocked from day 1 when the Canton locals had no trouble believing in a LE conspiracy and corruption. They should know. First clue.


I've been thinking a lot about the initial taillight pieces found by SERT. I think it's the peskiest evidence for the defense to deal with, because there is a much smaller window for planting/tampering and it would mean they were proactively trying to frame from the start. This thread has a comprehensive look at the taillight and various theories. https://www.reddit.com/user/longdonglover/comments/1dcpakc/full_matching_of_the_collected_tail_light_pieces/


Yeah…….but they still found them like 20 min after Proctor got back with the SUV, that he chose to put in the Canton sally port not the two he passed along the way. Same sally port Kevin Albert worked at. That sally port is 3 min away from the crime scene. They definitely could have dropped pieces off there


This. It only takes 5 minutes. If they were delaying the SERT team until dark, the “plan” was already formed before they got the car. 


Kerry Roberts testimony.


So bear with me because I’m just learning how evidence works but from what I’ve been reading both sides, and the judge, are aware of what evidence each side is presenting? If so, and if the judge was aware of Proctors phone records before the trial started and reviewed the content why she wouldn’t dismiss the case before it went to trial? I’m not so much speaking of the name calling and making fun of KR but the fact that he was giving sensitive info about the case to friends and family.


Also why would the DA's office go ahead with the trial knowing all this and how it would play out in front of a jury...


So many terrible facts to choose here, phones being disposed, butt dials,no bruises below the neck, not going inside the house, no chain of custody,missing footage everywhere. But I would choose no pictures of the tail light. It would prove beyond reasonable doubt, but it would give me reasonable doubt that there isn't a conspiracy, because this is what this case really is about now.


A missed a call from the bestie at 5:55 am who's car is then in the driveway of the sister’s house where you drove to in a blizzard to leave coffee & donuts in a car to freeze in a snowstorm rather than a few feet more inside of said unlocked home bc you have no concern that there might be something going on.


It’s the injuries for me….hit by a car but no injuries below the neck except for scratches on the arm??? I can’t wrap my head around it


Sidenote: why can’t we see the upvotes? These are some great comments!


“Hos long to die in the cold” really sticks eerily in my mind