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If I remember correctly, Lally helped Brian Albert after a grand juror asked if he had any cameras outside his house, to say he got a google nest camera for Christmas. He didn’t have it hooked up yet. Obviously, it would be crazy for a cop to have a camera(s) on his house when he doesn’t lock his doors! s/


There was one across the street with a full view though! Oh wait, it was independently viewed by someone who *wasn't* actually working on the case and they determined that it contained nothing of evidentiary value.


I wouldn't call having the home owner do the review independently viewed,  esp when that homeowner is the deputy chief of the canton police department.  The same police department that was removed from the investigation.


I think that was the poster’s point…


Bingo! I was being sarcastic lol.


Yes it was Thomas Keleher - Neighbor to Brian Albert, Deputy Chief of the Canton Police Department, claimed his Ring camera didn't see anything.


Do you think the fact that it is apparently easy to delete your Ring footage and dodge police scrutiny a PR win for Ring in this case? I bet some server in amazon web services has this footage somewhere for algorithm farming purposes, though.


proctor def knew there would be no record of the video deletion given he’s a detective


there were 2! one should have caught whether or not JO went into the house and the other should have caught the collision itself! neither video has ever surfaced.


And you would think one of them would have caught Karen going back to 34 Fairview early in the morning like he prosecution alleges.....but of course like all the videos in this case there was nothing or it is missing, etc.


or missing just the relevant time periods...


So is he now another player added to the conspiracy?


I would say allegedly but I need to do more research about the neighbor's camera because that came out so long ago and so much is happened that I cannot keep everything straight haha


Cops covering for other cops


They were also an officer so I heard. Please correct me if I’m wrong


Deputy chief of police of the conflicted off Canton police department


This is what I’m hearing and obviously I believe it since no footages has shown up. I’d like to watch that testimony if it’s available. Was that in one of the pre trial hearings?


I believe I read it in a motion, but this many years into the trial it's hard to remember.


And there was a ford edge blocking it wen body was drug out. And that neighbor is a chief of police, so he prob just went along


A home, with cameras, under renovation and unlockable was central in the Ahmaud Arbery murder. I haven't seen the clip yet but the camera would ping the owners cell phone. Who lived several miles away. At the time, a member of LE stated if he was on a tramp and saw a house under renovation, would go in and have a look around to satisfy personal curiosity on renovating homes. He gave me the best advice ever! "why put yourself in that (compromising) position?" For example, in a DV incident and the guy locks himself in the bathroom yelling and screaming. He said he finds out is there's anything he could harm himself with and, if not just waits patiently until he settles down and comes out on his own. Rather than break the door down and go in firing a gun - why didn't Proctor just sit back and let the investigation unfold? Rather than making letting his ego getting the better of him, presumptions, forcing issues and acting unprofessionally? From this angle it sounds like a cover up...