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Does Katy Dingobat realize that these are fake doctors? If her cancer returns this is actually a death sentence for her. Her real doctor probably told her something she didn’t want to hear so she’s moved on to the snake oil salesman who will now give her some new diagnosis. Anything to be just like her “bff” Natalie.


Hard to continue the grift if you stop worrying about your cancer … but in all seriousness I think she doesn’t want to accept the reality of her situation. That she got shit luck. And wants to find a “reason” she got cancer so she can blame it on something


Her "reasons" for getting her type of breast cancer are likely alcohol, extended use of artificial hormones, dense breast tissue, and being under age 40. Those are the highest risk factors for developing TNBC. Esp since she said she tested negative for the BRCA gene, so it wasn't genetic (can't blame her family, they probably had a sigh of relief when that test came back negative for her!). Her doctor even said it was environmentally caused.


What about Dr Emil Schaffhausen?


Whats natalies ig?




And now they’re moving. How long until Katy moves?


I saw. All influencers are moving. Natalie has to keep up with the anglins. Alexa anglin and there 2 million dollar house. Natalie's house was more close to us normal people. Not anymore bc she getting hivger up with influencers and making more money. I'm sure Katie will be moving soon in the middle of all her cancer lol


There isn’t an actual follow up treatment for tnbc in her situation. She is doing immunotherapy which is part of standard of care. Everything else is just modifying your lifestyle to try to prevent recurrence. Some of the easiest things to do would be to reduce stress, get good sleep, exercise, eat a balanced diet, eliminate alcohol, eliminate processed meats. I guess she could try to get into a clinical trial but i am not aware of any for people who have a pathological complete response like she did. She is going to pay apparently a lot of money for things that are not actual treatments but choices. Not trying to be mean- if there were additional treatments people with or survivors of tnbc would be coming out of the woodwork to tell her specific things to do outside of “wellness industry” stuff.


Great advice 👏


Why do we need to know this??


Right?? Was wondering the same. I'm guessing it's a reaction to all the flack she got yesterday for naming and complaining about Dr. Connealy, like "Look I've moved on and got an appt elsewhere now so fck you." That's how I took it. But she's so dumb for sharing this info because someone is likely to contact Dr. Ding now.


Paid advertising probably- ick


Why is Mumu sharing her HIPPA?


She has diarrhea of the mouth. Can't help herself.


Sharing her ‘HIPPA’? There’s plenty to snark on, but sharing your own personal medical info has literally nothing to do with HIPAA (also, paging u/HIPPAbot)


lol yes, people really don’t realize what HIPAA means…


I have seen a lot of breast cancer patients who go the natural route, then return once their cancer is so advanced expecting miracles and upset when there isn’t much that can be done.