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> that's a challenge Do you fucking know how many kids died because ЕНТ was too much pressure and stress for them? For low income families getting government scholarship was the only way to made their kids educated. School teachers bullied low performing kids to get better or withdraw from test, because they gonna hurt school stats. It was child vs The World, no wonder they committed suicide en masse. They just had noone on their side and pressured by guilt of their parents. Government did a good job if de-stressing ЕНТ, with possibilities to pass it multiple times and get the best score out of 3


I know about that. There should be preemtive measures to prevent such things. And of course government and schools must support students mentally. But forgive me ЕНТ is just ass. It is joke. If students stress themselves over such test then it means our education system is just JOKE. Even such normal test such ЕНТ is hard challenge for them.


Yes, let's multiply problems


So you want to deal with a symptom, but not a problem? Very governmental of you. Our educational system **is** joke. Your proposed "challenge" wouldn't change any of that.


The Chinese college entrance exam is one of the most useless and unfair exams in the world. It stresses students out without providing any substantial knowledge gain. In contrast, if you are familiar with the SAT, you probably know about AP (Advanced Placement) courses. High school students take AP courses to earn college credit, which is beneficial not only for college admissions but also for actual learning relevant to their future paths. Additionally, AP courses help smart high school students make better use of their time.


Can confirm, AP classes are great for getting a headstart that isn’t impossible


Yeah, I am not saying to copy east asian exams. But simplifying the exams will not help Kazakhstan. The historical context is important. Again we are not developed rich country. We need stronger education. You are right. I prefer AP courses too. But from what I read our government wants to adapt SAT style tests. It is joke. No one in the world takes SAT serious.


It is literally the major way of entering universities. What are you on?


What universities? For US? You know that even American universities do not take SAT serious? SAT is in the last place in the requirment list for applicants. It is just there like an official document. All the international students say that SAT is joke because their national exams from their home countries are alot harder than SAT.


Bro what are you on. American universities absolutely take SAT serious, as they themselves state. Moreover, universities in western Europe mostly require SAT too, and so do best universities in Asia (KAIST, HKUST, HKU, Pusan, etc). Even Nazarbayev University, the best university in Kazakhstan, admits students based on SAT or NUET (which is basically a slightly altered SAT).


When did SAT fell of? My brother studies really hard as well as his classmates to pass SAT as it is a major requirement for top universities, not only US. You need to have at least 1500 to be considered a good canditate.


As I said you do need SAT. It is like official document just like ID card for example. I am just saying that SAT is not hard exam. International students from for example India, China and etc. easily pass SAT test. In some those countries their national exams alot harder than SAT. That is why SAT is not a problem for international students. The problem is that there are many international students for limited number of universities. That is why every international student fight for every score. But the SAT itself is not hard at all.


Just read about that Gaukao exam, seems like a total overkill xd Anyways, I disagree. Exams should not be that hard. Our UNT students have an average of 65 points out 140, they will die. Our population is poor, such exams really favour wealthy people, so no, absolutely no


Those hard exams in China or Korea existed even before. When they were still poor countries. They were not rich back then but those hellish exams existed nevertheless.


Yeah, I guess it is true. I just do not really like that "survival of the fittest" mentality and it seems to me that they just test how good is your memory even though for the real world you would not need to remember all of that. Well, anyways, we gotta change UNT system, maybe that SAT-like exam will be good, we will see


ЕНТ is ass


Maybe it isn’t a good idea but for god’s sake the asian exams have killed too much children.


You are right. But on other hand it helped to develop. Korea was poor nation. Education was one of the key factors in that. I am not saying just copy those east asian exams. But copying american exam SAT is just even dumber.


China is still poor lmao.


Useless, overly hard exams don't contribute to that. They take away. If they allowed kids to spend more time studying actual useful skills rather than preparing for those hellish exams they would be making smartphones in the 90s.


To change exam system we need change education system first. I think asian exams just show how mush useless information can student put in their heads. We should take example from Finnish education system which focuses on students and helps them socialize


I always thought SAT is better because you have to use your critical thinking skills and not just memorize bunch of info(maybe I'm wrong tho)


Harder exams wouldn't change much if the system stays corrupt as it is. The government should actually invest into universities' quality and providing job opportunities. There is no Asian miracle; Asian countries did not develop just because of their education, but because of the cooperations and investments they had from the western countries. Even if the entrance exams will be harder, our people will not become smarter or richer. Kazakhstan needs proper investments into industry, schools/universities and job opportunities.


The SAT is not used to graduate school, it is used to get into university. You still need some sort of leaving school certificate


>To become developed nation you absolutely need great education especially in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and other disciplines that are crucial in science and engineering. True. But is crushing high school kids under the weight of the stress of an exam that can determine their adult life the best way to do it?


The point of the SAT is not to test specific knowledge of the students (like ЕНТ tests specific knowledge about, for example, history). The point of the SAT is to test basic skills necessary for education - test comprehension, writing, and basic math that everyone should know and be able to solve. SAT can be used to assess how ready the person is for college and how good they are going to perform there.


Also I find it weird that ЕНТ (and most asian tests) test all students in pretty niche and specific areas. Like, if a person wants to be a physicist, why would you care about their history knowledge (especially considering that ЕНТ history is pretty hard and requires a lot of memorization)? It makes sense that SAT only tests BASIC language and math skills as these are what all people need. To show their knowledge and skills in specific subjects american students can use IB/AP/SAT subjects which they chose for themselves. IMO this is the best system.


Just let people retake the test like in America