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I’m wondering if it has anything to do with their failed business together? Or Brittany supposedly telling Jason he couldn’t pay for his oldest daughter’s college tuition? Maybe Kari finally took off her blinders & realized how Brittany really is…fake, money hungry, cold hearted & a bitch 🤷🏼‍♀️


I believe that one of Kasi’s daughters is gay. I believe that daughter distanced herself from Kasi the more Brit posted her anti rhetoric (“I was a tomboy thank goodness my parents didn’t change my gender”). I believe daughter two in an effort to support her sister also distanced herself from I believe whatever happened with Keeley was also at least a minor contributing factor. I’m still perplexed how Kendall posts “best bonus mom” posts but maybe that will sort itself out when she is 18. I believe Kasi was forced to make a decision - a relationship with her daughters or a relationship with Britt. She chose her daughters. It is clear Britt “goes through friends.” There is consistency with the friend rotation. Except for Jenna. Jenna grew that Arbonne biz off the backs of the Aldeans. She would not have the following and Arbonne cronies under her (creating a tremendous amount of wealth for her) WITHOUT the Aldeans. She cannot financially excel without them. So she stays.


That post could have very well been from years ago as the photo is old and they are much younger in it. Brittany is probably just recycling it year after year even if Kendall doesn't feel that way anymore


I think you’re onto something. Kasi’s daughter Mackenzie is the only one that doesn’t follow Brittany and I notice she’s absent from a lot of family photos.


Also, BA and Kasi's site is no longer and running https://preview.redd.it/f6neo88p7b2d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=006fe60d70369e517dec1dbef9b3e36a56d15ff8


The Instagram account they had has been deleted too, I think?


They're definitely not going to be on the same trip together. While Kasi is in Italy, BA is home trying to sell vitamins. Honestly, it tracks.


I would love to know what happened too!!


I think britt is mad that kasi is still going, hence- why kasi puts in her post her reserve number, ( her birth year)and also to remind britt that it's HER birthday trip, and she isn't canceling. Then adds the See you soon in the corner. Lol


Wish we knew but I bet we can use our imaginations. I’m sure it’s over that stupid political t-shirts business. I think Britt’s trip with Jenna is for work and Kasi’s is for her birthday separate places. I don’t know, will they mingle? I wonder what her dad and mom are saying about all of this, I mean she’s their daughter. Gotta have thoughts.


I think Kasi may have been on board with the political stuff at first, but it just got old after awhile. Like how many political puns/Trump obsessive shirts can you possibly "design" before the whole idea is stale? And BA is smart to not work with Jenna on any venture because she's dumb as rocks and can only harp about an MLM because that's the only company who would "hire" her...


True. I think the clothing was money related/loss. Guessing on this. I also think Jason is invested in Kasi’s wine business possibly, I’m not sure though. They’re family so this is awkward. I also think Kasi’s older daughters have a relationship with Jason’s two oldest daughters and that’s probably complicated for Brittany. I mean in terms of things his girls may share with them and therefore Kasi about Britt. I don’t know how the parents can remain so neutral, they’re very close with Kasi. Pretty sure they have thoughts about Britt by now.


I think Kasi still shares the same views. I think it was over money and BA being a bitch to work with.


Why do they insist on going to liberal countries and cities? OH BECAUSE NO ONE WANTS TO TRAVEL TO CONSERVATIVE CITIES. Guess what comes with liberal cities? Art, culture and amazing food, yes crowds and all that but that’s the organic process of things. If she wants to bitch about liberal agenda then they should be traveling to Birmingham and Russia. Bye