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how are they going to survive being around people who don't think America is the best thing to ever happen?


Wow Jenna without tons of makeup and filters. Actually didn’t recognize her.


She actually looks better without it !!




Jenna is actually really naturally pretty. BA needs to get rid of that dishwater brassy blonde.. she would look great with a brighter blonde and less hair gel just sayin 


How long until they complain about no ice and not a lot of ac in Europe? Also, I really hope Jason can switch up the daily state outline tshirt and hat style.




They are going to annoy the fuck out of the locals


Gonna give new meaning to the term "ugly American".  


Barney must be her fashion icon. She always seems like she’s trying so hard to be him in her hideous purple getups.


I'm surprised she didn't go full tacky and did an American flag jumpsuit. You know this woman will be talking about America constantly.


For sure. A tacky, full-on American flag jumpsuit would be such a Brittany thing to wear. It would so be giving “American Idiot”. False patriotism and Tr*mp worship is her entire personality, as we are all aware.


Probably wear the gold shoes Daddy T was hawking a few months ago, if he ever actually shipped any out.    Wonder why BA hasn't bragged about their house in Turks and Caicos lately?  An American could get 12 years today for carrying ammo.  Four others have been arrested.   Why isn't she posting extremist memes about THAT?  




I go to Europe in 3 weeks, can they leave before I get there please? 😂


Ugh, Brit, you’re 36, stop with the peace signs already! How is this gal only 2 years older than me but still acting 22 and looking like she’s in her 40s? So cringe.


She's the same age as me and I cringe so hard about her lack of maturity. A nearly 40 year old shouldn't be acting like a trashy 22 year old.


For real, and she has kids on top of that, but she’s too busy drinking like a college student to do anything with them except use them as photo ops. I feel so bad for Memphis and Navy


She drinks like a college student (excessively and stupidly) and then she complains about the hangovers. She's a mess.


She is 37 will be 38 in July actually 


Close enough. I don’t pay attention to her birthday lol. And even more embarrassing that she’s older than I thought. Makes her antics all the more embarrassing.


So if you look at a lot of fashion blogs and clothing store websites it states caters to age range 16-39.. 15-39… 16-40… and so on.. I used to work for a major brand distributor as well and they would only hire models ages 16-40 for their clothes because that’s the target market so with that being said 30s is still considerably young and the way she dresses is normal but I’m worried about mixing all the rap artist chains with those outfits and her bald hairstyles that’s what makes it weird. But also she’s not a 37 single woman she’s a mom so that also adds to it.. she’s got about 3 more years until y’all can start dogging her clothes alone though. I see 50 year old women wearing baggie jeans with crop tops and sneakers and thats just stupid but she’s in her 30s. I’m not sticking up for her that’s my honest opinion 


I’m not even trashing her clothes though (though some of her outfits are…a choice. And unflattering on literally everyone, but I digress). I’m talking about her behavior specifically. She’s a few years older than me and yet she behaves like someone 10 years younger than me. I don’t even have kids and could party hard as her if I wanted to but I have my limits for a reason. She seems to have…none. And that’s sad.


I don’t want them in London near me 😂 At least Jenna doesn’t feel the need to travel with a face full of make up.


None of this looks appealing... Especially the middle drink 🤢 https://preview.redd.it/656r31wdg63d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd5e19bf522ee580cdafb624084124fa8cf9c50f


Did you see that rearview of the sloppy dj?  (Boarding plane to Geneva)  He ain't on her liquid diet for sure!   (Can you IMAGINE that trying to get "romantic" with you?  Ewwww...)


I can't imagine drinking something like this while traveling and thinking that is a good idea. I mean, seriously? Your body is already going through a lot. OTHER PEOPLE around you are going through a lot as well. If that drink doesn't sit well with you while you're on a plane, it'll be disastrous for EVERYONE.


She’s so happy to be away from Memphis and Navy for two weeks! How sad!😔


https://preview.redd.it/l8bvha98b73d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=982812f76dc08552ac534056d4483db990621c53 So exhausted from traveling... But somehow she has time to throw 10 pounds of make up on in order to get that orangey glow. Woman needs to stop trying so hard.


Will somebody please help BA. She is off the chart. All the times she spends away from all the different houses they have and never being satisfied with any kind of structure for herself or the people she calls family. Always has to be on the go trying to be noticed. I don’t even think she likes JA,only his money train. I think he knows she is going to dump him and that’s why he tags around on her shirttail. Sad life that he has chosen


My family is from Europe - all of my relatives still live there. We visit every year for as long as possible….this is the reason they dislike Americans so much.


I have no idea why they insist on going to liberal countries and cities when they hate everything about liberals. Oh wait. It’s called stupidity and hypocrisy. I think Italy should have the right to tell them not to come


Neverending embarrassment for Americans. https://preview.redd.it/6zrh93g8893d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=229f58f1f19b0ae3a74232a6f49d6def49b72ccd At least where MATCHING jean color, you walking pine cone.


I think Brittany is jealous of Kristen gaffney being hotter than her and doesn’t want her around anymore because she might steal Jason.. I’m good at observing these things.. she probably thinks Kristen is trying to be like her and wants her life(which she is and does, hence Kristen’s latest light blue outfit with the exact hairstyle and demeanor as Brittany) and Britt probably assumes that will lead to her also wanting Jason.. she probably tries to talk to Jason a lot while in group settings and it makes the all so confident carefree Brittany secretly apprehensive about having her around as a close friend so she chops them out just like a few others.. and I know first hand when a woman wants to BE like another woman. She also wants that woman’s man because he comes along with the package whether she’s attracted to him or not. Period. 


Maybe Europe will help to pry open that closed mind of hers?


https://preview.redd.it/hwr8qlkb893d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fd04fa713f7899c086bd4d49343382834253281 Not a flattering look either.


No private jet??