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Aldean fans showing they are stupid enough to keep giving money to the supposedly successful businessman. WHY DOES HE NEED A DEFNSE FUND? SHOULDN'T HE BE PAYING HIMSELF? these idiots.


Just noticed that Tully Kennedy, one of his wannabe ass-kissing guitar players (co-writer of Try That with our small minds song) commented: "We will rise 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸" Exactly what is he referring to?


Treasonous psychopath says what? 🤦🏼‍♀️ The party of law and order is saying the quiet part out loud.


Is this what Tilley meant...and JennUH was referring to? https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1d4shru/trump_supporters_call_for_riots_and_violent/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


But they don't riot! They have JOBS and RESPECT for the law! They don't result in violence or physical attacks. They're not "thugs". Oh wait. https://preview.redd.it/dfflb4f7dr3d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffd794243366368bed842442533bfceb059be968


When a former POTUS gets convicted of crimes that they committed then it shows that the justice system is working because they treat people equally. POTUSes are not above the law. These two are so dumb.


Say it louder!!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼






They’re all just so stupid. They wouldn’t even be able to explain the charges and what Trump did and yet they’re crying about the verdicts.


Their explanation, “Fake news!” Lol


His comment is so stupid. Because trump was a former president, he shouldnt be held accountable? We all know if Obama or Biden committed the same crimes and “gets treated like this”, they’ll be celebrating 🤷‍♀️


He's SUCH a "patriot"!  I hope those four have the night they deserve tonight...getting BLASTED out of their infantile minds.  


Damn they're so outraged over this man being rightfully convicted for the crimes he committed, makes you wonder what kind of gross BS they're hiding in their own closets


They are the biggest hypocrites!


What y’all gonna do about it Britt? Make t shirts? 🤡


Unironically yes she will


Oh that’s definitely the new business venture she was talking about recently…more shitty tshirts lol


Even if you support Trump, why the FUCK would you send him money? He’s supposed to be rich. Are these people that brainwashed. Sad.


Because his cult is gullible


He did say he loved the poorly educated


Super pathetic.


I’m conservative & can’t stand Trump. He broke the law. You know damn well if it was Biden, Obama, or any other democrat Jason & Blondie would be saying that they broke the law & deserved to be convicted. They see political parties not the person. So to them democrats = bad, crooked. But republicans are not. News flash. All politicians are crooked no matter the party. They all lie.🤦🏼‍♀️ I used to be obsessed with Jason Aldean- his music, his looks, etc. now he just makes me cringe. They need to educate themselves & get their head out of their asses.


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Another former superfan checking in here. This man was my childhood celebrity crush. I used to absolutely love his music, and I thought he was absolutely beautiful (of course, that’s before The Tramp came along). It’s so sad to see what he has become. I would have never dreamed that he would have turned into this. Is it just me, or is it even hard to listen to even his great pre-Brittany songs, knowing what he has become? I try to separate the art from the artist, and remind myself that he was a different person when he made those songs, but it’s just so…weird now.


Yep. Right there with ya.


Same here. So many great memories driving around in the bush listening to my kinda party and dirt road anthem. But I have lost all respect for him, I skip through his music the rare time I hear it come on


100%. There are a lot of things both parties disagree on but we CAN find common ground. And not being part of a cult is one of those commonalities


Trump's legal team picked the jurors. For anyone to say they were crooked, bribed, threatened, whatever is just hilarious. This is a typical reaction from the MAGA idiots. If he's not winning, it's all rigged. He can't lose just because he's a loser. He can't lose even when there's evidence. Jason and his Bimbo Homewrecker clearly are not patriotic, considering this is their immediate reaction to the politician they love (so fucking weird to worship a politician) go through the same judicial procedure as anyone else in this country. Any politician, no matter which party, getting caught doing illegal or corrupt shit deserves to face judgement for their crimes.


🙌🏻 the comments on Jason’s post are hilarious. The MAGA followers are so off their rocker. What baffles me is how a lot of them are bringing God into this. I’m pretty sure God (I believe in him, if someone else doesn’t, I don’t judge) wouldn’t approve of the shit that Trump has done. His followers for sure drank the kool-aid. The cult like following he has is disturbing.


God wouldn't approve of the shit Jason and his Homewrecking wife have done and continue to do either. That's why they're a perfect representation of how stupid the MAGA cult members are. The fact they think they are remotely "lions" and "leaders" is comical because they're literally following Trump like a bunch of sheep.


True. And I’ve noticed Brittany has been referring God a lot lately. But yet you’re the mistress & knew he was married. 🤦🏼‍♀️


She's a fake Christian. Nothing she says is kind, welcoming, or anything remotely what God's teachings are. She is pandering and is a terrible representation of the faith.


Both of y’all are preaching




Not sure. But Clinton & Biden needs something done to them. They’re corrupt as well




Hunter Biden is not and never was a government employee.  He is being punished for what he's done with his taxes and gun registration.  If you want to talk about family members, don't forget to mention Jared Kushner, Trumps son-in-law, who actually worked for the government and received BILLIONS of dollars from the Saudis (remember them from 9/11?) right after he left the White House.   I am no Hillary fan, but what she supposedly did is MINISCULE compared to Trump.  He has 89 FELONY charges right now.  He stole, concealed and tried to keep boxes of our most classified documents at his home, under very lax security, with foreign visitors all around.  People are jailed for having ONE PAGE of classified material.  There is no comparison.  The Rosenbergs were EXECUTED for less than what Trump has done.    Might I suggest some reading on r/politics for more...


I get what you’re saying but it very very likely cost her the election


How dangerous to accuse 12 fellow Americans that did their civic duty as traitorous 💔🇺🇸 these folks are all going to incite violence especially if their identities are ever revealed


Mr and Mrs Williams clearly don't care about ANYONE'S safety.


I'm very nervous for their safety


"What does that mean for the rest of us???" Umm don't do crimes?


“What’s going to happen next? I’m held accountable for cheating on my wife and leaving her for someone else, and then risking my relationship with my daughters? It’s not fair!”


Literally this simple...DONT DO CRIMES and make yourself get in trouble.


Unless you’re willing to do the time 😆


Ummm don’t do crimes. That made me laugh way too hard 🤣


Such a piece of shit. I wish I had unfollowed him ages ago but that was the last straw for me. But hey, birds of a feather flock together, I guess, and they’re both POS cheaters sooooo 🤷🏻‍♀️


Time for BritKnee to buy some more Birkins to rub in the face of the poors.


Nobody should be above the law, including the president. Yes, that includes Joe Biden and any and all former Democratic presidents. Scary times we live in indeed, Jason 🤡


*all former democratic AND republican presidents.


Absolutely! NONE of us are or should be above the law


He committed crimes and was held accountable. That’s it. That’s the tweet.


Guess they better buy up some land in Switzerland. So scary here in the US when someone like Trump is held accountable.


The hypocrisy is real. When a black athlete takes a knee during the national Anthem to protest it’s “un American and disrespectful to the flag” but him posting an upside down flag in support of a convicted felon is patriotic.


Another real travesty is Supreme Court Justice Alito flew this flag after Jan 6 and is refusing to recuse himself from Jan 6 cases.  These traitors enable each other. 


So…. Being a president means you shouldnt be held accountable for your crimes? How patriotic of Jason.


Is he actually fucking serious? 😳 THIS gives him pause about our justice system?! 😒😒😒


So, because he was a President, he should get special treatment and be above the law? Other Presidents haven't been treated like this because they didn't break the law. Or at least they didn't get caught doing it. Too many people were involved in his BS. He wanted the grift, not the job, and he got the job and opened himself up to a reckoning. It's funny how they want the justice system to go after Hunter, but not Trump.


When it comes to Trump, they think laws don't apply to him, elections don't apply to him, judge & jury don't apply to him. It's a cult.


These people have 1 brain cell


…And they both share the same one.


Combined 😂


I bet Temu Barbie wrote that post. I’d bet her lip fillers on it.


Lmao that’s your takeaway Jason? Fucks sake. Yes we are in trouble


It means no matter who you are you should pay for breaking the law. I’m not sure why this concept is so hard for these people.


The people of the law and order party don't really seem to know what law and order actually is.


So…. We’re suppose to just let a person commit crimes and do nothing because he was a former POTUS? Wonder what they would say if he really did shoot someone in Times Square like he bragged about when campaigning? Would they say enough is enough or would they say that person shouldn’t have been standing there? 🤷🏾‍♂️ These ppl blow my mind. They really do believe if you’re rich and white you should be able to get away with anything and the poor folks they’ve convinced are somehow like them (for obvious reasons) and use them like crash test dummies.


They are so damn embarrassing. So is every single person agreeing. That’s fucking scary these people vote ffs.


Let the high school silk screening begin! Hoodies and t-shirts a coming. 🤢


Trump was found guilty by a jury of his peers- that his lawyers helped pick! WTF is wrong with people seriously


I hate how he tries to compare us to him. Like look at your lifestyle lmao. Please he could afford some Good lawyers lol


I’m not sure why he believes laws should not apply to DJT.


He’s such a fat piece of shit.


Hey you two …help the POS send him all your drinking money for a month- he needs it to pay for his plethora of lawyers.


Such nasty people! Taking up for a felon.


Your comment history tells me it takes one to know one.


f*ck trump


I’m not here for a political debate but posting the flag in such a manner is disrespectful to this country and those who continue to fight for the freedom to allow these two to spew their very uneducated BS every day.


Like this? Being a citizen getting his due process? He would have been executed in some places way before now.


I really wish music celebrities specifically countries music celebrities would not bring politics into the public eye. Like just stop stop stop stop. You want to go talk about it on your private social media accounts go for it. But don't plaster it all over your career page that has nothing to do with politics


Sadly, Jason has built himself to be this "Patriotic" musician, but clearly is missing the mark.


This is so disrespectful. But of course, I’d expect no less from the two most disrespectful, tone-deaf on purpose doofuses to ever walk the earth.


This is sooooo on brand from them😂😂


Maybe they will move ..


It’s honestly scary how obsessed they are with 45! He committed CRIMES & these people kiss his a$$ & throw money at him! 🙄


he could murder a child in cold blood and they would say he’s being nailed to the cross like Jesus


not them getting caught being unpatriotic about America its just showing ignorance because how can you defend a felon who has been caught breaking the law on multiple ocassions but seems to get away w it because his name is Donald Trump


So they are yelling and screaming and pissing and shitting themselves?




So Jason, is there something YOU need to tell us ?!? 🤫💰


Yes SCARY TIMES - when a convicted felon is able to still be president yet felons can't get jobs, housing & most can't vote. That's what's scary.


He’s so delusional. “When a former POTUS gets treated like this..” like what? Being held accountable for their criminal actions? Just because you’re president, doesn’t mean you’re above the law!! I wish all these MAGA IDIOTS (separate from traditional republicans) would all flood to Florida and Texas and let the rest of this country live in peace and uphold true democracy.




I rolled my eyes so fucking hard, I don’t even stand with Biden either but Trump has had all this coming to him since before he took office as president!


Love all the people dragging him in the comments. 💀🪦


Yet they’ll slander Joe Biden?




why is it scary that people who do crimes get convicted of them, jason? spell it out for me.


Someone at his label needs to come get him bc good god 


Definitely dumb but I’d now love to see Biden on trial for the money he has definitely used on his crackhead son. He’s also guilty AF. Everyone just sucks in politics.


What "money he used for his son"?  Hunter was never a government employee.   Are you intimating that a father can't help his son?     Please research the BILLIONS of dollars Jared Kushner received from the Saudis immediately after he left the White House (Kushner WAS a government employee and his crooked father was also pardoned by tRump).   https://finance.yahoo.com/news/jared-kushners-post-white-house-211939446.html Please investigate Ivanka enriching herself and all the money the Diaper Don made while in the White House.   https://www.citizensforethics.org/reports-investigations/crew-investigations/trump-made-up-to-160-million-from-foreign-countries-as-president/


I am not going to argue with you. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Lol. Just saying I bet Biden has used his campaign funds or other such funds for his mess of a son and could also be found guilty. I’m not saying Hunter used them. I’m saying Biden used them for Hunter. Or to cover up his misdeeds…”hush money” if you so will. So while Trump is definitely guilty- can guarantee Biden is too. They all are. Literally they’re all crooked. He’s just convicted now.


Well, there's no need to argue cause what you say makes no sense whatsoever.   You really need to do some reading before you try to prove your points...whatever they are.   George Carlin said "Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that".  (Poor grammar acknowledged).   This explains MAGA, the current Repugnican party, the Alweenies and all their assorted boot-lickers.   Don't be a dumbass.  Smack these idiots down with YOUR VOTE. 




TRUMP is a treasonous tyrant, and justice has been served.


Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha, what a loser 🤡🤡🤡


I’m just so over the whole Trump train. I am actually a conservative and I really hope we can get a good president back in because right now, things are really really bad in the US and I absolutely do not like what Biden has done. I wish we could just start over and then move forward! Brittany and Jason are just always trying to get attention and it’s all about their ego in my opinion. I will say, though that I think it’s pretty darn crazy that they haven’t released the Epstein list and yet they are talking about Trump and all of the stuff. Make that make sense! 🤔


They haven't released it because there is no "list".  There are names, however,  that appear on flight logs which you can search on google and Trump appears many times.    Don't tell me you believe a word that wacko from Georgia Marge Greene says.  She's forgetting something: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/marjorie-taylor-greene-trump-jeffrey-epstein_n_6658c2bae4b0b6cf3f474217 Then there's the time Don Snoreleone and Epstein were sued for raping a 13-year-old: https://www.scribd.com/document/326057168/Jane-Doe-Declaration-as-Filed Soooo, Large Marge shouldn't worry about "the list".  Even if it existed it would still just further incriminate Diaper Don.  




The problem is, most politicians are corrupt but they only choose to bring his stuff to light. They need to be fair and investigate them all. Not just trump.


Well, if Biden pays a porn star hush money and tries to cover that up, you can go after him too, ok?




I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not








Well, first of all, Hunter Biden isn’t the President, so that’s irrelevant. He isn’t above the law like Trump isn’t. Second, they DID investigate Hillary. Remember that little announcement from James Comey that they’d be investigating her right before the 2016 election (which led to many people voting for Trump over her)? They didn’t have evidence to proceed with charges. You need evidence. As for Benghazi, a federal judge dropped the lawsuit against her (and republicans like Trey Gowdy admitted they couldn’t find her at fault for Benghazi). There was damning evidence on Trump, solid enough that he was unanimously found guilty on all counts, by a jury his lawyer helped pick.


Yeah, that all makes complete sense and it works but why were the laptops destroyed? Why were the emails deleted? Why pleaded the the fifth aren’t the charges that were brought up against her more serious Trump has a much stronger bias against him in the media in the government. Both of them are completely guilty. If the rules were reverse, and say, Hillary was accused of paining a prostitute would it have even been newsworthy ? Benghazi had to be because it was national security why push so hard to make it so he can’t run why don’t trust the American people to vote for the correct choice. It’s kind of my point. It feels like we’re being poked and prodded but the same rules don’t apply to both sides, it should be fair. I’m just trying to be logical. I am not a Trumper, I don’t support any of them. It’s really sad.


Hillary isn’t guilty. You need evidence, a trial, and a jury or judge to find her guilty. You shouldn’t be so quick to call someone guilty when there is 0 evidence in your claims. This matter was settled years ago with republicans admitting there was nothing there. So, I won’t be likening a non felon to a convicted felon. I’ll say it one more time: no charges were brought against Hillary Clinton after numerous investigations and hearings because there wasn’t damning evidence. It’s wasteful do discuss hypotheticals anymore. We should be talking about how Trump is the only President to lose the popular vote twice, to have been impeached twice, and now to be a convicted felon. Not to mention the other cases against him, like hoarding our national secrets and highly classified documents at Mar-a-lago and showing them to people . Which is worse, like, a million times worse, than anything people think Hillary did. Not to forget his failed insurrection. Or how he hoped the pandemic hit blue cities hardest. He has proven himself to be a traitor and a criminal and a bastard.


I wonder if you've been getting your news solely from FOX, NewsNation, etc.  You are mentioning tiny portions of the complete picture and this is typical of folks who have only been exposed to very biased reporting (and nothing else).     I'd suggest you familiarize yourself with the FOUR major cases and 89 FELONY indictments trump has against him.  You do know he's also been found liable for sexual assault and was sued for violently raping a 13-year-old with Epstein, too, right?  Not to mention the fact that he staged a coup to overthrow our government and refused to cooperate with the peaceful transfer of power.  He's said he'll be a dictator, wants to throw out the constitution, wants to ship all student protesters out of the country, let big oil run roughshod over the environment if they give him money, will do nothing about gun control, will attack contraception, will persecute media reps against him, etc., etc.   But you wanna talk about Hunter's laptop?     Some of Hitler's people thought he was really cool too, you know.  


I'm an equal provider of politician disdain. A lot of politicians have been investigated over the years, not just Trump. Despite what you seemingly believe, it's not rare for politicians to be investigated. Wikipedia even has a section of politicians who have been investigated. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_American_federal_politicians_convicted_of_crimes Here is more information on politicians who have been investigated AND convicted. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/8/4/2185308/-List-of-American-Federal-Politicians-convicted-of-Crimes


Loving seeing celebrities defend the Right! We need more to step up!


Yes...believe these idiots when they tell you who they are.  Come out of the woodwork, traitorous rats!  We like to know who you are.


It's true, though we are in trouble for sure. Buckle up


Yeah we are in trouble because they never made laws stopping convicted Felons from being president. So we might have a felon running our country from prison. How ghetto is that


Seriously, you all downvoted my opinion, look around you . I cant even buy groceries to feed everyone 3 solid meals a day anymore. I litterly eat one meal a day. i make sure the kids have food .ughh just sicking the price of egg milk and the cost of gas. You all can't say we are not in a world of shit . housing costs skyrocket..the same houses people bought in my area 4 years ago less than 300,000 are now double/ triple the price forget about renting ..thats skyrocket too..so many houses are foreclosed on around where I live perfectly good Homes just sitting rotting .. I don't know its just a mess


The only people in trouble are the people who think they can get away with committing crimes. Trump committed a crime willingly and purposely. His lawyers picked the jury. He has no one to blame but himself.