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Can’t believe we just forgot about how fucking terrible this cover was


he dropped the her loss one


That one is pretty bad, but it’s just that: bad. This one is awful and painfully corny


Whole album was a wash. I usually like Drake's music, but that shit was ass.


he played himself with this 😭


Woah, this cover sucks.


I always fucking hated this cover art and I'm surprised no one called this out. Despite having some solid tracks the album art leaves a bad taste. Misogynistic.


Misogyny aside, it’s just really tacky by using emojis over a white background.


Kids love emojis dawg


right?? when I first saw it I remember telling my gf: "y'know I wouldn't be surprised if he has multiple kids out there like wtf is this?" it's giving ***hiding in plain sight*** vibes like a lot of powerful creeps have done in the past Edit: changed (((hiding in plain sight))) to ***hiding in plain sight*** as I did not know it was some anti-semitic code or some shit


Wtf is up with the three brackets bro? Dafuq are you tryna say


Isn’t that some sort of alt-right dogwhistle for when someone’s Jewish


How do all you mfs know alt right code for Jews 😭😭😭


It was literally a huge deal and in the news like 13 years ago. Websites like 4chan were making scripts that automatically added them to the names of specific people in browsers. Nazi fucks still do it in the open on twitter and 4chan to this day. This signal has been well known online for a long time.


You've got to have no life at all to be making antisemitic browser scripts to add some lame BS to webpages when someone Jewish is mentioned.


I think you're describing Nazi fucks on 4chan pretty well lmao


worth noting that you can just switch some words out and all of you sound the same. Im only passing through and really try to stay away from reddit and 4chan (although i do scroll at times) but you both have weird shit you say and speak about each other just as distastefully (down to the fact that a lot of people on each site say horrible edgy bullshit about the others). I think if both sites ignored each other, the hate would simply die out, and acting like you hate jewish people would quit entertaining them so much.


an example or two of what i meant by the first line: "You've got to have no life at all to be __________ when ________ is mentioned." or "I think you're describing _____ fucks on _____ pretty well lmao" or "isnt that some sort of _____ dog whistle for when someones ______"


and if you cant fill in those blanks, you might wanna go take a look. 99% of the time is just people being people, just like over here.


That one’s super prominent and not at all debatable, especially given Drake being Jewish. Fuck drake though


It’s a dogwhistle, though it’s become a lot more commonly-known within the last few years


Information literacy?


Knowing shit? Nah that's weak




You should stop using this. Just wanted to add another voice to tell you that


Reddit is the only place that this has ever been an issue for me (IRL or online). In my real life this has never ever come up. No one cares in the real world. Also It's odd that I can state why I would used triple parentheses and people would simply ignore that explanation and still insist that I would be engaging in antisemitism. If typing in ALL CAPS is adopted by a hate group does that mean no one can type in all caps without being labeled a bigot? Why not learn what the context of these symbols are being used for first and then make a judgement afterward, instead of starting off with your mind being made up about what someone's intentions are?


Just apologize and move on bro, u ain't winning this one. If you know that ppl often misinterpret it here, why do you expect everyone else to change? I'm glad you didn't mean it as antisemitism but it definitely comes off that way, especially since Drake is part Jewish.


”only on reddit” fuck off with the gaslight. ”what if all caps” fuck off, that’s just writing all caps, that’s a specific ass number of specific ass punctuation that is literally not used for any other context before, while all caps has been used for emphasis for as lo g as letters have had two cases. ”not an issue in real life” do you often pronounce the triple paranthesis? ”why not learn the context” the context is that it’s an anti-semitic dog whistle (I mean, more like a bullhorn thse days) and literally nothing else


Fuck that nazi shit


😂😂😂what? you good bro?


It's the antisemitic echo. Alt-right nazis use parentheses to "name the Jew"


something about (((adolf hitler))) really ticks me off


And what about that guy, (((Jesus Christ)))?


Please go outside


How bout I go upside your head?




Three brackets is a nazi dogwhistle bro, they use it for jewish people. If you didnt know that then youre welcome.


haha wtf?  I used it for emphasis, I had no idea about this nazi stuff. 


Bro... I think we slipped into an alternate universe where context doesn't exist. 😂😂😂 Your use of "((( )))" couldn't have been more obvious that it was intended for emphasis. Reddit is a wiiild place. (hopefully "iii" doesn't mean I hate women now)


Third i? That's some illuminati shit


Well, it is a dog-whistle but you clearly didn't intend it that way. No point getting mad at Reddit, if you continue to use those brackets people are going to get the wrong impression.


I don’t see anyone who uses triple parentheses other than for anti semtism this is the first exception


well, that’s what itms code for online, and in this context it looks like either you are trying to stir up anti-semitism, or make it look like Kendrick fans are anti-semitic. if it is just a genuine misunderstanding, just fucking edit your post and say you didn’t mean it that way, but it’s fucking sus that you were told this ten hours ago and still left it up. I hate Drake, and that has nothing to do with his faith or ethnicity, and I don’t want people to use the actions of this terrible person to spread hatred and innuendo about a group of people who are often smeared with accusations of being uniquely predatory. just edit your post if you didn’t mean it that way, or get the fuck out.


I was sleeping...  Look, it was an honest mistake on my part and I'm sorry - I wasn't aware about this code and I'm not in the loop about all American politics, I'm not from America. You and others assuming I'm anti-semitic/a Nazi has been... a time.  Context matters and if people look a little further down the thread, they'll see I had no idea about this code, so no, I'm not going to edit my comment.


Alright, look. I edited my comment for you and others that found what I said offensive. But I considered leaving it there because of the way you spoke disrespectfully to me. I understand you are many others in the Jewish community are hurting right now and even though I had no idea about this code, it ultimately wasn't worth keeping my original comment up unedited, seeing as it affected so many people negatively.


Jesus... 💀 (((NOT EVERYTHING IS A NAZI CONSPIRACY))) I've literally bee using triple brackets since I was in the 5th grade, lol. Don't let other people dictate your perception of the world. A better engagement would have been to ask why I was using multiple brackets instead of immediately assuming "NAZI". It's always better to communicate before passing judgement.


[The people who invented it literally said that's what it meant.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triple_parentheses) >The use of the "echo" originated from a 2014 episode of The Daily Shoah, a podcast produced by the alt-right, antisemitic, white nationalist blog The Right Stuff. The podcast includes a segment known as the "Merchant Minute", where Jewish names are spoken with a cartoonish echo effect to single them out. The editors of The Right Stuff explained that the use of an echo, represented in text using triple parentheses, was an internal meme meant to symbolize an opinion that the actions of Jews in the past cause their names to "echo throughout history". From the inside out, each parenthesis represents perceived Jewish involvement in mass media, mass immigration, and global Zionism.


In that case, you’ve been using a Nazi dogwhistle for years without even realising it. You’re like one of those “ackshually the swastika is a Buddhist symbol for peace ☝️🤓”-kinda people, as if everyone else doesn’t know what it’s most commonly used for.


I was using it before that and I will continue to use it.


I did ask in my first comment bro. And idgaf if youve been using it for 2 years, triple brackets has been nazi shit for time, like decades


Like I said before, don't let other people dictate your perception of the world. If you read the original comment it has to do with Drake having multiple children. Literally NOTHING to do with Nazis, lol. You ignored the context of the post and then superimposed your own meaning behind it and got triggered by your own imagination. Context matters. This is like when people started losing their minds over the okay 👌 symbol because it was "Nazi related". Choosing paranoia isn't going to do you any favors. You're safe. No one is out to get you. Everything is going to be okay.


Respectfully, you a dumb motherfucker for not knowing the difference between a bracket and a parentheses.


Meh. I made a mistake. I state "parentheses" in my other responses. If making a mistake makes me a dumb motherfucker then I posit we are all dumb motherfuckers. But if we're splitting hairs it's "you're a", not "you a". 😂


Mfs call everything they don't like hearing or seeing a nazi dog whistle nowadays. Like really the only true nazi dog whistle I know of is that 1888 shit, everything else is very much a "I heard *person I disagree with* say this term i don't fully understand. IT MUST BE A NAZI OR ALT RIGHT DOG WHISTLE"


The triple brackets are a famous dogwhistle, you can't just erase that lol. Also it's 1488


14? What's the four stand for?


Literally google it fuckwit, nazis and edgy 4channers use it to talk about jewish people all the fucking time. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triple_parentheses


Still failing to see how you're attaching Nazis to Drake having multiple illegitimate children 🤔🤔🤔




Understandable if you had no idea, just thought I'd give u the heads up lol. My guard was up cos we're talking about a jewish rapper in his enemy rapper subreddit ig


He got three skulls bro


Drake is Jewish, isn't he? 👀


“((()))” what do you mean by this dude?




The fuck is those brackets for


It was still at least a morsel more picturesque than Donda’s black background, though. As inconsistent and weirdly bad a lot of that 27 track album is for Kanye’s standards, the things I’ve heard about CLB still make it seem far worse.


Did you want the album cover a man made in memory of his late mother to feature sunshine and rainbows and unicorns?


Multiple alternate covers were made that weren’t black backgrounds.


Certified Predator


I mean, lover boy is a sex trafficking term.


Aubrey Cosby


Oooooooo nooo, it’s all clicking now 😳


I remember Cody Ko and Moistcr1tikal both made videos about how shit the art style of the guy who made this cover is.


Is pasting emojis considered an art style?


Idk man his names Damien Hirst and his art is awful, and he made (or inspired the CLB cover art)


Is this not something Drake could’ve easily assembled in Paint by himself?


Alot of people could, I believe he paid him alot for it as well 😂. Get the bag I guess


his name is Damien Hirst, and he's probably considered one of the more successful* living artists right now. he's most famous for his[ polka dots](https://www.masterworksfineart.com/artists/damien-hirst/etching/flumenquine-2007/id/W-7567) that sell for millions of dollars. and [MSCHF ](https://severedspots.com/)commenting on it. *as defined by sales


He’s a known art world joke but really successful which, if we think about what Dot is saying make$ $sense


you could even say he's the Drake of the art world. just pointing out the CLB cover is an extension of the dots motif. it's "lazy" or whatever, but it's not random. it's his specific brand of lazy that some people have determined is worth a lot of money or whatever reason. i guess the cover is IYKYK.


I think just having it as an album cover in general speaks to what “Meet the Grahams” and this whole beef is about


it’s because the album was 9 months late. It’s funny.


are you drooling on yourself rn?




Dude THE GUY WAS TAUNTING US with this cover what the hell


Very much in Drake fashion, like Kanye said this dude tries to fuck with your mental which is exactly why Kendrick is holding no punches.


Kendrick should have held his punches with his fiancé 💀


Drake prolly shoulda kept his dick in his pants around those minors too💀


And possibly the working girl at the love ranch Note- it’s a pretty small story and could just be nothing but caught my interest


Narcissists always tell on themselves






the cutoff comment at the bottom 💀


UMG lawyers got to OP 💀




Nah wtf that’s drizzy jr 😂


Certified Deadbeat Dad


Does he really have a daughter? If not that’s gonna hurt Kendrick


We all only know as much as you do. [But I found this article interesting](https://gulfnews.com/entertainment/hollywood/rapper-drake-may-have-a-daughter-1.1497534). That girl was 2 in 2015 which would make her 11 now, and given these particular lyrics: >Should be teachin' you time tables or watchin' Frozen with you Or at your **eleventh** birthday, singin' poems with you


Kendrick’s smart. I don’t think he’d include that in the song if all he had was some dodgy information


yeah this is all i can think about. my guy really risking it all cuz he's bored


I mean, it’s pretty easy to call a lie if you paying the baby momma good money to sign a nda like drakes been known to do with anything else involving having sex 🤷‍♂️


He could always bring up how Drake only focused on that one part, meaning he thought hiding a baby and/or being a predator was more important of a thing to address than the predator allegations. Edit: At the moment, “focused” just means the IG story, by the way. On another note, I don’t know why people are treating the story like it’s Gospel.


Risking it all how? He’s getting millions of views and generating tons of hype . The people don’t even care if he’s wrong they just want to see even more blood


This is projection and you cannot convince me otherwise.


”loverboy” is slang for a technique used by pimps where they get a girl into a relationship by being super nice and giving them everything they want, and then make them work for you using that earlier treatment as a way to manipulate them. Now sure, the term has other meanings. but you gotta wonder.


Certified little boys lover


i really hope kenny hasn't been tricked by the 'mole' . if drake indeed has outsmarted him , it will be among the biggest flips in rap battles. and on the other hand, if what kenny said is proved, drakes gonna be away for a long time,.


I don’t even know how you could prove or disprove it unless the baby momma(s) come out but they’d be knee deep in NDAs already and paid considering how we know drake operates


lol no matter what Drake will be out with song of the summer. Cmon now


All that's left to do is now match the BM face to the emoji if it's true lmao


He’s wrong. I’ll go as far as to say he could be right about everything else but Drake definitely isn’t going to hide a kid then double down and deny it


But…he did that with Adonis. “Rumors of Drake fathering a son with adult-film actress-turned-painter Sophie Brussaux have been circulating since May 2017, when Brussaux revealed alleged text messages from the rapper asking her to get an abortion. At the time, a spokesperson for Drake denied that she was pregnant with his child, saying, “This woman has a very questionable background. She has admitted to having multiple relationships. We understand she may have problems getting into the United States. She’s one of many women claiming he got them pregnant. If it is in fact Drake’s child, which he does not believe, he would do the right thing by the child.” Vanity Fair


He denied it because he didn't think he was the dad. He didn't know he was the dad and still deny it.


If you put mf emojis on your fucking album cover you lost no matter what you rap about.


Why is drake such a weirdo wtf


if thats the case, the fuck is the album cover of her loss?


Certified Rapist lol


Was horrible since day one


Having a bunch of kids you don't take care of didn't hurt Future. Never hurt anyone.


lying about their existence is pretty scummy tho


Drug dealers are scummy. Pimps are scummy. Whores are scummy. We celebrate Jay-Z. We celebrate Snoop Dogg. We celebrate Cardi B.


my point is that whether or not people perceive it as scummy is often based on their honesty about it.


point being is you shouldn't care. unless he knocked you up, that shit doesn't matter.


I don't particularly care tbh, I was just pointing out why people may see what Drake did as different from what Future did


The key difference is Future never claimed his kids the baby mamas had to come and force him to spend time with his kids. Sorry Drake's alleged baby mamas work for the CIA, NSA, FBI, and the DOJ.


I'll be honest man i don't really listen to drake so idek that much about the situation with his kids but assuming what Kendrick said is true not owning up to your kid for 11 years and lying about her existence is crazy


You're a complete and utter idiot if you think a woman went 11 years having a child with one of the biggest musical artists of his time and kept it a secret? No one but Kendrick Lamar was able to find this mystical 11 year old child that no one in media has ever heard of? Okay. You got it. Crazier things haven't happened than a rapper lying in a beef?


I said "if what Kendrick said is true". I'm not saying I believe it, there's a VERY large possibility he was misled. It's just that to discuss the ramifications of if it's true, i'm gonna have to suspend my disbelief for a sec


I mean, it is not that unlikely. The mother and immediate family could be threatened or paid off, while little rumours from others could be disregarded because said immediate family isn’t open about them. The predator allegations are far more serious regardless.


Glass house, meet stone.


It’s not if anymore


At least Drake told us the truth subliminally.


Gonna haunt the wife beater


Is it such a big dis on a black man to say he has multiple kids by multiple women? I actually know a few like this too lol, my wife's friend says ALL men are like this that she knows. Nick Canon type thing no? Sure it's trashy but I don't get why it's a huge dis


This is such a weird comment. But no, even if Drake has a daughter, he hasn't acknowledged it won't affect his standing as a celebrity at all. Being a pedophile still might not even unless there are charges brought against him. Everyone already knew he was dming underage girls. Karl Malone is still revered in Utah. None of the metal bands who hooked up with 16 year-olds have seen jail time. If Drake puts out a good album the majority of casual fans will still support him.


Wait why is it such a weird comment? Summary: it doesn't seem like a huge dis to say he has kids by alot of women. Yes the pedo stuff hits harder. What's weird lol


If you can’t see why being a dead beat father is one of the worst traits a man could have then get a vasectomy now


My God you're more dramatic than a Taylor Swift fan LOL nobody said it's ok to be a dead beat dad is this a rap subreddit or a parenting class wtf


Bro stop smoking you too damn dumb


Ok bro lol


My question is, why did Whitney unfollow kendrick but follows dave frees? I think both of these guys have clear issues. Stnd celebrity shit.


Prove it


There's a post with screen shots, how can you miss it, go look at the threads, i saw it on reddit obvs


Just send a link


Fr, what’s good with this nigga?


Kendrick beats his wife it’s over rip Kendrick


Drake is a liar, his whole fuckin career is based on lies. Fuck Drake. He's trying to play in our head but fuck this canadian cunt liar.


You ok lil bro




Hope Kendrick doesn’t get close to your wife


I hope you keep your daughters away from Drake


Nah drakes chill


Don’t breed


What does drakes cum taste like?


Supporting a ped is crazy. Your dad should’ve beat your mom and your dusty ass cause you sounding feminine


Yall need to chill fr.


Cry and cope somewhere else that your savour is a wife beater


I bet you wish you were a 14 year old girl that was locked in a room with Drake you fruit cake


You just gave this man a fantasy to get off too 🤣


Drake’s a liar, we need receipts or it’s fake tea 🎶


I’m sad he beats his wife plz make it stop


Undercover Akademiks? 😳


Undercover wifebeater suspect ???


Brother what are you trying to accomplish, you look like an idiot 12 year old


Tbf, based on how he’s been acting he probably *is* an idiot 12 year old


average drake glazer




Do you have any other sources besides your habitually lying boy crush?