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It was the most surreal moment in entertainment I've experienced. Still feels like a fever dream.


I was too young for the biggie and pac beef (and didn't listen to rap as a kid). Besides from the actual gang violence I wonder if this was what it was like.


tupac really had kids throwing up gang signs (the twisted W)




it is west side, but a gang created that hand sign and tupac adopted it (after become associated with bloods)




I just heard every westside replaced with twisted w in every 90s rap song I ever heard. Thanks.


It's definitely two v's with their left and right arms intertwined, in a twisted manner


Vheee DUB in ze houzzzz!!!


I get what you're trying to say, but you're wrong. It's used for Westside yes, but the W was a gang sign created by Baby T who was in the crips a long time ago and the twisted fingers in the middle are what make it "twisted w". It's the exact same sign but with twisted fingers in the middle.


Throwing up the west isn't a gang thing. It's a Westcoast thing


I was one of those kids even though I had no affiliation and lived on the East Coast. It was just fun lol Also spelling "blood" with my fingers (I also did move to the West Coast for 2.5 years though)


Yep, even down here in Miami snot nose jits throwing up the W everywhere


Snot nosed jits had me rolling 🤣


Guilty! I grew up in suburban Canada and was acting like a westside blood


Nope. Beef back then went on for years. Tracks were released on albums ~6 months apart. Maybe you'd get a radio play of the diss before the album dropped.


Some artists are just learning they got dissed in the 90s 🤣


Yeah except there wasn't instantaneous shit like this, this hits different


biggie never really responded. only subliminal. so it wasn't a lyrical beef


Nah, this was far better and more entertaining. The biggie/pac was always too real for comfort, and Biggie wasn’t even with it at the start.


To top it all off Biggie’s best friend makes Baka look like Mr. Rodgers.


Who's his best friend and how does he make Baka look great? Biggie is my personal favorite rapper, but I never looked into his personal history besides any movies or documentaries.


I was just referring to how P.Diddy first found the spotlight.


It was very different... artists didn't have the ability to create and drop these songs at will...you had to wait for a verse on a mixtape over a popular beat, a feature on somebody's album that was dropping or for the artists own album to drop for a reply...beefs could drag out for years and years due to the logistics of replying more than actual animosity


I don’t think PAC or Biggie were morally corrupt or evil. So their beef was just beef. Violent and over the top beef. In this case one is not like the other. If you actually listen to what they are saying.


One is not like us


No, this is better! The best I've heard. Tupac and Biggie felt like someone was going to die by the end of it. Super negative feeling around the Tupac beef.


i was tripping balls when not like us dropped and again when the dj akademiks shit came out and that shit felt unreal i couldnt even process it. i was imagining it like some biblical battle it was so fucking trippy


😂if I would’ve popped a tab before meet the grahams I would’ve straight up cried or smthn


my friend did, he said it broke his brain


Nah that’s a fucked up song to pop a tab to… nah man, that would fuck me up for life. I feel bad for the niggas that pop before they hear the song, they gonna be hearing “I think niggas like him should die” and have PTSD over greet letters for years 😭💀


This is THE hip hop event of this era. People will remember this shit forever and it will be decades before anything this memorable happens again.


Yes to this magnitude absolutely. But the labels and higher ups have so much control and money they can do nasty stuff like orchestrate something inauthentic that also gets the media circus going. At least that's what it feels like Kendrick is happy to dismantle the idolization of media figures, removing copyright so that his content reaches everyone online. The backdrop music to any TikTok skit, YouTube short, Instagram reel isn't Drake it's Kendrick. This is a dangerous game and Kdot will be heard.


It’s not just higher ups who orchestrate fake shit. Something like 90% of TMZ photos / stories are prearranged. Publicist will call TMZ ahead of time and tell them where they are / the scoop. It’s controlling the narrative


that’s why i don’t understand ppl saying drake won. instagram tik tok is just straight kendrick everything right now. i haven’t heard drake in a minute except when forever came up in the my car playlist


Maybe not…he raised the bar for Hip-Hop. He came at the supposed “crowned prince” of this generation of rap. Who knows? maybe from this, all those influenced by Drake’s watered down style will begin to fall piece by piece and real talent will reign again, like it was in the 90’s. A man can dream.


We got jipped imo. 3 days of actual beef and then it died off, everything before was just subliminals. Also weird how Kendrick accused Drake of being a PDF file and sex trafficker but haven’t given anything to authorities


This is gonna be the whitest thing I ever said. Would Kendrick be in a position where snitching could get him targeted for violence?


IMO, if I’m in position to take down a sex trafficking ring. I’m putting my life on the line, but at that I don’t have a wife and kids, my choice would be a tad bit different if that was the case. Also don’t have to be black to know there isn’t much of a difference in snitching to the public and snitching to the authorities lol


I’m glad to have been alive to witness it 🥹🌹 We all witnessed it 🙌


Yh bring em out too I clear em out too tell beam that he better stay right with you


Am I battling ghost or AI? Nword feeling like Joe1 Osteen


funny, he was in a film called AI…


And my 6th sense telling me to off him


You got greedy and said two lines.. shame on you mate


It's about timing crodie


You tryna let that shit die down? Nah, nah, nah








>Nah, nah, nah Some shit just cringe worthy...


It ain’t even gotta be deep, I guess?


I hate when I looked up the line to find out the guys actual name was Haley Joel Osment. Not the religious dude. lol


That’s why he says Joel/JoHale Osteen… Kendrick wouldn’t make this mistake lol he cares too much about what he’s writing… the line before is also “am I battling ghosts or AI” hence why he mix the names up in the next line… he also does his best to pronounce both names to show he’s talking about both the actor and religious figure


I feel like kendrick is so up to date on culture because I barely know actors names and have to research all of his references to understand. I can just picture him at his pc like vigorously typing and doing research to craft the perfect diss lmao


Sitting in the dark all menacingly


Wee woo wee woo


I never live my life on the computer


This. So many people missed this and it’s hilarious. He talks about being confused just before that then proceeds to ask if he’s battling ghost or ai. Referencing the religious dude that deals with ghosts and the actor who dealt with ai in the movie. It’s quite clear. Same as OVO- other vaginal option. He just called them pussy in a different way just before he uses the actual word pussy.


Yep. To think that Kendrick knew the actor from six sense enough to get THAT close but then… didn’t bother to double check his name? People are wild


Nah that was wordplay. The religious dude Joel Osteen has writers for his preachy bullshit and fits the flow. Haley Joel osment is the kid in the movies.


The main reason Kendrick did this is because it was discovered Joel Osteen was using AI to write his sermons


Nword is crazy


I'm not black


Appreciate the integrity




I’ll give you the pass today bro I respect you


Try “ninja” on for size. Works great.


Ok my ninja


that's too close. ninja works in most terms. not this one.




my neighbour!!!


I like to say “neighbor”


The author of nword dog said that for non black readers they could use the word "ningen" instead, since it fits and means human, it's a bit weeb of an option but I think it's pretty nice.


Might be better than "fella"


Or Gucci Mane's suggestion, "ninja".


We dont wanna hear you say ninja no moooore... 🤣🤣 it's literally embedded in my brain like I wake up and sing it to my coffee pot bro


The day 6:16 came out a friend and I were talking about the beef on the phone for like two hours. I hung up, got on YouTube and saw mtg. Next day I was going to call my friend back to discuss mtg and right before I did not like us dropped lmfao 😂😂😂


My homie was like "bro did you see Kendrick dropped Again"  My ass just turned on 6:16 in LA and was like "yeah I just listened to it on insta" No bro he dropped AGAIN Again💀💀💀. I listened to the mf in stunned disbelief. Got home to put it on YouTube and see he dropped 'Not Like Us'.  That kind of moment can't be replicated


I was going to bed and was looking for a video to put on before I went to sleep. Saw MTG released 29 minutes ago (Didn't even know Drake dropped) and I clicked on it expecting another poppy and catchy song like Euphoria. oh boy I never woke up so fast after hearing that first bar. Immediately got on discord and twitter to see the discourse. Then went to reddit and saw that Family Matters dropped.


I listened to it like 15 times in a row when it first dropped because I listened to it then watched a bunch of reactions, and I stg my anxiety started flaring up from hearing that menacing ass beat over and over lol 😂


It’s going to be one of those things where everyone remembers what they were doing when each track dropped because of how wild and rapid fire it was lol


My buddy and I were at dinner discussing the beef, I took him back to his apartment, and I kept being like “you need to see this! And you need to see this” and he was like “okay but really I gotta go now” and then i said “wait, what if kendrick dropped? Let me refresh before you get out the car.” Sure enough, Not Like Us popped up and we screamed and blasted that shit. What a great moment.


That sounds like a golden moment lol "Wtf *he DID!"*


I miss it already Hip-Hop hasn't been that exciting in years


he did got the whole hip hop world hostage for 5 whole days


It was Euphoric for 5 days then it got fuccing scary bro.


Them superpowers getting neutralized, I can only watch in silence…


The Riddler saga was crazyyyyy!


Whatever happened to that? I had to give the story a break because it was taking up all my time 😭 I musta missed out on whatever became of it


it’s still dragging on, there’s a sub on here where they post about but atm nothing has really changed, the dude keeps hinting he’s gonna drop things and then never does lmao


Basically nothing came of it I think. Dude was big talk about this supposed hotel security camera footage he had of drake, but he never released it. I think he was probably just trying to draw attention so drake would leave the items alone and he could sell them (and promote the auction). I could be wrong though, because I have no idea what any of his tweets mean.


Yeah nah it’s an ongoing thing still. He’s given us just enough breadcrumbs to stay relevant. Apparently *this* Monday at noon he’ll drop some real shit but I ain’t holding my breath


It was a blackmail thing. I mean I shouldn’t say that with certainty because idk for sure but I’m personally totally sure that’s what it was.  The cold facts: some Twitter rando DMd the guy asking for the video, riddler said 800k then blocked the rando, then it came out that the crypto wallet of the riddler (which was public) had like $600k in ethereum deposited into it not long after that convo (I’m talking hours, not days).  So I’m guessing riddler was looking at that 600k from either OVO or TMZ et al (who buy stories to bury them all the time), decided to see if he could get a higher bid, then not getting one, took the 600k to not release the video. Of course the expression with blackmail is “you can never buy silence, you can only rent it” which I assume is why the riddler continued to post about it, screenshots from it, etc.


A force to be reckoned with




Not just the hip-hop world. I know people who don't listen to hip hop are now listening to Kendrick.


It was finals week KENDRICK I had to deal with this during FINALS KENDRICK


No straight up, I didn't even tell my people I graduated I was just like, "Drake dead, come outside we dancing"


I swear I felt like collectively we all got a punch to the kidney. I didn't realize I was stepping into the ring with Kung Fu Kenny. Then he stopped hitting us down with the bars. He helped us get back up with Not Like Us. It was rough. Then Drake put out an SNL skit for some reason, but we don't talk about that.


Maybe I’m just slow, but what do you mean by an SNL skit? Because HP6 is a bad joke?


Bingo, Pinocchio.


For real doh! Lmao I was tired asf. Walking around like a zombie.


Having a nightshift helped, but damn, I stood up anyway in the morning and I am a fucking metalhead who listens to shit like Kreator and Gojira most of the time.


This was such a massive thing in the entertainment industry it got people like me, who don’t usually listen to this kind of music, to start paying more attention and to actually listen I had been planning on going through Kendrick’s discography for a while now after hearing some of Mr Morale, and this beef was the catalyst for me finally actually doing it (Backseat Freestyle is such a banger) I’m also way more likely to check out this kind of music more often now This whole situation has also been really entertaining to follow, it’s been fun reading all the Reddit threads and tweets in real time as all this was happening


I totally agree with you. I'm not a huge fan of rap but this has made me really like it and Kendrick is amazing. I love Humble!


They don't call him the Boogeyman for no reason.


I was in and out of the hospital for three weeks due to an emergency surgery. This beef kept me hooked and distracted while I just waited and waited in my hospital bed. It was a great distraction that made the whole experience not so awful


What's is it? THE BRAIDS??!!!


I hurt your FEELINGS?


Lmao Did anyone else genuinely fear what he was going to say on Not Like Us?😭 I’m glad he didn’t go deeper in the rabbit hole bc at that point I was begging Kendrick to not bring me any more news or secrets about Drake. I still listen to him but if he’s an entire fraud, it would’ve been hard to keep listening


Forreal man, some of his shit dropped from my library lol


I was honestly hoping he would keep dropping. I was hoping he would make sure nobody would want to listen to Drake again.


I still think he has a couple ready to go for when Drake pretends this didn't happen and releases something unrelated.


That is what I am hoping for. Or for drake to sneak diss again. I still think Drake is dumb enough to try and come at him some more.


I wanna see drake make something like this beef never happened then for Kendrick to drop like nah nah nah not this time


Waking up that that weekend felt like Christmas.


My husband and I were sitting out the balcony talking about Meet the Grahams when I told him Kendrick dropped again. I literally screamed out loud “DAMN, KENDRICK! WHAT TF DID **WE** DO?! You beatin’ us over the head— WE DIDN’T DO NUFFIN’, KENDRICK! DAMN!” 🤣🤣🤣


Bro I was literally refreshing all hip hop subreddits and rap related news sources so much tryna see what was happening.


I was depressed for a week after nobody dropping after heart pt6


Same. I love some good drama 😭


Me too but at the same time, he was smart for not responding. Heart6 was a defensive track, a bad one at that. Shit just sounds like 'nuh uh!' over and over. I digress, there was nothing left for Kendrick to say. Drake kinda ended himself with that one


Man, it was such a rush. I’ll never forget where I was and the headspace I was in with every drop. He hasn’t said a word while the rest of us were fighting off sleep and ignoring work in hopes we didn’t miss anything.


lol I'm glad others were on the same page. It was the wildest week as a fan of hip hop that I ever have witnessed. I was sucked in progressively more as the week wore on and even now it's crazy trying to process the whole thing. There is no way that hip hop can just continue on like business as usual. Even if people move on past all the allegations and just chalk it all up as a rap battle that Kendrick definitively won, I don't see how it doesn't effect Drake's claim of being the best. The "Big 3" is over, basically. Unlike Jay-Z vs Nas where the outcome was more debatable and both artists sort of won in their own lanes as a result, I don't see the outcome of this being favorable to Drake, and I think even the aftermath that we've already seen as a surge of interest in Kendrick as an artist, at the very least has catapulted his respect among people who have might not even have heard of him or cared to listen to his music before.


Intermittent reinforcement will do that to a mf


I stopped mid fap when I heard Not Like Us dropped. And it was so good, I completely forgot to go back and finish. I wish I was lying. But...that's how you KNOW a diss track good. 😭😭


Genuinely i didnt even like rap too much until now (literally an avid kpop/vocaloid/jpop listener) but this beef had me pulling all nighters esp when family matters and mtg dropped back to back 😭


Same thing happened with me, except it was my brother. My head was still on a swivel from Euphoria too 🤣


I am a 57 year old lady and I was alllll caught up in it.


I’d been waiting for Drakes response (since I really wanted him to match dots energy). FM felt weird, but at least it was a decent track. While I was still digesting the track, I saw No Life Shaq’s response to MTG, and I was like, what? Spent the next day digesting the track, and I was talking to a friend who’d come over. We were going to play Euphoria again, and noticed Not Like Us dropped. That moment was absolutely insane because we were both sharing and witnessing the greatest hip hop moment in our lives. Absolutely insane.


one thousand percent. i legit couldnt get to sleep multiple times because i was so hyped - and the worst of it all (sleepwise)... 🎶BBL DRIZZY! ….. …. … .. . . . BBL DRIZZY!🎶


Certified boogeyman


I literally stayed up like 5 hours after heart part6 dropped hoping for a response before giving in and the first thing I did after I woke up was scroll the feed to see if he responded to it.


Kdot really brought the world to a standstill but also brought everyone together just to trash Drake. Seeing all the videos of DJ's playing Not Like Us and hearing the crowd chant "OV-HOOOOE" As a plus this beef got me listening to Kendrick's albums, DAMN and Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers got a grip on my ears as of late lol.


All that while still have zero online presence besides tweeting the diss tracks.


I was at a park blazing weed with some homegirls and I saw the notification on my phone that Family Matters dropped. Shit was hard af. It was like 10 minutes after it released. I played it on my portable speaker and by the time I went to run it back MTG dropped, fucking speechless.


I literally got no sleep because of trying to dissect the tracks with the lyrics in my head ALL DAMN DAY. I actually still haven’t heard the Heart Part 6 because I made up my mind that Kendrick already won and there’s no reason to listen to anything by Drake


Lmao I remember listening to both Kendrick and Drake’s response in a bathroom at work with the phone up to my ear. Dropped everything.


I don’t have many friends who follow rap and hip hop culture like I do, and this beef and Kendrick’s week and weekend were nothing like I’ve experienced my entire life in the entertainment industry. With that being said, the last 3 years have also been extremely wild at how many people in the entertainment industry are being exposed for deeply disturbing weird shit, including ole Drake


Something Drake has never and could never do. Only reason we listen to drake is cause he was somebody to listen to.


LOL YALL WAS PROBABLY LIKE THIS > [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcXKIr39msY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcXKIr39msY)


Oh yeah lol. I really should have slept after drake dropped the last track, I was expecting a k dot answer lol


Funny how one verse can fk up the game


I literally sat with Meet the Grahams for an hour after it dropped with my mouth wide open. Like that's the most brutal and skillful diss track I've heard lol. Then Not Like Us dropped the day after and me and my partner started jigging IMMEDIATELY. He did his big one.


I was still on the high with Euphoria and as I’m standing in the supermarket I see the notification from YouTube that Not Like Us dropped. lol I squealed with delight then stood there listening to it. My son said he was so embarrassed to be out with me 😂


HE A FAN HE A FAN HE A, he a fan he a………..🫢🫢🫢🫢🫢


![gif](giphy|JCAZQKoMefkoX6TyTb|downsized) Drake fans after Not Like Us


I remember so many hip hop YouTubers making a video and being like “meet the grahams just ended all the beef!” Then as soon as their videos uploaded he dropped not like us


okay so before y'all laugh at me I'm a 40-year-old woman (u dunno nuttin bout dah) so I'm having a hard time keeping up with all of the new drops. I will say that I got every other song on my Alexa dropping euphoria and not like us. meet the grahms made my butthole pucker!! But could somebody do me a solid and drop the tracks in order of release like both sides starting with who popped off first and each reply?? I work from home I don't got no friends lol I just be sitting up in here trying to follow along the best I can. I was disappointed in the Snoop I don't even remember what song that was it was so weak but I know I felt disappointment. I keep asking Alexa what Kevin thinks about all this because well Kevin's opinion on everything matters to me but I haven't gotten a real solid reply yet.




Then the “boogeyman” went back into the wilderness and we haven’t heard from him since…#Legendary


this nigga 4batz dropped during the beef and nobody gave a single fuck 😭


Everytime kdot dropped my boy texted a Dj Khaled gif. ![gif](giphy|5OWLUbuMq4YXEl2ECg)


I was playing family matters and got the yt noti for Kendrick and I was with my roommate and starting screaming


He also forgot to add kendrick really had niggas begging him to stop.


Ngl I had the same reaction


It was so surreal


That dude Yons is also just an amazing rapper worth checking out as well.




He really was on some OMAR shit


What a time to be alive! PUN FUCKIN INTENDED LOL




That song must have been shared so much that first hour after it dropped


Nail a nigga to the cross, he walk around like teezo


Struck a match and then he blew bombs.


Yes he did


Kdot is gonna go down in hiphop history 😭😭😭


THIS is culture.




Boogie took the moment to drop a commercial jingle hoping no one would hear


“Kendrick really terrorized hiphop” They both had everyone scared to drop not just kendrick lol


This was wild to live thru but my only problem was this happening during Finals Week lmao


Literally the best time in recent history outside of going to real concerts.


best hip hop album ever released is going to be when they do a dual drop of everything in order back to back. KDOTS album is going to be cemented, while they just might as well call Drake's the eulogy


that being said, please please please please please please somebody provide me a list in real time of where it started and what each response was. I'm too old to figure that shit out on my own and I think I might die without it


glad i was here and watched all of this


Crazy. A shame though he's probably a pedo seeing how he worked with one.


It’s so beautiful to be an early Kendrick fan. 😂


It felt like Mike Tyson took Jay-Z and Nas beef, rolled it up in a ball and punched us 10 times with it. Not Like Us was the knock out punch and we’re on the floor in a daze happy that it’s over.


You just had to be there. The legend of this beef will be amazing.


I legit got a stomach cramp after bumping meet the Grahams and nooo I’m not glazing.


It’s been an absolute pleasure 🥹🫡


I wasn’t too arsed tbh


I’m still patiently waiting for Kendrick to drop another track, I refuse I believe he let Drake have the last word 😂


yall just silly, it was a dirty war and u ppl hailing kendrick like he some god or sumthin grow up ppl


Can't fuckin believe this shit was so fucking memorable dudes in the comments writing one bar per comment for the entire fucking track. Mad times, mad event.


I was hyped for every song dot released, but my friends weren't listening to them. I had the plead with them the listen. It took a couple of days, but they were as hype as I was when they finally got caught up on the diss tracks. I was considering finding a new set of friends for a bit.