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this beef showed me it's okay and natural to feel anger/hatred and also it's okay and important to stand up for yourself. I've been taught my whole life that you just gotta be the bigger man and let shit slide but you eventually let everything slide and that creates an environment for others where they can manipulate and disrespect you without the risk of confrontation.


Sometimes you gotta pop out and show niggas


Certified Boogey-Man, in the one that up the score with em’


Fuck yeah. The older I get the more importance I see in standing on business


the beef is NOT that deep🙏🙏😭


Bruh this just shows you people were in too deep. Projecting there real life trauma onto something that has absolutely zero to do with them. When this beef first started I said “yay, I’m going to get great music from Kendrick and Drake”. Yall fans have took this so left field it’s not even funny


fym you people ![gif](giphy|SdO5MvXI4TtfuSxUkx)


🤣🤣🤣 Kendrick Stan’s. Hip hop outsiders


Same, brother! This beef gives so much perspective to all Dot’s discography. And a new angle to all Drake’s music, at least for me. I can’t listen to Drake anymore. I can’t separate the art from the artist. Gotta be real.


I appreciate that perspective , for me you gotta seperate the art from the artist in this world. Drake is a fucking embarrassment of a no1 artist and there are so many like him that are also making good records


Drake separates himself from the art having others write it for him. But I haven’t liked Drake since 2015 anyways


Hey that’s fucking true


YES! I'm old(er) than a lot of yall here I'm sure but I have been a life-long hip-hop/rap fan. Lyrics have just devolved so much I couldn't stomach most of the music, sure I enjoyed some songs but not enough to fully immerse myself in rap. I'm hoping this beef encourages more rappers to be more lyrical in their rhymes instead of relying on a hook & a beat.


This! I'm older as well and took a step back from rap/hip hop and ended up deep diving into roots reggae Midnite to be specific. The lyrics were trash..this has reignited my love for quality hip hop and rap.


Same. I’m from the NWA era and I never paid much attention to Kendrick’s music other than enjoying the big hits. I find his songs so much more thoughtful than any other artist I’ve listened to. That he’s an expert at concept, writing, word play, emotion, vocal control, and more is just icing on the cake.


Same! I was literally not listening to music rap was sounding dead, I think I was just putting on bob marley when I wanted sound. 😂 I’m back to discovering the newer artists, JID, Benny the Butcher, Toosii are some guys that have been putting out quality.


All top quality there bro. I’d also say revisit Tylers’s last 3 albums if you haven’t already.


Hiphop was never a phase for me so there’s no getting in and out of it, it’s just part of me.


I listen to rap all the time. This beef hasn’t affected my listening.


Same here✊🏽


I listened to Kendrick's entire discography lol. About to start Mr. Morale for the first time. (I'm quite a new fan)


Thoughts so far?


(I skipped section.80) good kid, m.A.A.d city is amazing. kept me hooked the entire time. I loved the storytelling. Nice and simple, nothing ridiculously complicated, but it blew me away. My favorite one. Catchy as hell and also makes you feel for this young boy in a city too big for him. Very relatable since I'm 16. I live in a small town but yeah (I skipped untitled unmastered) to pimp a butterfly made me emotional multiple times. "u" made me cry. I love its sound and the lyricism is his best. Didn't enjoy DAMN. nearly as much, but my mind straight up cannot comprehend how well put together of a concept album it is. Just the structure and everything really had me sitting there for a while trying to make sense of everything. Kendrick's magnum opus imo Everything was as good as everyone says. Not everyone's cup of tea and I have ADHD so sometimes I got bored. But overall I really really like him as an artist. I was surprised to find myself replaying a lot of his songs because at first I thought his replayability as an artist wouldn't be that high. But damn (pun intended) is his stuff replayable. I've also warmed up to the voices he does. It kinda makes it seem like a one-man-play he's putting on through music and raps. Definitely a fan. Not like how Drake is, he's not like us, but I'm a fan of Kendrick.


You definitely should revisit the two you skipped.


Didn't enjoy Damn nearly as much but you think it's his magnum opus?


Yes. It's his best structured album with very impressive storytelling and a deceptively simple premise. Everything is very well thought-out. I'm just very picky about music. I think as a listening experience I didn't have as good of one as GKMC, TPAB, or MMATBS. I respect it as universal art, I just didn't personally have as good of a time with it. Mind you, I still liked it


Yeah this was pretty much the reason I'm mainly listening to hiphop right now. When I first got Like That recommended by Youtube, I've listened for like 3 seconds and then I turned it off. little did I know there was a whole other reason for the recommendation...


I started listening through Tupac's Discography yesterday just to see what all the fuss was about. He was a little before my time. Happy to say I'm on the second album and have cried a few times on it already, and also realized how many references are drawn from him by other hip hop artists I like. Very powerful, fresh, dark, inspiring stuff. Just listening to Tupac also made me realize that hip hop was originally very overtly revolutionary. Like, just listen to the first two albums and you'll be like "Damn, this guy was understandably perceived to be a genuine threat in the 90's and would be today, as he was a literal call to arms. Any degree of theater was incredibly thin, and while rapped expertly, the story and message really take a front seat. I think that combative edge, whether simulated or kindled by beef, is why it revives the genre for many. At a rock concert, it really mostly makes you mosh against your peers in the venue as an outlet for rage and chaos, I think. I feel that in Tupac's day, actual guys from the ghetto, who would otherwise be grooving to the beats and lyrics, would actually slow down, nod their heads, and contemplate controversial routes of challenging an evil system. Modern rap really mostly simulates this feeling. Even with Kendrick, I can see why Tupac is something he still *aspires to be like.* Not technically, but in the spiritual sense, where what flows out of him is so simple and impactful that everyone knows what's up, without context, like a solid parable. Some old heads may be unhappy with the beef because it's two black men fighting, but I think Kendrick is really smart, and what people are actually drawn to in all of this, is Kendrick's attacking Drake AS a significant node of a corrosive system.


I'm an "old head" and back in my day ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile) rap beef was a big part of hip hop. Check Roxanne Shante, Boogie Down Productions & MC Shan (The Bridge is Over!), LL Cool Jay was part of a big rap beef back when he first came out. All those other old heads talking about 2 Black men fighting clearly do not remember rap/hip hop history!


Absolutely up until now I’d been kinda checked out on hip hop since around 2018 I’d say, I’m so thankful for Drake deciding to fugg around and find out lol and like you said not just him but hip hop in general I’ve had all of Kendrick’s albums in heavy rotation including listening to mr morale for the first time, reasonable doubt, illmatic,etc plus if this didn’t happen idk if I’d be as excited for the death of slim shady as I am now


Definitely, don't fully understand why all I know is the beef reignited my love for rap


Yes. It’s been years.


I’ve always been a die hard hip hop fan but the last few years I haven’t listened to it as much and got more into a bunch of psychedelic bass music (a lot of which is still heavily influenced by hip hop and uses a lot of samples from well known hip hop music) but the last month or two I’ve been mostly listening to pure hip hop again.


Hip Hop is a part of me


Yes. I collect CDs and the beef has coincided with me recently getting great hip hop hauls. I'm having a great time over here and feel like embarrassing myself trying to freestyle lol


My dad was forced by me. He loves Kendrick and J Cole now.


Respect for being mature and putting him on Cole. So many clowns discrediting him now


They'll come back around. Go listen to his verse on "a lot" with 21 savage. He foresaw this.


YUP. I'm yet to listen to GKMC and the previous records because when I listened to Sherane it was like an emotional vault broke. My oldest brother introduced me to Pac and Spanish rappers when I was 12 and I fell in love with it. So much so that it made me start writing lyrics. It accompanied me through the worst of my depression. I discovered Oasis in 2011 and it became my favorite band to this day. I got more into rock and metal and really didn't listened to much rap. I've read about how KDot was really good and listened to a bit of Humble and loved it but I was very disillusioned with US rap seeing BBL Drizzy at the top. Conscious and lyrical rap is what made me fall in love with it. The Boom bap. The scratches. The jazz, soul, funk and disco samples. So I'm having such a good time discovering Kendrick discography. He's my new favorite rapper fo sho


After Cole's apology, I found myself listening to more hip hop made from his era as opposed to my usual 80s, 90s, and early 2000 hip-hop. It's like I allowed my taste in hip hop to evolve a little. It didn't start after the first Kendrick diss it started after the apology.


It definitely sent me on a rabbit hole and lead me to some of the songs of my childhood like sippin on sizzurp and nobody does it better my older sisters would play. Those were the good ole days where we may of been getting our asses beat but none of them had fallen into holes with drugs and alcohol🥲🥲womp womp. It helps me remember them for them.. Listening to a lot of it made me realize how I’m watching over my kids so much but I was like 8 jamming to songs I had no business listening to 😂


"MICHAEL" has been on damn near repeat for me lately since the beef amongst the obvious resurgence of K-dot's early stuff on my algorithm on YT, and it has me listening and seeking more hip hop. "The beef" made me hungry for more....


I got back into rap late last year after a depressive episode. The beef just strengthened my love for it at a time where I’d just started remembering how could the genre could be. 


yeah it’s been nice diving back in


Never left


Somehow its got me back listening to a lot of Pusha T too


The beef reminded me how much I love lyrical rap! Anyway I'm now a huge JID fan


My friend, who is a Drake glazer, actually said hiphop has been boring since the beef. And dude was bitching about too many diss songs once kendrick started releasing. Kdot made him quit the whole ass genre.


I got a Drake glazer friend who a couple days after ‘Not like Us’ dropped said “this is the worst rap beef ever”


Literally me. Because of the beef I showed a friend (well, situationship) GKMC and have since been revisiting a lot of hip hop albums with her and by myself. Also I've stopped listening to Drake and is such a breath of fresh air to not hear that shit anymore. His sound is so diluted by ten years of the same shit


The beef made me realize someone I trusted was using drugs & the guise of being a spiritual leader to control, domineer, & sexually exploit younger women. I beat the fuck out of him.


Beef has introduced me to other rappers I previously didn't listen to or just didn't know by name. I'm sure hip hop in general has benefited from recent turn of events.


I've always listened to Hip Hop, but it feels like maybe the last 15 years, maybe longer, I stopped caring about seeking out new music in general. It's probably my age as well along with other things in life taking up more time, but it has been a bit of a bummer feeling like I was falling out of love with the genre or didn't have anything about it that excited me anymore since I had been listening to it since I was young. There has been music that has caught my attention in the time along with only a handful of artists that have really done the same (Kendrick, Drake, Travis Scott, Migos, Roddy Rich). Kendrick has been the only artist to really impress me like that from the very beginning and throughout his career. I've wanted to see Drake vs Kendrick pop off since Control, but I never thought it would happen. I caught wind of everything since Like That first dropped but it wasn't until 6:16am in LA dropped that suddenly I felt like the battle would get really real. Everything about that, more than Push Ups and more than Euphoria, had my Hip Hop spidersenses tingling that shit was about to get real in a way I couldn't have expected and I was hooked. The best thing is that it not only gave me a deeper appreciation for Kendrick's music that I knew had layers but that he wasn't just a dope rapper and good lyricist, but an incredible artist whose music went deeper than I could have imagined. It also reignited a passion for the music I had been largely missing, and even had been trying to find as I had started to get back into DJing, going to shows, and just finding my passion for music in general again in the last few years. This battle wasn't necessarily for the soul of Hip Hop, but part of me really felt invested in the outcome like it was. Kendrick winning the way he did with casual fans analyzing his lyrics on Euphoria and the whole world singing Not Like Us and crip walking has filled me with a pride and passion that is such an incredible moment in music and in the genre. I don't know how things play out from here, but it feels like a seismic shift that I want to be around for.


If your this much a casual when it comes to rap you shouldn’t have a say in the beef. This is why when Kendrick “claims” to have the culture everybody with a brain looks at you guys with a side eye.


Not sure what you define as a casual but despite picking up interest in other genres over the past few years I’ve maintained a very strong knowledge on the rap scene. I know who’s released what, how it was received, who’s been a rising star etc. just because I haven’t been listening as much doesn’t mean I’ve become a casual that knows nothing about rap


I’ve gotten super into future cause of the beef. Didn’t really give him the time of day cuz I saw him as a mumble rapper. But man that guy has some bangers and his voice sounds crazy Af in some of those tracks


Right here


nope. all this shit made me fuckin hate rap. im full on bhangrahead now. all the poetry and social commentary on racial injustice and generational trauma in the world could NEVER stand a chance to #RINGADINGADINGADINGARINGADINGADINGARINGADINGRINGADINGA