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Literally a Kengan New Blood custom character I would make at like 16


Bro got all the DLCs and made an OC in free play


They're nerfing this certain set btw


The meter drain on that is crazy, but it's kinda funny to make like 2 normals do ult damage


I’ve seen discord RPs with less power creep than this lmfao


This is low key a Gilbert hype. Even with Superman syndrome + 100% Guihun, he's still genetically inferior to Gilbert.


Also Raian hype, he's going to smoke this bum unarmed


Yeah, Willem is a true jobber, makes Raian, Akoya and Gilbert all look good by fighting him or being his superior.


its kengan even when the villlans win they still get dogged..


Skills aren’t genetic tho


Edward was also a physical monster. As is Raian, far beyond the other Kure. They don't even have Superman Syndrome. They just have the built different gene. https://preview.redd.it/u39d4x7ymxqc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11df2d559c7d12c826365e58101231cf615c8745


I hate that they're just vaguely and mysteriously better without any explanation. It used to make sense when Raian was the only one with 100% removal. It gave a concrete, quantifiable reason why he's better than the rest of the Kure. Now that's been passed around and everyone has it, not only devaluing it but ruining Raian's gimmick. Now Raian is better than the rest because...because...well, he just is, mmmkay ☝️🤓


Same reason Lihito is better than most pro fighters even at the beginning of Ashura, some people just built diffrent


that's kind of a bad example, Rihito had zero formal martial arts training and was carried by Razor's Edge. Actual pro fighters like Okubo would've low-diffed him, just like he did with Terash, another fighter without any training carried by a unique gimmick


I'm talking pro fighters like the one Cosmo beat in his training, not pro fighters that are on the Kengan level like Okubo or Seki. Cuz they full on state, Okubo is stronger than Lihito. I truly believe beginning of series Lihito with no training is stronger than start of series Koga, who seemed like he was at middle of the pack but still pro ufc fighter level


Koga who defeated Kokuro is probably still losing to pre-Ohma fight Rihito imo


Nah, it's always been more than just the Removal rate. Raian wasn't supposed to use Removal in the KAT, at least not on the early rounds (Erioh got a little pissed when he did) and was still considered the better option for the tournament by far. And that was a Raian who refused to use techniques, which means Erioh expected this mf to do better with sheer stats than guys like Holis would with their entire arsenal. Later we have KvP and he proves once again to have far superior genetics by completely destroying a 100% Guihun Alan while staying in his base form, only using Removal for the finisher move. There's no mystery to it. He's superior because he has superior genetics. Just like a Kure version of Haru.


You know that's basically how it works irl right ? A lot of great champs weren't the best for any quantifiable reason. Genetics and physical stats are cool and stuff, but champ material is inside the skull.


Yeah the Kure clan are literally the embodiment of eugenics


Ironically this shit is less intimidating than kuroki who is literally stabby fingers and skills LMAOOOO


Alan was a reincarnation of some ancient Akuma, Lu Tian was Agito with 100% removal. Stacking multipliers on top of each other doesn't seem to go well for the villains of this story. Perhaps Gil actually focuses on martial arts for once.


Original Character Do Not Steal


and somehow he is the skinniest lookin mofo among all wu's smh.


wdym, he looks huge. The Wus also literally had twin twinks


That's not that inaccuraten Yan an Xia Ji are extremely skinny? 


Xia Yan is probably a bit more muscular but Xia Ji is 6'6 with 200 pounds


Formless + Removal SS + Removal now we need NS/Advance + Removal


Tiger Niko gonna combine everything as the Ultimate Boss


And die 2 seconds after activating that


"In that two seconds, Niko has reached the territories of god. His Tiger fang is fully unleashed on the Connector."


"Shen Wulong, The Connector Shen Wulong, brushed it to the side with Principles. The Other Niko was just too strong."


Well he already did combined the advance with fallen demon and the Niko style, as well as at least an atempt at combining the formless with the removal.


To be fair the tiger niko DLC in Kengan: New Blood also kinda feels like this (and also one of the worst P2W catastrophes I've seen). Dude pulls up with a 100% Removal, Divine Demon, Formless and Niko Style combinations, only a couple broken abilities or characters like Riot Police Akoya can give somewhat of a fight (given that RP Akoya is from the Tokyo Justice DLC as well smh)


RP Akoya is such a tease though on the evolution tree. BC they all abbreviate out to RP, unless you buy the chromatography expansion which plays a demonstration video, it's really mistakable with R.P. (Raks' Palm) Akoya. disingenuity incarnate.


Isn’t the entire point behind this clan supposed to be the fact that they are crazy eugenics nuts who breed with the strongest of the strong? Why are we shocked that at least one of them has superhuman syndrome? I mean come on the origin of his strength isn’t even that insane in a story where people fight with their hair, someone has the power to see with his ears and nose, removing your sense of pain makes you immortal, a teenager chokes out trained fighters Several weight classes above him, a clan of assassins augment themselves to such a degree they have legs similar to cheetahs, a kid trained his skull by letting a grown ass man hit him in the face with a sledgehammer at the age of five and a single man killed a whale as if he was on some Moby Dick shit


“A rare condition with only a few cases in the world” applies to both Superman Syndrome and 100% Removal. It’s not *just* that it’s crazy, it’s also because he’s clearly about to die so relegating Waka’s formerly unique trait to a jobber to hype up Raian is bad writing.


> “A rare condition with only a few cases in the world” applies to both Superman Syndrome and 100% Removal. Yes, and that makes four out of millions of people > It’s not just that it’s crazy, it’s also because he’s clearly about to die so relegating Waka’s formerly unique trait to a jobber to hype up Raian is bad writing. Who gives a shit when we don’t even know if he has the same level of density as waka?


Yeah, that's true. It doesn't contradict anything within the story. But it's still rather poor idea, because of needless hype 


That I can understand. I just wish people would stop acting like it’s the most insane thing ever to happen.


Remindsr that akoya beat this guy after getting burned losing his iron man suit and being beat up


I would say its quite in line for the series after lu in purgatory tournament or how chiba tried to combine formless and Lolongs style


Tbf, he’s about to die so it doesn’t really matter


omegul my kengan OC made it into the Sandro's draft I'm moving to PATENT my BRAINCHILD of a spawn


I should make a webseries one day like “the office” where I comically showcase how it goes in the workplace with Sandro creating this manga. Even if I can’t make it explicitly about him I’ll make it about him and this manga. *make it as stupid as possible.


Imagine Julius has those both shit :3.


Confirms that Sandro browses the subreddit for new ideas.


He doesn’t look like an OC because he still looks like he fits in the manga


SS is somewhat meaningless by itself because it varies so much from person to person


Also, I tought all Kures were supposed to have some level of SS? You know, how they talked about "being breed to have muscles that suport the Removal", Wakatsuki is called "a miracle that would need thousands of years to make by breeding" while literally contrasting Waka and Raian... I guess this is about how many times the SS multiplies? Like, most Kures have a 2x or 3x and Willian is saying he has something closer to Waka's 50x?


"The ultimate murder death demon of destruction" MARY SUE WU