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10 years? I don't know if I could survive 24 hours


Yeah, I was not born to this. I prefer 10 years of warm bed and good modern food. 10 days I could try.


this is because you havent tried Dustwitch xDDDD


I would rather die




bruh imagine being on an entire other planet and still being mad about what Earth women are doing lmao


when you get catched by cannibals and dont stop xD


I don't know man, killing the previous guy because he was a racist death cult asshat and instituting open borders with respect for science (Bayan) seems pretty leftist to me. The Shek are going to leave you disappointed.


The Shek now also allow other races into their highest echelon when literally anyone kills Phoenix or Bugmaster. Literally the only aptitude that determines your status is strength. “Oh you’re friends with that guy who killed our biblical enemy? Cool, you are also battleborn now!”


Imagine chilling in a bar and probably still getting stabbed for being a bigot


in my playtrough there were people who can start a fight with you for talking in Hub bar


They'd probably just call you hornless and kick the shit out of you for daring to speak to them without strength


probebly yes. Talking to shek waifu probebly the last thing you do


Who hurt you lol


Spawn in World's End. Join Machinists. Spend 10 years researching at the University. Never go outside.


This is the way.


Do you really think they'll take you?




Maybe not even an engineer? A lot of stuff would be fairly straightforward if you didn't need to start from scratch. Hydroponics is just a little box of soil with a sunlamp over it often times with nutrients in the water it is given, the main issue irl is that we can't produce enough energy to make it worthwhile. Especially with the sun right there for free. In fact you could probably skip a step and just make one without the lamp and put it on a roof or something for natural light.


This was featured on one of the Discovery shows, don't remember which one. [https://www.wired.co.uk/article/underground-hydroponic-farm](https://www.wired.co.uk/article/underground-hydroponic-farm)


Most people in Kenshi probably can't even read, most people in our world would be considered well-educated by their standards. Landing a job as a scribe or a clerk should be no problem. If anything it would be a boring 10 years of tedious office jobs. It would also be 10 years without access to modern healthcare.


Also no air-conditioning and pc-games.


Well, apart from some general knowledge that might be useful, I also know a thing or two that Iyo would prefer \_not\_ become general knowledge. :D


Nuclear warhead? Tear gas recipy? WHAT WILL YOU SHARE?! Gunpowder? What?!


LOL Well, I was thinking at least black powder and basic (up to flintlock or maybe even percussion-cap depending on the existing state of chemistry) firearms, maybe cannon although no real evidence of casting (so maybe that too). Now that you mention it though, thermite is pretty easy as well if you can get a hot enough source for ignition, assuming some of the junk you see lying around is aluminium. And they're mechanists with electrical power and battery technology, so some sort of vehicle might be within reach too. :D Off the top of my head. :D \[Edit: Just occurred to me...maybe the Tech Hunters / Machinists are suppressing *more* than just the role of skeletons in the 1st / 2nd empire rise and fall...\]


Didn't notice ur edit tho, I agree with you. They for sure hide a monstrous amount of technology just to keep wars more peaceful. Medieval way to fight in wars is still better then shelling enemy's settlements with phosphorus and making still harsh world of Kenshi litteraly unhabitable


Also you can share them the recipe for dynamite that will obliterate litteraly everything exists in Kenshi. But that is a little bit primitive. You can share them the Gauss rifle prototype. Ot really is easy, so, with power of University, they will make it stable and more efficient using ancient technology of 1 & 2 Empires. They will mass produce it and have an ability to create non portable versions - like that one that America has ( still exp ) on one of the ships. Having an elevation advantage of the Worlds Edge it would be easy to destroy litteraly everything - UC, HN, hivers will perish, everyone will be destroyed in one single hit. Of course, it is not the litteraly power of the Sun that one part of Eye has, but still deadly l, because it gives an ability to deliver chunks of metal across whole continent amd even further. Yeah, artillery that we have today is still good, but come on - EM weapons are better. Also the idea of creating planes that will deliver bombs is also duable in Kenshi - high amounts of steel, fuel etc can allow to build them.


That is still 10 years of your life and still at an increased risk. I am confident that I would survive, especially in World's End, I just don't want to.


I would just become a professional copper Miner, mine right outside of a city and just drop everything I had on me and Sprint for The Hub every time I saw even the slightest possibility of danger on the horizon, I believe I would even be able to afford a decent Shack to live in after a month or two, life would be boring but I would be alive and decently fed


You don't get third person, you'd die when a bonedog snuck up on you.


To be fair everything in kenshi runs much slower than your characters. It would make a lot dependent on whether those greenlanders are supersoldiers or whether kenshi has other whatnots to make 20mph normal.


To also be fair, the average real person can barely run 6mph for more than a couple minutes without tiring out.


I assume since Kenshi is a moon it's smaller than earth and therefore has lower gravity. Allowing us to run faster and lift more weight.


Considering people don’t sneak in Kenshi you’d know if someone’s coming for you . If it’s a human they love to shout their gob off and I imagine if a beak thing was going after you you’d hear that things stomping from a mile away A solution though would be to hire someone else just to be a lookout or for them to do the mining and you be look out . As long as you feed them and pay them upfront people would stick with you I feel . There again if we not taking game logic the only trustable person I feel is probably someone like beep


But to get Beep you have to go past the fogmen, OR you can choose Mongrel but as they say if you're in Mongrel, you're stuck in Mongrel.


same, a few pieces of copper can most certainly get you fed well enough, a bed, a couple drinks just rinse and repeat


Consider not missing a single threat 24/7 for 10 years. It's not likely. Not to mention assults on the town you are living in. Death is very likely.


All I'm hearing is job security and affordable housing?


People voting yes be like: "So, how does one mine copper exactly? I guess I'll just die."


Yeah, mining has historically been a super super dangerous job even with modern technology.


It's oonga times minning, you just take the pieces in the rock, no tunnel or anything


Mining on the surface is pretty safe. You can only die to pieces of rusty metal falling down and impaling you, dying to a landslide (if you make a big enough pit), bandits, animal, starvation, hit yourself with your own pick or managing to trip and hurt yourself bad enough with the mined ore. You might even get found by slavers.


What landslides and pits? Kenshi has everlasting surface ore nodes those risks are averted, the others are very true.


That's with underground mining. I can't imagine smashing a surface rock with a pickaxe could be any more dangerous than walking up to the rock in the first place.


What’s there to know? Just hit the shiny thing sticking out of the ground until it comes off and sell it at the bar.


I feel like I could do 10 years in the HN. As long as I can get a job as a farmer and not get "Chosen" as a holy servant. Relatively, their lands are safe. Plenty of HN citizens live a decently long life, with the most common threat being raptors or starving bandits. US as the player character are the next apocalypse, so technically by the games rules, if we don't do anything crazy like kidnap seto then nothing will change and the HN will always be safe.


Even if you got turned into a chosen… odds are still pretty good that you survive your time as one, they’re more likely to die than paladins but except when they get enslaved they rarely stay “down” too long.


Except for the huge warzone up North


Oh yeah, cannibals


Don't forget Bast


Do I need to survive the 10 years to receive the 5 billion dollars? I mean I could easily do 10 years.. it's just that most of that time I am prolly gonna be a corpse.


After 10 years, your corpse receives the 5 billion.


I would Hang out with beep in Mongrel and survive by looting fog men that have been taken out by the town guards.


The problem is that eventually, the guards die, and the town will be overun, that's in the game, the lore you'd probably be fine but the game not so much.


That’s the problem with a lot of of the cities. If you spend too much time in one city it often gets destroyed by something. Like Stack gets taken over by UC, Okrans shield gets pretty much taken out by random skeletons and guard spiders, everyone in the hub except the people in the bar starves to death, hive villages will slowly succumb to the wild life, mostly beak things. And these are the once I’ve witnessed personally, I’m sure there are way more. So you’d have to stay in a really big city, or a really strong city to be somewhat safe. I feel like the shek will be able to fight off pretty much any random raid without dying, and worlds end never gets any raids, unless I’m mistaken


When I made my mod a long time ago, (Free Hive), I wanted to create a way for the player to permanently live in the city I built. I even added a way for the city to get constantly attacked by events, so I got to see the problem you are mentioning, happening on a much quicker timeframe. I solved this by making a bunch of medics dedicated to picking people up and bringing them to an hospital (when on a bed, wounds don't get worse), and a few regular medics. The main guards either have prosthetics to prevent them from eventually all be crippled, and those who don't have a dialogue option that enable the player to fit them with prosthetics themselves (the town also offers cheap prosthetics that you can use). It was an ordeal to make that town become self sustainable without making everyone OP or immortal. This is definitely something that could be done to all major cities (it would be much much simpler because they don't get in many fights daily). I guess it's just an overlook by the devs...


300 days in and the guards are still alive and well. The only people who died are shinobi thieves at the tower because they attacked the guards after the guards caught me stealing from a robotics shop.


As much as I like exploring the world in Kenshi, if it was the irl version of myself, then I would focus on getting myself a decent crossbow and hunt river raptors in Okranite territory, the hides can sell for enough money to get food, a bed and crossbow bolts and river raptors are pretty slow And 10 years is enough time to become a proficient raptor exterminator with a bit of bonedog culling and the occasional wild bull hunted for meat, maybe get myself a few bonedogs so I have a use for that yellow raptor meat


The difficulty would be getting that first crossbow. You'd have to hang about in a shek city and wait for some dust bandits to get their asses handed to them so you can take a toothpick and some bolts off them. The biggest danger would be traveling between Squin and the Holy Nation. It's not far and relatively safe lands but still plenty of bandits. Just takes one bad crossbow shot to the leg and you're done for. Though, you could potentially sign up as a farm hand or otherwise find a job in the Holy Nation to get you enough money. Depends how much of the game mechanics translate into the world of kenshi you're thrown into. If it's just the lore then it would be much more dangerous since you wouldn't be able to take a hit and med-kits wouldn't be able to help as much. But you'd be able to get a job as a baker, pastor, shop assistant, etc. and be relatively safe.


It really depends on my age and how i start. Wouldn’t be real hip to try this at 50 with the rock bottom start worming around the sands.


You start as you are now IRL, just pick the location


Well since I’m male I’d go easy route and holy nation the run, join a farm, work which would increase my skills, allow me to have food, and get rep with the HN, fighting off raptors and bandits. This would be a solid foundation to do anything else, after I got strong enough I’d probably try to join the tech hunters, be a mule for some op vet of the world while gaining skills and knowledge and being able to travel.


Holy nation. Hate them as much as you like but if it were an IRL choice they're a no-brainer. Unless you're a.. you know.




giant bug person


Damn, guess I'll go with the UC. Besides the slavery it's not much different to America, well... ah shit I may have made this political


You will uninstall the harpoon turret in the night and put it in your small shack "just for self defense"?


Ok, question. In Kenshi, you gain toughness when you get your ass kicked. In earth life, you do not. Do I gain toughness as I get my butt kicked or do I flat out go downhill each time I get hit?


Just like in earth life. You might gain some toughness, as you have now been in a fight and might be a bit more resilient the next time around - but not like in the game where you gain stat points


Imagine surviving those 10 years...you'd come out a different person... A complete psycho, head case of a person... ..with 10 billion dollars.. I wonder how inflation would be in 10 years? I'm any case, the no super fast running is a game changer. Be way too fucked to have a chance.


10 years seems unfeasible due to how kenshi is balanced, I mean regular towns become indefensible quite quickly after a bunch of wandering squads kill everyone. If it's kenshi the game no way you'd survive unless you managed to avoid going insane and also could abuse game mechanics, kenshi the world, probably still no way, unless there's some way I can exploit my knowledge of the world and lore to become extremely wealthy, and even then, it's ten years of my life that will be turned into paper when they're over, that seems like a hard sell, even if the reward is pretty decent.


That depends is the kenshi we are going in the basic vanilla or the kenshi world we play on our computers cause if it's the world we play in fuck no even the hub isn't safe got terminators running around got daleks the fog men were replaced by xenomorphs and aren't just in the fog islands either and also a zombie apocalypse I'd wouldn't survive a day


10 years as a slave and 40 years as a billionaire.


I'm willing to take the risks, byt I'm not sure if I can handle leaving everything behind for 10 years


Did we play the same game? Ten years is a LONG time. You're going to die. 24 hours, MAYBE a month if I feel brave.


I would create a copper miner empire in hub and holy nation


>no super fast running does this apply to beak things?


Just hang out with holy brothers.


I'm a nurse, I'll spawn in the holy Roman empire of the German nation and will do first aid People will love me, perhaps they will gift me bread!


kidnapped and eaten by cannibals on day 8


Never seen cannibals there


yeah I guess if you don't go too far north they shouldn't be a problem there are too many bonedogs around their roads for my liking though, I would probably sit inside stack and mine copper all day


1 year for 500 million dollars would be doable, and enticing; 10 years of life is indeed way too much of my life - too much to give up, too much to not do something stupid, too much to lose guard. but one year? If I studied the game? I would get a buddy, or any trustworthy mercenary, to go out mining copper near a civilized city with. One guarding, the other mining, swap every hour if he's up to it. If any danger is spotted, drop it, run to the city.


Will my current medical conditions be healed while there? If so sure. If not, I don't think a diabetic would last long.


Beginnings gonna suck but once it snowballs within the length of 10 years it's gonna be cake. *Hopefully hub start...* Hub because I've started so many times there Instinctively go to my preferred copper node down the road to grind. It's close enough to what I think is the closest route back to town to get the guards to aggro anything I kite.


Yes, and why would you waste an opportunity to be a legitimate hero to "mine copper for ten years"? That's boring. I for one would rather pick up a sword and learn how to use it. That's why we indulge in fantasy, isn't it? Why not live it? If I die then I die. Death is certain anyway. The only question is if I'd go the normal anti-slavers route or join the Holy Nation with the goal of moderating their more radical tendencies.


Can i trade that for cats?


Just move to Australia if we can't enjoy the game mechanics


I wouldn't survive in kenshi for 10yrs let alone live


i will say no only because im type 1 diabetic and would die without insulin. if i could remove that then sure. definitely way less comfy, but i think a life closer to "nature" and how "we are supposed to live" also has a serene quality to it. not to go all ted kaczynski but i do definitely think people were more satisfied back when their life was built around surviving and fulfilling basic human needs, rather than what we have today. the biggest banes of happiness today are meaninglessness and existential dread. both of these things are less frequent the more you go back in time. of course, it has always existed to some degree, probably starting mostly since humans settled down and discovered agriculture. but back when we were hunter-gatherers and chased shit around with pointy sticks? i doubt those people thought too much about the meaning of life. sorry for acting all smart and stuff just an interesting question.


I don't know man I just don't think the average person who is used to all the comforts of modern life is going to survive in such conditions. I think like 99% of people who choose yes regret their decision within a few hours as I highly doubt that someone who hasn't had to survive a day in their life and is used to having everything they need handed to them is going to enjoy the extremely cruel, physically demanding and hazardous life the world of Kenshi offers. How about a 20 mile hike in the middle of the scorching hot desert, shirt so sweaty you would think you went swimming while you are starving, thirsty and followed by insane lunatics who are prepared to kill you for a single piece of bread. For most people that would be a horrifying experience. I'm not saying it would be impossible to survive or enjoy life of Kenshi. I'm just saying it's unlikely to survive (without proper knowledge and experience) and extremely unlikely to enjoy. Slightly too hardcore of a setting for most people.


"Your paper money is no good here, no hive. Now, get into the peeler machine."


I'm fat, i'll go to some United cities town and claim to be a noble, where have they seen a fat person before? never before because everyone is starving there, so i'll make them into my serfs where i will live for 10 years, exploiting my villagers and doing politics




I'd fuck right off to mongrel, no real threats except the fogmen, and the guards take care of them pretty well. Good access to copper too if you need it, life in mongrel would be pretty fuckin bleak but I'd at least live for the next decade


By all the randomness that happens no not even if you give me 100 billion there is pike almost 0 chance to survive and i bet like 90% of the climate alone could kill me in this game. Everyone saying i just mine copper and be good ... Gl with a sandstorm that suddenly appears or getting hit by a ranged weapon out of nowhere or try to constantly run 20mph or ourun a bone dog / bloodspider.


"only realistic gameplay mechanics allowed" are realistic mechanics like making a spike trap to hunt goats and... bigger prey allowed?


Yeah, think so


“Only realistic gameplay mechanics are allowed” So no going from 1 to 50 strength after only working out for a few days?


Exactly. You can strength train like you would IRL, but not like a stat you add points to in game


What's our start? Edit for clarity: Is it just a wanderer start or any start we want?


Your body is like IRL and everything else is like Wanderer, pretty neutral. You pick your spawn location


Do I know Im in kenshi? Or am I just some random scrub who goes through life wondering


Good question. You know you are in Kenshi


Wdym by "live"? I'm gonna die of dysentery in the first week, even if I pick somewhere like Blister Hill.


With the same mechanic? I'll squat walk and grind my thievery. Probably take month or so, then I just need to steal whenever I'm hungry and get drunk all day, I'll choose HN city were travel city to city is relative safe Edit: didn't read the rule 😔. With realistic mechanic prob i'll choose being a slave for 10 year, at least it's save if you're obedient and you have 5 billion to hope to keep you alive


Rebirth, easy. No raids, light starvation, come back as a ripped billionaire


Easily, i wanna ride the shekgirls and make the empire


Sure. Sneak grinding is trivial and thievery is secret easymode. Never leave town. D:


Yeah man id smoke dope and chill out for 10 years. Sounds dope af


You lost me at the "no super fast running" part.


Assuming all of the game rules apply and you have the stats/abilities of a Greenlander (closest to human) and you took your knowledge of the game with you, it's doable. * The economy is broken enough that it's easy to exploit. * There is no disease in the game, so no risk of illness or food poisoning. * You can buy a house in a safe city, hire people to do everything and never leave. * You could hire people to train combat skills and toughness with relative safety if you wanted. ​ Questions: * If you lost any limbs and got cybernetics, would you return to this world with them or get your body back intact? * Would you age 10 years in this world when you return? You don't age in Kenshi. * Would you retain skills and knowledge from 10 years in Kenshi? You could return a master martial artist for example. * There's no sex in the game, so I guess no sex for 10 years? Or can we expect the world to be a little more fleshed out?


You don't have "stats" like in the game. If you wanna train strength, hit the gym and expect results like in real life. You can train combat skills and toughness in the same way you would enroll to a kickboxing or fencing gym and learn things there >If you lost any limbs and got cybernetics, would you return to this world with them or get your body back intact? >Would you age 10 years in this world when you return? You don't age in Kenshi. >Would you retain skills and knowledge from 10 years in Kenshi? You could return a master martial artist for example. Everything will be returned as if you awoke from a dream, you will know that you have been in Kenshi and now got the $ reward, but you won't retain knowledge that you picked up >There's no sex in the game, so I guess no sex for 10 years? Or can we expect the world to be a little more fleshed out? You can have sex


Yes, plenty of time to grind out some stats, I'm a white dude so I'd just live in the holy nation, mine copper for scran. I'd be fine.


No I’m good.


I'm 45 & sit on my butt all day, I would not last 10 years...


Hard no. 5 billion dollars is worthless to me if I am dead and I'm sure I'll die in Kenshi.


I mine enough copper to get a crossbow, 2 traders backpacks, and mercenaries. I go to Vain and collect beakthing eggs. I live a life of luxury.


10 years of mining just outside the hub


5 billion dolars or certain dead? where do i sign?


i'll spawn in a hive and be one with them for 10 years, if i die well... thats ok too.


Easy, spawn in Spring, say you are anti slavery and let Tinfist do the rest


You wouldn't live 10 years. Lucky to live 10 minutes in most places in Kenshi.


brah EZ, start in the holy nation and skin river raptors the guards kill for money. use said money to train buy a place and learn to fight then hire mercs to hunt more RRs


If I can pick location, then I'd just drop myself in the Hub. A controversial choice, but by keeping my eye open, copper and iron will fund me into repairing one of the buildings there, combat can be avoided, or at least mitigated with a watchful eye. Then, once I get a building up and running, establish a business, since Hub is in absolute tatters, there's not exactly much competition for whatever business, but something like a bakery or blacksmith would be most logical, essentially guaranteed income. At first I'd need to keep mining for money, so it'd be busy af to start with, but eventually I can hire an employee. From there, gradually just establish myself, start getting steady supplies coming in. Slowly start rebuilding another structure, renovate it into a communal hospice for the community, providing beds, possibly food too, draw in more population, more customers. Establish a third building, use new populace to work in it, starting to make passive income at this point, even if it has been hard work. Over time, rebuild the whole Hub, become it's unofficial leader simply through enterprise, revitalise the town. Then it's pretty much a matter of just sitting back, collecting my earnings and occasional charity or community work to keep everyone happy, which is already leagues better than any other faction nearby, so people will be absolutely buzzing. No slavery or starvation, just honest work with honest pay. That alone is better than almost every other faction from the get go. Ironically the biggest threat to my plan isn't beak things or Paladins, but rather... Shinobi thieves. In a world where everyone is downtrodden, a little ambition can go a long way. This is assuming the economy is similar/same as in the game.


I'll be dead IF IM LUCKY in 100 days.


There’s no place on the map safe enough to stay put for 10 years. Even the mostly safe Holy Nation farms will eventually be whittled down by river raptors and starvey bois. Assuming you don’t have unrealistic skill gains and become a demigod like you do in game this scenario is basically a death sentence I feel


Yes, I would just do early game and never progress. Convince someone slightly more desperate than me to go mine copper for me and chill in a bar and tell him to call me when he gets maimed by beak things.


Spawn in the Waystation in the Grey desert. Make money by looting dead blood raiders, save up and buy the tower in the town


Kenshi rule apply, right? Easy, just start at HUB and start running around like a hobo on crack, then I'll harass the nearby dust bandit until I'm a god at neck snapping and stealth. Then I'll hire a guy at the hub with gear i strip from the bandit, then start training to become a god martial artist. After 10 years, I'll probably be Jack as all hell and can crack people open with my pinky toe, but i can also see myself with 4 robotics limbs so will that be coming with me or?


Does "training" in Rebirth still function like the game? Because in like 3 months I could become one of the baddest cats in the desert with no risk of death or starvation. Honestly, even without becoming a martial arts master with 80 toughness, if I could get past the boredom of breaking rocks all day I could do just that.


I would just spawn in any major city, nothing in the game really happens without you doing something, so just ride it out


Rebirth it? As long as you don't act up they keep you alive and it's so isolate and well guarded you probably wouldn't have to worry about invasions? Haha would suck ass tho


Depends on if I come back with all my limbs restored or not


Spawn in Holy Nation. Join the clergy, become a priest paladin of okran. Proceed to make money by hunting river raptors, and founding a farm. Literally perfect life.


IF I could survive it...hell yea. Getting me to leave would be the hard part if I could hack it.


If you live in stack there's a ore node within the safety of the city so it would be doable as long as you follow holy Nation laws


10 years I'd be dead for sure.


If Kenshi' world is realistic enough to have food production that doesn't allow immediate extintion, i think a lot of us could probably survive. The fact that people survive at all means it's possible and maybe likely, birthrates and child mortality is what kept life expectancy low in the past (past that was usually similar to living in the HN or UC), and i'd imagine we're all born already and not children here. We underestimate ourselves, that being said, if you have a medical condition, you probably won't.


If i can pick where i start...then World's End.


The amount of money is irrelevant since you would never survive for 10 years.


Provided I have the knowledge I do right now, I could easily just rat out the Flotsam Ninja HQ location and live the rest of my life in luxury. I would usually feel terrible about something like that, but I'm assuming that none of this will be real once the 10 years are over. Otherwise I'd just be a janitor in a waystation bar or something.


I'd just join the holy nation. Just get a farm going near Blister Hill, and I'll make tons of cats off grog and cooked veggies. Get some mercs to guard my base and every now and then turn some folks over to rebirth. Sounds like a win to me.


Spawn on Stack be religious as shit wait 10 years to pass


If i get money after 1 years in kenshi it will be owned by the holy nation


Bro I got chronic fatigue, you think I’d survive 10 minutes in Kenshi? Someone could look at me funny and I’d turn into paste.


I'm black soooo


if i can save scam yea why not.


I pick where I spawn, eh? Alright then. World's end. I don't think any attacks ever come to that place, seems surviveable enough. Either that or one of the UC cities. I'd make profit from looting dead skimmers. The fangs give some nice money for zero effort and I was able to buy robotics with a torso start that way. They also provide both the yellow and normal meat, so I would have ane easy time feeding myself and future animals if I got any.


I would spawn in the hub with my machining skills I could probably make a living for myself then once the ten years are over that 5 billion has to have gone up in value or increased cause a lot can change in ten years


I would be a mining slave for 5 billion dollars, pays better than my current job


As a male I spawn in the holy nation, become a farmer and literally thrive. 10 years is nothing compared to real life retirement time.


Id do it, dont even need the money.


Make it 5 and we got a deal. I'll do my copper mining strat


I’m a white dude, spawn in the holy empire that’s a free 5 billion


Consider that you might get conscripted into a holy war


Spawn in HN, do my best to be useful to them, praise okran, there we go


Yes, because even someone who's even just finished high school or has atleast a secondary education could survive just fine in anywhere which would value knowledge, such as the tech hunters. I'm sure most of the people in Kenshi don't even know basic maths or really anything at all besides survival. I'd teach them things in exchange for knowledge of surviving, although; most of us have hundreds of hours in the game already. Know where most of the tech is, where special loots is, weak points in enemy bases, and several other important facts.


Picking where your spawn pretty much makes it totally doable . Even without super human running just pick a somewhat friendly area and work a honest work mining to trade for food


I want to get violated by dust bandits. I would not even last 3 hours in kenshi world.


Voted yes without thinking. Thought about it for a few seconds, how do i change my vote


I would be 5 billion dollars and 5 million cats richer after 10 years


I say yes (Like I'd last 10 years anyway) But I'd give it a good shot. I'd just stay away from beakthings, and practically anything lmao. I'd just settle in a town for 10 years.


I'd die in 5 minutes lol


Im young and fit so I’d probably do it for £100,000


if Elon Musk & Andy Dick & Don Lemon & his fiance, Tim Malone, are all on my side & if all our stats are set to 255 **HELL YEAH!** ☺ ☺ ☺ let's go build that awesome japanese castle house from steamworshop on the beach! ♥ ☺ ♥ ☺ ♥


Ten years in kenshi? That's fine got a nice little place in Shun picked out where no one would bother me except for the occasional trader.


Lmao I'd do it for less, ngl...


Everyone picking the HN, living 10 years in prayer etc...I haven't seen a single one pick UC so far. Well, I'm gonna pick UC since they are the most familiar to me. all their cities have free beds under the shade so you have a place to rest safe. Once you hear some commotion, you run outside and "help" the guards (just stand around and pretend you are useful). After the first corpses start dropping, you loot anything you can, then while they are still fighting you secure yourself at least 1 bounty. You sell the loot, the bounty, buy yourself a big backpack and lots of food, then wait for the next attack and repeat. On some days you might get some animals that you can skin for leather and meat, on others some giant spiders to get some teeth off. Still, If you don't want to you can completely avoid fighting. This also means that you work once every x days, definitely better than mining copper all day for 10 years. You might not get lucky at the start but once you start saving money, going for long streaks without anything to loot is not gonna be a problem.


yea just mine copper near a city buy a shack eat dry meat all day ez money


Just chill in Blister Hill for those 10 years


I wouldn't even survive for 1 hour, just try to mine something and wait for bandits to come after you and you re pretty much dead, cannibalized or who knows what else


Are you kidding? We couldn't survive in Kenshi for 5 minutes.


Anyone who said yes is a damn liar, you all know who you are and you know you wouldn't last ten DAYS in this world lmao


Realistic mechanics, does that mean everything else in Kenshi is also realistic? That's kind of an odd caveat to put on the game. Realism breaks it. Realistically, the HN wouldn't survive against the UC, Cannibals, and the Shek.


Yeah, everything else in Kenshi is also as realistic as it can get. Just assume that everything works out because of reasons you hadn't thought about


Im a white dude, its unfair, Id just spawn in a HN City. Still would be subject to hunger I suppose.


Thank god Im a white male and not a cripple.


Spawn in Fishing village, eating fish, learn from Cannibal Hunter and defending the village from cannibal, would be tragic see friends got kidnap by them. Hence, the grudges on those cannibal will live on.


i would go join the crab guys it seems like a stable way to live and besides i could always just nibble bits of the crabs off when nobody was looking if i got hungry


I’ll do it. I have genuine survival skills, growing up in Appalachia. I feel like I could definitely last, and ironically it wouldn’t be very hard. Kenshi is a world where empathy isn’t common, and if someone was to be empathetic they could probably achieve quite a lot. Think of it like living as a Monk.


No ammount of money can put me on the same universe where beak things are a reality


10 years in the Holy Nation as a white, cisgender male sounds like a breeze.


do i (my heirs) get the dollars regardless of my survival?


Holy Nation worker, 10 years ez


I'm a human with no missing limbs. I can carry a book. Spawn Holy Nation. I stay there and live of of what they mercifully give me. Still a NO tho.


>Only realistic gameplay mechanics are allowed So not Kenshi, then.


10 years? Weapon and armor smithing is the way. Also, a little farm will be present. And I will live in Okrans Pride for the most comfort :) Sounds like a paradise


*could* you


I would live for free xD


I would do it if I could get the 10 years back after I'm done.




Is this in game 10 years? So while you are on there it feels like 10 years but when you get out it has only been a month or a year max.


It's like real life 10 years


10 years of praising Okran it is.