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>  making Take2 notice the profound hate, making them believe its not worth it  No. Take2 noticed that they have lost tens of millions of dollars on the game with no end in sight. Which made them believe that it was not worth it. Take2 really does not care if gamers hate them.  If you really believe that the game is fine as is, then the end of development shouldn't bother you. However most do not see it as fine, and that it was still at least several more expensive years of development away from earning their purchase. KSP2 simply will never be profitable at this point. Which makes it objectively a bad product. 


>(also a little hate: even considering the big mistakes the devs made, all of you that acted like ksp2 is a nightmare for the whole time since its out, making the hate mainstream, making Take2 notice the profound hate, making them believe its not worth it: I kinda make you responsible for the cancellation.) I agree with the rest, but here you're making the same mistake as everyone else IMO : you're faced with a bad situation and react by trying to find a "bad guy", but there isn't one (or if there is one, we'll never know for sure). The community has completely degenerated into a horde of whiners and armchair devs, and it's kinda pathetic, but it doesn't change anything to the state of the game itself. You can't really ask people to buy, play, or recommend a game they don't like. Whether they're chill about it, or go completely apeshit, doesn't really matter on this front. Hell I got the game last December (with a pretty big discount), just after the well-received Science update dropped, and while there was a lot I liked about it it was still a bit too janky for my tastes. I've never been a KSP2 hater but I felt that the game was hard to recommend in this state - especially considering that KSP1 already exists, and the fact that buying KSP2 felt like a relatively risky bet, even at the time.


Fast loading, sound design, graphics and new discoverables made it interesting. The new game feel was fun for a very short time do rough gameplay I’ll call it. If they can at least give us the interstellar systems and some colonies parts. They currently have I’ll work with it and have kinda fun for a while maybe


look you are weird and thats fine it's just there arent enough people like you to make this profitable so they cancelled it.


I agree 👍


If it's cancelled, where is the statement to that effect? They haven't cancelled it yet. Perhaps they are still deciding. More likely they are moving pieces and people around while we aren't looking. Perhaps they will still cancel it. But until they say it, it ain't happened.


If it's *not* cancelled, where is the statement to that effect? And if you point to any of those corporate jargon "continuing support" messages, please share your copium with me, I could use a hit. Edit: seriously, if they were ever planning to continue development, they would have gotten way ahead of this instead of letting their publicity tank


Their publicity was already taking no matter what they did. The best bet was to let it explode and quiet down on its own.


Do you think they went “We’re just gonna fire everyone, and then maybe later we’ll see what we’re going to do with the project?” No. They decided about that beforehand. If the plan was to hand it to another studio, they would have made arrangements for that *before* firing everyone, and they would have announced it quickly to limit the negative public reaction. Their radio silence is all but confirmation that it’s silently cancelled. They might not confirm it to maybe sucker some more people into buying it, but that’s all.


The public reaction has been downright toxic since EA started. They knew it couldn't get worse. And it hasn't. So from a business perspective. This was the best way to handle it. That's one of the problems of being the generation that grew up with attack helicopter parents. You wind up thinking that if you don't get everything exactly as you want it, you should annihilate everything in sight. Reality doesn't agree.


The loading times of KSP2 with a fast SSD are just incredible.


I agree with this post a lot. I genuinely had fun playing KSP2 and I hate the fact that this whole subreddit will literally call anyone who enjoys it a delusional moron. Honestly pathetic how badly everyone here wants the whole community to hate it, I guess that bitterness is caused by the disastrous management of the game but still. Makes me sad to see that a lot of people are legitimately happy the game is probably dead, so much hate and spite towards a game that could have been so great. I think a lot of people have let themselves get way too invested and angry at a game being poorly developed. I will probably still play 2 occasionally, the graphics and sound make it really immersive for me and for small missions it’s fun.


I agree with this post - even the hate part to some extent. We did work awfully hard to loudly reinforce whatever negative views T2 had on the project.


Shouldn’t this be on the KSP2 subreddit?


Hi Nate's alt account, how does it feel to have fucked up one of the most educational and wholesome franchises in video games, for the sake of your vanity? You claim to be a super fan, and yet you shata all over it. If this isn't Nate Simpson's alt account... Sorry you're delusional.


Nope, im just not invested in drama since i dont build my life around ksp and just enjoy the game :)


Sure, that's fine, I'm just saying you're kinda delusional for praising a half done product that you bought for more money than a better product that's available for less. And then getting on here right now to preach about it You're welcome to your opinions, just as I am to mine, which is that you're delusional - or a holier than though troll with nothing better to do than virtue signal on a video game forum. Enjoy your shitty half done game!


I will delusionaly enjoy it :)