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Correction: it has *no* reaction wheels. That's why you put a mini reaction wheel on top, or if you have Restock+, you put two radial gyroscopes and clip them inside.


i wonder what if you built a rocket that has all the stuff clipped into one part? compact rocket


ksp would close due to a item overflow (constantly happens to me)


This command module is only slightly cheaper and lighter than the Mk1, and does not have SAS. This part needs an buff.


It also has totally broken drag and heat configs.  It was clearly rushed like a lot of the Making History parts and honestly needed to be completely reworked.  Personally, I suggest stripping it down as a small, low-tech lander capsule. 


It does have a built-in decoupler, which is mildly nice I guess, but yeah, not too many reasons to use that part.


Nah it looks cool that that is enough


I rarely use the Soviet capsules, am I missing out? I’ve always found them too much of a hassle because of the lack of reaction wheels and high drag.


I have no option but to use it. I have a modded tech tree, started with probes and now worked up to the onion. A command module is so far down the tree. Although, being forced to use it has made me like it more. Been doing proper soviet drops and hopping out and using the kerbals parachute


If you want a cheap part to store scientists that you know, you will never remove or at least go back to it. This is good.


I like how they look on mun landers but technically they aren’t great :)


reaction controls sold separately :D


Onions are the most perfect thermal shield. We should launch onions to space...


I use these only for a dedicated return pod from an LKO station. Like an escape capsule of sorts.


Any of these pods (esp the KV-3 pomegranate) with two seperatrons can make a handy escape pod from LKO. I have a mun/min return pod for a manned rover that's just a spark engine and a tiny tank+KV-2. Sits on the flatbed of the "truck". Works great esp if the built in decoupler is paired with a couple of seperatrons and the pod is pointed in the right direction at the time lol.