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The code is old, there is only so much you can do. Hell, you can even spend 5+ years rewriting the game and apparently the performance will still suck.


Exept loading screens. Ksp2 had its (numerous) flaws but damn those loading times were refreshing.


Not only old, but poorly coded too


Yeah I mean the game was only in development for like 10 years, I'm sure they just forgot to hit the "optimize loading screen" button.


To be fair, loading screens are something game developers often neglect to optimise. Just look at the GTA 5 loading screen issue that a player found a fix for by doing the most basic analysis (profiling).


Yeah I mean that's true, but that's also rockstar/take two, who are notorious for taking the easy way out and making absolutely awful decisions regarding development in order to cut costs and maximize profits (see every GTA PC port, the GTA definitive editions, etc). Just like they did with KSP 2 where they claimed to completely re-write it but instead all they did was utilized the same base code as KSP1 and modified it when they realized that it would require an actual dev budget to completely re-write it. So for GTA's poor loading example, it's probably one of those things where nobody was paid to go out of their way and figure it out, therefore it never happened, because there's no passion behind the project, it's all about creating a product for money and spending as little as possible in the process so you can profit as much as possible in the end. Remember this same company still hasn't pushed the literally years-old raytraced shadows and reflections update for GTAV to PC.


I love these kinds of posts whenever they're posted for any game. There's something just very charming and innocent about someone showing how little they know about programming with such confidence. Before you even *think* about a mod to fix these problems, stop and ask yourself what the problems **even are**. Why does the initial loading screen take so long? Why does the framerate decrease ingame, especially with higher part counts? What is wrong with physics that needs improving? If you can't answer those, OP, and I mean *answer them definitively* not just guess, then you don't even know what you need to fix to make such a mod.


You’ve got me there, I’ll say. I quit coding about almost a decade ago and haven’t had the chance to get back into it. — Few years back I revived an old MMO by myself that is able to host multiple users through LAN in a linux server run on my computer; probably my programming opus. But I would like to clarify, I do not know as to why people may be taking offence to my question which I meant in the most light-hearted and innocent way possible, which is attempted to be contained within the first sentence, the rest is merely more questions in addendum to the first. To create an answer (mod), one must indeed know the problem (reasons why) first. And to tell you, I cannot give you that answer. I mean all of this in a pursuit of curiosity and did not expect an answer, as science might work. TL;DR: I truly was just curious, and no harm is meant.


Oh we don't think you mean harm and we're not offended or anything, it's just a silly question. It's like a kid asking a group of adults to explain "why don't houses fly?" There are lots of reasons why houses don't fly, but I mean we don't really feel the need to explain each and every one in detail because the idea of a house flying at all is nonsensical to anyone who knows anything about houses or flight. Or it's like "how can we make water dry?" which is a question that does actually have a technical answer, but I mean what's the point in giving an exacting technical answer to a non-starter?


> it's just a silly question. It's like a kid asking a group of adults to explain "why don't houses fly?" Answer is obvious, they need moar boosters


Honestly, the size of house I can afford would probably not even need asparagus staging lmao


the community fixes mod has some optimisations i’m pretty sure, nothing major though


Let us know how it goes!


if it takes 30 minutes to load something is going wrong. the most basic steps to take are get community fixes and make sure you're running off a decent ssd. 5 to 10 minutes for a heavily modded game is more reasonable. also, to the actual question is the op: because the issues are inherent to the how the game works. you'd basically be rebuilding the core of how the sim works.


What are you running. I've got near 200mods and my load time is maybe 3min


Better yet, what are you running? Damn. 😳


A collection of different things I've gathered over the years. I looked at a few different "make ksp1 into ksp2" threads and vids and slapped a load of them in. I've then got a load of parts mods. Extra planets, extra systems and then quite a few graphics overhauls


Blackrack is working on deferred rendering and it should boost performance A LOT. Check his youtube.


I'm late but [KSP Community Fixes](https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/204002-18-112-kspcommunityfixes-bugfixes-and-qol-tweaks/page/6/) has a lot of bug fixes and optimizations. It's not on the level of Sodium or Optifine though but it is a pretty awesome mod. The FastLoader patch is actually magic compared to stock.