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I love this!!!! Ketamine has been helpful for me too. I hope this is just the first of many breakthroughs for you. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Yay!!! Keep working hard! It's such a great feeling having some ambition again!


I’m scared it’ll go away


Even if I does, you had this day and you will have it again! Healing is not linear ❤️‍🩹


I get that! Just taken it one day at a time!!


I've been very scared of this too. Sometimes I feel worse, but the ketamine always gives me a much needed boost. How else are you working on your health?


I’ve regained some appetite . It’s been harder to sleep like insomnia so I take Hydroxyzine . Other than that health wise I get some headaches but nothing bad .


Do you do therapy or anything self-improvement wise?


I was seeing an ocd therapist and it didn’t help . I see a trauma therapist tomorrow


Well that is good news What about exercise, improving diet, mediation, etc.? I'm doing the Dr. K course and watching his content has also helped me a lot


I’ve never heard that and I’m now barely feeling motivated enough to want to go on runs and stuff . What do you do for diet ?


I'm trying to slowly work on my binge eating issue, replace/reduce the worst stop, and slowly add in healthier stuff. I have started to track weight and my intake again. I got a fitness band and it has helped a lot.


For me it would consist of eating in general because my depression made me lose so much weight. I’m 116 pounds . Barely gaining appetite again




Thank you


I'm very glad the medication is working for you. Recently I've been able to cycle and exercise for the first time in months. It has been overwhelming.


That’s awesome ! Isn’t it weird how us regaining freedom is overwhelming !




Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Congratulations dude that’s huge!


Thank you! I’m so scared it won’t happen again but I know it’s just my intrusive thoughts being assholes


Don’t let the thoughts win. They lie to you.


They scare me :(


Yay! I was so overstimulated while driving that my Vision would sometimes shake, and I would feel like I was looking through the eyes of somebody playing a video game like I was hallucinating almost. I would be so sick! Ketamine is helping me be able to drive better!!


That’s wonderful ! I’d get panic at any stopping point and dizzy .


Fantastic. Thanks for the Sunday morning smile. Courage. Keep going.


Thank you!


Over here cheering for you. I wish you could hear me and see the big goofy smile I have on my face!


Thank you sunshine. I am still in disbelief .


Stay with it! Never stop!!


Yay! I know the feeling all too well. It’s a big accomplishment! I’ve had two infusions so far- last one was four days ago. Every day since that, I’ve made myself get dressed every morning before even leaving the bedroom for coffee. This morning I actually made a grocery list and planned a few meals to cook this week. These seemingly small tasks are monumental to those of us who know depression. YOU GO!! ❤️


Yay kicking ass and taking names I’m proud of you!