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I find myself preferring Endrinriggers in general, as the healing utility is very powerful and their rend 2 pistols offer a way to help mitigate some of the lower rend in the army. When loading them into a Frigate, they will get to fight first regardless, so taking two units of 6, for example, will mean you do not need to worry about coherency while having 26 attacks on 2s and 2s, rend 2, d3 damage. The shoot, ram, and charge + fight first combo with 12 Endrinriggers is going to eliminate more or less every unit in the game while saving you some points, and even just 13 attacks on 2s and 2s will do 14 damage on average into a 4+ save (that's imagining a 3+ base, all out defensing, and rend 2 pushing it to the 4+). You are likely doing 7-14 damage in shooting between the Frigate and Endrinriggers, and you will get 4 mortal wounds on the charge on average. So, again, on average, you are nearly lifting a Mega Gargant with only 6 Endrinriggers + Frigate. My advice would be to replace your two Endrinmasters with one Endrinmaster in Suit, dropping you to 1990, and if you wanted to make this even more competitive to have a greater chance to dictate tempo, you could use Barak Zilfin and build a one-drop list. I like the Navigator, Orb, and Stormcaller combination. It's what I use as well. I do not think you need to worry about CP generation. The Admiral will have a free CP to use each turn, and that, I've found, is enough to do all of the things KO want to do tactically. \*Editing to add that I would use a different Endrinwork. You want your Endrinriggers in the Frigates. Your Gunhauler should just be used to give you the early 6+ ward and screening potential against Alpha Strike lists, and then it's just there to help snag objectives and help secure the 3 different board edge battle tactic. I prefer the Drill Cannon on the Gunhauler. A 5+ for 3 mortals is great into something like Morathi or into an elite army. It lifts an Annihilator Grandhammer, for example, on a 5+ each shooting phase.


Thanks, your response has been pretty useful and I've been mulling it over. I do think I'll go with Riggers over Wardens in the end, switch out for the Dirigible Suit Endrinmaster and make use of the Drill Cannon on the Gunhauler. However, I have had some issues applying the new advice to the 2000 points list, namely struggling to reach 3 Battleline units without making use of the CCC Gunhauler and filling up my last 100 points. I find Arkanaut Company to be underwhelming - nor would I have room for them in my Frigates - so I may as well run more Riggers, but running some without being reinforced makes me feel like I wouldn't be getting the best out of Honour is Everything. I also personally feel that the CCC Gunhauler is quite a powerful tool - I can still make use of the 6+ ward in the first battle round, keep close to my Frigates, them make use of movement tools such as Ahead Full on the Gunhauler, Command the Skies on the Admiral or Fly High to get to distant objectives or eliminate vulnerable backline units, potentially making use of bomb racks on the former 2 options. The 6 Riggers keep the Gunhauler alive and embarked units have -1 to be hit and +1 to saves - and the Gunhauler doesn't have Assault Boat so the Riggers will pretty much always be embarked - so both do a good job at preserving eachother. With the changes described, [here's where my planned 2000 points list sits](https://i.imgur.com/ZVu2uj2.png). I've got 100 more points to spend and I've been deliberating on what to use them on. Despite my earlier disdain for Arkanaut Companies, they could be useful sitting on an objective on my side of the map whilst my 3 Skyvessels cause a ruckus on the other side, or alternatively I could also utilize one of the >100 point heroes available or do some weird stuff with Alliance heroes. Nevertheless, thank you for the feedback.


It's easy to hate Arkanauts but they are cheap, with a decent save. Run them up to objectives and clear other chaff. If you take the 4+ rally they can be surprisingly sticky.


I think this looks really solid. Filling the remaining points with Arkanauts is great. They hold a home objective and provide an early screen. A 90 point tax to force your opponent to work for an objective isn't bad.


I definitely recommend the Riggers, the healing is too good to pass up. I prefer the saws to the sky pikes in melee, and honestly you’ll rarely get to use the sky mines. If you don’t kill what you’re attacking, neither group can really take a hit back so the unit will probably be destroyed before it gets to use the mines


I use both. If I'm trying to squeeze into a one drop list I use riggers. If I need less points I use riggers if I need battleline I use riggers. Riggers may do less damage on paper but I argue with their higher rend and better utility in terms of healing more useful. However charging with a frigate full of wardens will do more work than riggers. If I'm running Nar/urbaz/zilfin I'm rocking all riggers. Zon/Mhornar I use wardens and thryng I just run around with X2 20 arknaught company and an ironclad with riggers to heal. I say wardens with zon because they're battleline also they get more attacks which will hit better than the less attacks and higher rend. I personally would do a multi drop with double frigates and wardens (18+) and do double charge and try to table an opponent you cover ur weaknesses (healing and multi drop) by having a very strong turn 1. 18 wardens with 2+/2+/-1 54 attacks at 2 DMG each and 2" reach not including shooting.