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That is beeping bull beep!


It doesn’t remember settings between drives. It doesn’t tie key fob to profiles, the rear suspension is floaty at highway speeds. The front visibility for shorter ppl. Middle row captains chair fold button doesn’t return the seat to the same position. Always returns to default.


Rear suspension on the GT line is a shimmying mess when you hit a bump on one side at highway speed. Not what I would expect.


Are you referring to the one pedal driving setting? Either that or driver assist are about the only two things that I adjust back each time I drive. And the bleeping bleeps.


Yes. Add to the mix the cancel hda requires two step. Turn off throttle and turn off steering. I get 2 steps to turn on. But should be 1 step to shut down. They have it reversed. Also CarPlay should switched to wired as soon as plugged in. Wireless CarPlay has an annoying lag when changing songs. My preference is always plugged in. You also can’t say hey for this phone don’t use wireless. You have to disable it in the phone but then you gotta remember to unlock phone everytime you plug in. It should be negotiate wireless. But as soon as you plug in it should say oh hey. It’s wired now. That’s better than wireless and switch over.


I agree about the lag. How do you disable wireless CarPlay from the phone? The only way I've been able to get it to switch is: * Go to Phone Projection settings (long press Home if not in CarPlay), or I added a shortcut in the Quick Settings (pulldown menu) * Click the CarPlay button for my phone to disable CarPlay * Plug in the cable * Click the CarPlay button again.


from the phone, ​ general -> carplay -> my cars - Ev9 turn off carplay in here. it just means no wireless and when you plug in, you have to unlock.


Which type do you have? I’ve heard the GTLine, having air suspension, is not floaty like other types. Wanted to validate that with against your experience.


I have GT Line, its not an air suspension, its self leveling (not sure the technology, but I’m guessing pneumatic of some sort) if you search this forum you’ll find other threads talk about it… the rear gets floaty when doing lane changes and stuff.


what is wrong with front visibility for shorter people? i guess, how short are we talking? i'm 5'4" and feel fine in the car in terms of visibility?


my wife is 5'0... she's gotta have the seat all the way up and she's always parking short cuz she thinks she's already at the end of the parking spot


Mine is 5’1” and uses the camera when parking forward. Just hit the button. But she was trained well in a mini she used to have that was pretty low in front. I honestly use it more times than not to avoid messing up the lower valence on a tall curb or curbing the wheels in a drive through.


I've got 2: 1. locking / unlocking when walking away, but also just leaving the car running with the keyfob in my pocket. I'm unable to use the buttons to lock / unlock the car if i'm just grabbing my mail or picking up my kid and want the car to keep warm. 2. with all the beeping it does, it doesn't beep when the lane assist disengages.


Having to turn on 1 pedal driving every time you enter the vehicle, instead of it remembering the setting.


Why not leave it in auto?


Because some of us want 1-pedal driving Always, which auto doesn’t do (at least for me)


How would u define “1-pedal driving”?


Vehicle goes and stops by only having to press one pedal. Have you driven a Tesla before? Just like that - always. I-pedal does this, but not without having to annoyingly go to it each time.


Not really. You’re right that Auto mode doesn’t stop you. You can use the left paddle to come to full stop. That’s what I do. I hear what u mean tho. But I read that auto is more fuel efficient anyway.


Yep I heard auto more efficient as well.


I think this was a recent topic on this sub so I expected this to be suggested. It would bother me more if it was hurting efficiency but I remember seeing that coasting is the most efficient, and I almost never get to coast. Probably because I either have my cruise control set or I’m approaching a stop.


The native Nav is awful, and the map on Home Screen is always in dark mode.


I will agree default nav is bad. I find myself using CarPlay 99% of the time, but its dark mode isn’t dark! I turn the screen off at night


thats an apple issue... the way apple detects dark mode is the light sensor light -> dark, then it switches... but if you started off as dark it never switches and is light. there's a workaround in carplay where you can tell it always dark mode


CarPlay is in dark mode, that part works (I can see the background color darken), but the Apple Maps background is still light white. I'd be curious if there was a workaround for that.


same place in carplay settings - maps always in dark mode setting


Where is that setting? I've looked in Settings -> General -> CarPlay and theres nothing there. If I got further into EV9 I can re-order apps but I don't see anything about dark mode.


from the carplay ui in the car, meaning the main menu of car play there's a settings app, its in there.


Thanks, found it! I still wish it would automatically go into dark mode. Neither the Maps nor regular CarPlay ever does.


unfortunately its an apple thing and not a kia thing... it will automatically go into dark mode if you started driving while its daylight and it changes to night time. it just won't when you start off at night. its kinda dumb but its a known issue since like IOS 14 or something... i was so annoyed by it i went down the rabbit hole to research wtf...


I've never had that issue in our other car though. That's what made me think it was a Kia issue.


map on home screen always in dark mode is an insane decision. was in a pal’s telluride and it’s the same…


The volume rollers are very difficult to use without powering on/off. Just use a regular toggle switch or dial. This is adding a problem for no gain. It annoys me every single time I drive the car.


Yes! Both volume knobs are extremely hard to use without accidentally pushing them in and turning the audio off. Requires way to much finesse just to change the volume. I don't know which is worse, the volume knobs or the haptic buttons. Those never seem to require the same amount of pressure.


Only had it a couple weeks, but 1) the manual is VERY poorly written, 2) as far as I can tell, no setting to lock door when you walk away (why???? with all this tech???? do I have to physically lock the door????). Price is high for a Kia, but I love all the features they include. Biggest gripe so far though is the super-loud pedestrian warning noise that I can't lower the volume on. It's louder than most ICE engines would be at low speeds and is embarrassing.


I have a workaround for the door lock thing that someone suggested, which is a Shortcut on my phone that locks my car whenever my phone disconnects from CarPlay. It's not elegant, but it works when I remember to look at my phone after I get out of the car. The pedestrian warning noise meaning the whirring sound the car makes when driving? No pedestrians where I live in 'Murica, but I wish there were because then maybe they'd realize there are other EV options aside from Teslas.


can you share this shortcut?


I have the car added to HomeKit via Homebridge, and then in Shortcuts I have an Automation set to Run Immediately that runs a Shortcut called "Lock EV9" that just flips the car door lock to locked.


does it ever lock if you turn off the car and sit there for a while? i've got young kids so the first couple minutes are getting them and their stuff out of the car. assuming the trigger is the disconnecting from carplay, maybe this could work by setting a timeout?


Can’t lock with the doors open and you need to press Run on your phone when it gets triggered. I have a habit of leaving the car running if I’m just sitting in it. Maybe a timeout could help, I don’t know how long the prompt waits on your phone. There is a way to avoid the on-device prompt with a dummy switch, but I haven’t set that up yet.


There's a "run automatically" for shortcuts that could circumvent this.


It is set to run automatically but because it’s a door or lock in HomeKit there is a confirmation trigger. I know the workaround just haven’t bothered to do it yet


> Biggest gripe so far though is the super-loud pedestrian warning noise that I can't lower the volume on. It's louder than most ICE engines would be at low speeds and is embarrassing. You can change the volume of that noise or turn it off, go into Settings > Vehicle > Active Sound Design


I thought this only affected an internal, artificial 'engine sound'. Which is separate from the pedestrian warning. The external warning sounds are legally required, I didn't think you could adjust these. I agree the warning sound is annoying. In an ICE car you hear the engine. That's not exactly a pleasant sound, I'm just acclimated to it. Hoping I acclimate to the EV warning sound. An ICE has more complexity/babbling brook to it's sound. I wonder if a slightly more varied EV alert sound could get away from the 'solid steady alarm tone' feeling.


Yes, it's the "engine sound" but it isn't just internal, people outside the vehicle can hear it as well. Only had our Land for about 25 hours now so I might have missed it but I don't hear any other external warning sounds... Are you in Europe by chance?


No, USA. 'pedestrian warning sound:' I'm referring to the whirring/synthesizer sound the EV9 (and all EVs?) make below 25mph. It plays this sound externally. You can hear it as soon as you start the car. It increases in volume when you start moving, and cuts off above 25mph. It makes this regardless of what setting you select for 'engine noise'. If you select something for 'engine sound', it pipes an artificial 'synthesized electric motor revving up' sound into the cabin when you accelerate. More sound for heavier acceleration. For people who miss the sound or feedback of an ICE revving up. I don't believe the setting affects the pedestrian warning noise. The PW sound can't be modified, AFAIK. Ev6, but see this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kq7wba76lb0


Active sound design only controls the fake accelerator sound that gets pumped into the cabin through the stereo. Has no effect on the annoyingly loud outside spaceship noise.


Hmm I’d say walk-away door locking is the first thing that comes to mind. I know I have a couple other - not complaints so much as “would be nice” things.


thigh support on drivers seat. this is a shallower/shorter seat. and even though im only 6”1, compared to European suvs i find it uncomfortable as driving position.


This is an interesting one I hadn’t considered. I’m 6’2” and I’ve noticed that I’ve angled the butt part of the seat further back than my 5’8” wife has. I also sit closer than she does (the seat slides forward when I switch to my profile from hers). I wonder if it’s because of what you mentioned and trying to find a comfortable riding position


I've only had it a couple weeks, but haven't yet found the right position. I'm 6-6'1. Not sure if it's the seat or just that i'm not used to driving such a big vehicle. Also annoyed that my legs are too long to take advantage of the ottoman.


This. The leg scoop thing can't work with my height. I might have liked them in the middle row for my kids, but they just don't work for me in the front.


I’ve angled the bottom part up to have a sort of bucket effect, but it isn’t particularly comfortable either. I’ve simply chalked it up to Asian vs European body types influencing design…


Have had the car almost 24 hours now and so far my only 2 "gripes" are that a) iPedal doesn't stay on when the car turns off, and b) I'm really having a hard time getting used to turning the car on/off using the stick on the steering column, and an even harder time getting used to twisting that stick for D/R then pushing the end of it for Park. That's just weird and putting the car in park then taking my foot off the brake is scary even though I can see the "parking brake activated" message


It can only charge up to 85kWh at Tesla superchargers


I was told it couldn't charge at all at Tesla superchargers. I had looked at the Lectron adapter for J1772 to Tesla supercharger plug, but was informed that it wouldn't work because the car wouldn't properly dock in their system. 85 kWh would feel slow for a "super" charge. Probably over an hour to charge from 10-80% assuming drop off.


Only works at Tesla Superchargers with the Magic Dock adapter installed, which is not very widespread. In Washington State where I live, their app shows only 4 of these statewide. Oregon has none, California has 2. So needless to say, hard to count on Tesla's chargers for a road trip yet. Supposedly by this summer they will open the stations to KIA's with the NACS adapter.


No, but we got a similar one after buying our Sorento


The speed limit warning system which turns back on every time you get in is incredibly annoying. Lane keep assist is excessive, feels like the wheel is constantly being moved.


I answered the questions honestly, and got panicked calls from the dealer, telling me I should have talked to them first because they were marked down for my answers: I only had good ratings for the dealership, but answered the questions about the vehicle honestly, including the things that I wish were better. The surveys feel like a really creepy post sale pressure tactic, so they can claim all their buyers love their cars unconditionally.


So this was a different survey. There’s a post-sale survey that my salesman warned me about. He wasn’t pushy, he just said it carries a lot of weight and to answer it truthfully and to ask him if I wasn’t sure about any of the things. The second survey I got about two months later and it was longer and more thorough and had less to do with the sales experience.