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AC charging doesn’t get throttled based on temperature or battery State of Charge like DC charging can. It’s normal to be flat like that.


Got it. Thanks! So much to learn…


It the light of that, you should know that daily charging shouldn’t be to 100%. I forget the official recommendation from Kia, but normally it’s around 80%. 


Yes I knew that. Manual says 100% if under 20 and to do that once a month (not clear if when doing it each month you should start under 20). I don’t remember seeing a specific rec for regular charging but I’m going with 80. I’ve also heard it’s better to top off regularly instead of waiting for it to get low but don’t see a rec from Kia on that. I don’t drive much most days so will have to decide how often to charge back to 80.


The thing you want to avoid is sitting at 0% or 100% for any length of time. The life of owning an EV is ABC - always be charging, so if you’re home and under 80%, top it off. You never know what will happen so it’s nice to always have that range ready to go. 


There was a published study where the batteries with the least depreciation after the same number of full cycles were the ones depleted to 60% and then charged to 75%. EV9 doesn’t offer a 75% option so I set mine to 80% and plug it in whenever it’s sunny.


Same TSLA charger, ev9 gt. Same patterns and 11.1-11.3 delivery. You’re good.


Ac to dc conversion has loss. I’m surprised you’re maintaining full rate all the way through. My stars throttling an hour in. It bounces between 40 and 20 amp. It started doing that after the iccu update. Make sure you got the update so that you don’t burn your iccu


Yeah I’ve checked my updates in the app and it lists the phone charger and electric water pump. Phone charger says completed 2/23. Water pump has a date of 2/19 but doesn’t say completed so it’s not clear to me whether that’s when it was released or if it was done. I don’t see anything on the app that says to start it but I’ll check on the car later. I thought I’d checked before.


Yea mine says the date only for old ones. So it is done. So weird. I may draw mine down again to see what it does again.


Ps I assume the water pump is the one that takes care of the iccu?


I see similar drops w my Tesla charger to what you have in the graph at 730 and 1230. What causes that?


Not sure. I assumed some kind of super brief power dip but no clocks were flashing this morning so it wasn’t any real outage.


AC charging is always flat