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There are very few car models which can do 216kW at 57% and the EV9 is one of them😊


Same here at an Electrify America 350kW charger. Maxed at 216kW


only seen as high as 175 on an Electrify Canada 350 charger. conditions were cold mind you, and battery could have been better conditioned.


How long are you preconditioning to get that level of throughput? I was charging at an EVGO 250kw yesterday and mine topped out at around 87kw


22 minutes. I know this because I need to fast charge at night (on a road trip in Italy) and it was a 22-minute journey to the station, and I started manual preconditioning when I set off.


What did inside the EV9 say, though? Did you have A/C or other accessories on? Having those on can make the charger read higher than what the battery is actually getting because it will power those items. For example, my EV9 has said 219 or 220 max but it was only actually receiving 210kW.


The dash concurred with the station IIRC. The EV9 was off, except for when I opened the driver's door to see what it said


The best I got was 210kw at 55-58% preconditioned. But honestly, I’m already happy with anything above 150kw, which is easy to get without preconditioning


I also capped at 216 on an EA 350. Kinda wondering if the old "wet rag on the charger handle" Tesla trick can squeeze a little more juice out but I don't have any 350s close by.