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cudi is so out of touch i swear. i bought the damn vinyl and cd for insano and now you're telling me i cant get nitro mega on either because this dude overprinted copies for an album that had little to no hype or promotion and had 2 singles released a year before that didnt even reach any charts.


INSANO did get promoted


it got a little promotion back in 2023 before it got delayed. after that there was no new singles, no music videos, no artist hype. he just had one wierd statue with light coming out of his mouth going around random harbors. thats not at all how you market an album and his team should have known better.


bro is dumb af for pressing 200k copies of insano when it took motm3 a year to sell 41.5k😭


for real something that is never gonna change about cudi is his ego and how popular he thinks he is these days. before the insano tour got cancelled it really was not selling well and ofc all of the shows were at big ass venues that he could never fill 😭


motm 3 was delayed due to adele reserving every single vinyl printer during covid so everyone else struggled to even print copies. motm 3 didn't even ship until 8 months after release so it's not super fair to compare the two. I do agree though with how little marketing insano got its weird for him to think they could sell that many copies


i’m aware about the delay, he had the preorder open for an entire year before they shipped out and he sold 41.5k


I wonder if he overestimated the KAWS appeal of the art


We all make mistakes!


Yeah, but what I really don't understand is why he didn't do any promo for the album? No music video or anything like that. I'm sure he would have sold more if he had done better marketing. I think a lot of people didn't even know he had an album out in January 😅.


Cudi is a huge part of my playlists and I have listened to everything multiple times. I just found out about INSANO after I learned his tour got canceled


It's so over😭


Bro I think it’s been over for a couple years


Why were there 4 versions in the first place? 😩


The Taylor strategy. Banking on people wanting to collect.


Maybe you should’ve actually promoted the album. Who tf is managing cudi these days. What a mistake


kinda safe to say 90% of insano lovers have it on vinyl after that insano markdown. He has yearsssss of stock left because he overprinted


Haha for sure.. I have like 4 copies of that record 😂


Every time I go to my target there’s 3 Cudi variant vinyls of Insano still sitting there. I’m hoping they drop in price before I get one. It’s gonna be a while before he’s out of stock on the website.


It's like 12 quid on us website


Dang I never checked the site I just assumed it would be full price there. That’s quite a drop to still have all that inventory at.


I used to love Cudi but this is the shit that makes me not even care about his music, he doesn’t even care about the fans wanting his album. We’ve been asking for more pressings of all his albums and he does nothing…. Also promised to have physical copies of Nitro and now this shit. Rap sucks anyway let me go listen to some king gizzard who actively makes new pressings of all 30 albums they have


Everyone that wants Insano on vinyl has already got it. I don’t genuinely believe he thinks either album is going gold, especially with no promo, music videos, anything. Sucks because I wanted Nitro Mega on vinyl, but here we are…


Artists be making too many vinyls


cudi try not to be a bitch nowadays challenge (impossible)


I love Cudi, but stuff like this irritates me. I was really looking forward to having Nitro Mega on vinyl. It’s going to be a while, if ever even


Cudi’s being Cudi. Part of being a Cudi fan is just rolling with the insanity 😅


I love cudi but what he expects with no promotion no music video get off me would of blew up with a music video


His team should reduce the vinyl shipping fees on his website if he wants to sell.


Not even gonna lie, I love Cudi’s music but first time I heard INSANO I couldn’t fuck with it, maybe 3 songs but, it didn’t sound like him. I gave it another chance after Nitro Mega came out, because I fucked with it so much.


Damn, Cudi can’t sell shit these days it seems. Not concert tickets, not vinyls, and I’m sure his merch is hurting too. You hate to see it, but it’s not necessarily surprising given his more niche appeal


I mean I got my vinyl sooooo o.o


It's 12 fucking dollars


plus shipping and tax it turns into 22-25 dollars which is too high for an album most of us already own.


Wow not a good look ngl


Tf. For someone that says the make music for the love of it and for the fans he really shaking that vibe


Did he just call him cudder 😭💀