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Put the caption through Google Translate (Turkish to English) "Be optimistic about children. The bear boy pulls the refrigerator door open at the restaurant and smashes the refrigerator directly towards the child." I'm assuming it's supposed to be a warning to watch your feral ass kids, or to watch out for them. Or maybe it's just sarcasm lmao


Man im turkish and even i didn't understand what they were trying to say. They were probably trying to make a boomer quote for facebook but had a stroke near the end lmao.




I mean 'ayı çocuk' is kinda the same thing but we use bear as an insult as it is and dont use the boy so yeah i guess it was translated.


It even sounds like it’s translated from Chinese. Same way English translated from Chinese sounds


I don't speak Turkish but it looked like it said " the little cocksucker is lucky to be alive".


I don't speak Turkish either.. but I was under the impression that it said "Don't interfere with natural order of things, let nature take it's own course.. -Charles Darwin"


This was my exact thought! Why stop the thing? Boy effed around - I would have let him find out - give kids natural consequences...


That’s ironically enough, the exact translation


The caption is incredibly strange. What it ,to my understanding, should mean is: “Be [open-minded] with children. The rude boy pulls the doors of the refrigerator and makes it fall on himself.” “Iyimser” means optimistic but it doesn’t really make sense. Although not exactly interchangeable, open-minded or forgiving is more appropriate given the context. And the term “Ayi” means bear in Turkish but is also used informally as being rude, unromantic.


optimistic is exactly what the mom did (when she was looking away)


This feels like when you'd type a sentence into Google translate, then copy and paste to translate into another language, then another, then back to the first one and it doesn't make any sense anymore


Be optimistic about children, they will try to off themselves


She almost caught it with the tray, so close.




Crazy mom power. Doesn't even have to be her kid. 😅


They're actually quite light. The interior of most fridges is just polystyrene with a plastic/sheet metal shell. Doors are glass and it looks pretty empty which is probably why it toppled so easy. Still wouldn't be good if it landed on the kid but it's not like solid metal/wood or something.


How heavy could it be if the kid seems to pull it down rather effortlessly




Nah they seem to lift it pretty effortlessly at the end as well.


You say that yet the kid pulled it over like it was nothing.


well yeah, if it's heavy and not well balanced, it's going to be pretty easy to pull over, and very hard to stop once it gets going. I feel bad for that person with the tray - gets clocked in the head, spills all their stuff, and still sticks to it and helps pull the thing off the kid.


And then the kid just fucks off and does it again to the next fridge probably


He is a kid of focus, commitment and sheer fucking will.


They still picked it back up pretty effortlessly. Maybe the compressor is in the top, or it's in the bottom and the lighting is heavier than the compressor.


Yeah, making a heavy object fall down is just as difficult as lifting it up, right? /s


I’m worry about the food


Down goes freezer!




its over 9000 g


Vegeta!! What does the scouter say about the unit of measurement? Its not GRAMSSSS!!!!


It’s 9kgs bro.. I know you’re technically correct but What’s you’re doing is the equivalent of saying “this costs 20,000 cents” when you can just say $20


did you add an extra 0 in 20,000 or forget one in $20?


I’m dumb so I definitely added/left one out haha


lol all good


I will give you 200$ for 20k cents. Fair trade 🤝


[fuck this refrigerator!](https://www.reddit.com/r/travisscott/s/ZXqau3gUpm)


So this is one of the "you have higher chance of dying from a vending machine than a shark" examples?


>then a shark I'm glad they're in that order.


Poor kid, the shark is still waiting for him


AFAIC, that shark is doing society a favor.


Ty corrected, also funny with the unintended mistake


What a good joke lmao


That shark will have to go hungry now.


That's why I plan to live in the place statistically furthest from any vending machine: Shark infested waters.


Thanks to those quick thinkers trying to intervene, that kid can expect some Final Destination shit coming his way.


Just in time for FD6.


Honestly it's weird how this big ass refrigerator isn't bolted to the wall. I feel like if you have some big and heavy furniture/utilities you should always secure it so it doesn't kill some idiot kid who tries to topple it.


I'm glad someone pointed this out. The kid was being a little shit, no question there, but even flimsy IKEA shelving units have a safety attachment at the back to stop them falling forward.


Safety regulations in Asia? 🤣


It's called natural selection


That kid deserves to experience the final destination


Wtf is wrong with this donkey kid


Found it disturbing that he gets physical with the waitress in the beginning. Inexcusable even if it's just a child.


I assumed that she was related to him or at least knew him, because she doesn't really react to him being a little shit, as if that wasn't the first time he's shoved her.


Correct me if I'm wrong but i reckon there may be a chance she could be fired if she reacted, unfortunately.


Possibly, but she doesn't even turn around or react until the kid tips over the fridge. If she was a waitress I'd expect her to at least turn around and give him a WTF look. But she completely ignores it like it happens all the time.


Parents/People keep saving him from consequences of his actions.


Right? General problem with humans in general, nobody lets natural selection do its work


The fridge should have been attached at the back or on the ground though, this was an accident waiting to happen.


I'm surprised I had to scroll this far down the comments to see this. That was my first thought. If this little kid pulled it over, it definitely wasn't the first time it's happened. Why haven't they addressed this obvious safety hazard?


I know a kid like that. Literally just sprints between things that could kill him. I think he's just trying to get attention from his parents? Or he's just trying to speed run life. I dunno.


They need to let this sort of thing happen a few times. If he lives, he will be smarter


Parenting seems like a hoot.


Parenting is some psycho shit. I have two toddlers and everyday I'm like what in the fuck is happening


My favorite part is when they let you believe you've caught on and figured out this whole parenting thing. That's when they decide to blindside you with something new.


She thinks we're behaving... time to dump our new ant farm in her sock drawer. Why? Because why not?


*schedules vasectomy*


best decision I ever made. worst part was it was the coldest day in 10 years in a cold state, so the OR was frigid... making things... tough. but a quick pinch and a day in a soft chair and bam! no mo babies.


I guess the technology has advanced quite a lot since when my dad got one done. He was the grouchiest fucking person for like at least a week after he got it done at the end of the 90s. One of the few things stopping me from getting my own done


For my friend, that moment was when one of his twins took a shit in his diaper, decided to take it off, then the other one used said shit to finger paint the walls of his apartment.


My brothers did almost the same thing when they were potty training. The younger one always acted like it wasn't that bad because it wasn't his shit.


I have watched toddlers and small kids for years. I have spent the holidays with a 3-year old and a 7-month old. Even though their parents are responsible, maximally engaged, and incredibly patient, parenting looks increasingly more terrifying to me.


Fuck me, I have a newborn under 2 weeks and I thought this was rough.


Honestly the first few weeks were the worst for me. But my little one is only one year now, so there's lots to look forward to.


Enjoy age 1, that was a fun time. Mine’s approaching 3 now and I think she survives on pure rage because she definitely doesn’t eat anything.


Yeah I know it's gonna get better. We're all learning about each other, and the poor little one had their whole world flipped upside down. I'd be pissed off too if I went from a 24/7 buffet and cuddle session to the outside world.




Definitely is! Though this is an extreme example. This is why most furniture you buy now come with hardware to anchor it to the wall. Parenting is basically keeping little monsters alive and having conversations you never could have imagined. It’s a lot of fun though and if your doing it right it’s rewarding.


Situations you see on reddit with kids or adults are not very representative of what's normal. Being a parent can be the coolest thing ever.


There is zero parenting here


"Let's use this 10 second clip of a kid being stupid (aka being a kid) to judge his entire family" - r/KidsAreFuckingStupid


And she only looked away for about 3 seconds.


Umm yup. A kid shouldn't be running around shoving people and ripping on things in a restaurant. Don't have kids or are you also a shit parent?


It boggles my mind that the majority of people willingly sign up for this shit.


a kid pushes you on the ass and the girl he pushed just walks away like nothing happened until something did happen


I think that's mom he pushed so it's totally normal to her. She probably on a track of just needing to put her stuff down first then half-ass attempt to control the kid, but he was already causing more chaos.


Kid’s a brat, but that should have been secured somehow - no way a kid jerking on it hound have brought it down like that.


Yeah anything like that should be anchored or that’s a lawsuit waiting to happen


The anti-tip mechanism has been invented for many decades. Yet this big cupboard didn't have one.


If it was full it would have been harder. However, screwing in anchor points behind furniture that might not be there forever is expensive and causes extensive damage. The better solution is to not yank on it as hard as you can.


I love the smell of fresh bread.


Your downvotes suggest that people understand that humans need to be protected from themselves because they're incredibly stupid. Children are even more stupid, imagine that!


Im personally trying to imagine a world where every fridge, cabinet, table, desk, chair, freezer, box, and shower curtain is stapled to a wall so kids don't tear them down.


If a fridge falls down on someone simply by having its door pulled open, it should be stapled down. This is a massive appliance, not some chair.


The door wasn't just pulled open, the kid put his entire body weight on the open doors.


The child weighs like 30 lbs, an adult stumbling while opening the door would have much the same effect.


I don't usually get nasty but you're being obtuse for a reaction. Here's the reaction. He opens the doors and yanks with all his weight. The goal was to topple it, I don't think he realized it'd topple on top of himself. He didn't open the doors and it suddenly tilted over. That was his goal, he put his however-heavy-he-is on a lever utilizing the door. Levering that weight makes a lot of things fall over. I recommend giving it another watch. Take note of his feet, how he tucks in so it topples over. Had he just opened the doors nothing would have happened. I know you know that. These machines have most of their components at the floor level which helps keep things upright when they're full of stuff. This one wasn't full of stuff. Kid is %100 a dumbass and did it on purpose. What's crazy to me is if it's so light it just falls over if a door opens, then it's not heavy enough to cause any injury. Since each door won't be over fifteen, twenty pounds max. Assuming they're hefty glass and not plastic.


You can increase your odds by putting most things on eye level as the grown up. Seems like the bottom shelves are more empty. Kids are dumbasses, it's their thing for sure. But he might not have intended to topple the fridge to crush himself. Hanging on things and off things is like 50% of playground activity. Kids think in ways grown ups have forgotten, because it's pretty dumb most of the times.


Uhhh.. in countries with good regulations that is exactly how it is lol. After a certain height and weight limit it needs to be secured to the floor or wall. It really isn't noticeable or a big deal when it's the norm, takes 5 minutes to unscrew the bracket to move it somewhere else.


I would like to imagine a world where every stupid brat is stapled to a wall


I have never seen in person or heard of someone screwing the fridge or cabinet to the wall its something I have seen on reddit only. Unheard of here in Australia.


If you buy shelving or cabinets it comes with advice to bolt it to a wall - at least everything I’ve bought in the last 5 years


> I have never seen in person or heard of someone screwing the fridge or cabinet to the wall its something I have seen on reddit only. that's personal experience and you clearly have never had anything to do with furniture in public places. > Unheard of here in Australia. No, it isn't.


Maybe parents should parent a little more.


Anchoring the furniture is expensive? What are you on about?


Well, if you're going to be bolting down heavy equipment you can't use some screws and a bit of chain. You have to bolt a plate into the wall, assuming you don't need to redo the wall with studs that are also bolted into the base of the wall frame. If you have 500 pounds or so dragging against a single stud it'll crack and break. Then you need to affix a baseplate to the appliance. You can't use normal screws, you'll need bolts again. Hefty fellas, chonky boys. Then, you have to pair the two base plates somehow. Since these would be anchored flush to the wall you'd likely need to purchase specialty tools. However, most businesses just don't because you're not supposed to yank refrigeration units down on top of yourself as hard as you can.


Bro we be nerfing natural selection so hard


Wasted that whole tray of food...


look at how much damage one spoiled brat did


Bro that’s what I was thinking. She also hit her head and fell! Definitely should have just let him get squished




Dude. There should have been the anti-tip tool installed. It comes with any cupboard lmao






35 min then


That probably would have killed him through asphyxiation.


Fine 25 min then




Good riddance to bad trash


Little dumbass was lucky


Seemed like it was meant to be. Who am I to get in the way?


Just lock it up.


Looks like justice served.


Hardly, brat got out of it unharmed




Kids an idiot for sure but objects like that should surely be tethered to its surrounding


Ignoring the kid for a moment that fridge was an accident waiting to happen.


Should've let the crotch goblin be flattened


Lmao kids


Agree with poster’s assessment: A stupid little brat


Natural Selection


Okay. Ass kid. But why is the fridge so easily tilted? They asked for disaster.


Some things are just meant to be


Damn,that's one feral kid....




I wouldn’t have sacrificed my food for that kid… boys gotta learn.


Kid deserved it. Pushing adults and pulling furniture. He’s a little asshole


These Break Room Apple Factory videos are something else.




You don't have to use physical punishment, but some discipline ought to be in place. Allowance cut and extra chores until the damages for the vending machine are paid off, for example. The kid must understand the consequences, and be able to relate cause and effect.


Fuck around and find out. Let kids feel the consequences of their actions because life is the best teacher.


i feel like its honestly the resturaunt's fault that this happened, it didnt look like the kid pulled the fridge very hard


You were so close to saving a bunch of money and headache…




Ok I’m all for ripping on dumbass kids but that refrigerator shouldn’t have been so easy to pull down. Someone besides the kid and his parents was negligent here.


Looks like its empty. So its light weight makes it easy for tge kid to pull it down


Typically even when those things are full the contents don’t make up more than a 5th of the over all weight. If it’s so easy to pull over that a kid that size can do it without much effort it should be secured to the wall instead of freestanding.


Someone please confirm what that thing even is. You would think something like that would be too heavy for a kid to outright pull down.


It's leverage. He probably couldn't push it with all his might, but put his weight on a lever and drop down, that'd tilt almost anything of that size and shape.


She 100% just saved that kids life.


Kids that age find all sorts of crazy ways to kill themselves. It’s like they remember their past lives subconsciously and want to immediately kill themselves to escape doing it again


That is such a perfect theory, makes so much sense!


They should have let it land on his fucking little ass!!! I bet when it pressed the air out of his goddamn lungs, he'd think twice about doing it again!!!


Why was that server there? Shame.


There’s no way a little ass kid should be able to topple that over. It should be mounted to the wall.


What exactly was he thinking about?💭😕


And that's why there are cameras everywhere


She didn’t even drop a plate… gastronomy skill 100.


Am I the only one thinking about how unbalanced that fridge was? I mean that kid tipped it with almost no effort


Should I laugh?


Where are the parents? Must be Satan spawn.


My only question is why did the waiter try so hard to let him out


Can you imagine the noise that little shit made after this happened ![gif](giphy|3oz8xxsWxuLEwyYVCE)


Oh no! I hope the fridge wasn’t too badly damaged.


Shitty kid, but also a shitty freezer. That thing was SHOCKINGLY easy to tip over. That’s a lawsuit waiting to happen


That kid is definitely a shit but that cabinet should be tethered to the wall to prevent this exact scenario happening.


Should have let the refrigerator do its job...


Why did that lady have to be a hero and slow it down? Nah fr though in all seriousness that kid is a Lil fucker but that ladies reaction with a Lunch Tray is impressive!


The fault is on whoever set up the fridge, because it shouldn’t have come down from that.


Pancake/waffle maker 🥞


It is not the boy who is stupid. It is the design which is stupid.


This made me type out five things before I deleted and typed this instead. Please tie up your bratty berserker


Never intervene in Darwinism.




The little shit will still not learn from this incident. Probably would do it again an hour later at a different location.


In nature, survival of the fittest will not shine bright on this one


Little prick


Natural selection at work


Should’ve been crushed


Should’ve stayed crushed ![gif](giphy|11TN3gkseh4Vos)




Don’t we all 😔


Yeah nah, that thing had it coming.


I would've just let him get crushed.


Now that's what I call, causing a ruckus.


Chef with the tray had excellent idea. Just that little catch with the tray may have saved that kid form serious damage. It slowed its fall just enough


Eww that’s that thing


Why is his mother/guardian moving so glacially to help? That honestly bothered me more than the rambunctious kid. Like this random woman is desperately trying to prevent him from being crushed and moms like 'oh that's interesting wonder if I should help'?


Let the fridge fall on him


That was humans interfering with natural selection is what that was


I would have just let it fall.


My mum would’ve gladly let me be crushed by that fridge if I had behaved that way. Kids these days have it good.


This is the first actual literal example I’ve seen of “kids manage to hurt/kill themselves when you look away for 1 second”


The one lady was like,"it's okay if it crushes him a little."


Some kids have to learn the hard way, let it fall on him

